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Rings of Atlantis

Page 15

by Tammy Williams

  The Images of many Sirens of Seas of long ago floated in the Waters and then rose up as the most Pristine Water Bodies trickled through. These waters now stood separate as Mermaids made Images of Sea Foam with the Sound of the Sirens coming out clearly. They were the very Images acting as the Doors for the Mer People to swim through; the very Goddess Protectors of many Oceans of all different sizes, as many different types of Sea Beings and the Ocean Creatures were being pulled up by them.

  This was the Ascension of the Seas and the Memories of the Sea Sirening Goddesses Returning. Though some Mermaids didn’t act as Sirens, they still sang beautifully with the Mermen. It was a blessing as the Beautiful Sounds of individual Mer could be heard and favor Granted. Ones of Merman and Mermaid proved as loving and kind as the Light Shining as Neptune. They were lifted up in status to represent Oceans Reborn, housing all the different Colors of the Sirening Mermaids and bringing out the True Purpose of Sirening. Sirening brought life, not death.

  This was truly Sea Ascension.

  As the Light of the Sea Sirens rose the Seas, some Mermen and Mermaids began to represent Gods and Goddesses again. What light didn’t lift, fell apart, as a Great Breaking Away occurred. Endings and Beginnings, seen as tiny Sparks, came out from the Cosmos of many to join their Parents.

  This is the Birth of Creation of many babies of the Fae, Werewolves, Mer People and Angelics and the end of many Ones thought Ancient. It was the End of many levels thought forever as Neptune Judged the Wind and its connections.

  “What caused the abruptness of this Ascension?” Some Mer did wonder as they gathered some of the Sea Creatures and things that they held dear.

  All but one Sign?

  Neptune looked down. The Image of His Face, in a Cosmos far away, bent ever so slightly downward and a Waterfall of Transmissions Occurred. First to Triton, His Sea Son as He alone was Entrusted with what Neptune most treasured and He gave out Sea Light as it Leveled.

  But what leveled things?

  The very Heart itself as it Spoke, whether thought-read or not. Lights of many different Colors were lit brightly or glowed dimly. What was in the dark still moved and an Accounting was given to Hades. Deeds had a frequency of their own and the Heart was the very proof of where the Ones truly were because it could not lie. A beating Heart just pulsing ever so slightly showed only small signs of life. Ones tried and tried over again to Cross Over without growth. They had, in fact, created many lives that did not Ascend but left a Trail of the Dead to be collected. Neptune now asked for the Collecting to begin; interesting, because He didn’t speak of the dead.

  If you are Up, you will Rise

  And so the Sign goes, as what didn’t truly vibrate with the Colors of Life fell into darkness that didn’t turn to create a cell nor spark a sign in the Waters of Creation.

  End Times

  The Wolf Comes Out

  “It Is Time, Sons of Many Seas,” said the Voice of Neptune.

  Prince Kerian’s and Prince Serian’s eyes lit up as a Jolt of Energy jumped through their veins. The wolves outside, at the Border of the Sea where Kerian hid them, stood up as they were in Sync with Him.

  “Your Signs show,” said the Eldest of the Queen’s Sea Guards. “Come with me quickly.” He touched a Sea Mark on his arm that none of the other Sea Guards carried. A Door lit up that was not there before, as Prince Kerian and Prince Serian were ushered into a Portal. Before they left, the Sea Guard sent word to some of the other Sea Guards in different Dialects. Each was given a different message and they all separated into smaller Groups to Align at the Gates of the Queen’s Main Grotto. They would span out from there, picking Ones up for the ‘Tunnel of Journeys’ and Ascension, which was different, yet interwoven together as they Moved.

  It would be a Sight to see, as the Mer People formed Groups after Groups of the Adults and baby Mers. The most delicate of Sea Frequency Mers and Sea Beings would be placed in the middle, well-cushioned and protected. The Mermaids and Mermen Born as Seashell Readers would interpret Giant Pearls that would light up as the Sirens Sung on another Level. The Ocean Readers were guides also, who would lead the Ways through the Lower Sea Tunnels that took on form. The surrounding Waters moved, closing all Gates, while the Mer People stepped through into their New Sea Worlds in their Own Ways.

  Those upon the Lands of the Fae would move uniquely with them through their Ways, now Emerging as the Skies Above the Waters Shifted just a bit, but not enough to shake the Realm yet. The Queen and King of the Faeries felt the Shift though, as their twin sons played a pivotal role. They reached out to their minds as a waiting Mer Above the Waters felt them calling and sent the message smoothly through the deeper channels of the white Seals.

  Nothing moved below Mer Waters unless allowed, but the Energy of Prince Kerian and Prince Serian was different. It pulsed stronger and reached up as their Parents reached down, as if they simply knew that they were searched for without even thinking about it.

  Their hearing spanned even further than the Normal Fae of the King and Queen’s Faery Guardians, who could hear between the Walls and Barriers placed to divide their adjoining Dimensions.

  The King and Queen stretched far across the Skies with their Thought, Merging and Mingling between the Clouds, as the Dust of the Star far Above made the Connection. Instantly, all of the Royal Children felt the Signs of their Parents and went within to form a swift Council. The Message that they felt was sent with urgency, as the faerie Lands of even the wee little Ones turned ever so slightly, like a breeze was coming through.

  As the King and Queen’s Faerie Sign within the Royal Stardust went out, the Royal Heirs were lightly touched to know what to do and sent word back, except for Kerian and Serian. The Twin brothers still were beneath Mermaid Waters. Neptune and His First Born Sea Light came in, as a gentle way had already been prepared through the birth of the twins, the first blend of their kind. They were now aware of the Royal Message but a New Path for them was being set.

  They would not be seen as Mer this Day. Their Mer Light was for another Lifetime and wrapped in Secret. The Wolves and the Fae would be pulled up and their Royal Lines Lit to Rule again but not as one would think. Neptune’s Sons were for the Sea and the Sea alone. They only existed for a Time with Ones of different Worlds, helping with Ascension then departing for Home. They were Anchors and already held Royal Kingdoms, Light Stars away, although for a time they wouldn’t remember. Triton taught them to Move like the Sea as he himself had been taught by Neptune, but in truth, the Twins still sat in the arms of Amphitrite, not much older than their young Sea brothers and sisters still cradled. Of a Light Humans’ Years, they would be thousands of years beyond. One can see why Archangel Michael flew near and was among the first to hear of new Sea Births.

  Back Above Mermaid Waters, the Mermen still Stationed Watched as Messages seemed to be moving all Across the Skies. Then, another Merman, who Guarded a Lower Underwater Door Level, Swam Up to share something of import. Prince Kerian’s and Prince Serian’s Wolf Light turned even more.

  The Energies of the Outer Realm Churned and had amassed in size as what was shown was Worlds and Worlds building, bringing Ones together with a false self. This Energy moved of no Name and no true Beginning, because in Truth, it never was Powerful. Only Love moved to Emerge as Light.

  “The building of the false Energy created an Auric Field around Earth. It is destined to crash,” said the Merman Guard of the Uppermost Layer of the Sea.

  “Queen Sireanna has asked for our descent below Waters because the Gates are about to Move. The Whales for now are still, but are already sending out a line of Energy from the Sirens. It shoots directly below the waters but will seep through the Mountains and enter the Waters and Air of the Outer Realm, which is larger than we first thought. The Milky Way Stars are connected, but the Gathering and Pulling is not natural, so the Crash is imminent. Neptune’s Ascension is occurring and he has anchored the movements for the Fae World that is within. It hasn’t even Emerged among
the Outer Stars yet to sit true among the Cosmos. They are spinning with Inner Stars that could coordinate with us, but the Outer Realm is not high enough. We can continue Below,” he said with urgency as a Sea Light passed through his eyes.

  All of the Upper Level Sea Guardians now descended with the Messenger through the Dark Waters. This appeared only as a swift streak of water Light, but Time was of the essence. “We’ll have to ride together,” said the Upper Level Mer Guard, whose speed was set to Submerge Below faster than the Messenger. “I am of Sea Level Four,” he said, before grasping hold of the other Guard’s shoulders. His Eyes lit up to See Clearly through His Hyper Speed and they moved even faster. Swiftly, they were able to reach yet another Layer several Mer Knots below, within the Darkness of the Mer Abyss, a section made for none to breach. A Crack of Light below the Waters Opened and the two Sea Guards entered and mounted their waiting Sea Horses.

  Traveling Mer Waters, and especially a Sea God’s or Goddess’ Mer Waters, was quite the Journey and an adventure itself. Messengers of the Seas usually Swim-Walked below the Water Line and Walked right Through the Cracks of Light that could lead to an Opening upon Lands that they were Connected to, as if they were Emerging straight out of thin Air. For this Day of the Ascending, the Crack was a Maze with several Openings. The one that the Upper Layer Sea Guardians now Traveled led to the Inner Sea Waters of the Queen and the Mer People’s Homes.

  The Sea Horses they rode were among the Swiftest for the ride of each level Traveled. Shifts seemed to occur continually and this was the very reason that no one except Mer could descend. It was impossible.

  The Upper Layer Sea Guardians finally stilled their Sea Horses as waiting Giant Seashells, lined in Gold, sat and Enchantingly Swayed in the travel water. There were other Sea Guards of the different Levels already waiting at this Meeting Point that had been aligned as Cracks of Light still Opened. They calculated the first Ones to be Gathered for the Journey. All were numbered as the Upper Layer Sea Guards were now there, with the last two forming the complete Closure for Guardian Formation.

  “Harness the Seashells to the Rider Seahorses,” said one gently, as the Waters were extra soft and carried the slightest sound far. His power radiated as his long hair swayed in the waters and this too showed a difference. Mer Waters Spoke through movement and gave Silent Messages, as the Mer People Thought with an Ancientness of Neptune And Triton that Merged with the Light Clouds of Zeus. As always, Hades looked without the slightest sound until a clicking occurred, which was his Time never given away, but Time was Set Neptune And Zeus looked on to see what would be of Atlantis, as the Ancient Way of Divisions took place between their children now.

  While the Giant Seashells were being harnessed, the edges of Gold lit up and connected all of the Traveling Seashells as One, even though they appeared not to be linked in some spaces. “It is Time,” said another. Off they all rode like a Sea Wind; a Band of Light, not even able to be discerned, now moved in Swift Circles and formed a Bond that no Energy could enter. The Seashells that were now guided and carried along, came to a stop at each Sea Gate. There, Giant Pearls rotated seemingly on their own, but Sacred Writings were within them, encoded by the Sea Gods and Goddesses long ago. These Writings now included Queen Sireanna’s Voice, as each Pearl also moved with her; Mind-linked with her Sirening Sisters to give them the New Sea Coordinates as the Oceans now swayed more. Neptune’s Promises remained and this was the mode of Travel for the first level of Ones Riding the Sea Chariots. Fore no matter how swift one was, Ascension light was swifter and only the very Advanced could sit at the Outer Borders of the Sea Chariots. The little Ones and ones that were Mer People and Sea Beings of Gentler Frequency Seas, such as those of the Undines and Pixies whose Bodies seemed still ethereal, were nestled in the middle and kept away from Churning Ethereal Water Light that might occur with the Move.

  Everyone had a purpose and the Journey was made as smooth as possible for the little Ones who may not feel anything. They were very aware and curious as the older Mermaids, Mermen, and Sea Beings of Triton planned Lifting Pods for this day and made specific Talismans to help. There were truly Light Witches Below and Above the Seas that worked with Reading Sea Doors meant to Open, and they included the Ravens of the Sea Moon Witch and her Witches’ Book that disappeared and reappeared as She Chose. They helped with Time Shifts, along with the Angels and other Ascended Ones, so that what was Above Sea sometimes appeared Below. It was why a bird normally in flight upon the Skies could be seen coming out of the Water, as some intuitively scanned for their arrivals. Much was happening Below the Faerie Waters that now moved with Mer, and Above as Emerged were the Sea Moon Witches, holding Lantern Lights. That was a Sign to the Faerie People of the Lands, just as the Witches showed Brooms rather than anything telling of the Sea, because this was how Neptune worked.

  Seen yet Unseen

  The Witches would help with the Faerie Land Gatherings as each One was able to walk through the Dimensional Doors the same as the Highest Faerie Guards. They could not hear into the Realm and this was the reason for the arrival of the Ravens first. A Witch had her ways of hearing and moved as one quite Advanced even when young.

  So, all was setting itself Above and Below the Sea as Prince Kerian and Prince Serian felt the Surge.

  “I’ll Speak to Mother while you attend to the Wolves,” said Prince Serian as their Mother and Father’s Voice bumped through the Waters of Mer.

  The Fae Light didn’t enter the Channel of Speaking for Mer, but the Seal Canals carried their sound. It seemed to resonate with Nature as Prince Kerian and Prince Serian swam up at a Superior Speed not at first Given. It must have been the Timing, because their fangs formed without them Merging as the Wolf. As a child, Prince Serian hid his Wolves and would play when he wanted to, as they emerged from hidden Den Tunnels. He gave them their Own Space as Roaming Wolves.

  Nothing else previously existed in the Den Tunnels that now opened to reveal bountiful Underground Lands for the Wolves to wander freely, but Kerian was never separate from his Wolves. They went everywhere he went, even as a child; they were shrouded and hidden in Prince Kerian’s Light when he was old enough to hold them or he would Call them out in his special way. So, while he and Serian ran and played among the other children, the Wolves could be felt sometimes until Kerian became better at hiding them. No one could see them as both twins carried Wolf signs and the Wolves themselves grew to be distinct even in color.

  “Give them—”

  “I know.”

  “Tell them—”

  “I know,” said Prince Serian, reading his brother’s mind.

  And off Prince Kerian shot to the wolves.

  While Kerian’s and Serian’s fangs emerged, the full Werewolf Form didn’t. Neptune’s Light kept their Heart Rhythms in check and smoothly surrounded, so that the Run wouldn’t occur nor the Full Form. This was for the Planet of the Werewolf and not the Sea. A different Measure of Energy was needed and Secrecy for a Wolf Cause not yet discussed.

  At the Exact Point of Wolf Light that Prince Kerian Stationed as a sign for his roaming Wolves, he fully emerged for his Wolves to see. They all ran to him, as they had been quite anxious for his return. They could feel a difference, as animals do, and spoke the Ancient Language of the Wolf connection through Prince Kerian’s Bond.

  “I know,” said Kerian to one of the wolves. “It is time. We will move. Just one small stop on the way,” he said, as a Merman suddenly appeared in the Waters near him.

  “I will accompany you on your Journey, if it is your Will,” he said with a Bow. “I received Specific Word of the utmost secrecy from one of the Queen’s Eldest Sea Quarter Guards. Alone I can accompany you to assure that you are aligned with our Sea Time and to support your Journey in any other ways needed. It will be tied in with our Ascension Lines as you Request, Prince Kerian,” he said.

  “What station are you?” asked Prince Kerian curiously.

  “I am a younger one, but familiar with ma
ny Seas that the Wolves might want to Travel, of their own Lands rather than through our Doors. They have different Choices of Arrival, because of the Desire of the Beating Wolf Heart to Share its Light and Enter—”

  “How do you know of Wolf Lands?”

  “We have our ways of knowing,” he said. “Wherever there’s even a drop of water we can semi-materialize.” The Mer Guide left a questioning look in his eyes as He waited for Kerian’s response. The Wolf Light still sat settled within him but His Ties were made obvious to the young Mer as it projected. Though how deep, he wasn’t sure, only that His Swiftness of Traveling the Foreign Seas would be needed and the Presence of Triton would be seen afterwards during the Gifting Tides and he couldn’t wait.

  “We leave at once then,” said Prince Kerian.

  Their Journey would be met with others among the Fae one Day. Days and nights were now turning differently for the Future, as the Witches of the Light Seas could clearly see and as Prince Kerian’s and Prince Serian’s Parents clearly felt.

  Once accepted, the Merman rose up higher onto the land, to stand beside Kerian with a white Seal of the Queen’s Crest rising with him.

  “He goes where I go, he said, but he doesn’t talk,” said the smiling Merman, and for the first time, Prince Kerian saw his true youth of the Sea. The Seal happily joined them as a small trickle of water formed and was a constant near them. “It is the Way I travel. Sometimes I will be invisible but I’ll always near you,” he said as his temporary legs formed. “You will always see a small path of water.”

  “I guess these will be helpful, too,” he said laughing as he walked. His Scaling changed instantly into fitted pants and a top, much like the one Prince Kerian wore, but with a small seashell emblazoned on the shirt collar that faded as his clothes became fully formed. “For fast Transition,” he said, smiling again, then looking down at his legs and giving an imaginary kick at something.


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