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Corpsman and the Nerd

Page 13

by Grady, D. R.

  Lainy sighed. “Well, I guess I’ll have to schedule you for another night. Do you have any nights free since you’ve become so popular?”

  “Nope, Ryan and I are busy men. We’ve got people to see, cookies to eat, dogs to chase, games to play. The list goes on and on.”

  “Obviously. Ah, the energy of youth. But at least I can reassure KC you’re eating properly. She was worried about that.”

  He sighed this time. “I know. And I’ve told her too.”

  “Like you don’t love how she worries!”

  Max’s lips kicked up at the corners. “True. It is nice to know someone cares,” he said sadly.

  “Get off my phone, troublemaker.” He liked the affection in her voice.

  “Yeah, yeah. You probably haven’t spoken to your husband in what, an hour?”

  “Thirty minutes, but he’s in a meeting now, and I’ve got work to do. Maybe I’ll call Mom and invite us to dinner.”

  “I think she mentioned she planned to invite the two of you.”

  “I’d better check messages. She could have called and I missed it. Bentley and I were outside romping a bit.”

  Max frowned. “Is that safe, in your condition?”

  “Look Mr. Mother Hen, I’ve already got one of those by the way, and I’m married to another, I don’t need a third.” Lainy sounded stern and Max started laughing.

  “Mom and Mitch driving you crazy?”

  “Yes! Mom’s been through this, eight times, so she knows exercise is good for me! I can give Mitch some credit, as he’s never been through a pregnancy, but Mom should know better. And you can worry about your own kid; you don’t have to worry about mine.”

  “Okay. Maybe I’ll go play with him now. I think KC and I are going to have more trouble adjusting to Ryan going to school than he will.” Max shook his head, knowing what he said was true. KC would be a basket case. He grinned as he thought of all the fun he would have comforting her.

  “I’m sure. KC is protective and a bit of a mother hen, isn’t she?” Max heard the grin in his sister’s voice, which upped his.

  “Oh, yeah. She’s probably at the top of the list. Not that she stifles him or smothers him—”

  “No, she comes to you, and falls apart,” Lainy finished.

  “Right. And I don’t mind in the least.”

  “Of course you don’t, since you’re usually feeling the same way,” Lainy retorted, her sisterly wisdom evident yet again.

  “We manage – and all without causing him neuroses. Which are hereditary, by the way. Remember his birth parent and grandparents.”

  “Yes. I do wonder about his birth mother sometimes.”

  “So do the rest of us, since she didn’t leave much in the way of family. KC managed to track down an aunt who was willing to talk, so she has some maternal medical family history for Ryan. That’s a sad story.” Max thought about the woman who had labored to bring Ryan into the world, but died before she met her son.

  “It is sad. But KC’s an excellent mom, so he’s made out fine.”

  “Yes. He’s happy and well-adjusted.”

  “He is. Well, I’ve got to go. I do have a project I need to finish and I’ll call Mom and invite myself and Mitch to supper.”

  “See you tonight then.” Max hung up the phone.

  Talking to Lainy made him think about pregnant women, which then led him to wonder about KC. She was a mother, with all the responsibilities that entailed, but she had never been pregnant.

  Before he could halt the image, a picture of KC round and ripe with his child popped into his head. Max nearly groaned. He wanted to see her pregnant with his child – and had for a long time.

  She had a son he loved, and Ryan would always be their first, but he wanted to see him with a sibling. Even if that individual was a girl. At least one. Max would love a large family, just as had been his privilege, but he didn’t know how KC felt about families. Hers left a lot to be desired, but he hoped she enjoyed his enough to consider a big family.

  Then he realized the object of his desire was thousands of miles away and didn’t know how he felt about her. As if the one factor wasn’t bad enough. He couldn’t alter their spatial distance, and he wasn’t certain he wanted to change their relationship. Because he had so much now, but if he gambled he could lose his best friend.

  His family meant everything to him, but so did KC Gilmore and her son. Losing them would mean losing a large piece of himself. And he couldn’t afford that. But the image of her large and round with their next child still enticed him.




  Subject: Max and Ryan

  Don’t panic!

  Hello KC,

  Max and Ryan are fine. Now. They were supposed to come for supper at Mom and Dad’s last evening, and when they didn’t show, Mitch and I hopped in the car and went to their house. They’re fine. But very much under the weather.

  Both of them have fevers and are definitely tired, achy, and a bit cranky , but they’re fine. I had a cousin, Mark, who’s a doctor (well, we have several doctor cousins, but Mark was available), come and take a look at both of them. He claims it’s just the flu. They should be up and around in about a week.

  Like me, Max just wants to be left alone when he’s sick. Ryan is a bit clingy, as you know, so we moved Ryan in with Max, and both are resting comfortably. My mom and sisters (that makes seven since they won’t let me or Dory help) will take turns popping in to care for them. Which Max grumbles about, but I think he’s grateful, since he’s as sick as Ryan.

  Don’t fret, they’re in good hands. The tyrants are making them eat and bathe, and changing their sheets regularly. I know they’d prefer you to look after them, but they’ll just have to deal. Poor boys! 

  Mitch and I are fine, as is the baby. I did go see Dr. Bryant and I really like her. She seems capable, compassionate, and not prone to hysteria. (I’m getting enough of that from the hubby and my mother. And Max.) They’re all mother hens, telling me I can’t do this or that, when it’s perfectly fine and even encouraged. I can understand Mitch and Max going a little crazy, but not my mom! She’s had eight of her own children and has about a hundred grandkids. This is nothing new!

  I did send the phone to you, so I’m hoping you’ll have it soon. Then you can check in with Max and make sure they’re all right. Dr. Mark said no work or daycare for them for at least three days, but possibly more, so that should help you gauge where Max will be. Of course, you’re not likely to get the phone right away, either. (I sent it about two weeks ago. So you could receive the package soon, or in two more weeks. It’s anyone’s guess.)

  We miss you! And I’ll pop another batch of brownies and treats in the mail. I’ve been really bad about making DVDs for you. Sorry! I suppose I’m pretty wrapped up in this motherhood thing. (And I’m only seven weeks along.) 


  Lainy and Mitch

  KC stared at the screen, confusion and panic intermingling until a headache encroached. How did she contact her men? She had to make certain they were okay. Max was probably too sick to check e-mail. Fear rose, and she shoved away from the desk, fighting to stay calm as her heart threatened to thump out of her chest. Why wasn’t she there to take care of them? As a doctor, it was her responsibility. She needed to be there, at home with her family.

  What if they got worse? KC slumped in the chair and fought not to give in to the overwhelming urge to sob. She feared if she started, she might not be able to stop. After losing her first patient, she had given in, but it had left her so raw, she soon learned to develop a thick skin over her emotions so she could survive in these conditions. With extreme effort she slammed the rising panic flat and instead, emailed Lainy, who fortunately had started sending her progress reports.

  KC couldn’t shake the feeling that she should be home though. Thoughts of AWOL ran through her mind. But the panic wouldn’t dissipate even thou
gh severely tamped and neither would her circling, chaotic fears. How was she supposed to cope with them sick and her here? She was a doctor, fully trained to handle sickness, but how could she from thousands of miles away?

  A huge ball formed in her throat to match the lump in her stomach as she imagined them sick and weak and her not there. What should she do? An antidote for this jittery, restless energy zinging through her would be helpful.

  Dropping her head onto the desk, KC forced herself to breathe and continued to fight this tearing sensation at doing her duty to the Navy or caring for her precious loved ones far away.

  Chapter 24



  Subject:re: Max and Ryan

  Don’t panic!

  Hello Lainy,

  Thank you so much for writing me. I wish so badly I could be there to help with Max and Ryan’s care. I won’t lie to you and tell you I’m fine with being thousands of miles away while my males are sick. I hate this!

  But feel much relief to know that the ladies are taking care of them. Ryan certainly gets clingy when he’s sick, so I’m glad someone moved him into the same bed with Max. That will comfort both of them. Good call.

  Oh, I wish I was there to help!

  This seems so wrong. I should be helping with their care. Not to say I’m not needed here, because I am, but my first responsibility should be Max and Ryan. I suppose all military people feel this way, but that isn’t helping my tenuous frame of mind much right now.

  Didn’t you tell me that when those thugs broke into your house, Mitch was beside himself? He had to be over here, but your safety was at risk, and he thought he should be at home, protecting you? Obviously this feeling of inadequacy on my part isn’t unusual. Still, I feel like home is where I should be.

  Mitch emailed your brothers, didn’t he? He did end up taking care of you.

  I’m utterly grateful your family is so willing to look after my boys, and me. Thank you for emailing me, and for comforting me about their care.

  I’m receiving packages often, and I thank you all for them. I’ve sent a note of thanks to the bakers, but you can pass my thanks on too, if you think of it. We’re also eager for news of Rocky and the Bent Rock Foundation. (What an incredible effect it’s had on morale here!)

  Glad your pregnancy is progressing so well. It’s an exciting and happy time for you and Mitch. I can’t think of a more deserving couple.

  Please keep me informed of Max and Ryan’s illness!

  Have to go, I hear the signal that we’re to go man our operating tables. Sigh.




  The next day KC carried her newest package across the compound to her cot. Mail drop was the best time of the day. Especially when a package arrived for her, a regular occurrence, thanks to the Morrisons.

  She eagerly slit the tape and delved into the contents and came up with a... phone. Thank goodness! An instrument of communication she could use to contact Max and Ryan. Now she could make certain they were okay. Swinging around to a clock, she saw it’d be morning for them. Eagerly, she located Max’s number and nearly passed out when she heard it ring.

  “Hello?” His familiar, wonderful deep voice floated across the miles and wrapped around her. He sounded hoarse, like he didn’t feel good or had been sleeping. She figured both. KC swallowed, hard.

  “Hello?” He sounded suspicious.

  She sniffed. “Max? Max, it’s me, KC.” She had to swallow again before she could speak, something she had to do before he hung up.

  “KC?” he breathed.

  “Yeah. I got Lainy’s phone today.”

  “Just now?” She heard the smile in his voice, and the bit of happiness made her smile.

  “I couldn’t wait to call you.”

  “I’m glad. I’ve really missed you.” She heard the sincerity in his sick-roughened voice.

  “I miss you too.” Her voice cracked. “You guys doing okay?”

  “Of course. We’re men, we’re fine.” He sounded so Max-like she laughed.

  “I’m glad. Lainy said you’re sick. I’ve been so worried.”

  “I’m not sure, but I think Ryan and I are offended,” he said in such a put upon voice she laughed again. “And you think it’s funny!”

  “I do. I think you’re a brat too.”

  He sighed, long and low. KC continued laughing. Before they could continue, the signal for wounded coming in sounded.

  It was too soon! “Oh, no! I’ve got to go.”

  “What was that?”

  “Wounded coming in. I’ll call you when I get a chance again?”

  “Okay. If you call me on this phone, the one Lainy made, I won’t ignore it.”

  “I will, I’ve got to go. You guys take care of yourselves, since I’m not there to do so. I miss you!”

  “Miss you too, KC.” And they disconnected.

  KC tucked the little phone into her pocket, not wanting to lose the connection, even though they had. She couldn’t wait to talk to him again, and as she hurried off to attend to their newest batch of wounded, she looked forward to their next conversation. She wanted to check on them later tonight if she could.


  Max hung up the phone and leaned back on his bed. He glanced at Ryan, who slept fretfully. Tugging him closer, Max watched until Ryan settled. Then he thought of his conversation with KC

  He was happy to have talked with her, but a thought niggled. Like a fish, the idea took a nip at his hook, but stayed tantalizingly out of grasp. He stroked his chin, wondering. Then when it did take a bite of the hook, he wished the thought had remained nebulous.

  KC had left over almost two months ago. And even though this was the first opportunity they had to speak on the phone, she was still quick to end the call. And he and Ryan were sick.

  Did that mean what he feared? Had she found a doctor there she was keeping company with? Or had a man, maybe even a SEAL or Special Forces guy, come through who captured her heart? Everyone knew there was a special bond between people in intense situations like she experienced. Had KC and some unknown man fallen for one another?

  When she left, he never thought about the possibility that she might meet someone else. But she was at war, which meant she was among more men than women. She said she bunked with nine other women. What if they were the only women present? Surely there were a lot more men, and then all the wounded rolling in for treatment.

  Max ran a hand through his hair, upset by his new thoughts.

  The phone rang again, and he lunged for it. Maybe KC had a reprieve and decided to call back.

  “Hello?” His voice sounded raspy and a little breathless.

  “What’s wrong?” Lainy asked.

  “How did you know something was wrong?”

  “I’m a genius, remember?”

  “You’re an interfering nerd.” Max hated how his voice sounded. He wanted to be rid of this virus and continue with life.

  “That too. So, tell me what’s wrong so I can get back to work.”

  “Lain, what if KC has found or will find a man over there?” He heard the despair in his voice, so Lainy would hear the emotion too. She was like that.

  He heard her sigh. “I wondered if you’d start thinking that way. First of all, you have to trust her.”

  “She has no idea how I feel. I don’t know how she feels about me. What’s to trust?” Frustration simmered and he tamped down the anxiety.

  “KC loves you. You’re her best friend. She may not have known she was in love with you when she left. There was so much on her mind we can’t shoot her for not knowing. But I’m sure she suspects how she feels now. It might take time for her feelings to fully develop, but I think she’s almost there.”

  “You’re sure?” Max figured his sarcasm came through clearly.

  “Yes, yes I am sure. Part of any relationship is trust. Plus, remember, you have her son. Ryan is the
most important person in her life. And you’ve got him. Max, she trusted you, not her family, you, to take in her son and her dog. You’re making all the decisions a husband would make. Think about it.”

  “But I’m thousands of miles away.”

  “So? A woman doesn’t think with her gonads. She’s more interested in matters of the heart and mind. And you’ve fulfilled all that for her in the past. Who does she always run to when something’s upset her?”

  “Me,” Max answered, and he thought about that as he hugged Ryan. KC usually spilled all her problems on him. Looking down at her son, he consoled himself with that precious thought that she had trusted Ryan with him.

  “Exactly. I’ve seen her drop what she’s doing and listen to you. You do the same for her. Do you know how important that is in any relationship? Most married couples don’t even have the strong foundation you’ve already built. You two talk about everything.”

  “Yes, we do. But Lainy, the call came through for wounded coming in and she abruptly left.”

  “Of course she did. Ask Mitch about that. Or Ben. Often the difference between a living and a dead man is the time it took for him to receive medical care. KC knows this, even if you don’t. She understands that when the wounded arrive, the medical staff need to be ready to act instantly. It’s quite literally the difference between life and death.”

  “I guess I went overboard on this one.”

  “No. You just got stuck in a negative thinking loop. And you don’t know where your relationship is, so that’s understandable. However, you’ve built an incredible foundation already. Build on that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re best friends. You talk about everything. You work together, you play together. You both love Ryan. KC isn’t going to get with any man who doesn’t love her son. You’re a shoo-in.”

  “I’ve loved Ryan from the moment I met him.”

  “I know. And so does KC. You moved any obstacles in her way so she could work from home when she needed to. You take care of Ryan whenever you can. You take him for entire weekends without blinking.”

  “But he’s...” Max trailed off, not certain what he wanted to say.


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