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Corpsman and the Nerd

Page 18

by Grady, D. R.

  “KC confirms, and she’d know. Max eased her into the family, and that’s what we’re doing with Janine. She’s innocent and doesn’t deserve to be—”

  His mom cut him off again, apparently, because he stopped talking.

  Ben had a very nice laugh, much like Max’s, KC noticed, and Ben bent over, still laughing. “No!” He managed to get the word out and then laughed again. Even Janine looked more at ease. KC grinned at her.

  “Guaranteed, they can’t wait to meet you and welcome you. Fortunately, Ben is kind, so he’ll keep them from knocking you down and trampling you in their glee,” she whispered to help comfort her tense friend.

  Janine raised an eyebrow. Her expression reminded KC of a queen. “Are they really that bad?”

  Ben overheard her question and looking at KC, they chorused, “Yes!”

  Janine turned another shade of pale.

  Chapter 33

  Ben finally calmed his mother down and convinced her to start researching on her end, and Janine finally displayed more color in her cheeks before Ben disconnected the call. KC was eager to talk to Max, but fearful too. And she couldn’t determine why.

  When Ben handed the phone to her KC selected Max’s number from her phone book and hit the call button. She bit her lip, waiting for him to answer.

  “Hello. KC?” His voice came across clearly. As though he was standing beside her, rather than being more than an ocean away.

  “Max, it’s me.” She heard the catch in her voice, and was grateful when Janine tugged Ben around the vehicle. She wanted this time alone with Max. Needed the time, actually.

  “Happy Christmas.” And she heard the catch in his voice too. Feeling her chaotic emotions well, she blinked and stared across the expanse of sand.

  “Happy Christmas, to you too,” she whispered.

  “I wish you were here.”

  “I wish I was there.”

  They spoke at the same time, and she laughed with him.

  “I guess we’re still missing each other,” he said quietly and she had to close her eyes. He sounded as forlorn as she felt. His deep voice was so familiar, and with her new awareness of him, incredibly sexy.

  “I guess so. But it’s nice having Ben here.” Why did she feel so awkward? This was Max.

  “I’m glad he’s there too. Everyone here was happy to hear he got to your unit.”

  “I was happy, I know that! How’s Ryan?”

  “Ryan’s having a good morning. I think he got everything he wanted. And I’m sure there’s some stuff he didn’t want.”

  “Oh?” She liked the hint of brattiness in his voice.

  “Yeah, someone actually gave him clothes.”

  “Well, we can’t have that. Who would do such a thing?” KC teased, some of her awkwardness leaving as she joked with him. Joking with Max was normal.

  “Most of the aunts. I think Lainy and Mitch got him a jacket, which he needed, and I couldn’t find. He’s now the proud owner of more toys than I could imagine. Good thing I brought the Jeep.” Max sounded wistful and she wanted to ask him whether he’d gotten everything he wanted, but she was too afraid of his answer. KC couldn’t work up enough nerve. This was Max, her best friend, so it should be easier, yet that awareness of him as a man kept interfering.

  You’d rather have him as your lover than your best friend, a little voice taunted her. She grimaced. In fact, she’d like both.

  “We’ve had some excitement here. Did you hear about it yet?”

  “No, but I think Mom is right now. She keeps squealing.” KC heard definite disgust in Max’s voice, and grinned.

  “Since when have you not been able to take squealing women?”

  “Hey, we became an all male household. We don’t do things like squeal or giggle.”

  “I see. Want to know what the excitement is about?”

  “Mom’s sure to tell us. So, I don’t know.”

  KC knew Max well enough to know he was definitely yanking her chain. She decided to yank his back. “Okay, well I won’t tell you, then.”

  He sighed. Loudly. She had to suppress a giggle. Clapping a hand over her mouth helped.

  “I think Ryan and I are going to ban you when you do come home. Even though we miss you, you’ve gotten worse.”

  “I thought you were an all male household. Doesn’t that mean you’re supposed to be tough?” Even she could hear the mischief and glee in her voice.

  “Hey, Ryan!” Max bellowed, not in her ear, thankfully.

  “Dad, guess what? Steve said he’d let me play his new game!” She heard Ryan’s excited voice and felt a stab of regret again that she couldn’t be with them.

  “That’s pretty nice of Steve. I’m talking to your mom, want to say hello?”

  “Mommy’s on the phone?” And his eagerness made her smile.

  “Yes. Here, don’t squeal.”

  “Dad, we’we men, we don’t squeal.” Ryan sounded so mature. A ball of bittersweetness rose in her throat.

  “Right. Is your grandmother still on the phone?”

  “Yeah. She’s squealing.” Ryan sounded disgusted.

  “I know. That’s why I came in here.” Max’s voice echoed Ryan’s male disdain for women’s happy forms of expression.

  KC smiled at the conversation going on without her. This gave her a tiny glimpse of their lives together. That ball of bittersweetness grew.

  “Mom?” Ryan’s sweet voice floated over the phone, and just like Max’s, he sounded close.

  “Hi, Sweetheart. How are you?”

  “I’m good. I got a lot of pwesents. And Dad and me and Aunt Lainy and Uncle Mitch made cookies last night. We ate ‘em all.” He sounded so eager, and so solemn.

  “I see. Did you get a bellyache from eating so many cookies?”

  “No, Dad said we had to eat oatmeal. We made faces, but we ated it all, so we got cookies, then.”

  “Oh. Your dad doesn’t like oatmeal either?” Like she didn’t already know this, but Ryan watching Max eat something he didn’t enjoy was a good lesson.

  “No. But he ated it too, so I had to.”

  “That’s right. Sometimes we have to eat what we don’t like.”

  “Do you have to eat what you don’t like, Mom?”

  “Oh yes. Ask your Uncle Ben about the food we eat here. Actually, ask Uncle Mitch.”

  “He alweady said Granme’s food is much bettew than what he ated last yeaw.”

  “That’s right. What did you get for Christmas?”

  And she nearly winced when he launched into a long diatribe of everything he opened. Fortunately, Max saved her and told him to tell her goodbye, which he did. “I love you, Mommy. Goodbye.”

  “I love you, Ryan. Bye, baby.”

  Then Max’s voice came back on the line. “Did you get all that?” he asked, and she heard definite spunk.

  “You know, I do know how to – oh no.”

  “What?” Max must have caught the tension in her voice.

  “There goes the siren again. I hoped we’d not see wounded today.” She glanced at her watch. “We’re about five hours from tomorrow here.” Frustration welled, but KC quelled it. Right now, they needed to get back to the base. “I’ve got to go.”

  “Okay. We’re thinking about you here. We miss and love you, baby.”

  “I miss and love you too. Oh, Max, I wanted longer with you!” She wailed, and watched as the wounded poured in. She had to go.

  Janine came to get her and more frustration spurted.

  “I know, KC, but it’s okay. We’ll have more time.” Max sounded sure of himself, so she nodded.

  “Okay. Bye,” she whispered.

  “Bye.” And they disconnected.

  KC turned and hurried for the vehicle Ben had already fired up and pointed toward the base. What a terrible way to spend the fading last of Christmas. But then she reminded herself that she had spent some time with Ben and taken the opportunity to speak with both Ryan and Max. The wounded being rushed into the camp ha
dn’t spent the nice time she had this Christmas.

  She realized she hadn’t gotten the chance to tell Max about Janine and Ben.


  “Did you hear?” Lainy came up behind him as he watched the computer light flicker in front of him.

  “Hear what?” Max didn’t feel like talking, but he figured since the person wishing to converse was Lainy, he could make an exception.

  “Aunt Heather just called. That doctor whose cot is beside KC’s?”

  Max frowned. “Janine, right?”

  Lainy waved a negligent hand, “That sounds right, but anyway, she believes Ben is her brother.”

  “What?” Max sat up in the chair and turned to stare at her.

  “Janine thinks Ben might be her brother,” Lainy repeated, like he was Ryan’s cohort instead of his dad.

  “Ben’s already got three sisters. Why does he need another one?” Max frowned as he tried to imagine having another sister. Upon reflection he didn’t think he approved of the concept.

  “Janine is apparently a birth sister. Besides, what’s one more sister? He’s already a professional at being a brother.”

  “I don’t think another sister is a good thing,” Max mumbled, wondering how Ben could be so unfortunate.

  But then he, Max, was feeling pretty unfortunate too. Since KC was in Kuwait, and he was here, in Hershey. Someone had to be laughing about that, but he sure didn’t find it funny. Yes, he’d been given custody of Ryan, but that didn’t make things much easier today.

  “Max, Ben and Janine finding each other is a good thing.”

  Lainy leaned over the desk and waved a hand in front of his face. How was it a good thing?

  “Sisters are annoying.” Max felt duty bound to remind her of this minor fact.

  Lainy sniffed. “We are not any worse than brothers.”

  “Oh yes you are—”

  Raising her hand, Lainy began ticking off names. “Will, Ed, Tom, Greg, John—”

  And Max winced. Okay, so that listing was bad. Awful, actually. “Okay, so your brothers aren’t wonderful—”

  “Max,” she ticked off, without breaking stride and he grinned.

  “You know, I was looking forward to a nice, quiet place in the midst of the zoo and three ring circus going on here, and I’d nearly found it. Then you came.” He kept his tone conversational, which tended to tick Lainy off. She swatted at him, and he laughed and ducked.

  “I’m leaving now, since I know my husband will be happy to see me. You just enjoy your solitude. Oh, your kid is looking for you.”

  Max blinked before shoving out of the chair. “On second thought, maybe I’ll forget the solitude and go find my kid.”

  “Good idea,” Lainy remarked and laughed at him as she left the room.

  “Why in the world would Ben need another sister? If he wants a new one, I can donate four. Or seven.” Max felt better after he muttered that loud enough for her to hear.

  Lainy ignored him, which she knew bugged him.

  Max shook his head.

  He missed KC. The holidays would be so much more fun with her present and accounted for.

  But she was attending to the wounded. She was making this day count. What about him? What was he doing to make today count?

  Max went to find Ryan.

  Chapter 34



  Subject: General Emma and Admiral O’Riley

  Hey Lainy!

  Thanks for your last message. I miss you two so much! I’m very excited about this baby, as you know.  You and Max both keep me informed. (Although his version isn’t nearly as technical as yours.)

  Speaking of you and Max, I’ve asked him to give me the scoop on General Emma. Meaning, have you noticed any sort of... extra emotion she shows toward our good admiral? Because I’ve certainly seen something going on from my end. He’s pretty intense for information about her.

  Max has proven less than reliable on the gossip end.  He’s such a man. It’s incredible! I asked him to tell me anything he notices which was a ridiculous request on my part. Like he notices such things. “General Emma interested in Admiral O’Riley? What’s interest mean?” 

  Therefore, I thought I’d put forth my suspicions to you. Have you noticed any vibes from her? I really like him, and if she’s not feeling the same way, I want to know. He’s a good man and doesn’t deserve to be hurt. I really think he’s vulnerable where she’s concerned. (Which is disconcerting to see in one’s Commanding Officer.)

  Does that sound strange? I’m sorry if it does. I just wanted to be on the same page with someone from home. I have things covered here, but I need a spy there. Max certainly hasn’t proven helpful. LOL

  Oh, there goes the wounded call. Gotta go! Miss you!




  KC tore into the package. They were into January now, well into the month, in fact, and her cookie supply had dwindled to stale crumbs. She’d been anticipating this box, and with relief, extracted a huge container of fresh smelling treats.

  Sighing, she bit into a molasses cookie, and savored the first bite. Then worked at removing the rest of the contents with her free hand. She came up with DVDs. One read Morrison Holidays, and she saw the video was dated from this past holiday. The other simply read Max and Ryan.

  Eagerly, she popped that one into her laptop, then while the video loaded, continued clearing out the carton. More cookies, more toiletries, these not gift-wrapped as those she had received before the holidays. And another stack of pictures.

  Flipping through the pictures, she saw Lainy’s hand in the selection. All of them portraying Max and Ryan. Her hand stilled as she gazed at one that clearly depicted Ryan’s bath time. KC’s heart clenched as she thought longingly of the times she had bathed her son. Now, Max enjoyed the job.

  By the expression on their beloved faces, they were enjoying those moments together. Ryan sat in the tub, with some of his favorite bath toys around him. KC noted a couple new ones and smiled.

  What really riveted her though, was Max. Max clothed had begun to cause unfamiliar sensations to her nervous system. Max shirtless was enough to blow her nervous system. A sight to behold, indeed. The man was perfectly made.

  In the picture, he sat by the tub, and his stomach definitely contained ridges she wanted to explore. Flat, with texture. KC liked texture. He rested one arm on the tub and with his biceps bent, revealed those nicely muscled arms she lusted after.

  His shoulders gleamed with moisture, and she could detect droplets down his chest. A wonderfully contoured chest, with a perfect sprinkling of hair. Max had the most masculine chest she had ever had the privilege of viewing. He really had been holding out on her and she wasn’t happy about that.

  He must have removed his glasses, which was probably wise, knowing Ryan as she did. Her son liked to splash. Max would be blinded by the water if he kept his glasses on. Lainy had caught him in profile, and Ryan head on, so she could see her son’s blue eyes, but not Max’s. She wished she could see Max’s eyes again without his glasses.

  Of course, this picture with his naked torso did plenty for her. Maybe too much. The man was definitely gorgeous. And she’d never noticed. Now, thousands of miles away, she couldn’t do anything about her new Max fetish. Could that be why she had suddenly acquired this awareness of him?

  Because she couldn’t do anything about it?

  KC pondered that question. Would she immediately revert back to old habits when she returned home? But that didn’t ring true. These strange yearnings began before she left home. Remembering that first morning at Max’s house calmed her.

  She had certainly been aware of him then. As a man. Not as her best friend and business partner. Had she begun to think about him as a different sort of partner even then? Gulping, KC knew the answer to that question without additional thinking or effort involved.

  Yes. Max Morrison had
taken on the role of a far more important partner than strictly business. When had he become her mate?

  Not able to answer that question, KC turned to the video. Anything to keep her mind off her newest musings.

  She watched as Max’s house came into view. The camerawoman took them around the side of the house and showed the backyard. How she wanted to romp in that yard with Max and Ryan. With Spuds nipping at their heels.

  Winter had taken a death toll on the flowers she knew normally resided there. The trees were bare, and reached to a weak sun. Color came from the healthy ivy growing up the fence and trellis and the scattering of evergreens.

  KC lost interest in the vegetation when she caught sight of Max and Ryan. They were walking from the house to the barn, and KC stared. Grinning she shook her head as she noticed something interesting.

  Working with Max for a year, she knew his walk. He had a languid, laid back sort of stroll. She enjoyed how his hips easily rolled, yet there was a tightly leashed power there, as well. Never having noticed that before, KC wondered how she missed the evidence.

  What stole her attention the most, however, was the small boy bobbing along behind Max. A little man who perfectly mimicked Max’s walk. Placing a hand over her mouth, KC felt her smile. She pressed her lips between her teeth as she gazed at the pair.

  Ryan walked like Max. In this most precious video, Lainy had amazingly captured a little boy mimicking his dad. Tears welled in her eyes as KC watched.

  Her son had exhibited Max characteristics in the past, but now she couldn’t wait to get home and see them in person. How many more would he have? Would she see Max regularly in him? This video offered further proof that a child didn’t need to be born of a parent to act like Mom or Dad.

  The video also provided evidence that a man could love a little boy he hadn’t had any part in creating. Because Max loved Ryan. His actions so easily proved that theory. KC had no doubts on that fact. Their little boy. Ryan was theirs.

  Even if Max wasn’t the man she married, he was still Ryan’s dad. He deserved partial custody regardless of the outcome of their relationship. Ryan needed Max, and she wondered if maybe Max needed Ryan. She knew she needed her son in her life. And right now, she’d be hard pressed to deny she needed Max as much.


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