Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

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Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series) Page 3

by Jennifer Anderson

  Walking over to the bed, I pushed back the covers. Suddenly the all to familiar pain behind my eyes coming back again. Emotions bombarding me again. What the hell? I took for granted the short term silence. But why? How? Looking around I couldn’t figure out why one second my head was silent and the next my abilities were shrieking at me again, causing me pain. Taking a step back towards the door, it shut off again. What? Stepping back to the bed, pain again. It was almost like an invisible wall separating pain from silence. Taking the three steps back to the door, and sitting on the floor it hit me at that moment. Blane. Not only could I not gauge any emotions from him, he totally cut off any and all emotions I might feel from other people. Like a shield. Putting my head in my hands, I wanted to cry. He was my only source of relief? Really? This abrasive, mean, jack ass of a man. Okay, so gorgeous, mouth watering, and saved my ass to. But still. Not him. Anyone but him. So how far can I get away from him before I am crippled by the pain? Standing back up, moving around the room, seeing where I couldn’t go. Knowing he wasn’t to far out from the bedroom door I estimated I had about a ten feet span. I couldn’t lie, not feeling the pain and not having all those emotions hit me, felt good. I felt alive again. Now looking forward to going to sleep without the pain, and finally letting my body shut completely down, succumbing to the exhaustion I feel daily.

  Staring and looking at the bed, that wasn’t an option. I like being pain free, emotion free, at least from other people. Quickly stepping forward, I grabbed a blanket and pillow. I felt fear and anxiety from someone, happiness from another person. Stepping back quickly again, and nothing. The effects slowly subsiding, until blissfully nothing. Now only feeling my own apprehension. Sitting down on the floor and throwing together a make-shift bed, hoping I can fall asleep with all the anxiety rushing through my body.

  Chapter Three

  He didn’t know why, but she was pacing around the bedroom like a caged lion. He wanted to go and confront her and interrogate her for more answers. To talk to her and to look at her. At the same time he wanted to go running in the opposite direction and forget his orders. Telling himself for the hundredth time that he needed his wings back. Why is she so important to warrant his wings back? He had been wondering this question non stop. Trying to forget what it would feel like if he ran his fingers through her hair, to touch her soft skin. To see the contrasts of their skin colors against each other. Shaking his head, forcing the images out. “What is wrong with me?” He whispered to himself disgusted at the turn his thoughts had taken. Now, himself feeling like the caged animal. Getting up to stalk off towards the kitchen, turning around abruptly as he heard a scream coming from Carma’s bedroom.

  Hand to head, the pain was horrible. I had just fallen asleep when the barrage of emotions slammed into me with a force that I had never felt before. Screaming until my throat burned Blane came busting through the door. Kneeling down next to me now, my head in his lap. The emotions now fading, until nothing again. My vision clearing, I was looking up into his beautiful face. So perfectly chiseled features. Almost inhuman. No one should be allowed to look that perfect.

  “What happened? Was someone in here?” He asked as she shook in his hands.

  “No. You moved to far away from me.” I said before I could thing better of it.

  “What?” His eyebrow arched in confusion.

  Sighing, “When you are near me, I don’t feel anything.” I said trying to sit up, unsuccessfully.

  Not knowing how to take that, his body got heated from anger. She doesn’t feel anything, when his body comes alive just looking at her. Grinding out in between clinched teeth, “Explain.”

  “I mean I don’t feel anything. Not anything but my own emotions. When you are near me my abilities numb until I don’t feel anyone anymore. When you move out of a certain range I am debilitated again with those emotions. They are only getting worse. What am I going to do?” Fighting back the tears. Always fighting.

  His body relaxing he didn’t know how to take this new discovery.

  “Not only can I not get a reading off of you, I can’t feel anyone else when you are around.”

  Cussing under his breath, he was afraid of all the possibilities this meant. Damn he really was strapped with her. “Nothing. Not a thing?” Hoping against hope she was wrong.

  “Nothing. The pain is completely gone.” I said now uncomfortable with the contact. His skin feeling like it was on fire as it touched my now cold and clammy body.

  “Okay, get into bed. I will stay in here with you tonight.” He said, standing pulling me up onto my feet.

  “No way buddy.” All insecurities back, almost willing to fight the emotions instead of being that close to him.

  Pulling a chair out. “Don’t flatter yourself angel girl. I need you rested so when we need to run, we can.” Flopping down in the chair, staring at me again.

  Angel girl again. Always calling me that when he’s being a hard ass. “Fine. Just don’t look at me while I’m sleeping. It’ll creep me out.”

  “Bed.” He said pointing down at it, annoyed at her again. Watching her climb under the covers facing the opposite wall she hid herself the best she could under them. He didn’t care. He had bigger problems. Like how he was going to save her neck. This new information posed a major problem. He didn’t like it. Didn’t like it at all. Wondering what other secrets she was harboring. He didn’t like anyone depending upon him. This was the worst news she could have ever told him. Taking both hands, rubbing the weariness away from his face. He should have known getting his wings back was not going to be an easy task. The High Council wouldn’t make it easy. Hundreds of years on earth and this little human laying in front of him was his ticket to possibly ending his torture here on earth. “I’m so fucked.” Saying under his breath. Knowing he could get punished from the council for cussing. Not really caring at this point. He’d love to have a couple words with them anyhow. For instance, telling them to get someone else for angel girl.

  Hours slipped by and daylight was peeking through the curtains. They couldn’t stay in this location much longer. Not knowing exactly who they were dealing with, or how many for that matter. He didn’t like not knowing what enemies were coming for them. He was quite used to it, but didn’t like it just the same. Standing up and walking towards the bed, he kicked the side of the mattress. “Angel girl. Get up. We have to keep moving.”

  Stirring, I didn’t know which was worse being woken up by my abilities, or Blane kicking the mattress. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes, I glared up at him. He was looking back at the shut bedroom door like he could see something that I couldn’t.

  “To late. They found us.” He said a little too calmly.

  Hopping onto the bed and grabbing my hand he pulled me out of it, pushing me behind his back in front of the window. Fear hitting my body, the only sound I could hear in the room was my pounding heart.

  “You will not run until I tell you to do so.” He said pushing me into the shadows.

  Just as I was about to completely panic and give him a snotty retort, two ugly looking creatures came busting through the door. Creatures was the only word I can find because they didn’t look human but my mind was telling me that they had to be. There is not other option. Blane was stalking towards them with two long blades in his hand.

  “Ah Blane. I should have known it was going to be you. Only the best to guard this one.” The one with red slimy horns slithered out as his forked tongue grotesquely hung out of his mouth.

  “I can’t say I know you demon. However, it will be a pleasure killing both of you on this fine day.” Blane spit out as he disappeared, only to reappear behind the demon slicing the head off in an instant. Rubbing my eyes, I was positive that I was still asleep. Dreaming. I have to be dreaming. In the time it took me to rub my eyes the other creature was decapitated. I could feel the bile rising up in my throat, willing myself not to empty my stomach. Refusing to show any more weaknesses.

  “To easy.” Blane said with a
smile on his face. Walking over to me and grabbing my hand. “Come on. There will be more coming.”

  I was numb with the horror of the situation. Unable to move, unable to speak. Wait a second. Did I just see Blane, disappear before my eyes? The prior events slowly trickling into my head, processing everything too slowly.

  “Fine. Have it your way.” Throwing me over his shoulder with one arm, he wielded a blade in the other. I could hear glass shattering as he kicked through the window jumping out into the back alley way. Running faster than an Olympic gold medalist. Nothing about him made sense. Dumping me into a car, he reappeared beside me just as my door slammed shut. My eyes wide, he looked at me with what I thought was maybe a look of sympathy. I don’t know what surprised me more, his sympathetic face, or the fact that he can disappear and reappear. Soon we were out on an open road going at a break neck speed.

  “What are you Blane? Answer me. I saw you vanish right in front of me.” Cold from the morning air and only wearing his over sized t-shirt.

  Flipping on the heater, “I’m an angel, angel girl.”

  “Very funny. I’m not going anywhere else with you until you tell me.” I said crossing my arms, hoping that I would win this argument.

  “I don’t lie. I’m an angel.” Saying matter of fact. Pissing me off to no end.

  Changing tactics,”What were those creatures in our room?” Still shivering, now remembering what they looked like.

  “Oh those. They were nothing. Run of the mill, bottom of the barrel demons. Hardly much to worry about.”

  Wishing that I had my abilities back to discern a lie, I knew I believed him at least on that fact. “Why are demons after me? They said they should have known you would be protecting me. Why?”

  “I was ordered to.”

  Still staring at him, “By who?”

  “The High Council.”

  “What the hell are you talking about Blane?”

  “The High Council is a group of the oldest, strongest angels that are tasked with rehabilitating the angels sent to earth. I was tasked with protecting you, that is all I know.”

  “Rehab? I’m stuck with an angel that is being rehabilitated?”

  “You don’t know how lucky you are little girl.” His skin growing paler, dropping a few degrees inside the car.

  “Fine, then tell me. How lucky am I?”

  His skin leveling out to more of a normal color. “I am one of the oldest angels, one of the strongest and most powerful. Tasked with the hardest assignments. I am feared by many, even the High Council. Thus, the leash I am now on.”

  “How many are there like you?”

  Staring stoically at the road, “Hundreds, maybe thousands. I really don’t know.”

  “How many demons are there?”

  Turning to look at me, his face back to the same expressionless mask, “Enough to give you nightmares. And enough to be a pain in my ass.” Tires screeching as we barely made a turn.

  “Great! Just great!” Pounding my fists in to my thighs. Watching the city go by in a blur, weaving in and out. “Why me?”

  “Good question.” Blane said. Looking at her, unable to stand the way she was looking at him, desperate for answers. He felt sorry for her. He hasen’t felt sorry for any human in centuries. She looked so vulnerable. Sitting so small in the over sized seat, black hair trailing down her back. Eyes that were obviously fighting back the tears. Sighing, “Listen. The only other thing I know is that the High Council said you are the strongest empath to be born into the human world.”

  “What does that mean? Why me?” I screeched, my voice unrecognizable even to myself.

  “That means that just made you the hottest commodity in the world Carma.”

  It scared me now when he called me by my real name. Usually it meant that he was being dead serious. His sarcasm all but gone. Granted his sarcasm was hardly amusing to me, but he felt more human when he did it. “Why do they want me?”

  “Simple. To use you. Some can tap into your abilities, using it for their own. Some, mostly demons look at you like an easy target. Another trophy up on their mantel. Some humans with empath abilities also have a special ability of discernment, to the point where they can tell if someone is lying. Very rare, although extremely coveted. The things that empath could be used for. Unlimited.” He said, passing a sideways glance to me.

  Keeping really still, careful not to fidget. I knew what physical actions people made when they were lying. Now completely positive my life depended upon me keeping my mouth shut. Careful not to give my self away to Blane. No one could know. “Where are we going?”

  “To a different location. I have to take you to a safer place.” Stepping on the gas, pulling onto the interstate.

  He looked sexy. Angel or not, the only thing he exuded was a sexy bad boy appeal. He was so attractive that I tried to remind myself not to stare at him for to long. “You think that we could get me into some clothes. In my lap materialized, a pair of jeans, a pink shirt, socks with black boots. “What the hell? I didn’t know you could do that? Why didn’t you get me some clothes last night?”

  “I wasn’t sure it was necessary for you to know who I am. Now finding that I can no longer hide it from you.”

  “Yeah the whole demon thing kind of put a cramp in your style. Sorry about that.” Pulling the jeans on, careful to make sure the shirt hid everything. Smiling at me for the first time, I could swear the whole car lit up. Even more stunning than words could ever describe. Now transfixed on his face. “I’m glad I could amuse you.”

  “You seem to be funny every once in a while. You should amuse me more often. I get bored.” He said looking forward again, his eyes never leaving the road again.

  I lost count how many hours we drove, in silence mostly. I drifted off a couple times, waking up when we pulled into another hotel.

  “Your tired. We’ll stop for the night.” He said putting the car in park.

  Grabbing my shirt I still wore his, refusing to change that in front of him. “Where are we going?” I asked wearily, rubbing the back of my cramped neck.

  “I have a house in the country, pretty far from civilization. At least there it will be harder for the humans to find you.”

  “And the demons?” Asking as we walked into the lobby of the hotel. Giving me another glance, pretty much warning me to be quiet.

  Getting our room and walking down the hall, he insisted on the first floor. I assume for a good getaway if need be. “Demons can find us anywhere we go. Since you’re with me, you’re a little more shielded than you normally would be. However, It won’t take long for them to figure it out.”

  Inserting the room key into the slot he held the door open waiting for me to walk in ahead of him. Scanning the hallway before following me in.

  “I need a shower, you can go first.” He said reaching into the bathroom throwing a towel in my arms. Standing in front of me, his arms crossed again.

  “How long are you going to watch over me?” I didn’t like to use the word protect. Made me feel to vulnerable.

  “As long as necessary, or I get reassigned somewhere else.”

  I didn’t like that answer. I was starting to trust him, maybe even actually like him. I didn’t want to start that process over again with someone else. “Is that possible? Being reassigned?”

  “Anything is possible. Shower.” He said pointing again.

  “You’re not to chatty are ya?” Bumping purposely into his arm as I walked by him. His jaw clenching up.

  “Don’t take to long. If another enemy pops in, I will come and get you. Naked or not.” He warned.

  Slamming the door in his face, I wasn’t intimidated by his threats. Just the same, it was the shortest shower I have ever taken.

  He didn’t like the thought of being reassigned else where either. He liked her and he hated the foreign feeling. She was tiny, breakable. She was of no use to him. So why did she peak his interest? Her boldness, her gorgeous body. Still remembering how she looked
the first night he laid eyes on her in that costume. He couldn’t help but notice every other guy in the bar noticed to, demon or not. It was a miracle he got her out of there in one piece. She was to head strong, a royal pain in his ass. So, why did he find that amusing also?

  He hadn’t moved from his spot and she reappeared in front of him in only a towel. One eyebrow shooting up wondering what was under that towel. Another foreign thought. Shaking his head, “You finished?”

  “Yeah. Could you please go “poof” and make some clothes appear?”

  Clearing his throat in amusement. “It takes more than a mere poof. They are on the bed.” Disappearing, letting his own clothes dissolve off, he was in the shower in seconds.

  Walking over to the bed, I was jealous that he could do this so easily. All of it, disappearing, reappearing, fighting demons so easily. Making clothes appear out of no where. Oh the closets of clothes I would have with that ability. Now green with envy. Slipping on a pair of jeans that fit perfectly, a snug tank top, with a warm green sweater to go over it. How the heck did he know my size? Just another question about my mystery man. My mind tripping over the fact that I just called him mine. He’s an angel Carma, how much more off limits can you get? Trying to convince myself. I’d have to be blind not to find him good looking. Hell any woman would find him good looking. Convincing myself that it was normal.

  Walking over to the window to look out, my mind went numb with the pain of everyone’s emotions slamming into me. Falling to my knees, unable to move I had forgotten that Blane was my life line from the pain. Giving a screech, tears rolled down my cheeks. The flood gates opened. Suddenly Blane was by my side, kneeling down in front of me again. Grabbing me up in his arms, he took me over to the bed, my head still foggy. The pain slowly subsiding, my vision clearing. Blane stood in a towel, water dripping down from his chest. Now seeing that he had an intricate design of a tattoo that started at his hard peck and ended just below his shoulder. The indentations of his abs, looking like it truly was a work of heaven. Carved out to perfection. Was there anything at all wrong with this gorgeous angel?


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