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Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

Page 4

by Jennifer Anderson

  “Are you alright Carma?” He said with a look of concern on his face.

  The concern threw me off. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I got to far away from you. It’s my fault.”

  Sighing, “We really have to find a remedy to this. I assume you don’t want to be strapped to me for the rest of your human life. As short as it is, it would prove to be quite bothersome for myself.”

  “Gee thanks asshole. You sure do know how to make a girl feel good about her self.”

  Looking at her confused. “Did I make you upset?”

  “What was your first clue?” Sitting up, crossing my arms across my chest. Scooting away from him quickly. I hated that it hurt my feelings.

  “Why would such a statement offend you?”

  “Nothing. Forget it.” Looking away, towards the window.

  “Have it your way.” Thoroughly confused. Walking back to the bathroom, the towel melting away and clothes replacing it. Black jeans, black t-shirt, black combat boots. His outfit of choice. Coming back out and gazing at the human in front of him pouting.

  “So since you can disappear and reappear so easily, why can’t we travel that way?” Not looking forward to more hours of traveling.

  “Teleport. And I can’t teleport with humans. It’s against the rules.”

  “Why is it against the rules?”

  “Your fragile bodies can get hurt easily.” Sitting in the chair beside the bed.

  My stomach growling, I couldn’t remember the last time I ate.

  “Carma. You need to remind me about your eating. I forget.” He said making food appear everywhere in front of me. There had to be ten times more food than I could ever begin to eat.

  “Sorry. I forgot.” How could I remember something like that, when…..evil things were trying to kill me?

  “You really shouldn’t forget. You are to small of a human to forget.” He said scolding me.

  “Thank you? I think.” Now shaking from the need of food.

  Digging into the feast immediately, I ate like I hadn’t for days. I knew I didn’t look overly attractive and I didn’t care. I was too hungry. Forgetting all my table manners. Sitting back, now feeling tired from a full belly.

  “You need sleep. Yes?” He said motioning to the bed. It was barely 6 pm but I was exhausted. My mind weary from the past couple of days. I shook my head no, tense with anxiety. Afraid anyone or anything could pop up into our room at any moment, putting me on edge. As if he could read my thoughts.

  “I will be right here. Rest assured I will not leave your side.” He said leaning back into the chair.

  “Don’t you need sleep?” Wondering what other abilities he had.

  “I do not require much sleep. I can go days without having to recharge. It is safe for you to sleep.” He tried his best to reassure me.

  “Um okay.” Obviously not completely convinced.

  “Do you require clothing for bed?”

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll sleep in this tonight. Just in case we have to run again.”

  Bowing his head, “As you wish.”

  “Your not going to leave right?” More than a little scared at the prospect of fighting a demon by myself.

  “I will not. You have my word.”

  “Okay.” Crawling in bed, this time positioning my self towards him to keep an eye on him. Making sure he didn’t leave me alone. Hating the fact that I had to depend on him to stay alive.

  Chapter Four

  Closing my eyes, I fell into a deep slumber quickly. Body and mind past the point of exhaustion. Suddenly transported into the same dream I have been having for years. Always thinking it was an over active imagination. A tall dark haired man standing over a bassinet. His black wings spread over the entire span of the nursery. Swiping inward at the tips to fit inside. He is weeping, looking down into the bassinet that stood in the middle of that room. I never could see the baby inside. He is stunning, with long black hair. Dropping to his knees, knuckles white on the edge of the bassinet. Waking up abruptly, sitting straight up in bed startled. The dream always ended the same. Never going any further. Always, pushing it to the back of my mind.

  Blane was beside me on the bed in a flash, his arm around my shoulders.

  “What has happened? I did not move.” He said confused.

  “Dream. Weird dream. It’s nothing. Over active imagination.” I said taking a deep breath, my skin tingling under his touch.

  “You should not ever disregard dreams. Especially, a powerful empath such as yourself. Dreams are a window into the soul. What did you see?” Now wondering if her abilities were a lot more advanced than even she even had the knowledge of.

  Shrugging out of his embrace. Recounting the entire story to him, his eyes went dark into thought.

  “Is this the first time you have had this dream?”

  “No. I have had it many times before.”

  “I see.”

  “What do you think it means? I never payed any attention to it before. Now that I know that angels are real, should I?”

  “It is possible that the dream is trying to tell you something. What that is, I do not know.” Jealousy overtaking him that she was dreaming of another angel.

  Sighing, more questions. “Where are your wings?” Wondering why I hadn’t asked before.

  “They were taken from me.” Swinging his gaze down, missing them terribly.

  “Taken? Who took them?” Putting my hand on his knee, only to take it away just as fast.

  “The High Council. Angels that are rehabilitating are no longer allowed to have their wings in doing so. If the rehabilitation is a success, we get them back. In that case we are allowed back in the heavens.”

  “How sad.” I said staring at him.

  “I do not require sympathy Carma.”

  “Why did you lose them?” Not sure if I should be asking. Hoping for more insight.

  “I wasn’t born from a human. They felt I wasn’t compassionate enough towards humans. They felt that I needed to be around the human race, to learn from them. Biggest bunch of crap. You humans are weak. There is nothing to learn but weaknesses.” He spit out in disgust.

  “Wow. Tell me how you really feel.” I said annoyed now by his intolerance.

  “It doesn’t matter now. Most angels that are not human born are sent down to experience the human nature. I was too powerful for them, too rogue to be on the council. So they did the only thing they could do. They put a leash on me and took my wings.”

  One second I’m pissed that he insults my entire race, the next I feel sorry for him. Such a confusing man. “But you still have a lot of abilities.”

  “They tried to take most of them away also, even trying to subdue them. They were taken by surprise when they could not. That made me even more of a liability. Most angels are left with a lot of our abilities to help our human assignments but not this much. Their irritation of the matter still pleases me.”

  Smiling at that half smirk again. Making him endearing.

  “Where is your family angel girl?” More interested in her than he liked.

  “Um, well my mother committed suicide not to long after I was born and I have no idea who my father is. That about sums it up.” Looking away nervously. I didn’t like talking about the past. Most especially, one as depressing as mine. “Why do you care anyhow?” Now defensive.

  “I really don’t know. You go back to sleep. You can get a couple more hours before we have to move again.” He said sliding from the bed, back to the chair.

  “You sure you don’t need any sleep?” Wanting him at his best to continue saving my life. Well, and maybe I didn’t want to see anything bad happen to him. He had such a handsome face to be losing it.

  “I will rest when we get to our next location. I will be better armed there. Now rest.”

  Hunkering back down in the comforter, it was no use. I was awake. Now knowing if my dream was possibly a reality, or some sort of a clue to something. Either way, I could not get it out of my head. Lo
oking through the darkness, he face was highlighted by the street lights shining in through the cracks of the curtains. He looked hauntingly beautiful, untouchable, unattainable and exactly like an angel should look. My fingers ached to reach out and touch his face, to learn the curves and planes for myself. He was staring at the opposite wall like he was lost in thought. “How beautiful is heaven?”

  Looking over at me, still in thought. “More than you can ever imagine. No words can ever be sufficient enough to describe it’s beauty.” He said looking back at the same spot on the wall.

  “Do you miss it?” Bringing the comforter in closer, tucking it under my chin.

  “Everyday.” He said still staring at the wall.

  “I’m sorry. Is there was something I could do to help you?” Hating the look of despair on his face.

  Turning and looking into her eyes, he was stunned. In the hundreds of years down on earth helping people, not one human cared about him in any way. Not one human asked if he needed help. Struck speechless, another occurrence that has never happened he continued to stare at her. He was liking this human more and more with every second that has ticked by. He hated that realization. “There is nothing that a human can do to help me.” Turning away, giving another glance back at her before focusing back at that same spot on the wall. Irritated that this human was having such an affect on him. Wanting more than anything to get away from her. Big eyes staring at him. He could feel them, and he didn’t have to look at her to know it. Not remembering at any moment being attracted to a human female. He had many attracted to him but not the other way around. Unsure if he was attracted to her, or simply intrigued.

  “You’re deep in thought again. I can’t lie, I wish I could get a reading off of you. I would love to know what your feeling at times.”

  Taken aback again, “Why? Why would you want to know anything about me?” Staring at me with disapproval.

  “You interest me. I look at you and I see such depth, but I can’t access it. It is such an aggravation for me. Does my empath abilities not work on any angels at all?”

  “That I do not know. Possibly the young angels, just recently born or made. I suspect the older, more powerful ones, you cannot.”


  “Why bummer? Your abilities give you extreme pain. Why would you want that?” His demeanor unchanging.

  “It’s just a stupid thought.” Turning on my back now to stare at the ceiling. He was too distracting, too hypnotizing.

  “Try me angel girl.” I couldn’t see him but I imagined he had a smirk on his face. He always seemed to when he called me that. Amused that it annoyed me.

  “I guess it’s because when I feel someone’s emotions I have been feeling them amplified ten fold, to the point of pain. No matter what that emotion is, pain, happiness, fear, sadness, depression, anxiety, every emotion in the spectrum.” I said pausing, containing my thoughts.

  “Go on.”

  “Well I just wonder if I could get a reading off of you if I would feel an intense sense of peace.” Afraid to say it out loud in fear that he would laugh at me. Feeling every emotion that was ever felt by a human being, except for peace. Always unattainable.

  Reaching out he stroked my cheek briefly, and I sucked in my breath from the tenderness of the action. “You will feel peace someday. This I promise you angel girl.” Pulling his hand away, not sure why he did it. For once not thinking, just reacting.

  “I hope so.”

  Clearing his throat and standing, he grabbed his black leather jacket off the back of his chair. Sitting up and staring at him. “If your not going to sleep anymore, we should get moving again.”

  Throwing off the comforter, “I guess now is as good a time as any.” Standing up in front of him, he towered over me. Slipping on my boots, he put his hand on my back and lead me out the door and to his car. Still pitch black outside, I wasn’t sure of the time and stayed quiet as he navigated his way back onto the interstate breaking all speed laws again. Wrapping my arms tightly over my ribs and shaking from the chilly night air, a jacket materialized in my lap. Looking over at him smiling, his eyes were ahead on the road. “Thank you.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  Downplaying the action that meant so much to me. He could almost pass himself off as caring at this point. Closing the subject I covered up with it, sinking down into the seat. Thankful for the quiet that being around Blane provided me. Not looking forward to the day when he left and the pain would come back. Leaning forward and turning the radio on low, a soft song was playing and I drifted off into sleep again.

  Looking at her head resting against the window, black hair spilling down over her shoulders, she was beautiful. He has seen many humans, and many angels but none compared to her beauty. When he said none, he really did mean none. Knowing it just wasn’t his hormones firing up, he was still cussing that fact. She really was more beautiful than any human should be. He had studied her face, and her body, and humans weren’t meant to be that perfect. It confused him. She broke the mold. But why? What is her purpose in this life? More questions that he didn’t want to delve into. His main priority was protecting her.

  I had woken up some time ago, but chose to stay silent. It was awkward at times being around him. He made me uncomfortable like he was seeing something in me that I had no clue of. It’s disarming and intense. Those sort of things made me nervous and vulnerable. Being more vulnerable in the past couple of days that I care to ever want to be again. Finally, opening up my eyes and looking at him.

  “Did you have a good sleep this time?” He said looking over at me briefly before his eyes went back on the road.

  “Yeah, I guess I was more tired than I realized.”

  “And the couple hours you took to just to sit there?” His lips going up in that smirk again.

  Crossing my arms and looking at him defiantly, “How did you know? Do you know everything? How many more powers do you have that I don’t know about?” Firing questions at him.

  This time his lips went up into a genuine smile, laughing at me. It was the most attractive sight I had ever beheld. I actually felt my heart speed up and the butterflies in my stomach flapping away.

  “You don’t have to have powers to figure it out but I will tell you the secret angel girl.” Genuinely amused.

  He leaned toward me looking at me for that brief second, his face in mine. “Your breathing changed.” Smirking again and his attention back onto the road.

  “Nice observation.” Pissed that he was so astute, and aware of his environment. Happy about it at the same time because he was the one saving my ass. Turning off the interstate we started down a winding road into the country. Hills and forests passing us by until I felt like we were in another world. As we drove on, fewer and fewer houses could be seen from the road. Several minutes passed without anything in particular to look at until we came upon a long drive way winding up into the forest, climbing a hill. A person could miss it if they didn’t know the turn off was there. Pulling up to a huge mansion, it looked ominous, one could say abandoned. The front yard over grown, bushes needing trimmed, limbs down. The house itself had paint peeling, the windows seemed fine and intact. It was huge, and still looked out of place in this dense forest. Putting the car in park, he looked over at me.

  “We are here.”

  Looking at him with confusion. “Um where exactly are we?”

  “This is my home. I decided after many years helping humans I needed some where I can stay better armed.”

  “Hm, ever heard of a gardener?”

  Smirking, “There are reasons for everything I do angel girl.” Disappearing out of the car, my door opened in an instant.

  “That’s reassuring.” Allowing him to grab my hand, helping me out of the car. Pulling his hand away the instant I stood.

  “Come inside. It’ll be painless.” Walking off in front of me.

  Sighing, and climbing up the old rickety steps, and by the massive columns that ran the length o
f the porch. “You know this could be a beautiful house if you did some work to it.”

  He turned around and smiled before opening up the door, winking at me. Walking in I couldn’t believe it was the same house. Huge steps winding up onto the top floor balcony. Cream colored marbled floors extending off into each direction. Rich colored wood made up the banister. Light came dancing in all the windows, giving it an even grander quality. My mouth was actually gaping open. “I don’t understand.” Turning in circles admiring the splendor. “It looks abandoned from the outside.”

  Winking at me again, “Exactly.” He said walking up the stairs.

  The realization dawning on me, that was exactly what he wanted anyone or anything to think. I again was impressed by him. Following him up the steps we passed many room doors before coming to a door at the end of the hall. Opening it up, it was a huge room with plush white carpeting, with a massive canopy bed standing in the middle. Double doors opening up onto a balcony. Walking over and opening up the doors, I was met by looking down at the back yard. Dense forest engulfing the entire span of it. “It’s beautiful.”

  Turning around, he was leaning up against the doorway for the first time looking relaxed.

  “Shower is through that door.” He said starting to walk out. Turning and realizing what he was about to do. “What do you propose we do about this being stuck together situation?”

  Sighing, “I don’t know. I can try again and see if I can take it?” Questioning my own suggestion.

  “Fine. We will try.” He opened the door and took a step back, and then another. Looking at me the entire time, waiting. And then another.

  That was the step that did me in. Knees to floor screaming in pain. He was beside me in a flash.


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