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Rings of Atlantis

Page 17

by Tammy Williams

  They were His Light Wolves and would forever be with him. While Wavren’s seal Winsor swam near him in his bedchamber, Kerian’s wolves sat by the Craft Windows, watching the changing of the stars and documenting it all as Kerian’s eyes connected with their eyesight. They were Star Wolves and would never forget the coordinates of each star as Kerian wouldn’t either. They could Return without the Craft and show Signs of the Wolf coming to the other Werewolves or Wolf Shifters within the very stars. The Face of his Wolves could show as a star blinking among the Werewolf Constellations before Prince Kerian even arrived. This was a form of heralding an Arrival.

  Kerian stretched his arm over his forehead and wished that he could tweak time a bit here and go to sleep. He felt a little drowsy as if reading the books of the Wer was pulling him in somehow.

  He could see it clearly.

  He saw smiling faces and images of things on the Wolf Planet such as chairs and tables. A Royal Room showed but he saw no adult occupants. Perhaps it would become clearer before he entered their actual Space. He saw the faces of the little children but perhaps they were easier to read than the Adults. He was sure that a Wolf Barrier existed around the People so that they couldn’t be found or felt, but his Wolf Blood made it easier as Adult Images began to emerge but in a hazy watery form. There were many of them and the Planet seemed to be thriving but Kerian now saw something interesting.

  Some of the pages of the Story of the Wer from his Parent’s Library were missing, while the individual Pages of the Wolf People he could now see clearly in his Mind. It was as if the Story was coming together for him and he realized that there were two Wolf Clans.

  So, the Wer and Wolf Shifters were different and existed in two different Realms. They wanted to Merge and needed help doing this. Perhaps they sent out a Signal. Kerian was a full Werewolf, but how much could he help? He moved as Faerie but he began to remember the words of his Creator Father, Neptune. He moved with the Moonlight as Serian moved with the Fae Sun, but they would always be connected as One.

  The Stories of the Werewolf were always tied with the Moon although not in pleasant ways. That’s how the Story was told, but Kerian felt differently as the Sacred stars twinkled within his cells too. He was Star Born, not an animal and not given to aggression. He could be fierce when meant and was a Trained Warrior, as all of his siblings were, because his Parents had survived many times of war and wanted to remain prepared. The Twins’ experiences went further than their Parents knew, and this would come as a revelation when Atlantis Lit.

  As of this ascension, no war movements had occurred in lifetimes, as Archangel Michael Watched and things had proven different from what they seemed. The Universe was becoming vaster and vaster with each new piece of information about Life Beyond, especially with the Emergence of Triton’s Messages. Triton’s Ascended Seas were not yet seen, as only Queen Sireanna and those aligned with Her Waters were visible and Shifting, as Prince Kerian now moved to help the Wolves.

  Once the Coordinates of the Star Tunnel Space that they now traveled was Set, Kerian’s mind seemed to Click as if the patterns were now etched there. The tunnel space Opened as an expansive Cosmos, then narrowed and shifted again as Time Bent, obscuring the Star Path. It made the Ones in Existence there seem as if they never were, as the Way to them was hidden and closed for a Period of Transition. This is what Ascension did. One Door Opened as a Beginning while other Doors and the way there closed, making some stars seem as Myth and the Beings Ones of Legend.

  It was the manner in which things closed that mattered. Prince Kerian could feel for sure that the Wolves of this Realm wanted a different type of Lift than what was occurring. There was something else different about the Wolf Realm also.

  They weren’t all Wolves.

  Kerian saw Pages Flip rapidly in His Mind, as if some of them were blank, while other pages were full of pictures and stories. Now what appeared was written in different lettering, as if separate, but it was in his Vision as a part of the same Akashic Record. They had to be connected, but the Planets coming into View, although sharing the same Wolf Cosmos, didn’t seem Permanently Fixed. They wove in and out and looked almost ethereal, rather than full of Color like the Mother Wolf Planet.

  Prince Kerian jolted himself upright as the Stargate Door he needed was announced throughout the Craft. As he exited his bedchamber, Wavren was already waiting for him. In a short time they had talked a lot and become friends. Hopefully on the Other side, Wavren’s Home Waters would Wash up and make an Appearance in his Wolf Lands for a deeper connection with the Ascension. For the first, Kerian felt more open to company other than his family. He was fiercely private but now he knew why. As Kerian sat at the helm of his StarCraft, something else happened.

  The manual Keys lit up as Droplets of Water, barely clear to the eyes, filtered from the compartment of his bedroom and touched the Driving System, just as they Entered the Vortex of the Star Door. They shifted to a higher speed and came out from a different angle of the stars.

  “Hmm. I definitely didn’t control that,” said Prince Kerian as his StarCraft system seemed to update and Kerian received New Coordinates without his usual download.

  “A small Gift,” said the Mermaid of Triton who appeared, in a similar fashion as Siana the ethereal Mermaid had who helped with Wavren’s Pouch.

  Must be Sea Magic

  The Wolves have their Own Ways of Reading the Stars

  “Is His Energy nearer to Us?” asked the King of the Wolf Realms, as a Wolfen Guardian stood close by. The Readers of their Star light, a group of Wolf Light Holders, looked up as a young woman, filled with the Star’s power recited the Vision. She had long streaming dark hair flowing down her back in lose wavy curls. Her eyes almost matched her dress of a light blue, but her eyes were more of a blue gray that seemed to Dance with a smile, as if winking with the Diamonds set as Jewels upon her dress. This was the King’s daughter.

  He was not typical of the Leaders of the Wolves in the Stories told, but showed much Spirit and Wisdom, as did his daughter. Rather than wearing the somber scowl of the wolf cursed, or so it was said, here stood two Wolves among many of the Clan and yet not One looked as a Wolf. But there was still something different.

  Marianna sparkled with the love of her Father and glowed with the regal star vibrancy of her Mother, as she smiled and carried the same mannerisms as her. She was nobility and grace as she stood by her Father’s side with a bit of his Energy that still lingered from her youthful days as a tomboy. She could run with the best of them, with the exuberance of the Air seeming to push them on, and in Truth it did; this was a Wolf Planet and they were ‘Shifters of the Winds’. Their Wolf Changes came as if a breeze softly touched their Skin and Propelled them on with the Image of the Wolf. They would disappear and the only Image left standing and moving would be a literal Wolf, who could run right through you as if a Ghost sitting in the dawn of the Morning or a White Light of the Moon that flashes just as the Crescent Descends. Fore here the Moon moved differently and affected their Bodies differently, though they had not Changed for years. Their change was Connected with being Guardian Wolves and they had not been Called in a long time to act as Guardians. The Energy of the Wolf Moon, which is all they had, still pulled and exhilarated them as boundless amounts of energy and strength was with them.

  They looked completely Human except for a slight difference of their Skin that was due to their Moon. There was no Sun. The Moon Light could Shine the Crescent Symbol at any time of Day as the Other Moon lit it. This was a Dual Moon World. The Moon Phases gave off Signs that set the Changes of their particular Wolf Cycle, which hadn’t occurred in quite a few lifetimes but this is why the Stars were Read now. They had their own Prophesies to look for.

  The Cycle of the Wind Wolves was about to Change and no longer would their Ancient and Sacred Heritage be tied only to fighting. They fought for the side of the Lighted Ones, though much of their Star Stories sat twisted in the Lower Cosmos. This is why they closed th
eir Star Gate long ago after the fighting ended. To build their Stories among their Kind and far away from fighting, so that their children would know of the Different Paths of the Wolf not yet lived.

  They were Studiers and Readers of the Stars too. They Charted Courses and set New star paths that were smaller and of only their Realms. Without wars, they really had time to look around at their Own Star System and assess the possibility of starting life on some of the other Planets, as they had, but something more was needed. They were the Mother Planet but were not accustomed to Ascension as a Lit Up Star. This Realm was all they knew of as Home. So far they had only been sent out as Spirit Lights to act as Warriors and not Incarnate Ones. They always returned back home, but did little to grow and move forward themselves as Destined Guardians. Now, things were different as they no longer listened and star-watched to be sent Out.

  They became more Impressionable upon their Home Planet as their Moon Moved them on without the sign of the Distant Stars Calling them for support. The very Air still seemed to excite their Cells as the Shift didn’t occur but expansion grew in their Hearts. They Honored the Ones before them, as many of their Ancients had Moved toward the Moonlight becoming a part of it somehow. Their very Essence was Connected to it and the Wolf Signs of a New Day did come from the Ones now a part of the Moon. It Spoke and gave different support during different Phases of the Day Moon and its Twin Night Light.

  The Wolf People desired more from Ascending than Returning to the Moonlight Essence. They wanted to be more than Warriors and wanted to know what else beat within their Hearts and for this Prince Kerian was sent.

  “He is the One,” said Marianna as her Mother’s Gift beat strongly within her. She was a ‘Wolf of the Wind’ as her Father was, but her Mother came from the Dual side of the Moon. This was the other Physical Planet that Prince Kerian saw. They were both vibrant, but of different Moonlight Shades as the other Planets sat in an ethereal Mist.

  The People of the Wolf all carried similar traits of dark-colored hair of a rich brown or black. It seemed to glint a bit differently in the Moonlight, making it appear as a lighter shade.

  Her Mother didn’t shift with the Wolf Moon and was calmer than Marianna, but she carried her own Gifts. Her Eyes lit up with the Wolf Colors and Sparkled as she gained the sight of the Wolf, able to see into the future and read events, as if Running with the very Wolf upon different Planets. Her Sight went out before Marianna’s Father went into battle to help guide the Way.

  She was a Wise One of the Wolf and very Ancient, just as Marianna’s Father. They married close in age, but Marianna was their only child. The Moon still Called them. They were entering its Light Again with the Rebirth of their Times, slowly but surely. This they wanted to stop, because it would create the Death Cycle without any more heirs.

  Continuation of the Wolf

  Marianna had a lot of time left, but her Parents didn’t know how long they had before the Crescent Mark lit their Skin to Ascend back into the Moonlight. They wanted to Pass through the Moon’s Glow and Ascend, with the whole Planet acting as an Anchor for the others, rather than return to Mist Light. It would be automatic for the Dual Side but not for the Young Planets and the Wolf People still in mystery.

  They were neither of the ‘Wolf Winds’ nor of the Seers Holding the Wolf Eye, but they Ran with the Wolves in their own way as Masters of a Wolf Pack. They could control the physical wolves on fours and were linked with the wolves through their thoughts.

  There were several Planets Spinning, but the Wolf People of the Winds hadn’t Mastered Contact with them other than the lightest impressions barely seen, because they hadn’t actually Ascended.

  So, to the Wolf Speakers, they seemed as if Angelic when they were their closest Neighbors and Family.

  Prince Kerian, by now, had trained with Ascending Energy but never of several Planets nor while he was alone. He worked with different dimensions of the same Planet and had what he could only now term as Inner Star Knowledge. Cosmic Doors were widening even as Kerian had just added this backdoor Space, thanks to Neptune.

  Energy Coming Together

  Swirling Energy

  The Winds Swirled all over the Royal Fae Lands of every dimension as the Mermaid Goddess’ Energy Moved. It was above the Waters and below as a Feeling of Ascension pervaded everything. It moved fast in some spaces and slow in others, as typhoons under the Sea could be seen. The Mer Sirening Moved the Typhoons in chosen directions, but they did not control the Full Force as they fanned out becoming Portals of Neptune’s Eye.

  His Words filled the Seas as if Written and meant to be there from long ago. Encodings of the Seas’ Meanings and the very light of the Seas’ Life moved and washed over everything meant to be above and below and every molecule would be touched. The difference was that its meaning wasn’t destructive in the Inner Worlds, as Power and Light of Neptune touched hearts to reveal what each one carried. Even the little fairies knew this because Love was what the Fae Realm was built upon, leaving wars behind long ago.

  The Light of everything made would come out and match what Neptune sent. A Balancing would occur and neither Stone nor Waters would be left unread as the Ancient Faerie Ways and those of Neptune’s Atlantis and its Hidden Writings would be opened. The Akashic Records of everyone and everything made would pour out the Truth.

  Neptune in all His Power was very fair and just beyond the Stories Told. What seemed as destruction were the building blocks of Man’s Life, but it was not so on the Other side where Power stilled rather than Poured into Chaos.

  Light soothed as it blended and fed the heart. The Crossover felt just like breathing for the first time. What could make it difficult, even for the Faeries, were the different Dimensions all moving at one time. Each Lifetime was remembered, as Neptune looked at the Faeries along with the People of the Wolf who would Rise with no one being forgotten. Ones that had difficulties and were called out for justice were heard and answered, with Neptune allowing Time Waves to Open for Ones experienced to correct wrongs and heal energy. The love of the beating Cosmic Heart, the Pulse of the Universe would send ripples of waves throughout the Universe, as Neptune could feel each one even as He cherished His own Mer Children.

  For Spaces needing Recalibration of Energy, Neptune sent out and allowed Ones among the Ancient Faerie Races, the Angelics, the Werewolves and many Others experienced with Bending Time to Move with His Light. This made the Ascension Light, which moved in waves like water, feel rocky in lower space as negativity was removed. Each level, including its people, animals and even a Planet’s land masses and bodies of water, was touched. Some things disappeared that the Ones Sent had removed from futures and past as they Walked the Lines of Times before things became concrete. That was the difference from the Outer Realms now destined for destruction.

  They were not built upon light, yet still Moved as if Ascended, and believed in nothing else. Many, many fairies that left with the Tall Ones even had ‘Books of Life to Share’ but no one upon the Outer Realms knew it, or thought to Share Stories. The fairies of old were Spoken of as Dying with the trees and appeared less lit up and present as belief in them faded but This was not so, as the Realms of the Fae, including every little wee One and all that they Treasured, along with every heart beating of a gentle light and frequency felt as it shifted ever so slightly and in increments, Knew.

  The People of the Inner Realms, seemingly Wrapped in different stars, were actually a Match for the Light of Ascension that was now moving and coming in bigger Waves at steady intervals.

  They assured this through star study and calculations, not of Akashic Record Books Alone, but of the Heart and how it felt as it was read and lived in many lifetimes. Whether considered side by side as if a Twin World existed or of a past or future life, what Neptune did for the sake of love was the Gift of Non-Time. Nothing really moved up for a while and many had a chance to just rest. Rest in what was already created and see how it flowed. How it felt. How it would unfold.
r />   Nothing moving was concrete, as time wasn’t actually real, so Ones could Create a Pace and learn with a frame that allowed them to be exactly what they felt they needed and wanted to be when Ascension of the Star Realms really moved. This was how Neptune kept it, as even Triton, His first born had a first day.

  Becoming a Neptune

  So, whose Energy actually held sway? That was the question of Eternity, as Neptune rose and rose. As the little wee fairies signed for their Quest and reached for a Star Time, creating over and over again, what becomes the future? Just Travel back to make past as high as they possibly could, that lifting might always occur.

  Family Ties

  Prince Serian sent the Energy of a Hug to his Mother and Father to assure the two that all was well. His Father didn’t show worry too much and was proud of his Strength and the way that all of his children were growing.

  The Sign of the Fae Heart lit up before his Mother’s eyes and she immediately thought of Kerian as her little boy, running into her arms again to be picked up. She smiled with relief as the Warmth of Kerian’s Heart surrounded her. The Heart than changed Colors to show the King that all was going well and that they were aligned, then it faded and disappeared. Serian’s Face now appeared through the Fading Heart and his Mother looked shocked.

  “Serian,” she said reaching out toward him as he smiled in an Orange Yellow Glowing Mist.

  “Yes Mother.” His fangs retracted as the Energy of the Fae pooled in but she noticed immediately. “We are reaching a different transitional stage a bit rapidly. I suspect that it has to do with the sudden changes with the Ascension Lift. It might be a bit of an adrenaline push,” he said as Vision seemed propelled further.

  He was never able to send an Image of himself like that before. It was clearer and His Parents recognized the difference.


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