Rings of Atlantis

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Rings of Atlantis Page 12

by Tammy Williams

  Here, she could sit without the cares and duties of her Title weighing her down. Here, she casually read and laughed with the White Baby Seals of her Youth. The Fabled Giant Seashells did also rest here; to be used and Transitioned when she saw fit.

  The Joys of being Mermaid

  Time’s Promise

  Queen Sireanna had given her Mermaid Lady-in-Waiting the rest of the evening to plan as she wished. She first instructed her on what was to be done for her Guests’ Sea Morning Meal as she should be Called at the first break of Sea Light which was good because she often Bent Time, depending on what she needed and on occasion wanted to do.

  Gifts of the Sea Gods and Goddesses

  Queen Sireanna took more than her usual length of Time in her Bathing Room; what was a comparable to a Human day passed only as a few hours of sleep in her Realms. She used this time to confer with Neptune’s Tablet, as she once acted as an Oracle for a Realm of the Above Water Ascended Lands. This was many Sea Years ago and quite fun for a young Mermaid. With the Tablet, she could See Out but those upon the Other side could not look in Clearly. Only the Image of Dolphins showed and a feminine face, Shrouded in Light. She even happened upon love outside of her Sea Family and Brethren while Above.

  They both were quite young then as the Mer-Angelic Herald often visited for Signs and Symbols that Triton might give. They became fond of each other, as she—like her young Mer Sisters—had many question about the Mer-Angel’s Travels. Once comfortable, she would ask questions with enthusiasm, often surprising the Mer-Angel. He would, in turn, fly back between Assignments just to converse. His identity was not true because she couldn’t tell what Sea he was; this was often the case with Ones in Transition to grow. They couldn’t share who they formally were and for periods didn’t know—similar to an Earth Way—so that assignments didn’t Cross over until it was the right time.

  Although a romance didn’t form, because they were very young at the time and in training, the desire was there. She was a new Oracle and He a Mer-Angelic, One of the Shrouded Realms. Who knew where he was now or what his Station truly was? She still wondered sometimes. Perhaps they would Cross Paths again if he Emerged as a Mer-Angelic of the Sea Foams near her Realm. They were like Sea-Sky Shifters that moved like the Archangels. Queen Sireanna smiled with the thoughts of those memories. Where was he now? She didn’t know what he had become today or if he was possibly a Hiding Royal, training at the time.

  The existence of Mer-Angels was sometimes made possible through the alliances of Neptune’s and Zeus’ Suns. They Rose together and assisted each other when all was Set and this was sought more often than many realized. In her most Secret Realm, Queen Sireanna let her mind wander before the start of the Seashell Broken Time. She could even rest a bit.

  Now more rested, she opened the Giant Seashell holding Her Scrying Pearl. She closed her eyes and focused only on the Colors of the Sea of her Birth. Neptune, as Triton’s Image, came forth then faded as he gently said:

  “All that you ask will be Given.”

  She thought of her questions involving the Twins and of the best Path to take, for their Sea Destinies and that of hers. A few scenarios popped up for each question, as she lay back to assess for herself the best one. There was always more than one way and she saw a few interesting Future Truths come into View for her sisters that made her very happy.

  The Pearl was helpful, but a good Sea Queen still had to add her own Thoughts on the matter in addition to what could be Written. She did what many Scryers weren’t allow to do unless Given the Gift of Bending Time and sometimes Adjusting it. Gently, but firmly, she held the Pearl Crystal Ball. She fed it her Purest of Thoughts about each of her Mer Sisters and the growth potential that she saw, as well as that of her Sea Kingdom and the Surprise of a Mer Lifetime: the Arrival of the Twins who had more playfulness in them than first expected. They were still young Men being groomed to Rule as Ancients; for their Time already old enough and indeed wise enough to take the Lead of a Young Kingdom. Not quite ready for a Mer Realm, but Triton watched over them carefully.

  Finished, she Released her Crystal Sea Pearl to allow her Thoughts to Spin. It Set itself as the Light of the Pearl lit up, then dimmed to a normal Pearlescent Gleam. All of the Previous Visions faded, to see which Ones could Merge to Create a New Story with several Paths to follow.

  As the Queen closed the Scrying Pearl in its Seashell Case, it crystallized so that none could touch or use it. Before Shielding itself, she felt baby lights glowing softly that emitted out as Triton said, “You have searched well and the Promise of New Life is with you. She didn’t see who would bear the new children to come.”

  “Okay. Okay,” Queen Sireanna said softly, as her Pet Seals swam around her in circles, urging her attention toward them.

  She laughed because this was a Truth of Mer that never left. Playfulness came over her, as she switched to her Swift Swimming fin and surged through the Waters as no one but her Seals and Dolphins had seen her do since childhood. Age here was so different. The Ancient Queen could, in fact, resemble a Human thirty-year-old; her sisters, here for so many Sea Suns now, were comparable to Ones barely a Human sixteen. Who would ever know?

  Seals and Dolphins and Play

  While the Queen’s Away

  The Queen’s Guardian Mermen sat in anticipation of the Report to be given.

  Things were very calm Above Waters as they scouted the Area’s Stars with no more than three Gateways of star travel. It should be an easy Move. Waters would Light and Shift Up, showing which Sea Gods and Goddesses to follow. Hopefully, they would be the Ones this time to Lead the Star Way Above.

  It would be quite the Sea Blessing for them and their Queen. It had been long awaited; they were Ascending anyway, but to Lead would be a Special Gift and Sign of Sea King Triton’s favor.

  “Hmm, which way will the Water Spin?” asked one of the Mer Guardians, as he searched the Spinning Orb that looked like a Planet that was Water Full with no Land in Sight.

  “Look here!” said one of the Other Guardians, named Andel. “Land has emerged on the most Southern part of the Orb. It’s small but Other Islands pop up along its borders. We shall have the possibility of Land Neighbors close by us upon the same Planet, but not many of them.”

  “Michael’s Arc shall have the first choice and may Lift it to become their Light Lands or leave it be for the Angels to Descend there. But what of Prince Kerian’s and Prince Serian’s Fae Realms? One is more Given to the Wolves though of Royal Faerie Blood,” said Talen, one of the Mermen Guardians. More swift of Foot than the Others when upon land without his fin; One would think he was a Faerie.

  “I saw his Young Wolves in wait, but could not get too close. They are of the Gifted Wolves’ and would have sensed my Presence, even while Invisible.” Talen and the others could materialize anywhere if there was a drop of water present; only the Mermen Guardians could do this. There were many levels and sizes of Mermen and Mermaid Guardians and different waters about the Undersea Rings to be Guarded. Each level possessed different powers, but the closest to the Queen were the Ones tallest and most Stealth. No Sea Gate was without the Moving Eyes of a Giant Merman and Mermaid Stone Statue nor the powers of the Golden Fish whose flowing waters never ceased as Magic of the Mermaids flowed.

  Archangel Michael Patrolled the Cosmic Space for Ones searching for this Door. It was hard to find but actually Existed Below the Deep Waters and Above on a Cloudlike Space of Zeus.

  Yes, Neptune and Zeus—so long ago gone—left many Signs of their Children. The Eldest, Triton held Sway. No one entered the Outer Rim of Ascension ‘Thoughts and Possibilities’, a Cosmic Tunnel that many meditated to find, without a Piercing Light of Michael first touching their hearts.

  Woe to the One found upon this Space without being Called.

  Outer Edge

  The Wolves, also thought long since gone, searched also, though more secretly than the Fae. For so many Moons they didn’t want alliances but rather sought
the healing of their Kind without help. Much damage to Trust had been done, but even their Solitary Hearts felt Pulled.

  “It is the Twin, Prince Kerian, who they feel. He will be their Leader One Day. I can sense it,” said one of the Youngest Mer Guardians, a twin himself. All of the Queen’s First and Closest Guardians were not that old; all were Specially Chosen because of the Promise that gleamed in their hearts. This Way of becoming a Sea Guardian made it possible for the Young to Dream as those of the Olde very Ancient Sea had, and to Ascend as the Ancients did. Each one of the Sea Kingdoms did their part and with honor, from the Cooks of Kingdom to the Gatherers of the Fabled Giant Seahorses of Seas.”

  The Wolves and the Werewolves

  “Yes. There is a difference,” said another, who had received Word flown straight to the Ocean from one of their Allied Angels. “There are shifters of the Wolf as upon Human Lands; then there are the higher Brethren, the Werewolves, who rarely share anything. They are hard to find and Shroud their Young Brethren even without word to them, except as a Higher Class of Royal.”

  “It is interesting. At the Height of the Moon, they simply know when to move. Hmm. Legends have their way and so do we,” said another Mer Guardian. “We know they are near and Prince Kerian is of interest.”

  “They are not connected with Kerian’s Heart and Sight, though he is acquainted with some of the Moon. I’m not sure of their True Shift level. He does not Shift often; those closest to him are a bit more Given to the Faerie Ways. He sort of Grows in this different type of Light, but it is partially Shrouded. I cannot sense more, but I know for sure that the Wolf Shifters and Werewolves, possible full bloods or a Type of Royal Werewolves, are very interested in him.”

  “If Connected, it may cause an abrupt Change in Kerian—or not, we’re not sure,” said the Other Mer Guardian Twin.

  “Well, we have much to share with the Queen about what we sense of the Twin Princes and their Strengths as an Alliance. They are Sent, but we still must be sure; as many mazes of Ascending exist. We will not fall into a lower Ocean.”

  “True, we should keep or Momentum Up because even when something is Star Written, it can be Erased as quickly as Hades appearing.”

  “The Orb has stopped spinning. That is all that it will give for now.”

  Once the Water Orb stopped spinning, its appearance changed to look merely as if it were a Stone Ball upon a podium. Who would think anything, even among the Mer People? Many such Orbs existed all over the Inner Sea City Walls. Each produced something different and gave a frequency off to notify the Queen and Guardians of the Peoples’ hearts’ direction and desires. All was kept pure because nearby were the Sea Temples of Truth that aligned and realigned the Mer People. Gentle Sea Reminders were given by the Orbs as a frequency. Rough Sea movements were calmed and lightly stretched. Time was Added and Created in this way, to give the Mer People time for growth. The Angelics and Ascended Ones of Mer, not upon the Thrones or with any need for Growth, Controlled and looked upon the Orbs. They would give Sea Reporting to Triton himself, along with the Ruling Sea God King or Goddess Sea Queen to show that government was actually visible, yet balanced.

  The Sea Temples held no Speakers, but housed Statues that lit up with the Written Reminders of Atlantis of Olde. Relaxing music and watery light lit the inner space up that sat as if it were outside. There were no ceilings, but walls with veins of Flora swaying upon them. Coral, as well as starfish, settled within the space and reminded One of the beauty of their Sea Heritage.

  Whatever the ills of that time, most things could be settled. On the things direst, the Queen was consulted, and all were welcomed to Specially-Made grottos just for that reason.

  Much went on Undersea of Mer Waters. This Day, those of the Sea were very interested in the goings on above Waters, as they were sent here for a Reason and the Grand Ascension was very near.

  “First Light is almost near,” said One of the Queen’s Guardians. “She will be ready for Council soon.”

  Sea Days were divided, with the first break of day hitting the Queen’s Realm first, then spreading out to the Others. Underwater were many Dimensions, Levels and Doorways of Mer and much of day and night could be seen as a Division, even as it existed Above on Land. This was something that never rose to be seen.

  First Light and Night of a Mer Day

  It seemed as if whole Galaxies and Worlds, Seen and Unseen, were being pulled at the same time, which could mean Utopia and Cataclysm all at once. This is why Earth is being looked at now.

  Queen’s Morning

  The Queen entered her Seabed Room from a hidden Door that was neither here nor there. Another would never find it. Her Seabed Quarters were Massive and Sat within the Palace separately. A long hallway connected it to the other parts of the Sea Palace, but it was not constructed of the normal Stones, Corals, and Shells of the other Palace Walls. It was completely lit up a brilliant yellow.

  This was because the Sea Queen had attained the Status of Goddess and not just Queen. Her Sisters’ Seabed Rooms were next to hers, but those lit up with a semi-physical light, as they were still gently carried with the last Ascension. None was yet as high as the Eldest Sister and Goddess Queen, though much promise was already showing.

  One did not attain Status necessarily through birth. Lesser Sea Kingdoms were made and became more Physical, to give Mermen, Mermaids, and other types of Sea Beings lifetimes that included a Birth and Death date and spanned thousands of years.

  This was the Light Nature of Mer Death and the reason why a Level existed of Mer Ethereal Angels. Everyone had their way of growing. When falls occurred, though none wished it, there was a small Ripple in Time allowed. This was heavily guarded by Michael and the Archangels alone, because although not often said, Triton Ruled, and one couldn’t go up with a Neptune/Zeus and Hades Lower Space without Triton Decreeing it so.

  The Divisions of Three was never Ending, though many lifetimes within had come and gone.

  So, what shall this Day bring?

  The Queen lightly stepped upon her Sea bedroom floor with Feet that she never showed.

  As she Walked, her fin Emerged Upward, Covering the Lower Half of her Body in the most beautiful of Scales, with softly decorated Corals and Golden Seashells upon her wrist and upper forearm.

  The wispy light-colored fins of her Arms Wove around like gently blowing sleeves, revealing parts of her skin that looked Human, while hiding other parts that seemed to radiate with light. Her Scales Shimmered then dimmed a bit, to settle within hues of yellow, gold and pink as her Mermaid Lady-in-Waiting was called in.

  She hurried into the Queen’s Chamber with her fin moving swiftly back and forth, making a swimming motion. This was the movement of her fin, while Queen Sireanna merely glided forward without a Move and would be half way across the room before anyone blinked. She was truly a Goddess Mermaid and well Chosen.

  Her Young Sea-Lady Attendant held a Sea Robe of Gold to be placed around her Shoulders. The exquisite form-fitting garment Fastened about her breast, as a long, thin trail of Gold Chain entwined in a heavy, Golden Silk Material ran down the Center Length of her back, widening out at the bottom to Cover Her Fin.

  It was beautiful and exotic all at once.

  Wispy Rose-Colored Fins Rose Up just above her Breast at the edge of the Scaling, covering her Bosom softly, and demurely shielding her. Again, a Triton Decree because of the stories of Olde told long ago. Modesty came in different degrees and levels. Shame didn’t rest in the Seas, but when heralding of an Angelic Nature of Olden Times, a Mermaid’s Appearance came into question. Shame and modesty were the very reasons for why She was seen and not respected.

  “What fears arose and why?” Triton asked before Neptune and Zeus, as they held back Hades for a while. The first Angel to hear was Hermes, whose Winged Feet flew fast to meet Archangel Michael.

  The Goddesses were on their Way and that is a whole different story in and of itself. A Protected Mother, held by her Husband of the Gods,
still cradled her baby, who was a Thought Gifted to a World. Times changed and the Goddesses demanded it. They searched the Cosmos for New Spaces to send their young out, to experience Life of a different size and with blessed potential to Create and become like them.

  Neptune knew this well, as Salacia sometimes used the Name Amphitrite, revealing her energy upon different Spaces and Times. She Called upon Poseidon of a different Sea Cosmos and Frequency to Act, to which He always responded, “I Am with you Always, Love of my Heart.” He would say this as his Sea Love would sweep through Amphitrite. New Sacred Mer Babies were born as a Renewal of their Sea Marriage Vows and a Rebirth of their Frequency, a Frequency never sent through the Line of Cleto.

  Cleto was a Time and Space meant for His Sons of Land that would never touch the Seas. They never entered the Sacred Sea Union for Full-Blood Mers, but were no less loved. For this reason, Neptune and Cleto brought them forth, but never did the two mix. The Mer Frequency meant only for Amphitrite and Her Young was beyond any story that Neptune ever Created. Their Love was beyond the Times of Stars and Suns and, in fact, before the Times of Life on Earth.

  No One actually knew the Beginning of a Mer Planet nor would they ever; for to achieve this, One would have to talk to the very Founder of the Full Mer, Ouranos, who was never Met. You might see the Eye of Neptune and Zeus and get a streak from Hades’ bolt of Lessons but never would you meet Ouranos, who to this Day Sits upon Stars with His Sons and Daughters looking down as they Rule.

  The Titan Olympians

  Fabled Sea Combs Shine


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