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Corpsman and the Nerd

Page 20

by Grady, D. R.

  Did Max love her the way she longed for?

  Chapter 36

  Eventually KC thrust to her feet and went in search of Janine and the Humvee.

  “Did you call him?” Janine fired up the engine while KC crawled into the passenger seat. With ease, Janine turned the vehicle toward their field unit.


  “I can see you feel better. That’s the way a relationship should be, you know.”

  “Can you explain that?” KC turned in her seat and stared at Janine, who kept her eyes on the path.

  “You needed comfort so you went to him, and now you’ve been comforted. You need love, you go to him, and you’re loved. You needed him to take care of your son so you go to him, and your son is with him. And I doubt this is one way. He knows he can come to you and find what he needs.”

  KC thought about that. “When his father had a heart attack last year, he came straight to me.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I held him, fed him, took care of the little details he couldn’t deal with. I did the same when his grandfather broke a hip. I held his hand the entire time. Actually, I held him together for a little while there, he was really worried.” KC remembered how worried she’d been about him during those days. “I always go with him to pick out baby gifts when his sister’s have babies or someone gets married.”

  Janine smiled. “I’m right.”

  KC rolled her eyes. “Of course you’re right.” She did hone in on Max when in need, but he always cut a path to her too. They talked about everything and anything. She even acknowledged that Ryan needed Max. So did she. And he came through for her, as usual.

  “Max never disappoints me. He exasperates me, infuriates me, humors me, makes me laugh.” KC shook her head. “He makes me laugh all the time. He worries with me, shares with me, but he’s never disappointed me.”

  “Sounds like he lacks the capacity to do so. You love him without reservation.”

  “But, Janine, am I in love with him?” KC bit her lip. She was almost afraid to ask that question, but she needed to know. Her fear was that because of their bleak circumstances, she tricked herself into thinking she was in love with Max to survive. But that all of these feelings would disappear once she was home again.

  “You won’t know if you’re in love with him until your tour is finished and you return to him and normal living conditions.”

  “Thanks for that easy answer, pal,” KC said wryly.

  “Sure, anytime.” Janine’s voice was mellow and amused.

  “Sometimes, Janine, I picture you upside down in a sand dune somewhere,” KC responded conversationally. “And it’s a nice picture.”

  “You’re not the first to imagine that, girlfriend.” The amusement hadn’t left Janine’s voice.

  When they arrived back at their tent, KC glanced at the video, finally remembering what had started her storm of tears. She dropped onto her cot and hit the play button. Might as well watch the rest, she decided. Talking to Max had improved her spirits drastically.

  “What happened to you?” Tina stopped beside KC’s cot and looked her over. KC paused the video again.

  “Happened to me?”

  “Well, you don’t look like you’re ready to burst into tears at any minute. You look like you’ve had a vacation or something,” Tina said, her blonde hair shining in the abundant, beating sunlight. “Did you get leave and not tell anyone?”

  “She talked to her man,” Janine answered for her. KC sent her a look, which Janine ignored and instead smiled serenely. Something she excelled at.

  “Well, the difference is noticeable.” Tina plopped onto the cot beside KC. KC moved a bit to give her more room. Janine joined them and KC handed cookies around before she hit the play button again.

  Max had control of the video camera now, and amused them with his jaunts into the room where his family adlibbed to The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. He added his own lines, which caused the women near hysterics. The funny pans and upside down or sideways views showed that Lainy was definitely not manning the camera.

  He often pointed the camera at Ryan, who clowned for her with Max throwing out ideas and directions, which Ryan certainly didn’t need. But she could tell her son and Max were a team.

  When the time came for opening of presents, KC leaned forward intently. Lainy wrestled the camera away from Max, which made her laugh.

  “Mitch, do something with your wife,” Max complained, trying to keep the camera from her, but KC knew he would be extra gentle with her, since she was pregnant.

  “I already did,” Mitch said complacently and KC laughed. He sounded so smug she nearly giggled. Lainy did giggle and Max gave up in disgust.

  “You’ve got a kid to watch,” Lainy reminded him.

  His brows shot up. “Oh, yeah, that’s right.” He rubbed his hands together and picked up their camera. Their camera. They went together last year to buy the digital wonder, since they attended the same functions and ended up using whoever’s camera was nearest. Then Ryan had broken hers, and Max lent his to a relly but never got it back. So, they decided to go together and buy a nicer digital model.

  Max loped across the floor, camera in hand, and joined the other parents on the floor snapping pictures. KC laughed at Ryan and the other kids’ glee with their gifts, wishing she could have been there, but thankful Lainy and Max had thought to record the moment for her.

  After the kids opened their gifts, they all moved to one end of the room to test their newest treasures. The adults gathered at the other end, all keeping a watchful eye on their offspring. She saw Max had seated himself in a corner where he had a good view of Ryan. The women with her were interested in what folks opened even though they didn’t know anyone on the video. And the Morrison family antics, of course.

  Mostly the Morrisons exchanged gag gifts. So, KC grinned when Lainy handed Max several gift wrapped boxes and explained they were from her and KC.

  “From KC? How’d she manage this?” he asked. KC smiled. She had wanted to surprise him.

  “Well, technology has advanced to email, and...” Lainy stopped taunting him when he rolled his eyes.

  He held up a hand. “Right. Go away. Go bother Mitch, I’m sure he’d appreciate that.”

  “Anytime you want to bother me, love, I’m willing,” Mitch informed his wife as he opened gifts. He seemed especially pleased with a super-soaker water gun. “Hey, thanks, Max!”

  Lainy frowned. “How do you know that’s from Max?”

  “I know,” Mitch intoned. KC watched the two men exchange grins. Her heart flipped.

  “Max, you haven’t opened a gift yet. Hurry up, I want to see what KC got you,” his mother directed and KC grinned.

  He’d hate her, but she liked the idea of the gift and when she tentatively emailed Lainy, his sister had been enthusiastic about the idea.

  Now, they just had to convince Max to wear the gift.

  He sighed, and began opening, continuing to keep an eye on their son. He pried the clothing lid top from the bottom and lifted the sweater from the box. It was charcoal gray in color and lightweight with a v-neck. He could wear a shirt and tie underneath if he wanted to dress the sweater up or a t-shirt if he didn’t – perfect. KC was pleased with Lainy’s taste.

  Fashionable, like Max, but subdued enough that he might actually wear it. The size looked right too. Go, Lainy, KC thought.

  “Try it on,” Lainy wheedled and KC grinned.

  “Here?” Max sent a look at his sister.

  “Yep. We’re family. You don’t have anything we haven’t seen before.”

  “Yeah, and some of us would rather not see it again,” Will intoned.

  Lainy smacked him and shot quelling looks at Tom and Ed, who both hooted with laughter.

  “Oh, Max, baby, strip for us,” Tom heckled.

  “At least Max wears real clothes,” Lainy said with a sniff and turned her back on them. KC wanted to applaud her.

  “What a bunch of ch
aracters,” Tina commented, grinning as the brothers continued to heckle. Greg, a brother-in-law, and John, another one, joined in easily.

  “They are,” KC responded.

  “Max Michael Morrison, you better try that shirt on. KC and I went to a lot of trouble buying it!” Lainy said sternly and Max shrugged and tugged his sweater off.

  Tina let out a wolf whistle and Janine blinked in surprise while KC’s mouth went dry.

  “Oh my. His initials are MMM, see, KC, even his name spells yummy. And so does that chest and arms. He’s gorgeous,” Tina purred and KC wasn’t far off.

  “And he’s mine, so back off, girl.” KC mock glared at her friend.

  Tina threw up her hands. “Yes, ma’am! Although he’s worth fighting for.”

  “He’s got it on,” Janine announced.

  KC turned her attention back to the video, regret spiraling through her when she realized she missed him putting on the garment. She would have liked to see his arm muscles bulge. Max truly was yummy. Mmm, she could rewind the video later, when there weren’t witnesses in the room.

  The sweater fit perfectly. It hugged his muscles as close as a lover. As she’d like to, but since she couldn’t be there...

  “Wow, he looks awesome,” Laurie breathed. “Max, who knew you were such a hottie?”

  “He’s your brother, babe,” Greg, her husband, reminded her blandly.

  “That’s okay. I’ll take my frustrations out on you.” Laurie accompanied her statement with a hot look.

  Greg cleared his throat. “Maybe we could go to the bathroom, so you could, uh, start, uh, taking your frustrations—”

  “No!” about ten of the Morrisons said at once. They all looked at each other and laughed.

  “I don’t get it,” Tina said.

  “They’ve got eight children already,” KC explained absently with a smile. Max sure did look good. She couldn’t believe what the difference a well fitted shirt could make.

  Max had to get up then to settle an argument between Ryan and one of Will’s younger kids, and KC started. Will was the biggest of the Morrison men, but she noticed for the first time, seeing the two of them standing together, that while Will might have some weight on Max, the two men stood head to head and shoulder to shoulder. In fact, Max looked like the broader of the two.

  He slouched, that’s why he appeared smaller. But looking at them now, he and Will were actually the same size. Where Max was muscled, Will was beginning to run to bulk, not necessarily pudge, but not complete muscle anymore, either. Otherwise...

  KC wanted to squeeze Max, but she also wanted to feel that lean, muscled body against hers. Not that she hadn’t in the past, but this time she carried new knowledge. Of course, this was Max, and she always enjoyed his scent and warmth. And the safety his arms provided. Would her new sexual awareness of him change all that?

  She didn’t know if she wanted her niche altered. Max was her shelter and haven. While she needed that, she also wanted more. Was it selfish to want all of Max Morrison?

  Chapter 37

  Max stared at the papers on his desk. He was supposed to be working, but couldn’t stop thinking about the phone conversation with KC last night. She had been a nervous wreck, and she called him. Him. Hope inspired him to send an email.

  He wanted her. No, needed her. But her calling him told him she needed him too. What did that mean? Could he have it all? Could he have KC’s friendship, but also her love? Max wanted her for all those things, but he also wanted her as his lover. Lover.

  Shaking his head, he turned to his computer. With no answers and none for the next three months at least, he’d best get an email sent. He could do that.



  Subject: Bent Rock Foundation Blow-out

  Hello KC,

  I’m happy you called me last night. I wish I could have held you as we talked, but I’ll take holding the phone. For now.

  Thought you’d be interested to know, under General Emma’s command, we plan to auction off the puppies this weekend. She hoped to do so between Christmas and New Years, but in answer to your question, hit a paperwork snafu. I’m sure heads rolled for that.

  Ryan and I will be there all day. We’re manning the camera, holding up puppies, helping out at the refreshment stand, and collecting money. Please don’t ask how that’s all going to be possible, because I don’t know, and I’m already tired. General Emma will manage to do all those things and be the announcer too.

  We’re expecting a big turnout. Like I said, we had fifty offers on this new batch of puppies, and now the number is closer to one hundred. Thousands of dollars in donations have poured in already, and General Emma personally delivered a check to Corporal Lance James’ widow and children last week.

  She said the man’s wife broke down on her, and Emma’s since arranged for her to receive additional grief counseling. The general has determined that grief counseling will be the most important aspect of the Bent Rock Foundation. Although she plans to help push military medical benefits through, faster and more efficiently, as well. And anything else the families need as those needs surface.

  Fortunately, Corporal James’ wife has a superior family network, both on her side and his. But General Emma wants her to have formal counseling too. Although they’ve endured his funeral, the widow isn’t doing as well as she could be. General Emma to the rescue!

  So far we’re keeping up with the requests for help from families, but Emma’s worried we’ll soon have too many. She’s pushing the foundation limits now. So, what does she do? Hires more people to get out there and raise funds and awareness, of course. I think the puppy auction will help tremendously too.

  People have already donated other items to be auctioned off. Including a couple of cars, a range, dishwasher, and a washer and dryer set. Those are items I can think of off the top of my head. The Foundation kick-off will be an all day event. Most of the family will be there. We’ve had World War II, Korean, Vietnam, and Gulf War veterans who’ve all volunteered their time and sellable items. General Emma hasn’t turned anyone down who’s offered to help, either. (She’s having anyone who’s served in a war there to talk to folks with questions.)

  Nor has she been shy about recruitment. Ryan and I are top of her list along with Mitch and Lainy. Well, all of my family, all of Ben’s, and many others are going to be working.

  Bentley and Rocky will have seats of honor, of course. I think Emma got them ribbons to wear, but Mitch drew the line at crowns. He went toe to toe with the general and won! She thinks he hung the moon now. I’d NEVER go toe to toe with her, but he didn’t know any better. Course it helps that he was adamant about his cause. Emma likes that.

  I’m sure there will be a Second Bent Rock Foundation Bonanza soon. I just want to get through the first one. Alive. And keep the kid alive. Did I mention how tired I am?

  We’re holding it at a huge local place so they have plenty of parking and room. And food companies have donated so much. We’ll make money off the concession stand, for sure.

  Many local companies have already called and pledged money to the foundation, so the general is pretty excited about that. I hope more will come. Pledging will probably plaster their names in all the right places so that’s excellent advertising. Gilmore Products has already pledged, but I believe we’ll be inclined, ahem... to pledge more. (I always follow orders!)

  We continue to miss you and can’t wait until you’re home. I know you’ll only be gone for three more months, but that seems like such a long time. Ryan and I have a calendar where we mark each day off and then count the number of days until you’re home. (He knows his numbers pretty well now.)

  With love,

  Max and Ryan


  KC sniffed as she read to the end of Max’s note. They were counting down the days until she returned home. She wanted to bawl, but settled for being wholly touched by their wonderf
ul gesture. This time apart zipped past, but not quickly enough. For her, or apparently, her men, either.

  And Max’s first paragraph about wishing he could have held her, but would settle with holding the phone, for now. What did that mean? She couldn’t answer that question, but she did understand the lurch of her heart in response to his statement. Wanting to pursue that little for now immediately with one part of her while the other part chanted no, no, no, no would likely drive her to drink.

  Which was unfortunate, since she was in the middle of the desert, thought alcohol smelled like horse pee, and could be called to duty at any time of the day, so drinking was out of the question. KC reached for her brownie stash. Fortunately, chocolate cured all ailments. Just in case, she also reached for the cookie container. Mixing her sugars might help too. Variety worked.



  Subject: I want a video!

  Hello Max and Ryan,

  Of course you know that I want a copy of the video of the Bent Rock Foundation Blow-Out. As soon as possible! I must confess to being extremely interested in how you fellows will be able to do all General Emma has commanded. Since I know this general, I’m aware she has a plan, and therefore you will do all you’re commanded. 

  I’ve yet to see one of her plans fail. Well, the puppies not being old enough to auction off is one thing, but something she can control... Not that I doubt she’s probably tried to order Mother Nature about too. Likely the only time she’s ever been rebuffed. 

  Admiral O’Riley wants to see this video too. I imagine we’ll show it round the clock for a while, since this foundation has already raised morale here. Those fighting know their families will be taken care of in the event their lives are lost in battle. Each military person who comes through has already prepared himself or herself for the fact he or she could forfeit their life. They don’t take foolish risks. Sometimes even the wisest leave in a body bag, though.


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