Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

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Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series) Page 2

by Jennifer Anderson

  “No.” I said defiantly, holding my chin up high.

  “No point in lying to me. I wasn’t sure when I first spotted you, but the drunk girl knocking into you gave you away. You need to get better at hiding your abilities angel girl. There are a lot of bad people willing to use you for their needs.” He said leaning against the wall, mere inches away from me, crossing his arms like he was bored.

  Okay, the gig is up. He obviously knows. “Okay maybe I am. Are you one of those bad people?”

  “I haven’t decided yet.” Now smirking again.

  Him obviously amused, me not so much. “Why can’t I get any emotions from you? Who are you? What are you?”

  “In time angel girl.” Not willing to give any information at all.

  “Quit calling me that.” Clenching my fists at my side. Knowing he was only saying it to annoy me. I know showing distaste to this name only made it worse on myself.

  “I wouldn’t be so quick to get rid of me. I know of at least two unsavory characters that spotted you, just as I had. They’re not going to be as nice as I am. Stay with me, and you’ll be safe. At least until I figure out what to do with you.” His smirk now replaced with an emotionless mask.

  “Why should I believe you?” I asked, fully believing that he was trying to scare me into staying with him.

  “Suit yourself. It’s your skin angel girl. I have a few things to take care of. I’ll be back when I can.” He said starting to walk off.

  “What. Wait! Are you leaving?” I asked shaking, cold from my barely there outfit.

  “Really angel? Clingy already? Like I said, you’ll be safe here. The choice is yours.”

  He was actually walking away from me. I have a real chance of getting away. When I heard the door shut behind him, I decided to give it five minutes before leaving. Making sure he was really gone. I would hate to leave only to run into him a few minutes later.

  . . . . . .

  Why me? Why do I land myself into these situations? He could hear them calling for him the past ten minutes. They didn’t like waiting, and he only pushed his luck when he was feeling lucky. He hasn’t been feeling lucky for quite some time now. Waiting until he stepped out of the door and out of her sight, before teleporting out. Stepping into the chambers, he was only allowed in the heavens when he was called for. Only being allowed to enter the High Councils Chambers. His heart aching to see the other parts of the Heavens that he hadn’t seen in too many years. Losing count after a couple hundred. His assignments were rarely told to him, instead most of them dropped in his way, quite literally at times. Subtle hints here and there once in a while. The angel girl the most obvious hint yet. He sneered as he ascended the steps to the chamber doors. They said they would let him back into the heavens when he had helped enough people and learned a lesson. What lesson they wanted him to learn he didn’t really know. They seem to think I am too uncaring and uncompassionate to help humans. Never being born from a human, I don’t know really what they expected. So, now I’m stuck on earth. Possibly forever, or until they deem me worthy. I’m not the only one, I run into others like me more than they would want. The High Council likes to scatter us out around the world as much as possible, not wanting us to join forces. Can’t blame them. Although I miss the heavens, I miss my wings more. That was one of the many disadvantages of being a fallen angel. They clipped your wings. I am different than most fallen angels, I was forced to fall to learn my lesson. Most of my abilities still remain, in order to aid me on my path. Reaching up my back and rubbing the now smooth skin where they used to be. I’ll never get used to not having them, no matter how many years pass. My wings were a brilliant white, with silver and hints of blue weaving through them. The span of my wings unsurpassed, being one of the oldest in the heavens. I was still feared since most of my abilities remained, very few creatures sought me out for a fight. The older you were, the more of a target you became. The demons wanting your head as a trophy, you were always looking behind your back. Being on earth made it all the more easy for them. Even though I’m feared, there are still the power hungry dumb few that seek me out on a regular basis, easily taking their head. I was given a human name as to always remind me what my purpose is. As if I could forget. Making his way down the vast halls, the white almost blinding to his eyes. He knew that Carma, or so he liked to call her angel girl, was going to bolt as soon as he left. Pretty sure that she was his next assignment he didn’t want another human, or dead body on his tally. Knowing with each one, another couple years gets added to his sentence on earth. At first being to proud to care, now wanting to get the hell off of earth at any cost.

  Walking up to the royalty of the heavens I bowed as always, waiting for my orders. The Angel in the middle better known as Capac, looked down upon me with steely eyes.

  “Blane. I’ll get right to the point. Carma Danielson is your next assignment. You will protect her, for she is the strongest empath to ever be sent down to earth.”

  “Yes, this I will do Capac. How long do I possess this task?” Hoping for an answer although they were just as evasive as always.

  “I will give you no further information Blane. If you succeed in this task, you just may earn your wings back.”

  Looking up at the magnificent angel sitting before me, Capac in all these years has never once mentioned giving me my wings back. Wondering why this minuscule human is so important that I could earn my wings back. Knowing getting my wings back was the last step to entering back into the heavens. Now, I really didn’t want to screw this assignment up. My back muscles already twitching in anticipation.

  “Now you must go. Carma is in trouble.” Waving his hand, I was back on earth standing in an unfamiliar alley way. Pressing my body flat up against the brick wall.

  . . . . . .

  Walking out of the door to his huge apartment, I didn’t realize just how many floors up his was. Stepping into the elevator I punched the main lobby button and waited impatiently. Walking out, the floors were polished and now I knew I was in an expensive section of town. Running out of the double doors and into the street, I figured I would have to walk a little while before I could hail a taxi. Luckily it wasn’t long, because I was freezing. Relaying my address to the cab driver, I was relieved when it was a little old man, kindness wafting off of him. Now wondering why my abilities had suddenly returned. Finally, pulling up to my address I pulled the money out of my bra and handed him the correct amount. You can never be to careful in the city. Now thankful for my paranoia. Not knowing how I would have gotten home, stranded with no money. Asking mystery man for a ride home was out of the question. Thinking he could just keep me like I was some sort of pet. Telling me I was in danger. What a bunch of crap.

  Walking into my two story apartment building and up the stairs, I couldn’t get the mystery man out of my head. Never even getting his name. Not like he really offered any information in the first place. Lost in thought, the evil emotions didn’t hit me until I was already in my apartment. I didn’t even have a chance to throw on the lights before his arm wound around my neck. Letting out a tiny screech before his hand clamped over my mouth. Pressing the back of my body against his. Unable to see him at all.

  “There is my little empath. I was starting to think you would never get away from Blane.” He said breathing his musky breath on me, making me want to gag. The evil wafting off of him in waves now, making me want to puke.

  “Let me go. I don’t know a Blane.” I said trying to sound brave, failing miserably.

  “Sure ya do sweet heart. He is the meddlesome asshole that got to you tonight first at the club. No worries love. You’re with me now.” He said laughing. “I’ve been looking for your kind a long time. You’re so hard to find. Now tell me, can you discern lies also? Because that would be the jack pot.”

  Blane, that’s what his name is. Not that it really mattered now. “No. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said evading the best I could. Knowing that above all else I could never tell a
nyone that I could discern lies.

  “Oh, that’s to bad. Never mind. I can still use you. And if your lying to me, I will find out love. I always find out.” He said now a knife to my throat.

  Swallowing hard I followed when he started backing up with me, afraid one false move and the blade would cut right into my jugular.

  “I have to say love, this is one hot outfit. I just might have to have my way with you first, before I employ you in my little business that is.” He said, backing me out of the door, licking my ear and making me want to gag again. I now could feel the sexual heat rolling off of him, mixed with his evil personality. Not a great combination. I never liked feeling any of those two things from anyone, especially towards me. Nothing scared me faster.

  Hoping someone, anyone, would walk in at that moment and help me. No such luck. Loosening up the blade on my neck he dragged me down the stairs, my heels clanking on each step as we went down. My wings no longer a hindrance, as I ditched them at Blane’s place. Or so I think his name is Blane. Backing me out and into the alley I was now wishing I would have just stayed with Blane. As scary as he was, he didn’t hurt me. Only intimidated the hell out of me.

  “You know I can walk asshole. You don’t need to drag me.” I said, regretting my bold attitude when the blade dug deeper into my neck, producing a tiny cut, blood marring my skin.

  “That was warning one. You won’t get a second one love.”

  Suddenly, the knife dropped clanking to the ground and he was pulled away from me, knocking me off balance, making me fall to the street in a heap. Grabbing the knife, I backed up into the shadows, sitting on the ground. Two men caught in a scuffle. Looking closely until I seen the mystery man that he called Blane. It didn’t last long, and soon Blane was standing over me.

  “Get away from me.” I barely croaked out, my voice failing, holding the knife up. In a move so swift I didn’t realize the knife was gone, until it was in his hand instead.

  “I told you once angel girl. I’m not going to hurt you.” His stance wide, towering over me.

  “You said today. I have no reassurance about tomorrow. With that said, I think I’ll just stay away from you.”

  Shifting from one foot to another, he was clearly annoyed with me. The most emotion I have seen on his face. Having to study him the old fashioned way to learn his emotions. Still not being able to feel anything from him.

  “What is your name?” I asked him seeing if it truly was Blane.

  “Why does it matter?” He asked looking around, studying his environment.

  “It matters. What is it?” I said shivering from the cold night air.

  “You need to come with me. He isn’t the only one coming for you. You aren’t safe here.” Looking around, stepping into the shadows with me.

  “Name.” Still not budging from the subject.

  “Blane. It’s Blane. Now come.” He said holding his hand out for me to grab.

  “How did he know that?” Pointing to my kidnapper, now laying on the ground.

  “We’ve had run-ins before. Now if you want to remain safe, you need to come with me. I won’t ask again.” Still towering over me while I sit on the cold ground.

  “I’m not going with you. You’re friends with that guy.” I said still pointing at the knocked out guy on the ground.

  “Fine. Have it your way.”

  Leaning over and hefting me over his shoulders, I was now seeing the pavement as the world was quickly blurring by me. “Put me down.” I shouted as loud as I could, pummeling his back. I was having no effect. His pace never slowed and I didn’t get one flinch out of him. I am so screwed. Blasting through a door, I was thrown on a couch. “What the hell?” I screamed, seething at him.

  “No, not yet but I promise you angel girl, you will know hell if you don’t stay with me and do what I say.”

  He was motionless, fists clenched at his side.

  “Carma.” I reminded him again. “Is that a threat? I thought you said you wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “That isn’t a threat. That is what’s going to happen to you if you get into some one else’s hands.” Stepping closer I flinched when his hand came towards me and wiped the blood from my neck. “This is nothing compared to what they’ll do to you if they get a hold of you.”

  “Why are you helping me? What do you want from me? What’s in it for you?” Back peddling on the couch, trying to put distance between us.

  “So many questions. I saved your skin twice little girl. You can either stay here and stay safe, or go back out there and have the next guy get you.” Knowing all to well, she had a better chance of getting picked up by a demon, rather than a human.

  “Those are my choices?” Brushing the hair back out of my eyes that had fallen out of the clips. “I need to go back to my apartment for clothes. Looking down at my costume, the skirt torn and gone, only being left with my skin tight corset. Feathers falling out of my hair. I could only imagine how I looked at this moment. His gaze swinging down to my breasts, he smirked at me. His lips never quite going into a full blown smile.

  “I see nothing wrong with your outfit angel girl, and you can’t ever go back. It’s not safe.”

  “Keep your eyes to yourself.” I said barely above a whisper, my cockiness fading fast. He was quickly in my face again, a breath away.

  “I will look at anything I want. If I want to look at your breasts I will look at them.” He said making me cower back into the couch. Turning he left the room and came back with a t-shirt. It was about three sizes bigger than I needed but I appreciated it.

  “I have to go back. All my clothes are there.” I knew I didn’t have a lot, but they were mine. I payed for them. I didn’t have the money to pay for any more. Refusing to give him the satisfaction of knowing that detail.

  “We’ll get you more. As of now, put this on. Bathroom is that way.” Pointing to the room next to this one.

  “Is this your place as well?”

  “Bathroom is that way Carma.” He said, still pointing.

  “Well since you used my actual name this time, I’ll obey you master.” Getting up, happy to put distance between us.

  . . . . . .

  Sitting down on the chair opposite of the couch he stared at the bathroom door. She flustered him. No one ever flusters him. Most especially a woman. Tapping his foot on the wood floor, clearly annoyed. Now wondering what he was supposed to do with her. Other humans and now demons tracking her. Demons always tracking him. This was not going to be an easy assignment. His hearing exceptional, he would know if she tried to climb out the window, pleased when she walked out the door. He couldn’t deny she looked even better in his shirt. Sizes to big it went to just above her knees, her hair wet and tied back. Water dripping down her skin slowly, catching his eye.

  Kicking back in the chair, putting his heavy boots up on the coffee table, still studying her. “Sit down.” He motioned to the couch in front of him.

  “You know you could learn to say please and quit being so bossy.” I said sitting down, trying to keep as much of my pride intact as possible.

  “Noted. Now I need to know everything about your abilities. If I’m going to be saving your life daily, I need to know what I’m dealing with.” He said to me, still staring.

  Fidgeting with the pillow on the couch, like hell he was ever gonna know anything about me. “I’m an empath.” Confusion hitting me once again. Why wasn’t I feeling anything again? “Although, I think something is wrong with me.”

  “You said it, and I already figured that part out.” Blane quipped, making me dislike him a little bit more.

  “Cute Blane. Isn’t being an empath enough?” I said looking around at the small room. “How many apartments do you have?”

  “We don’t have time for this. Answer the question.” He said visibly annoyed again.

  “I’m an empath. Lately my abilities have grown. Gotten to the point where I can’t have anyone even touch me. Except for you. I feel nothing from you. Why is that
?” Still confused as to how this can be.

  “I’m different.” He said still studying her, almost pissed that she was so captivating. Most humans would have crumbled on what she has gone through just today. Not her. It peaked his interest. “There is nothing else?”

  Diverting eye contact. “No. Now please answer one of my questions. Why don’t I get anything from you? What? Are your empty inside?” I said snarky.

  “I’m not from around here.” The smirk back on his face.

  Wishing I could walk over to him and smack it off. “Fine. Whatever. Now what?”

  “You sleep. I keep watch.” He said motioning to the bedroom door.

  “You expect me to sleep knowing there is a stranger in the very next room? How do I know that your not going to kill me in my sleep?” I shrieked from fatigue creeping in my body. I was more than ready for this day to be over with.

  “If I wanted you dead, you wouldn’t be standing here right now. Room is over there.” He said pointing again.

  “Fine. Only because I’m tired.” Standing, he turned from me going to sit by the window, looking out into the parking lot. Propping his feet back up onto the table.

  He didn’t really need to be close to the window to hear if anyone was coming. Humans he could hear coming from quite a distance. Demon’s were better at shielding themselves. Powerful demons could materialize right here in front of him. He sat over here more from the need of having to get away from her. Away from her penetrating stare. Away from his blood heating up when he looked at her. “Don’t even think about crawling out of the window. I’ll hear you, and If I have to come after you again, it’ll make me angry. You don’t want to see me angry.” Turning away as if to tell her conversation closed.

  What a hard ass. Trudging away. Not sure if I wanted to test that theory or not. So tired I could barely hold my eyes open. Taking a tally of my options. I didn’t have many. I couldn’t go back to my apartment, that was obvious. I didn’t really know anyone else. I couldn’t sleep out on the street. Sighing, I looked at the bed calling my name. I guess I have to take my chances of getting murdered in my sleep. I suppose there are worse ways to go. Reaching up to my throat, the cut still stung a bit. Knowing if it wasn’t for Blane I could have found out first hand about a painful death.


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