Corpsman and the Nerd

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Corpsman and the Nerd Page 16

by Grady, D. R.

  Ah, there goes the call for us to man our stations. There are either complete lulls with little to do here, or it’s so busy we can’t catch up to ourselves. Work has picked up again. It’s sad. We’re fast approaching Christmas and the fighting has increased, not decreased.

  I miss and love you,


  P.S. How are Rocky’s puppies?

  Chapter 29

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject:re:Thanksgiving Video!


  Dear KC,

  Thanks for your email. I really appreciated your thoughts on Ryan. I do feel like his dad. I always have. From the moment I met him, I’ve loved Ryan. How I came to feel like this, I don’t know. Those feelings have been there from the very beginning.

  The older he gets, the more he’ll need a dad. Why not me? I’m enjoying this time with him so much. We found a toy car in the cereal box this morning. Needless to say, I was nearly late for work! And to be honest, I wasn’t too concerned.

  Not only because I own part of the company, but because I don’t want to waste any of this time with Ryan. We’re not going to get these years back. If I can share them with him, and then with you, since you can’t be with him, I will – it’s my privilege. I’ve also initiated with Human Resources (quietly) that any parent who comes in late is to have some grace time. These years are too important. And so precious!

  Someday he’ll be a teenager who’ll think we’re stupid and he’ll be embarrassed to be around us. So, I suppose we’d better savor these years. (To give her credit, Destiny and most of my nieces and nephews haven’t been too bad.) Ed’s kids will likely be embarrassed around him, but that’s to be expected.

  I’m grateful you’re willing to share your son with me. I love this time I have with him. And all the other times you’ve given us. One thing I should make perfectly clear, KC, and I know you know this, but I think it should be said. I value and love you as much as I love your son. You know that, but I suppose it doesn’t hurt to be reminded of these things.

  We’re busy here with Christmas preparations. I think I’ve even finished all my shopping. (Thanks for your suggestions. I think I bought everything you suggested. Ryan will be opening everything from both of us, so you’ll be here in spirit.)

  Shopping proved hard with an active five-year-old, but Lainy and Mitch very kindly kept him one Saturday for me, and Mom and Dad another. So, I’m finished, finally. As usual, I had a great time in the toy store. It may look like he’s spoiled this year (which is unlike other years, of course! ) but remember, some of these toys were chosen with me in mind.

  Ryan’s grown too. We had to buy him new shoes and some new pants. We’ll probably have to find him some shirts soon. I’m amazed. Laurie said growth spurts are normal and gave me a huge bag of clothes and shoes. Then Melly found out, and gave me some, as did Rachel.

  So, Ryan’s good for clothing and shoes right now. I think I labeled everything according to who gave us what, that way we’ll be able to give them back when he goes through another growth spurt. (Lainy assured me this is what parents do. Normally this is the mom’s job, but since you’re in Kuwait, I’ve got to take care of this aspect.) Okay.

  All for now, as I need to go get the kid. We’re actually eating at home tonight. This is the first time in a long time. Lainy and Mitch are coming over. We’re having lasagna. Ryan said he was hungry for it, and so am I, so we used your recipe and I think it’ll be good. Hopefully Lainy can eat some of it too. Just in case, we stocked up on extra bread, something she can keep down. And crackers. Ryan wanted animal crackers the other day and I think she’ll do okay with them. If we left her any.

  Miss and love you,

  Max and Ryan – the lasagna chefs

  P.S. We sent a picture of Rocky’s puppies now that they’re a little older. We visit them regularly.

  KC laughed as she read to the bottom of Max’s email. She sorely wished she could have been there to see the two lasagna chefs making their dinner creation. Even to be a fly on the wall would have been humorous. Having experienced Ryan’s “helping” tendencies first hand and knowing exactly what Max was up against would only make the situation that much funnier. And she didn’t think Max was a confident cook.

  His line where he told her he loved her pierced her heart. He was right, she did know that, but was touched that he thought to write her. How a man so sweet would want a place in her life, she didn’t know.

  She selected the option to write an email.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: To the Lasagna Chefs

  Dear Max and Ryan,

  I must admit to being humored by the thought of you and Ryan in the kitchen. Together. Trying to put lasagna together. I do hope Lainy and Mitch appreciate your efforts!  I certainly would!

  I’m glad you enjoy being Ryan’s dad. I’d never thought about him needing one so much, but more and more I am feeling like he needs not just a male in his life, but a stable man.

  You’re perfect for the job. (The benefits are priceless, by the way.) Thank you for feeling the way you do. I know we don’t get to choose this type of thing but I’m glad all the same for your willingness. And I’m grateful for your love. I love you too. Both of you are more important to me than anyone else.

  Thanks for being Ryan’s “mom” right now too. He does go through those growth spurts from time to time, so thanks for providing him with clothes. The mom network you tapped, your family – is my favorite one. I’ve given boxes of clothes to them for their kids. It’s wonderful because as I gave away perfectly good clothes that Ryan had outgrown long ago, your sisters gave me sorely needed clothes, also in perfect condition. “Gently used,” Laurie calls them. 

  So, you’ve managed to experience a phenomenon most men know nothing about. If you’re so inclined, just box up his too small clothes and give them to the sister(s) most likely to need that size of boy’s clothing. Laurie, Zara, and Melly come to mind. I think Rachel’s kids are too big, Melissa’s and Dory’s are too small. You’ll have to gauge that though. Melissa’s kids may be getting close, so keep her in mind.

  I’ve got more DVDs to watch, but haven’t had time. (I’d rather bug you.)  Count yourself lucky we’re thousands of miles apart, since I’m feeling spunky tonight. Also tired and a bit giddy from another fourteen hour day in 120 degree weather. We’re all feeling it.

  We thought the days would get easier, but it’s getting busy again. I don’t know why. All I do know is we’re tired and sandy, and tired and hot, and hungry, and did I say tired? I’m afraid I’ll start getting sloppy, and some of the other doctors have expressed the same fear. Admiral O’Riley has thrown his weight around some and we should have more staff shortly.

  How I pray that happens! Thank goodness that, like General Emma, he’s a force to be reckoned with!

  Thinking of you fellows, wishing I could be there with you!

  I love and miss you, so much,


  P.S. I printed out the picture of Rocky’s puppies and posted it, and didn’t that picture multiply! Someone took it down and copied the photo, and now it’s not only all over the compound here, I overheard Rocky and her puppies can also be seen on neighboring compounds and bases too!

  Chapter 30

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Happy Christmas

  Happy Christmas to you KC,

  Wondering, hoping, your days are getting easier. I wish we could use the phones, but understand your reservations. Lainy is working on the problem, but she’s also busy with this problematic client and being pregnant and a wife.

  She says she’d never trade being married for singlehood again, but she’s noticed she has a lot less free time. And once this kid comes... Well, you’re a mother. So, she doesn�
�t have much time to devote to the many miscellaneous projects she used to.

  Ryan and I will be going to my folks soon. I’m letting him sleep now. He’s going to have a full day as it is, much less considering the day is Christmas. So, I figure I’ll let him sleep as long as he can. (All the presents are already at Mom’s house. Keeps us all honest that way.)

  You’ll be happy to know, Ryan and I baked cookies last night. We’re sending you some tomorrow. The rest we’ll eat today. We spent the evening with the parents, and Mom was crazy busy with everything, and Ryan wanted to bake cookies, so we took over that job.

  Mitch helped. We looked like a bunch of ghosts when we were done. Did you know Mitch can toss a single cup of flour and coat an entire person? I haven’t been able to figure out how he does it, but I imagine it has something to do with his military training. He’s improving drastically in the food/water fight arena. We’re proud of him.

  Lainy cleaned up after us and decreed we are never allowed to bake cookies again, but Ryan talked her out of it. I’m not sure how, but he managed. Mitch pulling her into a closet for a few minutes might have helped too. She was as covered in flour as him, so I wonder what they were doing? (eye roll) Ryan kept asking me to explain, but I was laughing too hard. Dad ended up having to do the deed. I’m not sure Ryan understood anyway, but...

  Well, he’s awake now, and more full of energy than I’ve ever seen him in the morning. He’s asked for cookies for breakfast, but my mom made me promise we’d have oatmeal. I’m thinking compromise is good. That way once we finish the nasty oatmeal, (how in the world am I supposed to feed our kid this when I don’t like it myself?) we’ll have cookies. I think it’s a fair trade off. Goodness knows I’ve got to have some incentive to eat oatmeal. (As Ryan would say – ewww!)

  I’d better wrap this up, as we need breakfast and then we’ll dress and hurry over to Granme and Granpy’s house. Ryan’s bouncing off the walls already, so maybe I’ll reconsider the cookie thing, but probably not.

  I did save a few presents for him to open here before we go over to Mom and Dad’s. We opened a few of them last night and plan to finish the rest this morning. Mostly just stocking stuffers.

  I didn’t buy him any candy, since we have lots of tins of cookies and I know Rachel and Treeny made at least ten pumpkin rolls. Laurie, Melly, and Zara have been baking pies all week. Melissa and Lainy have been making cookies and cakes and I don’t know about the in-laws. But there’s sure to be too much sugar.

  Lainy promised to video tape the day for you, but I’ll probably do it. She’s too easily distracted these days. (Mitch is like her shadow, or she’s like his, we haven’t been able to figure which.) So, I’m thinking Ryan and I’ll man the camcorder.

  We miss and love you,

  Max and Ryan - who plan to eat lots of cookies. (Who’ve already eaten lots of cookies. < big grin>)


  KC read Max’s newest email with a smile on her face and an ache in her heart. She’d be sharing in their joy today if she was home. They wouldn’t have eaten cookies for breakfast if she had been there. The image of Max’s and Ryan’s most beguiling expressions reared up in her mind. Well, maybe they would have....

  Since she wasn’t home, she wouldn’t get a vote in the amount of treats they ate before the actual fat-fest even started. Instead she’d already made her rounds and spent some time in the lab. And she could expect more of the same later.

  Someone had put up decorations, but no one felt particularly festive. Instead, most seemed to feel the loss of their families and decided, like her, that work was the answer to their loneliness.

  “KC, you have a visitor,” Monique announced as she poked her head around the corner.

  “Oh?” KC searched her brain, trying to imagine who on earth could be visiting her today.

  “Yeah. And he’s hot. Someone said he’s a Navy SEAL. The hottest brother I’ve seen in a long time.” Monique smacked her lips.

  Ben. With a surge of happiness for having family on base, KC jumped to her feet. “Where is he?” she asked, hurrying for the door.

  “Heading toward the Admiral’s office. How do you know such hot men?”

  “He’s Max’s cousin, Ben.”

  “How is that?”

  “Ben’s adopted, but don’t let that fool you. He’s a Morrison through and through.”

  “Oh.” KC thought that’s what the nurse said, but she was already through the door and running toward the Admiral’s office. The door swooshed open as she came abreast of it, and then she was in Ben’s arms.

  He swung her around and she laughed. He wasn’t Max, but they still were so much alike. And who better, if not Max, than his best cousin? The two men weren’t that far apart in age, and they and Lainy had been bosom buddies growing up. The three were still close.

  “Ben!” she cried with joy and clung, happy to see him.

  “You two get in here,” Admiral O’Riley barked and they both complied. He had been a SEAL too, and it was no secret he favored them. Not that the Corpsmen were treated poorly, because that wasn’t the case at all. He regularly moved mountains or bureaucrats to get them what they needed.

  Both she and Ben saluted and he returned the gesture before waving a hand at the seats before his desk. He grinned at Ben.

  “What’s General Emma up to?”

  Ben laughed. “What’s she usually up to? The Bent Rock Foundation is currently the biggest event, and they’re planning to auction the puppies off this coming week. They’re finally old enough to be weaned. A few have said it’s too early but she wanted to do this before the holiday. The puppies didn’t listen. A rare occurrence for the general.”

  KC laughed along with the admiral. That was so true. General Emma expected everyone and everything to fall into her plans, and generally they did. The puppies not complying wouldn’t go over well with her, but even Emma couldn’t rush nature.

  “That woman,” Admiral O’Riley said and shook his head. Fondly, KC thought. Hhmmm. Max hadn’t informed her of what was happening on Emma’s end. KC thought about emailing Lainy, instead. Being male, Max would miss the obvious signs of interest. Provided General Emma exhibited them.

  “She’s scarier than any high ranking military personage, or otherwise, I’ve met up with,” Ben admitted. “Even our SEAL trainers weren’t as terrifying as our general in full bellow.”

  “Emma’s so tiny, most people look right over her, and then they get knocked over and realize a little too late...” KC said with a grin.

  “Yeah, when they notice everyone else heading for the hills, and realize they’re not gonna make it, and now they’ll be doing her bidding until they can escape.” Ben exchanged a grin with KC who recognized the huff in his voice.

  “Haven’t run for the hills soon enough, son?” Admiral O’Riley sported a knowing look in his eyes.

  Ben snorted, which made KC laugh again. She was so happy to see him, and very grateful he somehow managed to pull off his visit on Christmas. If she couldn’t be with Max and Ryan, Ben was a wonderful substitute. She thought of Ben as a brother.

  They chatted with the admiral for a while before she and Ben were excused. They saluted, KC with fond feelings for their leader, and figured Ben, being a SEAL, probably entertained similar thoughts.

  The older man was always fair, usually compassionate, and more skilled than most knew, he could quietly get in and out where others feared to tread. Rich O’Riley was a Navy legend, if the stories were to be believed, and most did, upon meeting him. He was fierce, intelligent, savvy, and sympathetic as needed. This was probably why he sat in the admiral’s seat, KC decided wryly.

  “He doesn’t change,” Ben said quietly as they meandered their way to the mess hall.

  “No. We’re awfully glad to have him. And I’m awfully glad you could be here today.”

  Ben slanted a speaking glance at her, and KC grinned. “Had to move a few obstacles in your path there, General Emma? I mean, Ben?”

He threw back his head and laughed before playfully cuffing her. KC danced away, so reminded of Max, her heart hurt again.

  “Maybe,” was all he’d commit to, but KC was grateful regardless.

  “Okay. I won’t push.”

  They entered the eating tent and each picked up some coffee. There were cookies on a plate beside the coffee maker, and KC and Ben exchanged incredulous looks before helping themselves.

  “Max and Ryan made cookies at his folk’s house last evening. Mitch and Lainy must have been there too, because the boys had a flour fight. Max said Mitch is getting much better with the food/water fight bit.”

  Ben shook his head. “It’s sad, a trained Marine, and he can’t even keep up in a Morrison family food or water battle.” They settled in at a nearby table.

  “Max said he’s improving.”

  “That’s good. You’d expect that of a Marine.”

  “I suppose,” she answered on a gurgle. “We wouldn’t need the learning curve, right?”

  He looked offended. “Of course not. We’d have known what to do right from the start.”

  “Of course.” She laughed with him. Each branch of the military had their opinions. She was grateful to share hers with an elite member of her branch.

  “So they made cookies at Aunt Monica’s house last evening?” Ben asked, and KC heard some of her homesickness in his voice.

  “Yes. Apparently they had a good time. Monica made Max promise he and Ryan would have oatmeal for breakfast this morning.”

  Ben made a face so like Max’s she stared.

  “Yuck,” he said succinctly.

  “Max didn’t sound overly pleased with the fare, either.” She grinned at the memory of his email. KC doctored the liquid tar their mess tent passed off as coffee.

  “Heck, no. He hates oatmeal.”

  “It’s amazing what you do when you have a kid,” she said with a sad smile. Ryan was in the very best hands, so she needed to stop worrying. Besides, she had been trying to convince Max to eat oatmeal for ages.


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