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Rings of Atlantis

Page 13

by Tammy Williams

  Queen Sireanna’s partially Coral Crown rose up through her Hair, encrusted with Golden-like Seashells and tiny starfish that were Set Upon it. The Structure of Her Crown was made of Mer Bone and the very Sea. It was a part of Her and not separate as some could be.

  Another Mermaid Lady-in-Waiting was called; the Queen Summoned her intuitively and tiny Sea Bubbles carried the Thought, Toned just for the One Wanted. She immediately Swam-Walked in as Queen Sireanna created a Walkway of Sea Stone and Golden Seashells in the middle of Her Lighted Hall, or else no one would be able to enter.

  The Mermen Guardians were Given Special Seashells Encoded and Lit by the Queen to Enter her most Sacred and Secret Chambers only at certain Times. These Seashells allowed Entrance when different Light Colors went off; each color represented different times and meeting appointments. All of the Queen’s closest Guardians were synced and could enter as One, but each Shell could only be worn by the One it was Given to, or it would not Open the Lighted Chamber Doorways leading to the Queen. Their Hearts were always read as Oaths were placed in each Golden Sea Shell that sat resting in a holder upon the Official attire of their Arm in an Oval Casing.

  The Guardian Amulets were Set and the Queen’s Guardians could enter with certain Frequencies without her Pull unless a distress signal went out from the Queen that the Amulet alerted them to instantly. These were calmer Times, though much was not forgotten as times healed.

  Annaia, the Mermaid Lady-in-Waiting now Called, moved soundlessly in; only a few bubbles sprayed the floor as she Swam-Walked toward an Oval Section of the Queen’s Chamber, where a small Coral Chest sat. She opened it and removed the Queen’s Golden Comb that lay in the chest as if the most precious Gift.

  Annaia was revered for something often seen as so simple, the combing and styling of the Queen’s hair; another fabled Mermaid Tale, but Undersea it meant something different. Between a Coupled Mer, it was a moment of intimacy shared, surprisingly, with the Husband. Golden Combs of different sizes and Tones were given by the Sea Gods, as a meaning was attached to the Gift. The Mermaids Watched carefully the stories written about their Combs, but more often than not, they were told it was a Sea Wedding Gift and was very Special to the Mermaids. It signified the Mermaid Daughter being Given in Sea Marriage to her Husband. Each Comb was Enchanted; a Mermaid never lost or gave away her Comb, especially if she lived among Waters not of her Father’s Home once married.

  Queen Sireanna’s Comb of Gold was delicately made with little design except the Mark of Seaweed winding through it, also of Gold but unmovable, as a Symbol of Her Marriage and Dedication as Queen to the Sea. If ever the Seaweed of her Comb appeared Broken off, it would mean something as a Sign from the Queen about the very Ocean itself. A Sign of the Mer Presence leaving, as the only thing left would be that of strangling seaweed and Shell fragments not alive.

  So yes, the Comb was important, but not for the reason so many thought. Nor was it given to the vain, as Power it did hide, but Mermaids of many different statures were Given Combs as their Sea Fathers, though not Royal could be blessed with One and Favored. Different Gifts gifted for different Reasons; as many Mer Sons Sought and still Dreamed of the Conch Shell and Enchanted Giant Seashells that held Quests of the Mermen.

  Annaia was happy with her Station in Queen Sireanna’s Sea Court and smiled, as she often hummed a Sea Tune while she did the Queen’s hair.

  This was the Way of things, including Mer Language here, similar to the speech of the Dolphins. Mer and Other Sea Beings were called through Specific Sounds and Water Waves that not all heard. Additionally, different dialects developed that not everyone at different Sea Levels could understand, or hear and feel for that matter; One might be Swimming right beside another and not get the message.

  Queen Sireanna used Specific Calls and Sounds for her Mermaid Ladies-in-Waiting that the Mermen Guardians could hear but to which they did not respond. It was not their place and much respect was given to all Mermaids and the special sensitivities that they added to the Seas. For cases of urgent need, the Mermen Guardians could hear the Mermaid Ladies-in-Waiting tones and Sounds that set the Dialects and Language apart. They would instantly know when someone was in distress or need in some way. Only then, unless personally speaking to each other, did they show any signs of response within another’s Frequency or else it would be considered eavesdropping.

  The High Mer Guardians also were the Swiftest; they sent out Sea Directives of different languages and Sea tones to the Lesser Guards, spanning miles and depths of the Sea as only the Mer People could.

  Now, almost completely ready, the last part of Queen Sireanna’s Dress was placed at the Edge of her Fin. A tiny strip of a Gold Band meant to line the Inner side of her fin was stationed there; Larger Seashells of Pure White and Gold Streamed behind her, laying upon what looked like Spider Netting of the Sea.

  The Queen was now ready to dine at her Table.

  Outside Winds

  The Wind blew and Light filtered through; a new Day began with little notice that things were truly different. It had become normal, as much of the seasons seemed the same, but a Light not natural nor allowed in the Fairy Realms and pushed away by the Angels was creating itself.

  No Door was revealed to it, as it Bent the Old Trees open to reveal hollow insides that actually weren’t there, but Traps were. The Winds felt Highly Evolved and Burst in as an expression of being In and Powerful, as it thought ‘In’ was. Being considered ‘In’ another Dimension, as a Walk Through or Visitor, was once very normal as some intuitively saw or found Doorways of many fairies and beings of old that Walked the Ways of Other Dimensions and In-between. Never did they actually show the true way, as even the little wee Ones hid their Light and Movements made new each day by the Tall Fae. Magic left as a Protection long ago and quite unknown sometimes as the little wee ones, always cared for, carried on in their Usual Enchanted Ways, with everything seeming to click in as it should.

  A Wall wasn’t a Wall sometimes. If a little wee One called for help, the Watchers among the Fairies big and small were there to sound an alarm or the Tall Fae Guardians simply saw what was needed to assist their little playful ones through the Rainbow Arc of the Faeries

  The Prism of Rainbow Light flew through the wee fairy spaces as only a tiny shimmer and was used by the Tall Guardian Fae to protect their little Doors or give the sign of approval for Ones going on their special Journeys with their now famous ‘Pots of Gold’. It moved continually and fit into the essence of the natural life surrounding them. It was a part of the colors of their landscapes, which were different from the Tall Fairies’ Lands. It allowed them to look upon each fairy walkway, wall, and paths hidden. Many wee Ones jumped and flew about here and there, creating what some of Earth called ‘Sightings’ when moving around was easier and negative energy low. Time was carefully watched so that Earth was never pulled in an unknown direction nor interfered with as each Dimension grew.

  No. Not one fairy, even of the littlest Ones would be lost or left behind as the Tall Ones gently carried them.

  But, this Wind. . .

  This Power assumed by its Creator, which it knew not of, thought it moved every Door to Open. Every Way still hidden to Make and Rise as it thought it so. In fact, it didn’t think at all as it was fed each second by the Thoughts of Humanity that grew to become a Creator himself.

  Real? Oh, it was Real. Quite real on many levels, as life came and went through reincarnation. Who knew or even cared during this day of ‘None Remembering’ as some made it? Through their very Thoughts and Actions, allowed for a Time to be a Wind of Change, change Times it did; as what was Up was now surely Down.

  The ‘Winds of Man’ surely existed; his very Breath of Life and the Outside World grew and expanded, with many stars falling and Planets colliding as a very sign of their folly in Heaven. None would listen, as they no longer had the ability to grow Wings. What would this day truly bring? As tunnels and tunnels of winds blew behind the clouds unseen, it p
ulsed as a separate Energy rather than something actually tangible, because it was what Spirit had come to be for Man.

  Son of Man

  “What is the height of its Consciousness?” asked one of the Queen’s Guardians as they watched the Orb of Truth. All the Guardians in Lead of Sea Posts and Gates were now gathered to Speak and receive Directions. The Queen did send out a Sound, inaudible to ones not Mer, but able to be heard by all of her Seas, even those of the different Sea Dialects and other Adjoined Sea Realms. The Sea Colors did change upon the Fae Lands and the Guards of the other Sea Realms did alert their Kingdoms of the change. New Times and Dates had been set as Queen Sireanna’s Sea Crystal Released itself from its Case and Rose.

  “Well,” said another, “it was sent out to several Earth Planes, unfortunately, as a Rising of Sorts occurred; but not a true Rising. It was initiated by Ancient Ones of another time, who tried to control Star Gates or what used to be; but those Star Walkways were barren. None of our Stars or Suns Spun there, not even in secret. It became forbidden Space. Hades was not there yet, but an Underworld existed sadly and many stepped in.”

  “So, an Underworld of the Dead exists instead of Ones Lighted for Life?”

  “Yes. They created Death instead of Life and it has moved for some time. No doubt Triton has known for many of our Times. That would explain why the Cosmos was so separate and spread out between Mer and Faeries. The Universe was being realigned with Creation Light. Some of the Faeries haven’t met of the Outer Stars even though they are neighbors. It will be an exciting time to lift with the Ascension.”

  “Well,” said Talon, as they all now gained the ‘Sea Sight of the Gathering’. They Synced and watched many coming outcomes of the putrid ‘Wind’ now separating again and breaking itself apart on many levels to Span larger areas of Earths at one time. It was not a true power or a mover of Life Force. Neptune controls the Sea and the very water molecules in the Air. It was His Voice that would come through to be heard at the Final Hour.

  The Great Shaker

  Each Sea Guardian of Queen Sireanna’s closest level now sat. Their eyes lit up by her Measure as she gave them the information of the things set and newly set of the Outer World, now considered a separate World. It was so as the Earth appeared as its own Orb. A Faerie World was underway with the Crossing. As of yet, it was Crystalized and waiting to be Coded by the Fae and Mer entering the Gateways and Star Doors. It would Vibrate with their pulse and beat for a New Day.

  The Sea Light Sight of the Mer People was used to see through and foretell future events that were separate and on a descent so that none of the Upper Realms would enter. The Guardians alone saw the outcomes of war and its paths of destruction, as Ones once fought to close Lower Doors and put out Ones who were once allowed to enter. This was once Earth of long ago, with only a Cup for its Memory, but there were Realms unreachable and unknown. The little babies of the Mermaids and Faeries played and slept as the Hidden babies of the Angels lit their Lights Beyond, not to descend but to continue to Fly.

  The Angels were Powerful and of Great Might. They formed many Lines and Groups of Levels that continued to watch with the Sword, their Secret Cosmos not open to Man. They Ascended rather than Descended, so their Lands were formed upon the Clouds and anchored by Zeus. Zeus, who allowed thousands and thousands of Angel Years to pass before He and Neptune sent word. Wings upon the Feet were a rarity among the Angels of Michael, but if Hermes was near, than a Baby Mer or Baby of Zeus’ Light might be seen playing with Hermes’ Way of Moving. This was a Special Treat for the Angels; different Types of Angelic Forms could be Newly Created and no less by a baby playing. This was the Glory of Neptune and Zeus, that their daughters and babies were happy.

  A New Light moved through the Arm Bands of the Queens Guards from her Sea Crystal merging itself with the New Ocean Colors and Wisdom of Triton. Sent first to Queen Sireanna herself, it said much to the Queen about how low the Outer Realm had sunk. The New Colors were Set with Sea Foam swirling around within the Arm Bands, as a Sign of New Ocean Borders that the Mer Guardians would Watch over. Queen Sireanna spread her Goddess Light through the Rings, creating a buffer between the New Sea Walls that would Sync with the Empty Sea Space to soon be filled with their life’s creation light. A warning sound for each Door meant to be destroyed in a literal sense was given, as the True Star Doors—hidden long ago—lit up. The Star Coordinates of Neptune, Zeus and Hades were the actual Walkways Created for the Gods’ Chosen Lighted Ones.

  A fierceness and strength of long ago, etched underneath the skin of Mer, now set within their Eyes. War definitely was near, as well as Weather meant to destroy; beyond the control of the ‘Putrid Conscious Wind’ that believed that it was intelligent as it grew larger and stronger.

  There were Marked Trees that lit up. They were Once Doorways, now showing writing of light upon them along with the Pranks of the fairies, leprechauns and ones like them. For eons of Earth Times, encoded in the very bark were curses for ones secretly aligned with this putrid light.

  For this Day, even the little wee Ones proved whose side they were on. Not one had shared even one shred of light of their Fairy Books and Pages that would be handed in, just as all others would Upon the Day of the Calling of Triton.

  They were being lifted up, this is true, but they wanted the best possible space. The little fairies fancied receiving the God’s and Goddesses’ Gifts of gems and jewels that made their Wings sparkle like new. A bauble or two not connected with the ‘Pots of Lessons’ for the Fool and Light births of the wee fairies that occurred were awaited also.

  The Return of the Signs of the little wee One

  While there was joy there was also a Great Darkness moving. The Seas of Mer and the Fae Lands would destroy each Outer Door Outline; only a mere Thought had started it all and had become entangled in secrets and lies, Creating the ultimate lie of a Cosmos not even in existence. It was interesting that so many flew with this Wind of Man’s Time. Alien Energy pulsed as a Consciousness and became like a God merging with the Goddess. It thought that it was the cause of Creating itself, while the very people accepted themselves still as very Powerful under this Energy. Many of the Ancient Times of Light and Wisdom, including those of Neptune and Zeus, were relegated to the empty seashells and caves no longer in use. Everyone forgot about Hades, whose very purpose was to look low. No Angel nor any Other came near to Him while He worked, unless Neptune and Zeus’ Light surrounded them. Sadly, no one among man believed, except in his own Power that brought his mind out. Many became great meditators but not one grew wings to fly ever again.

  The First Level of the Angels Lifted as the Son of Man jumped up in his mind and wrote books about Ascending. This Created the Rip of the Pages of the ‘Son of Man and His Light’ that did ripple through Time.

  The Thoughts that Jumped up all around the Higher Cosmos of Man now seemed to move with a Vibration of Breaking Apart without realization. Each Light was struck down by the Swords of the Angels and Fairies. The Werewolf was coming, ‘Granted by Neptune to Move like Hades’, and quite the Secret. A Blessing that was now understood by the Eldest of the Queen’s Guards, who knew that this one Secret, not even known by Prince Kerian, was a large reason why he was awaited. He and His Twin shared a Link not seen before by the Royals.

  Ten Sea Guardians, the Eldest of the Mermen and Stationed at the Head of each Guardian Line and Group, would speak to the Queen alone about the Wolf and find out what the Queen wanted done with Her Sea Realms waiting for the Ascension Lift. Those of Her Youngest Mer Kingdoms did not yet know of their Family among the Seas that were coming. She would Read the Stories of their Sea Times and Light soon.

  And the Sane will become Sick as the Fool is shown the Wiser

  Neptune’s Proclamations

  The Guardians of the Seas would share this Word of Neptune.

  The Light of the Morning

  The first ray of Sea Light crept into the Palace Windows and each Sea Room as Serian and Kerian sat cro
uched over a few of the Sea Scrolls, rereading them to figure out the best route to take for Mergers. They took into consideration small portions of the Main Fae Kingdom, along with divisions between their Lesser Faery Dimensions that were connected through their own Inner Doors.

  “I think it would be best to visit unofficially and examine how smoothly things actually run here,” said Prince Serian with His Fae Ears perked to gentle points. He often did this when he was alone in deep thought; this was a common faery mannerism.

  “Lighten up,” said his brother Prince Kerian, noticing his ears. “It will all go smoothly. Did you see how expansive the Undersea City is? Not to mention the Darker Waters Written as waiting for life so they always have Space for Expansion. Do you think they want some of us to remain Under or Act as Neighbors from the Harbor Port?”

  “And are the Seas literally lifting or pouring out in some way?” wondered Prince Serian quietly, as if half to himself.

  “I don’t know, but what comes first to be handled, the Outer Realm’s Chaos Doors or our Impending Mergers? Are we Lighting and Lifting First, or pulling away the old Dimensional Door? They aren’t Movable anymore anyway. It’s closed and barren space. None of the Ancient Codes are written upon them anymore.”

  As swiftly as a Bolt, just as Prince Serian was about to speak again, a Light Passed beyond their Sea Guest Room Doors.

  Prince Kerian’s Wolf Senses kicked in, making His Eyes Glow as he stood up. Prince Serian turned his head swifter than the blink of a mortal’s eye as the Light passed by again, but this time, it stopped as if waiting for something.

  In a flash, Serian was up as Kerian opened the door to see nothing. “Hmm. A light moving in the Hall, but for what reason? No Guardians are near.” Again, before the Twins could finish speaking, the Lightning Bolt passed through one of the hallways of the Sea Bedrooms before bending the corner. There were several Hallways that split off leading to Main Sea Rooms, but the interior hallways were long and some ended in Rounded Rest Spaces that would be considered similar to vestibules. It was a Vast Palace.


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