Rings of Atlantis
Page 9
This is amazing, thought Prince Serian to his brother as a bit of his faerie curiosity and playfulness kicked in. Prince Kerian’s eyes gently lit as his mind clicked; mental Images capturing each detail to later assess when he was alone. It was a part of his Wolf Ways as the running ones under his Command felt submerged for a moment, as if they too were swimming though far away. His coordinates would eventually be known by them as they waited on the Faerie Isles above the Sea. Prince Serian didn’t mind-link, but his Faerie Book back at the Palace, hidden behind a Wall in his private library, did catch Glimmers for Prince Serian to later fill in with more detail. Pictures were already visible, so, in part, he recorded in the Faerie Way.
The Ocean Waves didn’t knock the Princes about and they didn’t sway with the water. Prince Kerian could make out that as they walked, the Ocean water Shifted; changing the Dimensions and Door entries that seemed solidly placed for the Mer so that a Maze could actually be felt. Even as they were ushered through with the Mer Guides that were never lost no matter how deep or dark the Seas; none other could travel there without being lost for lifetimes.
As Prince Serian and Prince Kerian walked, a gentle Warmth could be felt as it radiated around them; the same as it fit around the Mermen that escorted them. The Surrounding Sea Light and its Encompassing Waters of the Mer Guides was larger, creating a Bonded Aura around the Mermen that Spoke of their Dominance of the Seas and its creatures.
This was a bit of an eye opener for the Princes, who didn’t dominate the Seas yet. They were still young and would be given Time to grow in this Sea Way even as their Werewolf and Faery Blood matured. For the first time since childhood, they were relying on someone else other than the lessons that they carried as Nobles instructed by their Parents. This was New Territory and the wolves on fours above the Ocean paced back and forth in search of their Wolf Leader. They could feel him, but Prince Kerian normally connected their sight. Quite proficient and well trained, they sniffed out His Marker Left in the Air for them and waited at that very spot near a cave Opening above ground. The wee little Faeries twinkled off in the far distance, still not aware of their presence.
None were the wiser about the White Wolves waiting in the winds except the Fae Guards that Patrolled this particular area of Prince Serian’s Lands. Though none had spoken to Prince Kerian nor had anyone seen him in some time, he worked with His Own Moon of the other Star Dimension and held his own Given Guards. They sent for Word through the Fae Moon Crystal as one of Prince Serian’s Guards called on their Realm for answers about a peculiar feeling before allowing themselves to materialize through the Enchanted Fog. These wolves were not the same as others and only Prince Kerian’s Gift could allow them to be seen. These Guardians were well-trained to sense what they couldn’t see and they knew that something was different. The Fae Guardians were like Whispers in the wind, seldom heard or felt unless they wanted you to know that they followed. The wolves, the fiercest of the Packs and Largest would sense the kindred Light of the Twins with the Guards and not form the battle formation, but still it was best for the Fae Guards to be sure of what walked there.
From their Watching Post Shrouded in Misty Fog, the Fae Guardians felt a Rush of Air that was connected with the wolves. They ran in a leaping formation as a Pack and then Jumped up as One as a Swift Wind of their Master picked them up. They disappeared and reappeared upon the Winds to land gently, yet regally upon the ground; as grand as any fine horse as the Wolf Prince moved them a bit further away for his Secret Arrival back Above. The Prince sent out a loving Sign in the Air meant for Comfort as one of His Wolves whimpered for his return, feeling a bit anxious. Such a large beast could still show tenderness.
“Soon,” the Prince said, as his wolves lay down to rest for the night against the backdrop of a partially shrouded Moon. In the distance, Prince Serian’s Guards set up a time to form a Council with those of Prince Kerian. A Time Door was Set and they would meet in the Mist.
The Twins left in a rush, without much time to alert everyone. Because of the Secrecy of what was Given, much seemed as a Mystery; not usually present for the Guards of either side, but they were who they were and would get the bottom of things as the care of the Princes was most important.
“We are here,” said one of the Mermen as they all came to a stop at once and the Aura Waters Surrounding the Twin Princes seemed to Shift.
Prince Serian and Prince Kerian now felt a bit lighter, as if the Water Light that had surrounded them before adjusted itself, reading them to now fit like a coat. It held weight but probably didn’t feel heavy at all to the Mermen and Mermaids casually swimming in the distance. Life seemed to carry on as normal for the Mer People below, who may have been accustomed to Shifts no matter how far apart they occurred.
“You stepped Through a Doorway that isn’t actually here, so we can ride the rest of the way for your comfort.” Between the tallest kelp that the Princes had ever seen sat four Giant Sea Horses, harnessed to a Covered Carriage, with a few unharnessed Giant Sea Horses surrounding the Carriage.
One of the Mermen called out a Command. At once, the Sea Horses jumped up to respond, and the Carriage was now pulled near for the Princes to Enter. The Carriage Doors Opened on their own as each Merman jumped upon the backs of their waiting Sea Horses to ride the rest of the way to Queen Sireanna. They guided the Underwater Carriage with a few of them swiftly Sea-Walking by its side. Seashells were fastened at their hips acting as a sort of talking device or more, the Twins surmised. One never knew if a shell was just a shell Undersea or something else when Mer Kind were near.
Once within the Carriage, it was as if all Water Vanished as the Princes breathed a Normal Faery Breath, if that could be considered normal.
No longer needing the Swifter Movement, the Sea Light had vanished from around them as if reading them again to accommodate their more relaxed state. The softest of Waters that flowed within the Carriage, similar to Faerie Air, was a courtesy to the Princes who were warmly welcomed even before seeing the Mer Queen.
For all Others not welcomed, the Waters were fierce. They threw waves about below the break of the Ocean that appeared calm upon the surface. The wee little faeries of Land and Sea, who moved in stealth as every Merman and Mermaid knew, were quite welcome and even had a Path laid out, with a tidbit or two of information for them to bring back.
It was quite the trail of clues and Sea fun for the wee little Ones that were lovingly cared for, even among these quite serious times of the ’Outer World’ not quite out to cast a light among the stars.
The little wee Ones could be spied hiding behind the soon-to-be fabled ‘Chest of Mermaid’s Children Gold’ and inspecting the Fauna and Flora for their unique Colors of the Mer Seas that they so wanted to borrow, but were swiftly reminded by the little wee fairy Elders, “Don’t touch or take a thing; not even a flora petal should rise until we talk to the Prince.”
A twinkling like a bell went off each time a wee One spoke. The little Mer children dashed quickly around, pretending that they never saw them as the little wee ones followed them on Tiny Sea Horses that they themselves captured and Flying Flora Petals that moved at their command. The Sea Fairies shimmered a Tiny Blue Light all through the Mermaid Seas, but “in stealth,” said the wee Ones proudly.
“We’re stealth,” said the three-year-old Mer Boy, thumb in mouth as he mimicked the little fairies, until he was hushed quiet with a piece of candy as he happily rode the back of his older brother. They continued their glide through the Sea a bit slowly, playfully swimming with the dolphins in the normal fashion as if needing to tread water. They tried to feign distance from the little wee Ones, who became their constant companions as they kept an eye on them so that none were lost in the many tunnels and pathways Undersea. Prince Serian’s Protection Enchantment though, never left them and he knew that they were kept safe before he ever arrived below.
Playful Waters.
Domed Sea City
the Carriage Moved forward, the Princes sat in amazement. This was their first time actually seeing a Mermaid Kingdom.
It was wonderful. Full of Colors and Lights that they never knew could exist underwater, the jellyfish mingled the Faerie colors with the unique Mer Sea Shimmer that held its own type of Magical Essence. Even the seashells, not meant for anything but to adorn the bottoms of the Oceans, seemed to shine a bit and glow. This glowing did change at intervals, making the Waters appear to transition from morning brightness to an evening gentleness of spirit. The very Ocean could speak its own language as a false day and night, so the Mer People had more than one set of Times of Divisions to accomplish things, meet each other and set Appointments that could never be timed outside of their Seas. It depended on which part of the Waters that they lived in. This was very similar to a Planet’s Rotation System as the Under-Waters Rotated Separately. The Mer Guards carefully watched the Shells Turn the Sea Light and protected them so that they could never be misused. The Mer People were always Tuned to their Own Worlds and Remained in Sync and Aligned with their Own Ways. Ocean tides moved differently and in harmony with the Beings, Incarnate and Native to the Planets that the Mers at times visited, and they did their utmost to respect the natural flow and protected them when needed.
“Why are the colors intermingling?” asked Prince Kerian, thinking perhaps to add a bit of an Enchantment to his own Seas that seemed to be waiting for new life.
“We are monitoring how the creature Sea Life will chemically react with subtle modifications, so that an integration of sorts will already be in place when we merge a Realm,” said one of the Sea Guides. “It will be a Hybrid Ocean and make things easier for Ascended Incarnates. These are Ones that have never left Home Worlds. Small differences will help the Mer People and those of the Faeries to co-exist and feel kindred with little changes to their features. Not much as far as their actual body chemistries will be altered, because there are still many Mer that only live Underwater and they never transition with feet.”
“So, they will look more faerie in appearance?” asked Prince Serian.
“Yes, with features such as pointed ears and different fin ruffles that will be perhaps more pleasant to the faerie eye and perhaps open the way for a few marriages. Sea God Triton’s Ancients will lead us in a new direction then because a Request for feet has to be Granted.”
Faerie Creation was a bit different. Kerian, who was more of the Wolf Light and preferred movement on Land except for an exhilarating swim, still made sure to be clear on the Ocean’s Potential, studying it like his Twin brother Prince Serian did; though he didn’t fill it with Fae creations. He knew every inch and detail of the layout of the Sea Floors and the Enchantments that it held. What He Created along with his Fae Parents still held sway. His particular Waters had a Way of Swelling with the Moon, as small pockets and pools of tiny enchanted water tunnels were formed over time. They filled and crisscrossed all of his Lands underneath to eventually Rise Up, forming into a Sea Oasis. Surprisingly, Prince Kerian never shared with anyone; although that might not be that surprising to his twin, because Prince Kerian didn’t completely understand it himself yet. Until he did, it wouldn’t be knowledge opened; but it was blessed Water from his Home Call. Here, he sent his Wolves only and there was a Cottage Hidden in the Oasis behind a Wall of Ice that always swayed visitors away. Even those of his Personal Guards never knew why they didn’t Patrol that area, so it was assumed that simply nothing was there. It was Neptune who continually sent Gifts to his young Sons in Secret, so Prince Kerian’s Lands already held the Potential to be a Water World.
Prince Serian was a bit easier to work with, as the Faerie Curiosity pulled on him more to read, study and converse with his People. He naturally revolved himself around those of his Kingdom and was already well–loved, while Prince Kerian was a bit more private. He was a gentleman of Faerie Court and could win over many with his dark hair and mysterious smile. That stood out as different from the Faerie People, who were more fair-skinned with lighter hair colorings. He often enjoyed his moments of solitude more, as if searching for something that his twin Prince Serian wasn’t; nor was it in any book to be read.
Sea God Neptune Watched over this, because he knew that they were actually born with different Calls and purposely so, though not aware. A piece was missing from Prince Kerian’s heart, though the Faery Ways filled Prince Serian’s life with completeness. Serian himself didn’t understand it, so at the times when the Moon light seemed to pull on Kerian a bit more, Serian gave him his space. Otherwise they shared everything. Prince Serian more modestly raised his wolves of a different color and more physical; that one thing alone was a sign, as Kerian’s wolves were more tied to his Ethereal Heart as they instinctually reminded him of a Distant Brotherhood and Kinship.
Secondary Birth Quest
How did the Mer Kingdom under the waters of Serian’s soon-to-be ‘Given Royal Lands’ even get there? They both wondered. It was Massive. After some time of riding, quite a fair amount of time, they finally entered the Grotto Court of the Queen. Her Domed Palace sat even further away, among the most beautifully colorful giant Corals and Kelp.
At the Entrance of Queen Sireanna’s Royal Palace Grotto sat two Large Golden Fish, spouting Waters of different Colors. The Twins wondered about the purpose of the different Waters. One did not enter until he or she passed through the wide Gates of the Golden Fish that seemed to welcome you in.
Many Mermaids and Mermen roamed the Outer Sea Gardens that were like a maze of Corals and Kelp, all of different Colors. They broke off into different directions leading to more Homes, Stores of Things that Mer would trade, and Temples of Mer.
“Hmm. I thought we had already passed the Mer Homes,” said Prince Serian.
“Me too,” acknowledged Prince Kerian, looking at him in that familiar way when they mind-linked and shared a thought.
“No. That was only the Outer Sea Bank, meant for Patrolling and training to a degree. Water Reading Practices are done by all Mer People. If you noticed, the Impressions of lounge chairs and homes and even that of the people were a bit lighter in color. The homes were smaller, like little resting Sea Cottages, meant for only temporary use. That way all of our Sea Citizens are aware, to a degree, of what is going on in our Communities and above, without being put in danger, and they know how to defend themselves and the Seas.”
“We also use it for most Visitors, instead of taking them to the Main Sea Cities,” chimed in another. “It is a safety precaution. We all have had our times of War.”
“It is what we make of an Impression that seems Ethereal. If danger does occur, we don’t enter into shock, such as the experiences of the lower Deaths, thus we never carry pain over. The Impressions can actually be created Above or Underwater, but are always away from any Main Sea Cities and Inner Grottos. It’s close enough for us to watch over the Floating Images; Sea children can’t Sight Project as far away as the adults but it’s a wonderful way to watch how others will treat us. That way, no one feels vulnerable and at the sight of Trouble, they could disappear while the Guardians stay. Once back within the Inner Grotto, the Images of the young disappear, or the Mer Creating them simply Snatch the Images and Walk Through them. They adjust the Impression to become Sea Physical, but only the very advanced can do this. You might see a Merman or Mermaid that looks completely like Sea Foam; they are very powerful warriors because they can’t be touched. We understand how the Guardian Angels feel and we watch everything carefully, even here, though all seems clear and of good spirit Above. It is a precaution because of past times, but worry not,” said the Merman Escort, as he then hurried off at a Sea Gallop upon his Horse.
“I didn’t even see him come up beside us,” said Prince Kerian, “let alone hear him. Perhaps we should Perk Up our Fae Ears.”
“No need,” said one of the other Mermen Escorts, again hearing them. “It is our own unique hearing that does catch everything that moves as a current upon the waters. We have
very sensitive ears.”
The Twin Brothers looked at each other, feeling again their youth. As they traveled toward the Queen’s Private Grotto Courts, Giant Kelp—built as if a Wall—parted, giving the first view of her Sea Throne. This was the ‘Throne of Listening’ where the Mermaid Queen, a Goddess by Rite, did hear the petitions of her People. This Day, however, the Seahorse-Drawn Carriage bypassed it for a more Private and Comfortable meeting.
The Queen herself knew the Twin’s Secret Status as Heralds of Neptune. A Feast would be held first, as their Return was quietly celebrated by some of the Ancient Mer waiting in the Secret of the Sea Foam. The Twin Princes knew that they were welcome but the complete truth of why wasn’t clear yet.
At the moment, the only thing on their minds was the fragrant smell of the foods, now filling the Carriage Compartment. They began to realize they were famished and a bit tired from all that had occurred this day. How much time had actually passed? Moreover, the Guardians of Prince Serian and Prince Kerian felt uncomfortable, as they quietly met in the Mist to speak of where the Princes might be and why. The Royal Parents were away, so no one knew for sure what was going on and this was very unusual.
“You know, he has his ways,” said one Fae Guard of Prince Kerian. “He likes his privacy and we respect that, but something doesn’t feel right; especially with both gone.”
“Prince Serian did make us aware of some unusual happenings of the waters but he didn’t say much else.”
“Did you do a Water Scan?” asked one of Prince Kerian’s Guards. “Nothing can live in our Waters. They’re like sheets of ice in most places, but here the waters are a bit more moderate of temperature.”
“We have,” said Soren, the most experienced of the Guards, “but nothing showed. It was actually a bit too quiet. You have to be speaking about the wee Ones. Yes. Small though they are, they are generally everywhere, weaving in and out; but none are twinkling around and the Sea is too quiet, almost too still. Perhaps we should visit their village and see if they found anything of interest. It’s a small start but better than what we have now.”