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Delphi Collected Works of W. Somerset Maugham (Illustrated)

Page 426

by William Somerset Maugham

  Sylvia. Oh, no, he got away in fairly decent time. Where there’s a will there’s a way, you know, even at official functions.

  Daisy. [With a little laugh.] Oh, I know! I’m expecting him here in a minute. I hope you won’t have to go before he comes.

  Sylvia. Well, I saw him yesterday. I can live one day without seeing him.

  Daisy. I wonder if he can live one day without seeing you?

  Sylvia. I’m tolerably sure he can do that.

  Daisy. [As if she were merely teasing.] A little bird has whispered to me that there’s a very pretty blonde in Peking....

  Sylvia. [Interrupting.] Probably peroxide.

  Daisy. Not in this case. Who is not entirely indifferent to the Assistant Chinese Secretary at the British Legation.

  Sylvia. Fancy!

  Daisy. I suppose you haven’t an idea who I’m talking about?

  Sylvia. Not a ghost.

  Daisy. Then why do you blush to the roots of your hair?

  Sylvia. I was outraged at your suggestion that my hair was dyed.

  Daisy. It’s too bad of me to tease you, isn’t it?

  Sylvia. I’m a perfect owl. You know what a tactless idiot my brother is. He will chaff me about George Conway, so it makes me self-conscious when anybody talks about him.

  Daisy. Darling, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Why shouldn’t you be in love with him?

  Sylvia. [With a laugh.] But I’m not in love with him.

  Daisy. Why does your brother chaff you then?

  Sylvia. Because he’s under the delusion that it’s funny.

  Daisy. But you do like him, don’t you?

  Sylvia. Of course I like him.... I think he’s a very good sort.

  Daisy. Would you marry him if he asked you?

  Sylvia. My dear, what are you talking about? The thought never entered my head.

  Daisy. Oh, what nonsense! When a man’s as attentive to a girl as George has been to you she can’t help asking herself if she’d like to marry him or not.

  Sylvia. [Coldly, but still smiling.] Can’t she? I’m afraid I haven’t a close acquaintance with that sort of girl.

  Daisy. Am I being very vulgar? You know, we half-castes are sometimes.

  Sylvia. [With a trace of impatience.] Of course you’re not vulgar. But I don’t know why you want to talk about something that’s absolute Greek to me.

  Daisy. The natural curiosity of the Eurasian. Everybody tells me that you’re engaged to George.

  Sylvia. Look at my hand.

  [She stretches out her left hand so that Daisy should see there is no ring on the fourth finger. Daisy stares at it for a moment.

  Daisy. You always used to wear an engagement ring.

  Sylvia. [Gravely.] It was put on my finger by a poor boy who was killed. I meant to wear it always.

  Daisy. Why have you taken it off?

  [She looks at Sylvia. She can no longer preserve her artificial gaiety and her voice is cold and hard. Before Sylvia can answer George Conway comes in.

  Daisy. [Regaining with an effort her earlier sprightliness.] There you are at last.

  George. I couldn’t come sooner. I was with the Minister.

  Daisy. We were wondering why you were so late.

  Sylvia. Daisy was wondering.

  George. [Shaking hands with Sylvia.] I thought that was your pony outside.

  Sylvia. Clever.

  George. The Fergusons were just riding up as I came.

  Sylvia. Oh, they’ve come to fetch me! I must bolt.

  George. I’m afraid we kept you up till all sorts of hours last night.

  Sylvia. Not a bit. Do I look jaded?

  George. Of course not. You young things can stay up till three in the morning and be as fresh as paint. Wait till you’re my age.

  Sylvia. You haven’t passed your hundredth birthday yet, have you?

  George. Not quite. But I’m old enough to be your father.

  Sylvia. I will not stay and listen to you talk rubbish. Good-bye, Daisy. Do come and see me one day this week.

  Daisy. Good-bye.

  George. I’ll come and help you mount, shall I?

  Sylvia. Oh, no, don’t bother! Mr. Ferguson is there.

  George. Oh, all right!

  [She goes out.

  Daisy. [Her smiles vanishing, hostile and cold.] You might shut the door.

  George. [Doing so.] I will.

  Daisy. Aren’t you going to kiss me?

  George. Daisy.

  Daisy. [Hastily.] Oh, no, it doesn’t matter! Don’t bother.

  George. You said you wanted to see me very importantly.

  Daisy. It’s kind of you to have come.

  George. [With an effort at ease of manner.] My dear child, what are you talking about? You must know that if there’s anything in the world I can do for you I’m only too anxious to do it.

  Daisy. Is that girl in love with you?

  George. Good heavens, no! What put that idea in your head?

  Daisy. The eyes in my head.

  George. What perfect nonsense!

  Daisy. Has it never occurred to you that she was in love with you?

  George. Never.

  Daisy. Why do you lie to me? I’ve been told that you were engaged to her.

  George. That’s ludicrous. It’s absolutely untrue.

  Daisy. Yes, I think it is. At the first moment I believed it. And then I thought it over and I knew it couldn’t be true. I don’t think you’d do anything underhand.

  George. At all events I shouldn’t do that.

  Daisy. In fairness to me or in fairness to her?

  George. My dear Daisy, what are you talking about?

  Daisy. Did you break with me yesterday so that you might be free to propose to her?

  George. No, I swear I didn’t.

  Daisy. Why are you so emphatic?

  George. Oh, Daisy, what’s the good of tormenting yourself and tormenting me? You know I loved you just as much as you loved me. But I’m not like you. It was a torture. I knew it was wrong and hateful. I couldn’t go on.

  Daisy. Do you think it would have seemed wrong and hateful if it hadn’t been for Sylvia?

  George. Yes.

  Daisy. You don’t say that very convincingly.

  George. I do think it is because she is so loyal, and good and straight that I saw so clearly what a cad I was. I think I found courage to do the only possible thing in her frankness and honesty.

  Daisy. I think you deceive yourself. Are you sure this admiration of yours for all her admirable qualities isn’t — love?

  George. My dear, I’m unfit to love her.

  Daisy. She doesn’t think so. If you asked her to marry you she’d accept.

  George. [Impatiently.] What nonsense. What in heaven’s name made you think that?

  Daisy. I made it my business to find out.

  George. Well, you can set your mind at rest. I’m not going to ask her to marry me.

  [The Amah comes in.

  Amah. Five o’clock, Daisy.

  Daisy. Leave me alone.

  [The Amah goes out.

  George. When does Harry come back?

  Daisy. [After a pause, in a strange, hoarse voice.] To-day.

  George. [Surprised at her tone and manner.] Is anything the matter, Daisy?

  Daisy. I’m afraid I have some very bad news for you.

  George. [Startled.] Oh!

  Daisy. You know those letters. I kept them locked in the box. Lee Tai was furious because I wouldn’t have anything to do with him. Last night he broke open the box. He’s sent the letters to Harry.

  George. [Overwhelmed.] My God!

  Daisy. I’m awfully sorry. It wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t dream that there was any risk.

  George. Was that why you sent for me?

  Daisy. Say you don’t hate me.

  George. Oh, poor Harry!

  Daisy. Don’t think of him now. Think of me.

  George. What do we matter now, you and I? We’re a pair o
f rotters. Harry is a white man through and through. He loved you, and he trusted me.

  Daisy. What are we going to do?

  George. Give me a minute. I’m all at sixes and sevens. It’s such a knock-out blow.

  Daisy. Harry will be here soon. His train’s due at five.

  George. We’ll wait for him.

  Daisy. What?

  George. Did you think I was going to run away? I’ll stay and face him.

  Daisy. He’ll kill you.

  George. [With anguish.] I wish to God he would.

  Daisy. Oh, George, how can you be so cruel? Don’t you love me any more? I love you. George, what is to become of me if you desert me?

  George. Harry loves you so much and he loves me too. Heaven knows what sacrifices he’s not capable of. Oh, I’m so ashamed!

  Daisy. Why do you bother about him? He doesn’t count. He’ll get over it. After all, what can he do? He can only divorce me and perhaps we can get him to let me divorce him.

  George. Could you allow him to do that?

  Daisy. It means so little to a man. I don’t care, I was thinking of you. It would make it so much easier for you. [He gives her a quick look. He perceives the allusion to marriage.] George, George, you wouldn’t leave — leave me in the cart.

  George. Of course I’ll marry you.

  Daisy. [Smiling now, loving and tender.] Oh, George, we shall be so happy. And you know, some day I’m sure you’ll think it’s better as it’s turned out. I hate all this deceit just as much as you do. Oh, it’ll make such a difference when our love can be open and above board. When I’m your wife you’ll forget all that has tormented you. Oh, George, I know we shall be happy!

  [All this time George has been thinking deeply.

  George. How do you know that Lee Tai sent those wretched letters to Harry?

  Daisy. He sent me a message. He wasn’t satisfied with doing a dirty trick. He wanted me to know that he’d done it.

  George. How did he know you kept my letters there?

  Daisy. I told you I was reading them while I waited for you. He came in and I put them away. I suppose he suspected. It was very easy for him to get into the room after amah and I went away.

  George. [Sarcastically.] Had you left the key of the box on the table?

  Daisy. What do you mean, George? I’d locked it up. Of course I took the key with me. I suppose he broke it open. What does it matter? The harm’s done.

  George. How do you know Harry received the letters this morning?

  Daisy. Lee Tai said he would.

  George. In Kalgan?

  Daisy. Yes.

  George. How did he know Harry was in Kalgan?

  Daisy. The Chinese know all one’s movements.

  George. They can’t do miracles. Harry was going up there unexpectedly on a private mission. The fellows in that company know very well how to keep their own counsel when it’s needful.... I imagine you were the only person in Peking who knew Harry was going to Kalgan.

  Daisy. [Casually.] Well, it appears I wasn’t.

  George. How do you suppose Lee Tai found out something that Harry had particularly told you to keep quiet about?

  Daisy. How can I tell? He may have found out from the amah for all I know.

  George. Surely you hadn’t told her?

  Daisy. Of course not. She may have read the letter. She always does read my letters.

  George. Can she read English?

  Daisy. Enough to find out about other people’s business.

  George. Why should she have told Lee Tai?

  Daisy. I suppose he bribed her. She’d do anything for a hundred dollars.

  George. Not if it would do you harm.

  Daisy. She’s not so devoted to me as all that.

  George. She’s your mother, Daisy.

  Daisy. [Quickly.] How d’you know?

  George. Harry told me.

  Daisy. I thought he was too ashamed of it to do that.

  George. [Persistently.] How did Lee Tai know that Harry was in Kalgan?

  Daisy. I tell you I don’t know. Why do you cross-examine me? Good God, I’m harassed enough without that! What do you mean?

  George. [He seizes her wrists and draws her violently to him.] Daisy, did you send those letters to Harry yourself?

  Daisy. Never! Do you think I’m crazy?

  George. Did you give them to Lee Tai to send?

  Daisy. No.

  George. God damn you, speak the truth! I will have the truth for once in your life.

  [They stare at one another. He is stern and angry. She pulls herself together. She is fierce and defiant. She shakes herself free of him.

  Daisy. I gave them to Lee Tai.

  George. [Hiding his face with his hands.] My God!

  Daisy. He told me you were engaged to Sylvia. For a moment I believed it and I gave him the letters. I hardly knew what I was doing. And now, even though I know it wasn’t true, I’m glad. I wish I’d done it long before.

  George. You fiend!

  Daisy. [Violently.] Do you think I’m going to let you go so easily? Do you think I’ve done all I have to let you marry that silly little English girl?

  George. [With anguish.] Oh, Daisy, how could you?

  Daisy. Has it never struck you how you came to be wounded that night? It wasn’t you they wanted. It was Harry.

  George. I know. [Suddenly understanding.] Daisy!

  Daisy. Yes, I could do that. I only wish it had succeeded.

  George. I can’t believe it.

  Daisy. You’re mine, mine, mine, and I’ll never let you go.

  George. [With increasing violence.] Do you think I can ever look at you again without horror? In my heart I’ve known always that you were evil. Ten years ago when I first loved you there was a deep instinct within that warned me. Even though my heart was breaking for love of you I knew that you were ruthless and cruel. I’ve loved you, yes, but all the time I’ve hated you. I’ve loved you, but with the baser part of me. All that was in me that was honest and decent and upright revolted against you. Always, always. This love has been a loathsome cancer in my heart. I couldn’t rid me of it without killing myself, but I abhorred it. I felt that I was degraded by the love that burned me.

  Daisy. What do I care so long as you love? You can think anything you like of me. The fact remains that you love me.

  George. If you had no pity for Harry, who raised you from the gutter and gave you everything he had to give, oh, if you’d loved me you’d have had mercy on me. What do you think our life can be together? Don’t you know what I shall be? Ruined and abject and hopeless. Oh, not only in the eyes of everyone who knows me shall I be degraded, but in my own. Do you think there’s much happiness for you there?

  Daisy. I shall have you. That’s all the happiness I want. I’d rather be wretched with you — oh, a thousand times — than happy with anyone else.

  George. [Wrathfully, trying to wound her.] You were tormenting me just now because you were jealous of Sylvia. Do you know what I felt for her? It wasn’t love — at least not what you mean by love. I can never love anyone as I’ve loved you and God knows I’m thankful. But I had such a respect for her. I’ve been so wretched and she offered me peace. And I did think that some day when all this horror was over, if I could do something to make myself feel clean again, I should go to her and, all unworthy, ask her if she would take me. And now the bitterest pang of all is to think that she must know what an unspeakable cad I’ve always been.

  [He has flung himself into a chair. He is in despair. Daisy goes up to him and going down on her knees beside him puts her arm round him. She is very tender.

  Daisy. Oh, George, I can make you forget her so easily. You don’t know what my love can do. I know I’ve been horrible, but it’s only been because I loved you. Ten years ago I was all that she is. I’m like clay in your hands and you can make me what you will. Oh, George, say you forgive me!

  [In the caressing gestures of her hands as she tries to move him one of them
rests by chance on his coat pocket. She feels something hard. He moves slightly away.

  George. Take care.

  Daisy. What’s that in your pocket?

  George. It’s my revolver. Since my accident I’ve always carried it about with me. It’s rather silly, but the Minister asked me to. He said he’d feel safer.

  Daisy. Oh, George, if you only knew the agony I suffered when you were brought in! The remorse, the fear! I thought I should go mad.

  George. [With a bitter chuckle.] It must have been rather a sell for you.

  Daisy. Oh, you can laugh! I knew you’d forgive me. My darling.

  George. I’m sorry for all the rough things I said to you, Daisy. I don’t blame you for anything. You only acted according to your lights. The only person I can blame is myself. It’s only reasonable that I should suffer the punishment.

  Daisy. My sweetheart!

  George. I suppose you know that I shall be quite ruined.

  Daisy. You’ll have to leave the service. Does that really matter to you very much?

  George. It was my whole life.

  Daisy. You’ll get a job in the post office. With your knowledge of the language they’ll simply jump at you. It’s a Chinese service. It has nothing to do with Europeans.

  George. Do you think the postmaster in a small Chinese city is a very lucrative position?

  Daisy. What does money matter? If I’d wanted money I could have got all I wanted from Lee Tai. We can do with very little. You don’t know what a clever housekeeper I am.

  George. [In a level, dead voice.] I’m sure you’re wonderful.

  Daisy. We’ll go to some city where there are no foreigners. And we shall be together always. We’ll have a house high up on the bank and below us the river will flow, flow endlessly.

  George. You seem to have got it all mapped out.

  Daisy. If you only knew how often I’ve dreamed of it. Oh, George, I want rest and peace too! I’m so tired. I want endless days to rest in. [With a puzzled look at him.] What is the matter? You look so strange.

  George. [With a weary sigh.] I was thinking of all the things you’ve been saying to me.

  Daisy. If you think it’ll be easier for you if you don’t marry me, you need not. I don’t care anything about that. I’ll be your mistress and I’ll lie hidden in your house so that no one shall know I’m there. I’ll live like a Chinese woman. I’ll be your slave and your plaything. I want to get away from all these Europeans. After all, China is the land of my birth and the land of my mother. China is crowding in upon me; I’m sick of these foreign clothes. I have a strange hankering for the ease of the Chinese dress. You’ve never seen me in it?


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