Corpsman and the Nerd

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Corpsman and the Nerd Page 17

by Grady, D. R.

  Ben sent her a disgusted look.

  “Ah-ha! Another Morrison man who doesn’t like oatmeal,” she accused and then frowned. “You’re in the military. How can you not like oatmeal?” She took a tentative sip of the potent brew. With plenty of creamer it was okay.

  “I eat eggs and whatever meat is available. Usually I can avoid the nasty stuff.” He bit into a cookie and she was again reminded of Max.

  She remembered the day Max’s mom and aunts had come to pack her things and given her a bag of cookies to take into work. How they had carried on that day and Max was so pleased with those treats, and her. Maybe someday he would look at her like that when she didn’t have cookies. But look at her because he wanted to taste her.

  Swallowing, KC cut off those thoughts. Now wasn’t a good time to be thinking such things. She wanted to enjoy Ben’s visit. He took a sip of his non-doctored brew and she shuddered. Ben didn’t seem fazed.

  “Missing Max and Ryan?” The compassion in Ben’s voice yanked her back into their conversation.

  She nodded and took another sip of her coffee.

  He reached across the table and took her hand. “Hey, it’s okay to miss them. You should.”

  “I know. I’m glad they’re having fun and are with family, it’s just hard, because I want to be with them so badly.” She blinked away the tears that threatened and looked at him. “But I’m glad you’re here, Ben.”

  He grinned and she saw why Monique was so impressed with him. He was quite handsome. And confident and sweet. He and Max had so much in common, so how had she noticed this about Ben in the past, but missed those same characteristics in Max? She wondered if Treeny had noticed those characteristics in Max, but missed them in Ben. Or maybe Treeny and Ben’s problems were different than hers and Max’s. If problem was the correct term. Maybe KC just suffered from major oversight. Max had been right there in front of her all this time and she’d missed him for all the Morrisons.

  Ben shrugged. “This is what family is about. We can’t be with them today, but we can be together, and that’s important. Now, I happen to be in possession of last year’s Christmas celebration DVD. I also know Max is especially adept at ad-libbing The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.”

  KC laughed. “I was there, and yes, he is adept at that.”

  And suddenly she couldn’t wait to watch that video.

  “So, you got any Morrison family cookies?” Ben asked slyly and KC laughed again.

  “Maybe,” she taunted. He tormented her the entire way to her quarters to retrieve the laptop and her cookie and brownie stash.

  She refused to think about another celebration far away, in a land where she was loved, and returned the emotion in full.

  Chapter 31

  During a lull Christmas morning, Max sat down at his laptop, which he had the foresight to bring along to his parent’s house. He wanted to check his email to see whether KC had written. He was pretty certain she would.

  Seeing a message from her, he clicked on it, excitement spiraling through him.

  To: [email protected]

  From: [email protected]

  Subject: Ben’s here!

  Dear Max,

  Happy Christmas, to you too! I wish I could be there with you, but I got a really nice surprise today. Ben’s here! He’s enjoying a quick nap, so I thought I’d take the time to send you an email. (I don’t think he’s had much sleep lately. When I suggested a nap, he jumped at the chance.) Please let your family know he’s well and accounted for. And missing everyone too.

  Max grinned and got up from the desk. “Hey! Anyone who’s worried about Ben, I can help.”

  He quickly had family surrounding him. “Where is he, dear?” his mom asked impatiently, and he slid an arm around her.

  “He’s with KC.”

  “Oh,” Lainy said on a sigh. “That’s wonderful! I’ve been feeling for her, and him. Knowing they’re together makes things so much better.”

  “Yeah, that’s why she wrote. And I think she’s feeling better about not being with us, since he’s there.”

  “I’m sure,” an aunt murmured.

  Max noticed relief and another emotion he couldn’t identify cross Treeny’s expressive face. Sunlight from a nearby window erupted in the fiery red gold curls of her hair. He wondered if he should report Treeny’s reaction to KC but in the excitement, forgot.

  “You’d better call his mother,” his mom directed.

  “I will.”

  Lainy looked at him and raised an eyebrow. He opened his arms and she stepped into them. “You’re feeling better too, knowing she’s with family and not missing you and Ryan so much.” It was creepy how Lainy could tap into his feelings with seemingly little effort.

  “Yeah. I could tell she’s pretty excited. I imagine she expected today to be a regular work day, but with Ben there, she’ll take some time off.”

  “I’m glad they’re together.”

  Max, who had rested his chin on her head, nodded. “Me too.”

  Eventually he returned to her email. Thankful for the gifts of his family, health, and most importantly, Ryan and KC Gilmore.

  I was so excited to see him! We watched last year’s Christmas celebration together. You certainly are quite skillful at ad-libbing. We replayed that part of the video a few times. Between you, Ed, and Tom, you had us, and everyone else who heard, rolling! (They all stopped and watched with us.)

  I imagine Lainy spent some time with the mothers this time around? Last year she didn’t spend much time with them, but I figure she’ll be drawn there now. Amazing how much her life has changed in just one year. Last year she wasn’t married, or even engaged. Now she’s married and she and Mitch are expecting their first child. (I’m with you on worrying they’ll end up with eight. Maybe even twelve kids!)

  Max paused at that section and frowned at the computer. Was KC trying to say something there? Or was this wishful thinking on his part? Did she realize the longing he got from that one little paragraph?

  “Do you want to be married and expecting your next child by this time next year, KC?” he muttered, hearing the poignancy in his voice, knowing that’s what he wanted.

  He wanted to see a ring on her finger matching his and her belly swollen with their next child. How he longed for that. Ryan would be six, and he was well past the age where he needed a sibling.

  Max couldn’t imagine another man raising Ryan. That little boy was his. Just as Ryan’s mother was his. Sitting back in his chair, Max contemplated how he could convince KC of that. From some of her emails, he wondered if she felt the same way, because some of her notes came across like she also believed they belonged together.

  When he couldn’t summon answers, Max picked up where he left off in her email.

  Ben told me this is probably only going to be an overnight trip for him. He expects to meet up with his team tomorrow, and then they’ll be off again. Which is sad, but the way of military life. At least I’ve got him for today. I think he’s as happy to see me as I am to see him.

  I did speak with some of the other doctors here, and Ben, and we’ve decided to risk using our cell phones today. We’re going to leave the site and try. So everyone who wants to can contact their families today. It’s doubtful the signal will interfere with our equipment as far away as we’re intending to go.

  So, stick by the phone. I’ve got your parent’s number programmed in my phone, compliments of Lainy, so we’ll try calling once Ben wakes up. Although, we’ll probably try calling your phone from Lainy first. (Please have it turned on, but we’ll try your parent’s number if you don’t. I intend to find you today!) 

  Ben’s enjoyed my newest cookie supply as much as I have. And he got a kick out of the brownies Lainy frosted specially for the holidays!

  I miss and love you!

  KC (and Ben says to say hi!)

  We’ll call later!

  Leaning back in his chair, Max contemplated this potential opportunity to spe
ak with KC. He hoped they wouldn’t have trouble sending the calls through, and was thankful for the opportunity to talk to Ben too. There was an added bonus in Ben being with KC. If they had technical difficulties, well, a Navy SEAL shouldn’t have any trouble handling them. Max’s heart lurched at the thought that he might speak to KC today.

  It had been a long time since he heard her voice. He planned to savor the moment, because heaven only knew when the next opportunity might arise. The holidays truly were a time for making precious memories, but Max found he couldn’t wait until they were over.

  He was looking far more forward to the time when he could hold KC in his arms again.

  Chapter 32

  “Ben, I’d like you to meet one of my roommates, Dr. Janine Morris. Janine, this is Max’s cousin, Ben Morrison,” KC introduced them, and then cocked her head.

  Something was wrong. Not with Ben, he seemed as laid back and natural as usual. But Janine was staring at Ben with an odd expression. KC hoped her friend wasn’t about to fall for him, because everyone knew Ben had feelings for Rachel’s sister, Treeny.

  Certainly, Ben would be gentle with Janine’s heart, but her new friend falling for him didn’t seem quite right, either. While she appeared startled, she didn’t have that lustful look in her eyes the other women on base had exhibited. KC continued to watch, still not able to pinpoint the situation.

  Janine had gone slightly pale, she noticed. Alarm began building, and she stared between the two. She finally noticed something. Janine reminded her of Max, yes, but physically, she looked an awful lot like... Ben. Both were tall and statuesque. Both were lean, with the same color skin, and KC noticed in surprise, the same shaped eyes. Janine’s were amber, while Ben’s were a darker brown, but the shape was identical.

  And Janine’s last name was Morris, while Ben’s adopted name was Morrison. KC saw that Ben had begun to pick up on their reactions. “Something wrong ladies?”

  “Ben, may I assume you were adopted?” Janine’s musical island cadence came through clearly, something KC noticed when Janine was tired or especially emotional.

  “I am,” he answered, and looked Janine over more thoroughly this time.

  “He’s very much a Morrison,” KC felt compelled to add.

  “I’m sure he is. Perhaps it’s coincidence I’ve been looking for my brother, who was adopted at age four or five. I’ve been able to trace him as far as Pennsylvania, and you’re from that state, right?”

  KC couldn’t stop her gasp. No wonder they looked alike. If Ben and Janine were siblings... This would explain Janine’s odd reaction.

  “Now wait a minute,” Ben said, looking at Janine a bit suspiciously. “You think I might be your brother?”

  “Yes. I believe you might be my brother. If so, you’re my only living relative.” Janine’s voice hadn’t risen, but the silken cadence was strong. She sounded more intense than KC had ever heard from her before and they’d endured some demanding times here.

  “Why do you think I could be your brother?” KC noted the suspicion sounded like it was leaking out of Ben’s voice, while confusion appeared the most dominant emotion now.

  “How old are you, Ben?”

  “I’m thirty-four.”

  “I’m thirty-three,” Janine said and cocked her head. “We should be eleven months apart if we’re siblings.”

  “My birthday is in November,” he said.

  “And mine is in October.”

  That certainly indicated they were eleven months apart, KC concluded to herself.

  “Were you born on the tenth?” Janine asked, and her body exuded an intensity and power that roiled off her in noticeable waves.

  “Yes,” Ben said dumbly. He looked dazed, and KC reached out to squeeze his hand. He squeezed back, but she didn’t know whether it was in thanks for her support or simply an automatic reflex.

  Janine nodded. “I’m not saying we’re siblings, although it looks likely.”

  Ben stared at her for a moment. “I already have three sisters.”

  “And a million cousins,” KC said dryly, trying to alleviate some of the tension hovering in the air and his lips quirked.

  He squeezed KC’s hand again. “And a million cousins,” he repeated.

  “Do you have any records of your birth family?” KC reached out and touched Janine’s arm. One slender, elegant hand topped hers and squeezed and KC felt a sense of awe at this newest discovery.

  “There’s very little information, which is why it’s been so difficult locating my brother.”

  “If you don’t have family, who’s been sending you packages?” KC wondered.

  “Some of the women at the hospital where I’ve worked since completing my residency. They’ve adopted me of sorts.” Janine didn’t take her eyes off Ben.

  “Oh.” KC blinked. After being tugged into the Morrison family, she forgot what it was like to not have family. “Wait until the Morrisons adopt you. You’ll wonder how you ever got on in life.”

  Ben chuckled. “I’m a Morrison, Janine. I look just like my grandfather. Granted, my skin is much darker than his, but he and I are nearly the same person.”

  KC nodded vigorously. “They are the same person, only one’s older than the other. It’s scary!”

  “Is not,” Ben refuted and she reached out to play punch him. He blocked the blow easily, and clucked her under the chin. In a manner so similar to Max, she nearly cried. The moment was already intense enough, so she blocked the thought, because she wasn’t going to be the first to give into the swirling emotions.

  “It’s very possible we are Morrisons. Have you noticed that my last name is Morris? Isn’t that odd?” Janine asked.

  KC and Ben stared at her. That was absolutely true. Mere coincidence or something more?

  “Let’s go call my mom,” Ben finally said and the three of them looked at one another, before they grabbed the equipment they needed and made for a military vehicle.

  KC thought longingly of Max and how she would love to be able to call him first and tell him everything they’d just discovered. But right now, this other Morrison family needed contacting. KC didn’t doubt the outcome of the conversation, though.

  Even if Janine proved to have no blood ties, she still would be melded into the Morrison family. She’d still become a Morrison, regardless of her heritage. They would feel for her orphan status, and yank her in, and she would probably end up marrying a Morrison relative or consort. That’s the way this family worked.

  She thought again of Max and abruptly halted those thoughts. Because she desperately wanted those same things, but they currently dangled just out of her grasp.

  KC watched Ben’s face as he dialed his parent’s number. He looked composed and perfectly normal. She expected this of a Navy SEAL, but she also knew him well enough to guess that his insides weren’t so calm. He didn’t shake when he finished pressing in the numbers and hit the send number.

  “Happy Christmas, Mom, this is Ben,” he said before she heard excited chatter erupt over the line.

  Grinning, she raised her hand to cover her mouth, but he caught her gesture and rolled his eyes. This woman was so like Max’s mom, even though they were sisters-in-law, not true sisters.

  “I’m with KC, you remember Max’s partner? Yeah, I’m with her at a Field Site. She’s fine. Yes, we took today off. No, we didn’t get a decent meal, but we’re fine. The bakers came through and she has a huge batch of treats she shared. So, we had an excellent dessert.”

  He went silent and she heard the chatter again. Turning to Janine, she had a hard time keeping a straight face as she explained. “The Morrison women tend to be excitable.”

  “Oh,” Janine answered in what sounded like an automatic response. She looked far more shell shocked than KC had ever seen on her before. KC wondered if she was actually staring at Ben’s biological sister.

  “Mom, wait, I have a question for you. It’s sort of a long story, so could you listen for a minute?” Ben sounded exasp
erated, just like Max did during a conversation with his mother. Ben’s voice also contained affection and love. Exactly like Max’s. Why did her thoughts keep circling around to Max?

  Ben fell silent again, listening to his mom, and KC grinned at him. He tried to put her in a head lock, but she danced away from him. And managed to jab him with a finger. He easily escaped her too.

  “Remember when you adopted me? Good, where’d I come from? What? I know I’ve never asked you this before. I know I’m a Morrison, and don’t care, but there’s a woman here, a doctor, who thinks I might be her biological brother.”

  Silence on the other end of the line. Janine bit her lip and looked more flustered than KC had ever seen on her friend. KC’s stomach twisted for her. Ben raised his eyes and looked at KC. She nodded to him, and then reached out to squeeze his hand again. Janine put a hand on his arm and he closed his eyes for a moment, probably to collect himself.

  KC couldn’t hear what his mom said, but Ben nodded. “I know Mom, I don’t care who my parents were, because as far as I’m concerned, you’re my mom and you always have been, and always will be. But this woman here, Janine Morris, doesn’t have any family, and so—”

  She heard his mom again, and grinning, she raised a thumb to Janine who looked confused. “Brace yourself,” KC warned.

  Ben laughed. “Yeah, like I’m gonna hand the phone over to Janine. No way! Mom, you’ll overwhelm her and now that she’s found me, we’ve got to go easy. Which means it would be good if you could look up some facts on your end. I’ll have her email you so you and the rest of the rellys don’t run her over.”

  He snorted then rolled his eyes again. He looked at her. “KC, is the Morrison clan likely to blow Janine over?”

  “Yes,” she stated emphatically. While she would do anything to protect Ben, right now Janine needed that protection more.


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