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Becoming Edward

Page 5

by Meredith, Faye

  Rachel and Cassie asked for a beer, and Olivia went off to get their drinks.

  ‘She’s lovely,’ said Rachel.

  ‘I know,’ replied Cassie. ‘I thought all rich people were meant to be stuck up.’

  ‘Yeah, well, I think she might be the exception, judging by all the other people here.’

  Olivia returned with two ice-cold bottles of Budweiser. Rachel and Cassie thanked her.

  ‘Help yourself to anything you need,’ Olivia said. ‘Unfortunately I’ve got to do the mingling thing, but I’ll definitely catch up with you a bit later.’

  Cassie and Rachel took a slug of beer and went to find a table. Just as they were walking away, Olivia grabbed Rachel by the arm and whispered into her ear:

  ‘Lewis hasn’t stopped talking about you since he got home.’ As Olivia let go she winked at Rachel and then disappeared into the crowd.

  Rachel’s mind went into hyperdrive. Those few words from Olivia changed everything. Rachel digested this new information and it felt sweeter than honey. The doubt and insecurity in her mind were swept away, replaced by hope. It was small and Rachel wanted to keep it under control but it was building; there was now a chance that Lewis could be her Edward. Rachel strode up to Cassie and put her arm through hers. She tried to suppress a smile but she couldn’t help it.

  ‘What are you grinning at?’ asked Cassie.


  ‘Nothing, my ass. You’re smiling like you’ve won the lottery. Come on spill.’

  Rachel lent over and whispered what Olivia had said.

  ‘No way, Rachel, you lucky cow. He is the hottest man I think I’ve ever seen.’

  ‘Shh, nothing’s happened yet.’

  ‘Don’t be daft, this has come from his sister, not just anyone. Rach, you’re in there, mate. Hey I bet he’s got some really fit friends.’

  ‘Easy, one thing at a time.’

  ‘Hey, why should you get to bag a posh bloke and not me?’

  ‘Okay, but you know me. I like to take things slowly.’

  ‘Yeah, and I’m not stopping you but I like to go a bit faster than you, granny.’

  ‘Hey, piss off.’

  ‘Come on, Rach, don’t blow it by taking your time otherwise he’ll think you’re not interested.’

  ‘Don’t worry about that. I just want to make sure I’m not jumping the gun. I mean we’ve only just met Olivia. She might say that to all the girls that are after him, just as a wind up.’

  ‘I doubt it. Come on let’s mix it up. I think this is going to be a night to remember.’

  Rachel and Cassie walked outside through the vast sliding doors of the kitchen and into a garden the size of a public park. There were tables and chairs on the decking and on one side was a marquee full of expensive-looking nibbles. On the other side was another bar. In the distance they saw a summer house with its doors wide open and a couple of DJs playing tunes. A few people milled around them but it was still too early for people to lose their inhibitions and start making fools of themselves.

  ‘This place is unbelievable. I don’t ever want to go home,’ said Cassie. ‘Do you think if things pan out between you and Lewis he’d let me move in too?’

  ‘Cassie I’m not even going out with him and you’re already moving us both in.’

  ‘It would be great though.’

  ‘Damn right. We could get up and go for walks along the beach every morning.’

  ‘Yeah, not every morning. Lunchtime would be better you know, so we could have a decent lie-in.’


  Rachel was enjoying the sheer pleasure of sitting in this beautiful place with a cold drink, just people-watching, when her eyes locked on to the extraordinary sight of Lewis sitting on the grass. He was propped against a tree and laughing with a couple of other guys. The shock of seeing him made her heart nearly stall and she thought she might need CPR.

  He looked different, smarter in a scruffy sort of way. He had pushed a comb through his hair and his tousled locks were pulled back to reveal the wonderful curves of his face. He wore a simple white shirt loosely tucked into a pair of plain blue jeans. Rachel was reminded of those romantic poets like Byron or Shelly, crossed with a bit of Jeff Buckley.

  Rachel nudged Cassie, and nodded in the direction of Lewis. Rachel watched as Cassie’s eyes turned into laser guided missiles, scanning for the target. When she saw him her eyes went wide.

  ‘Come on, we should go talk to him,’ said Cassie, who wanted to make a full frontal assault. ‘Just look at his friends, either one of them would suit me just fine.’

  But Rachel had stealth tactics in mind. ‘Are you crazy?’ she said, ‘we are not going to speak to him. How desperate do you think I’ll look?’

  ‘Well what do you suggest we do? It’s okay for you - his sister’s given you a head’s up, you can relax. But I need to make a move before they disappear.’

  ‘Cassie, we’ve only just got here and you’re talking like me and him are a dead cert. Let’s just be cool. If he’s interested he’ll come and find me, and I’m sure he’ll bring his friends with him.’


  Rachel and Cassie sat watching as the minutes ticked away. They peeled the labels off of their beers but still Lewis and his friends didn’t budge. They just sat talking.

  ‘Rachel, this is getting boring. You can’t stay here all night staring at him like a sick puppy.’

  ‘I just want to play it cool, okay.’

  ‘Yeah, but there’s playing it cool and being dull, and right now we are the dullest people here. Let’s at least have some fun and go for a dance or something.’

  ‘No I’m not making a tit of myself. He’ll see me and then run a mile. Besides he’s had three bottles of beer since we’ve been here. He’s bound to go for a wee soon.’

  ‘Oh, this is ridiculous. You mean you’ve been sitting here thinking about the size of his bladder. Rachel, get a grip, you’re losing it.’

  ‘I’m not losing it. It’s okay for you, you’re always so confident around guys. Well I’m not; I like things to happen naturally.’

  Rachel noticed their raised voices had started to attract attention.

  ‘This is not cool,’ she said in a quiet voice.

  ‘Definitely not cool,’ Cassie replied.


  ‘Me too. Look, whatever you want to do is fine by me.’

  ‘I think we should show these posh birds how to dance properly.’

  ‘Let’s do it.’

  Rachel took one last look at Lewis and then grabbed Cassie’s hand. They headed towards the increasing number of people writhing around to the music the DJs were spinning. It was good, and though Rachel had no idea who the two guys were, they were definitely not a couple of bedroom DJs.

  At first, Rachel felt awkward, like everyone was watching her. She barely moved, swaying like someone’s dad at a wedding. Looking around she saw everyone else going for it and having fun. It was infectious and pretty soon Rachel had thrown off her bashful manner and was whipping her torso and arms around like she couldn’t care less. It was good to let go. She had gotten so introspective lately, she’d denied herself the simple pleasures, like going out and having fun.

  As she swirled around Cassie, Rachel glanced over to where Lewis was. Damn it, he’d gone. Rachel’s movements went immediately stiff and jerky.

  Just then, Rachel felt two hands cover her eyes. It’s Lewis, she thought and a thousand fireworks went off in her brain. She pulled the hands away from her eyes and spun around to see that it wasn’t Lewis, but that large bloke who’d been standing on the door when they arrived.

  ‘It’s me,’ Seth said, like a catchphrase from a bad comedian.

  ‘Oh, hi Seth,’ Rachel said.

  ‘Having a good time?’ He danced clumsily around them while holding his beer, as if it were a counter balance. ‘Good tunes, huh?’ he said to Cassie, breaking her from her trance.

  ‘Yeah,’ Cassie replied.r />
  Seth’s moves got more ambitious, mostly in the direction of Cassie. His arms now started joining in with his body. He looked like a tree being blown around by a violent storm. He swayed backwards and forwards without any regard for the beat of the music. A few drops of beer escaped from his bottle and landed on Rachel’s face. Rachel didn’t mind, but she over-exaggerated the way she wiped them from her eye.

  ‘I’m so sorry. I’m such an idiot. Here let me get that for you.’ Seth’s well-meaning attempt to make amends involved using the edge of his sweaty T-shirt. Rachel backed away from Seth like he was the end of an opposing magnet.

  ‘It’s okay. Really, Seth. Don’t worry, I was going to go to the loo anyway.’

  ‘Me too,’ Cassie added rapidly.

  They headed back to the house leaving Seth standing there bewildered in the middle of the dance floor.

  ‘That guy’s a dick,’ said Cassie.

  ‘No he’s not, he’s just a bit clumsy that’s all. You’ve only just met him so how do you know?’

  ‘Dunno, just first impressions. Anyway I wonder where the loo is.’

  ‘No idea but I bet they’ve got a lot of them.’

  It turned out the house had a total of five bathrooms, not including en suites. They chose the one on the top floor because it had the smallest queue. They didn’t have to wait long for their turn.

  ‘Whoa, this is off the hook,’ Cassie said as they walked into the cavernous room. The floor was laid with grey flagstones and the walls were flanked with black shiny tiles. By contrast the sink, bath and toilet were a pristine white.

  ‘It looks like a trendy London night club,’ said Rachel. On each wall there were large black and white photographs of each member of Lewis’ family.

  ‘That is one good-looking family. I wonder if Lewis’ dad is happy in his marriage?’


  ‘What? Look at him. He’s even better looking than Lewis.’


  On the other wall was his wife, a glamorous blonde-haired woman with sharp clear blue eyes. Younger versions of Lewis and Olivia hung on the other two walls. They looked like a couple of angels.

  Rachel sat on the side of the roll-top bath looking around at the images of perfection staring back at her.

  ‘I haven’t got a hope in hell, have I?’ Rachel said.

  ‘Don’t be daft. What makes you say that?’

  ‘Look at them. They’re all so bloody perfect, and I’m so … working class.’

  ‘Stop that right now. That’s got nothing to do with it. If he likes you then he likes you for who you are.’

  ‘Thanks Cass, but it doesn’t work like that, does it? Posh girls go out with posh boys; they don’t go out with girls who live in flats above shops.’

  ‘Listen, if he’s like that and into girls that are the same as him then he’s not right for you is he? Would you seriously be interested in someone as shallow as that? And from what I’ve seen, he’s different.’

  ‘I suppose.’

  ‘Come on, be confident.’

  Cassie lifted Rachel up off the side of the bath and gave her a hug that would put a bear to shame.

  ‘Let’s go out there and relax, don’t think about it.’

  Cassie unlocked the door and the two girls walked out past a couple who’d been waiting for the bathroom. She put her arm around Rachel to comfort her. Cassie felt Rachel’s shoulders tighten beneath her grasp. She instantly stopped walking like she had hit an invisible lamppost.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ Cassie asked.

  Rachel didn’t reply but just stared straight ahead. Cassie followed her eyes across the landing. Sitting with his back to them on the first step of the stairs was Lewis. He was with the same two guys he had been with in the garden. There was no way past without bumping into him. Rachel had no choice but to make contact, even if it was to say excuse me.

  ‘Can we go back in the bathroom?’ asked Rachel.

  ‘Don’t be such a wuss.’

  ‘Can you talk to him for me?’

  ‘What are you, twelve or something? No I will not. You can do this. Just push past him and say excuse me, as if you don’t know him and then pretend to be surprised when you see it’s him.’

  ‘That sounds really complicated.’

  ‘Listen. Rachel Lyons, you are going to talk to that man if I have to push you, okay?’

  ‘Okay, hold on a second, hold on.’ Rachel’s breathing started getting heavier as she got more nervous. ‘I’m fine.’ But Rachel was not fine. Her breathing became strangulated and she panted like she’d just run up a flight of stairs. Instantly she reached for her inhaler and took three deep lungfuls of medicine. She felt better but her breathing was still hard.

  ‘Rachel, Rachel are you alright?’ asked Cassie.

  ‘Yeah, I just need to sit down.’ She slumped onto the floor and looked up in time to see the worried face of Lewis rushing up towards her.

  Chapter 6


  ‘Rachel, are you okay?’ Lewis asked. ‘Can I get you anything?’ His voice was soft and caring.

  Perfect, Rachel thought. Just perfect. Now there was no chance of looking cool and sexy, as she lay there panting like a fifty-a-day smoker. She looked away from his gaze.

  ‘Do you need some fresh air?’ he asked.

  ‘I think that would be a good idea,’ Cassie said.

  Without asking, Lewis picked up Rachel in his arms and rushed down the stairs. Rachel felt elated, excited and totally ridiculous.

  As Lewis entered the hallway he shouted at people to get out the way. Taking swift cautious steps he moved quickly through the parting crowd.

  Be careful what you wish for, thought Rachel. This was exactly what she had wanted - to be swept off her feet. But being paraded in front of the Sandbanks’ elite as some sort of asthmatic invalid wasn’t quite what she had in mind. She felt like one of those stupid girls at boy band concerts who faint and have to be taken out by the security. She wouldn’t live this down for years to come.

  However, another half of her was in rapture. She didn’t think she would be getting this close to Lewis so soon. Maybe being asthmatic had its uses after all. His arms held her solidly as he made his way past the many puzzled faces that stared at her. She could feel the well-toned muscles in his chest pressing against her body. He kept muttering words of reassurance, which weren’t really necessary. If she was honest, Rachel wasn’t really that bad. These types of attacks were pretty common and were over soon enough. Of course, she wasn’t going to tell him that. She planned to enjoy this ride for as long as it lasted, even if she did feel a bit freakish.

  Lewis carried her past the DJs and down the steps that led to the beach. Rachel was aware of Cassie following along behind, trying to keep up with his striding steps. Even with Rachel in his arms he moved like an athlete.

  ‘Are you okay, Rachel?’ Cassie’s voice came from behind.

  ‘Don’t try to talk, Rachel. Just relax,’ Lewis said.

  Rachel was anything but relaxed. Though her attack had subsided, her heart pumped away and she thought it might burst with excitement right there in his arms.

  The three of them got halfway down the beach when Lewis laid Rachel gently on a mound of sand. He sat down and let her lean against his side.

  ‘Some fresh sea air will help,’ he said, ‘Cassie, could you go back to the house and get her some water?’

  ‘Sure,’ said Cassie. As she turned to go, Rachel discreetly winked at her to let her know she was okay.

  A wicked smile split across Cassie face.

  ‘I’m feeling a lot better now,’ Rachel said in a fake croaky voice.

  ‘Don’t talk,’ Lewis replied.

  ‘Please, I’m fine. I just feel really embarrassed.’

  ‘Why are you embarrassed?’

  ‘Well, I hardly know you; then I turn up to your party and have an asthma attack.’

  ‘Rachel, I was really worried about you.’

; Rachel didn’t know what to say. If he was worried about her then maybe he cared about her, and if he cared about her, perhaps that meant he really liked her.

  ‘Please don’t worry about me. I’m fine, honestly.’

  ‘You don’t sound fine.’

  ‘Listen, this thing happens all the time when I get nervous.’

  ‘Nervous? What are you nervous about?’


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