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Dimmest Of Night (Dimmest Of Night Series)

Page 16

by Jennifer Anderson

Looking down, “Yeah. I couldn’t exactly prevent it.”

  “If I had known, I would have tortured that demon longer.” His fists now clenched. “I don’t like this.”

  “I don’t exactly thrive in these situations either Blane.”

  “Your getting kissed by demons, having dreams of another angel. I don’t like it.” Jealousy bubbling to the surface.

  “Blane, the demon is gone. Thanks to you. And that other angel, I have been dreaming about since I was a child. I can’t help that.”

  His muscles relaxing, his jaw unclenched and his hands went back around me again.

  “I don’t like anyone touching you.”

  “I don’t particularly like it myself either.”

  “Is your ribs feeling any better? Your face is healing nicely. Blane said as he studied my face closely.

  Rubbing my face with the palm of my hand, “He sure did pack a punch. My ribs and stomach are feeling better, thank you.”

  “I didn’t like seeing you hurt. In the past, something like that never bothered me all that much. I would get in, do my job and never think another thought about it. I would then just move on to the next assignment.” Now looking haunted.

  “I’m not sure if I should say thank you?”

  Laughing, “I just mean, you were the one assignment in all this time being earthbound that the High Council said I could earn my wings back.”

  “Oh.” Now not only feeling more wounded, but also used.

  “You’re not getting what I’m saying. Now that I have them, I’m not sure if I want them.”

  “Oh.” Well that statement took me from miserable to happy in no time. “It must mean a lot to you to have them back after all that time of being without them. They are beautiful.”

  “I’m not going to lie, it is good having them back. It felt like I was missing a piece of my body I needed to feel functional and whole.”

  Looking down with sadness, “I would never want you to give up your wings to be with me. It wouldn’t be right.”

  “Carma if it were that simple, then it wouldn’t even be a decision. But, it’s not. The High Council has ultimate control of our wings, and powers to a certain extent.” Still smug about the fact that they couldn’t strip him of all the powers they wanted to.

  “I guess they wouldn’t let you stay anyhow, you being an angel and I being a measly woman and all.”

  Stroking my arm with his hand, “You are far from being a measly woman.”

  Taking his wings, he rolled me over on top of him wrapping both of his muscular arms around my sore body.

  Kissing my shoulder, “You are stunningly beautiful.” Moving kisses down my arm, “You are smart.” Now moving his mouth back up onto my neck, “You are brave.” Nipping my chin with his teeth, “You are kind.” Trailing his lips to my mouth, “And even though you smell like demon, you are so sexy.” Deepening his kiss, “I say we remove that smell, and replace it with an angel.”

  Smiling down at him, fully aware this may be our last time together. I answered with my mouth on his. This time he was more gentle, he was slower. This time he was savoring each moment like I was. Wherever his hands went, his lips were soon to follow. His caresses sent chills up my spine. He was the type of man that made you forget all your worries and all your aches and pains.

  The restriction of my nightgown disappeared and we were skin to skin. I was going to miss that trick. I was going to miss him and everything about him. His hard ass attitude, his devastatingly good looks, his honesty. How he touched me. Most of all how I feel around him. I know you don’t find that every day and I doubted I would find that ever again. I could live a thousand years and never find another like him. I wanted to tell him I loved him. Especially at this moment as his mouth was roaming all over my stomach, kissing the bruises away. I couldn’t choke out the words, knowing it would make it harder when he left. Worried that he didn’t feel the same way, that I would get laughed at. Never knowing just how deep his feelings ran, now I may never find out. Pushing those thoughts to the back of my head, I decided to live in the next few moments for they very well could be my last with him.

  Rolling me over onto my back, he pressed down gently on top of me, the bed creaking under our weight. Taking one hand he brushed a few strands of hair out of my eyes, holding himself up with the other. He looked at me like he wanted to say something moments before his lips came down on mine again. I was losing all grip on reality and slowly drifting into that place where I never wanted to come out of. Never having a man touch me this intimately, this softly, slowly. I couldn’t keep my hands off him either, running them up his chest and around his neck, bringing him down for more and more kisses.

  The moments slipped away from me and after what seemed like only a couple of minutes, hours swept by me instead and I fell asleep from exhaustion. When I finally did wake up I kept my eyes closed concentrating on my breathing so he wouldn’t know. Trying to think, time was starting to have no meaning to me anymore. I was now unaware of what day of the week it was. What time of day. I barely knew what month it was. If I knew I could stay wrapped up naked in this angels arms for the rest of my life, I wouldn’t hesitate or care about time. However, I am human. He is an angel. Do I want to be Rose someday? Sitting in my wheel chair to afraid to tell anyone of my secret? Only instead waiting for visits from my love. What age would I become when I was no longer desirable to him? My thoughts running away from me they always came back to the same thought. He isn’t staying. He can’t stay. He is leaving.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You want to tell me what you’re thinking about?”

  “Okay, I didn’t change my breathing.” Looking up at his content face, his lips curving up into a smile. His strong jaw line making me want to kiss it again.

  “It’s you. I can tell. I have watched you. Studied you.”

  “If I didn’t know any better I would be creeped out, stalker.”

  Laughing again, “I’m going to miss you.”

  Taking his hand across my cheek, my mood plummeted again.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Looking depressed himself now.

  “I’m going to miss you to. You said you would try to stay.” Taking his hand down from my face.

  “I still can’t get over how beautiful you are.” Pausing and staring at me, “I said I will try, so I will. Come, let’s go take a shower.”

  Rolling out of bed, dropping the sheet and looking down on me. If we hadn’t just went six rounds I would have had no problems doing so again. He was perfection, literally from head to toe. Muscle, stacked upon muscle. His wings spread out at his side, when I look at him it still feels so surreal. He is too handsome. Too perfect to be in my world. He was not made for this world, for my human eyes. Taking one look at him, being with him, making love to him, this only proved one thing to me. Humans aren’t meant to be with angels. Knowing once that happened, no other could ever compare. He ruined me from being with any other man, and I was okay with that. I wouldn’t want no other. I found my love. Some people get a life time. I got a mere few seconds in the scheme of things. We made those seconds count, and for that I would be forever grateful for. Still, my heart did not want to give up. I wanted to fight. Standing up, my own sheet dropped and I stepped up into his arms. Wrapping my arms around his neck, my toes leaving the floor his mouth came down on mine again.

  “Well, well, well. Even better than I imagined, and I have a good imagination.”

  Pulling away from me abruptly, “Gabriel, the open invitation ended when I killed that demon.” Blane said pissed off.

  Letting out a scream, as I turned around coming face to face with Gabriel standing only a few feet away. Blane’s wings came around me shielding my naked body from his view, pulling me in close.

  “Oh, so disappointing.” Taking his eyes from me and back to Blane. I could feel Blane’s muscles tensing up behind me and I knew Gabriel was walking on dangerous ground.

  “I come with a warning Bl
ane. The High Council has ordered Alexander to retrieve you.”

  I could feel the tears coming to my eyes, my hand went up to my mouth. My worst nightmare was being realized.

  “Damn it. When?”

  “I do not know. Soon.” Gabriel said shifting onto his other foot looking around nervously.

  “How do you know it’s soon then?” Blane said, clothes materializing on him and then jeans and a shirt appearing on me. Even though now we were fully clothed, he did not remove his wings from around me.

  “Because, I got my new assignment.” His eyes connecting with Blane’s.

  Looking between the two of them, I felt like they were having a secret conversation in between the lines that I could not understand.

  Sighing heavy, “Very well. You promise me Gabriel. Promise me.”

  Looking up at Blane, I could see a kaleidoscope of emotions passing through his face.

  “You know I will brother.”

  Nodding his head at Gabriel.

  “I will leave you be, give you a chance to say goodbye.” Gabriel said vanishing from sight.

  Turning around, “Blane what is going on?”

  Looking down on me, “Angel girl, it seems you have been reassigned.”

  “What? Gabriel?”

  “It seems so. Although, I don’t like it. I know you will be safe with him and I trust him. Well more so than anyone else. I still don’t like how he looks at you.” He said staring off at the wall.

  I was doing my hardest not to break down in tears, to beg, to plead. Knowing it was going to be hard for him to leave. I didn’t want to make it worse, and I didn’t want him getting into trouble. “What would happen if you tried to stay?” Now wondering what I was asking him to do when I made him promise to try to stay.

  “One of two things. They would force me to leave anyhow, and punish me when I got back. Two, they would strip me of my wings and reassign me else where. Far away from you.”

  “Oh.” Now the full realization sinking in on what I was asking. No win situation came to mind. I would never ask him to be without his wings again, and I would most definitely not want him punished. “Then this is it. I don’t want you keeping your promise to me. You have to go.”

  “What?” Blane said, taking a step back, looking hurt.

  “It’s become painfully obvious that we are looking at a situation that we can not fight, nor win. I will be okay Blane. I promise.” Looking up at him with a smile on my face, tears stinging my eyes.

  His hands went to both sides of my face, “So brave. You don’t always have to be so brave.” His heart shredding, feeling the sting of rejection. Knowing now, his love was not returned. Truth was, he would take any punishment, his wings being taken away, being tortured, he would find a way to be with her. Any way. Bargain his very soul if he had to. He however, wouldn’t do those things for someone that did not love him back. He would not sacrifice everything for her if she was having a mere infatuation, or crush.

  Wrapping both my arms around him, smashing my face into his chest he rested his chin on top of my head. I wasn’t brave. I was falling apart. My heart was sick. The flood gates were about to spring open and I was fighting to keep them at bay.

  My hair started blowing when a gust of wind hit my back, the double doors to the balcony swinging open violently an angel flew into the room, his wings tucking back behind him. He was massive. At least six foot six, even taller than Blane. Straight blond hair that went to the top of his shoulders. He was as wide as he was tall, built for combat. He was dressed in all white, with snow white wings. He really did look angelic. He was beautiful, so beautiful that you just wanted to stare at him for hours. Strong face and strong jaw line. He to carried that strong sex appeal like all the other angels carried. He was even more stunning than Rylan, Aiden and Gabriel, and they were cream of the crop. Looking up at Blane, no one compared to his beauty. Just looking at him sped up my heart, he had a dark enticing bad boy beauty to him with a heart of gold. The perfect combination.

  Biting back my tears, my fingernails dug into the palms of my hands.

  “Alexander.” Blane said nodding.

  “Blane. Been a long time. Staying out of trouble I see.”

  His voice was strong, authoritative. His stance, and the way he was holding himself showed that he rarely dealt with defiance, but almost expected it from Blane.

  Smiling sarcastically at Alexander, “Always.”

  “Your assignment is done. Your time on earth is done.” He told Blane.

  Gabriel appearing next to him, looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. A far cry from the arousal I am usually met with from him.

  “You have earned back your wings and your spot in heaven, where you work will continue from above.” Alexander said staring at him, waiting.

  Blane looking down at me with pain in his eyes, “Bye angel girl. Take care.”

  His smart ass endearment for me was almost the one thing that brought me to my knees. Now knowing that was going to be the last time I heard it. “Bye Blane.” Biting my lip and looking down at the floor. Taking his hand and lifting my chin, he kissed me quickly and walked over to Alexander. Turning around, they were both staring at me. Blane mouthed the words, “I will miss you.” Before both of them vanished.

  Falling to my knee’s the tears cut loose and Gabriel looked at me like he was terrified. Sobbing into my hands, he walked over to me and sat beside me on the floor. Rubbing his hand on my back he was doing his best to console me.

  Trying to close the flood gates, a tissue appeared in front of me. “Thank you Gabriel.” Leaning against the bed, trying to catch my breath I looked at my new protector.

  “I have never seen a human react this way towards an angel.” Now looking at me confused. “Are you going to be alright?”

  “I don’t know. Is he going to be alright Gabriel? Blane?”

  Shaking his head, “Yes. He will be fine. He will have more freedoms. Do his work from heaven. Help people that need it. Have all of his powers and his wings back. He will be fine.” He reassured me.

  “Okay.” Shaking my head. “That’s all I want. Him happy.”

  Gabriel was still staring at me, he was quite handsome himself. I’m sure he turned every head along the way. Compared to Blane’s personality, you could tell Gabriel was a younger angel. Still every bit as attractive, I noticed all the angels looked the same age. Wiping my tears, I stood. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

  “Okay.” Gabriel still sat looking surprised.

  Running into the bathroom and looking in the mirror, my face was a mess. Running cold water and splashing it on my face, trying to shock my system back into control. Taking a deep breath I washed my hands and walked back out. This time Gabriel was sitting in the recliner next to the bed and I about lost it again. Just looking at the bed brought so much emotion in me that I didn’t know how I was ever going to look at it again.

  “You love him.” Gabriel said matter of fact.

  “What? You’re crazy.” Sidestepping the statement, avoiding his gaze.

  “I’m starting to think so. You love him. Not only that, but you care about what happens to him. He’s an angel, you are human. You are fragile and yet you worry about him. I’ve never seen anything like it.” He said astonished.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, my back turned to him, I didn’t say a word.

  “You got caught on purpose didn’t you? By that demon.” His voice rising with a bit of amusement in it.

  “Yes. I didn’t want him hurt, or worse yet……killed.” I admitted.

  “Well I’ll be damned. You’re a first sweetheart. Why couldn’t I have gotten you first?”

  “Very funny Romeo.” Glancing back at him. “What now?”

  “Well, I’ll have to move you to my place. Unless you want to stay here.”

  Looking around, yes and no. “What day is it?”


  “The date.”

  “It’s the 26th.” Gabriel said.<
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  “The month is about up. I need to get my stuff out of my apartment.”

  “You’re thinking about that now? Why didn’t you have your boyfriend go with you?”

  “Because Blane was busy keeping me alive, Romeo.”

  Rolling his eyes, “Fine. It better not be a bunch of crap.” He said displeased.

  “No. Blane got me all new clothes.” Looking towards the closet.

  “I can get you anything you need Carma. We don’t have to go back.”

  “You can’t replace the one thing I need. It won’t take long.”

  “Fine. Have it your way. Lets go.” Grabbing my arm, the locks to the door to the hallway unlocked and I followed him down the stairs and out the front door to the driveway.

  His car was a sleek, black corvette. “We’ll come back for your clothes later.” He said opening up the door and helping me in.

  The ride wasn’t as long as it seemed the first time. I didn’t feel much like talking and kept quiet most of the way. Evidently Gabriel was fine with that to because he said very little himself. “Do you know where I live?”

  “I got your file.” Gabriel said, taking a turn way to fast.

  “What? File?”

  “Every angel gets a file of basic information of their new assignment.”

  “What? Where is it?” I asked curious.

  “It is destroyed after we see it, so no one can get a hold of it.”

  “You angels are just full of secrets.” Crossing my arms in front of my chest.

  Finally, pulling up to my old apartment building, the memories came flooding back. I was thankful that Gabriel was able to shield me from my empath abilities or I would be doubled over in pain right now. Not really relishing in the fact that I had to stay this close to him, just to feel normal. Blane I didn’t mind, Gabriel was different.

  Coming around the car he helped me out, throwing the rules at me.

  “Okay, just because one of the most dangerous demons is off your tail doesn’t mean that there are not more demons, and humans gunning for you. So, you do what I say. You keep one arm in mine at all times so no one can teleport out with you. Got it?”


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