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Love, Lies & The D.A.

Page 17

by Rohman, Rebecca

  “No. That’s not what I mean. He’ll stay on. I’m just going to make sure that someone else who is more experienced and better qualified leads the team.”

  “Are you going to get involved?”

  “If I could take the case over, I would. But despite the fact I’ve recused myself from this case, if I am involved on either side, it will be seen as me interfering—trying to influence the outcome. I’m still the DA. I think ensuring you have the best team is as far as I can go.”

  “So that means you haven’t read my file?”


  “On either side?”

  “I haven’t. I have no clue what evidence there is, one way or another.”

  “Do you want to know?”

  “I think it’s only natural that I do. But I’ll be playing a dangerous game if I delve into the details in any of those files.”

  “I’ll be keeping my mouth shut about the case then,” I reply, sipping a bit of my wine. “So next question. Does the fact that you’re here at my home mean we get to see each other openly?”

  “Well, it’s public knowledge now. I don’t think it matters one way or another.”

  “Did the media ask you what type of relationship we had?”



  “I told them it’s none of their business—I don’t kiss and tell. It’s not something a gentleman would do.”

  I can’t help but laugh.

  “It’s funny you should say that. I told Bobby you had absolutely no manners.”

  He laughs. “You two are really close?”

  “He’s my best friend. He’s always been there for me. I think I would have lost it after I found out Ri—” I stop myself.

  “I get the picture. Do you miss him?”



  “I did for a little while… at least the man I thought he was. Now I question everything. Once the trust is gone, everything else is tarnished. I have no idea if anything was real. I’ve found out since that so much was a lie. So many lies, I don’t know who either of them were. It’s as if they were figments of my imagination. What about you… your ex-fiancée?”

  “I couldn’t give her what she wanted. I couldn’t make her happy. She wanted marriage and kids, all within months of me becoming DA.”

  “How long did you go out for?”

  “A little over two years.”

  “Like Richard and me… how do you spend that length of time with someone and have no clue who they really are?”

  “Some people live double lives.”

  “I don’t understand why it was necessary for him to have me in it. Let’s not talk about it. Ready for that tour?” I ask, rising to my feet.

  We walk around from room to room. I tell him about the décor changes. In the back of my mind, I am aware that this will most probably end our night, although I don’t want it to end. I enjoy having him around. Anyway, I should let him go. I’m sure he’ll be going to work in the morning, even though he could use a break. I look at the clock on my bedroom wall. I’m shocked to see it’s after one in the morning.

  When did the time go by?

  “I feel like I’m in a luxury hotel.”

  “Zoë knows me well.”

  “Your interior designer?”

  “Yep, for my hotels and here.”

  “She’s done a great job.”

  I’m nervous, and it’s because he’s in my bedroom and I so badly want him to kiss me. At this point, nothing is holding us back—no ethical issues, no moral issues. We are free to do as we wish. We walk through my room and onto my bedroom verandah. It’s a chilly night outside. He stands behind me and rubs my shoulders. I feel like I’m going to melt in his arms.

  “You have a beautiful place. You’ve managed to strike a nice balance. Most women are all frills, florals, and pastels.”

  “Not my style.”

  “Please don’t go off on your own this weekend,” he pleads suddenly. “Reconsider coming to Lake Tahoe with me. You can have your own room if you like. No pressure.”

  I turn to him and smile. “I’ll think about it.”

  “I’ll be leaving tomorrow evening. Can I call you before then?”

  “My phones might be tapped. You’d have to watch what you say. I don’t feel like I have privacy anymore.”

  “I’m sorry. I know having personal and painful details about your life being discussed by everyone like it’s a movie can’t be easy.”

  I wonder if I can trust him with the number for my Bobbyphone. I’m apprehensive. For now, I decide not.

  “You can call. Just know I won’t be at liberty to speak freely. Or I may not feel that way, anyway.”

  “I’m going to miss you if you don’t come with me. Over the last few days, you’ve made a huge difference in my life… and in my family’s life.”

  “I’ll miss you too,” I reply, gazing into his piercing grey eyes. “Has anyone ever told you that you have extraordinarily beautiful eyes?”

  “Has anyone ever told you you’re simply extraordinarily beautiful?”

  He leans into me, slips his hands around my hips, and pulls me into a kiss. I part my lips and tilt my head, encouraging him to deepen it. His kiss electrifies my body. I tiptoe and fold my arms around his neck. He raises my frame off the floor, completely enveloping me in his arms. This powerful energy emanates from my chest and extends outward to the rest of my body. What has this man done to me? What is that incredible pull that I feel?

  I am suddenly frightened, frightened by what I feel, and I shyly turn away. I never felt this way with Richard, and he was the one I was about to marry. I don’t understand what’s happening to me. I’ve barely know Jonathan for three months, and the knowing part has really only happened in the last few weeks. I am completely torn and confused.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I whisper, looking away from him.

  He sets me gently to my feet, tenderly pushes my hair away from my face, and kisses me softly again.

  “Please. Think about Tahoe. I’m going to the office for a short while in the morning then I’ll head there in the evening.”

  “I promise. I will.”

  Then just like that, he disappears, and I hear the ping of the elevator.

  I lie in bed after, dazed and confused. What was that energy? Did he feel it too? I think about the night that we shared—our conversations, our laughter, our sorrow, and then that kiss. The way I felt after that kiss bothered me. Not because anything was wrong—but because I don’t comprehend what I feel. How could I share something so powerful with a man I’m getting to know? I never felt anything remotely close with the man I was about to marry.

  I am unable to settle down. I pack then search the internet for a house. I eventually settle on a small but luxurious two-bedroom villa. It is surrounded by wonderful patios, and I know I’ll spend much time there. It would be a photographer’s paradise, and I am eager to get there so I can get my camera out and go trekking.

  It’s 7:30AM. I still haven’t slept. I lie in bed…

  My ringing Bobbyphone wakes me. I glance at my watch. It’s after one in the afternoon.

  “Hey,” I answer.

  “So I have to find out he recused himself from the case on the news.”

  “Please don’t tell me you mean the news in Miami?”

  “No. I check the San Francisco news online every day, twice a day.”

  “My ever protective brother. How are you?”

  “Great. So you two an item yet?”

  “I wouldn’t call it that. I’m not sure I’m ready.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I’m confused… afraid. I don’t know what I feel.”

  “Stop overanalyzing.”

  “I’m not. I have feelings for him I never had with Richard. We just met… frankly, it’s a little scary.”

  “It will work itself out, Sis. I’m sure you two will spe
nd lots of time together, and you’ll figure it out.”

  “I’m not so sure. I don’t think I’ll be returning to Lake Tahoe.”


  “I haven’t told you this, but after I dropped you off at the airport the last time, I was followed home. I also found a tracking device in my car. And the night Jonathan stayed over, someone tried to break into the house.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this sooner?”

  “Charles died and things spiraled out of control from there. Yesterday, my condo and car were swept by the investigators, and they found a second tracking device on my car.”

  “God. Are you at home?”

  “For now, yes. I found a house in Big Sur. It’s two-and-a-half hours away from San Francisco.”

  “Does anyone know you want to go there?”

  “Just you. I told Jonathan I was thinking about going to either Big Sur or Carmel. He wants me to stay the weekend with him at his house in Tahoe.”

  “Jada. I don’t like the sound of any of this. I don’t want you being anywhere alone with no one to look out for you.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Do I need to remind you of what happened a few months ago? Have you forgotten how brutally Richard was killed?”

  My skin grows cold at the thought, and I suddenly start second guessing myself.

  “What do you suggest I do?”

  “Go with Jonathan or have him come with you. I don’t want you alone. If I didn’t have an active case, I’d come over there myself.”

  “Do you trust him?”

  “I have a whole new level of respect for him since he recused himself from your case. He has integrity. And I’ve done a background check on him. He’s fine. I see no red flags.”

  “I can’t believe you did that.”

  “Trust me, the fuck-up that happened with Richard will never happen again.”

  “Thanks for looking out for me. Do you think I can trust him with my Bobbyphone? Right now, our communications are limited.”

  “I would have said yes, but since everyone knows you two are friends now, it wouldn’t surprise me if the police tap his phone. Get creative. Use cash and get yourself a pair of Johnnyphones.”

  I giggle at his response.

  I know exactly how to handle this. I’ll make use of my concierge. Within an hour, I have one of the phones, and forty minutes later, I get my first call on my Johnnyphone.

  “That was smart. Why didn’t I think of that?”

  “It was my brother’s bright idea.”

  “And he told you to do this on the phone that might be tapped?”

  “No. As you and I now share a Johnnyphone, he and I have our Bobbyphone.”


  “I got a house in Big Sur.”

  “Are you telling me goodbye?”

  “Actually, no. I was wondering if you’d like to come with me?”

  “I would love to, but I need to check on Micky and Maggie. The invitation is still open for you to join me, though. I was getting ready to leave.”

  “Okay… I get my own room?”


  “Well, maybe you can visit me at Big Sur some other time. Where do I meet you?”

  “I’ll pick you up.”

  “You remember the code to get into the building?”


  “Impressive memory, Counselor.”

  “Are you all packed?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Then I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.”

  He kisses me softly on my lips when I get into the car.

  “You surprised me today. Twice. Thank you for joining me.”

  “Thank you for the invitation. You can thank my brother for me joining you. He convinced me. He doesn’t want me alone.”

  “He has quite the influence on you.”

  “Sort of… He had to remind me of the events of the last few months… That said, I trust him with my life.”

  “So I have an ally.”

  “That’s because he checked you out.”

  “He ran a background check on me?”

  “He did. Does that upset you?”

  “No. I think if Megan went through what you did, I would do a background check on any guy that even looked her way.”

  “How are she and the rest of your family doing?”

  “She’s better. Mom has her difficult moments, and my brothers are holding their own. I think we’re all still very much in shock.”

  “I miss him,” I whisper sadly.

  “Me too.”

  I slip my hand over his and squeeze tightly.

  “You have no idea how much you’ve helped me and my family through this.”

  “I don’t think I did anything that anyone else wouldn’t have done.”

  “You’d be surprised. Sometimes, the little things make the biggest difference. You haven’t really told me how you’re dealing with all this.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Jada, I have enough experience to know that all is not perfect in your world. Remember, I used to be a defense attorney.”

  “I’ve been trying not to think about it. It’s scary. I might go to prison for a crime I didn’t commit.”

  He flips his hand over and laces his fingers through mine.

  “I would never allow that to happen.”

  “That’s a sweet sentiment, but I think you’ve done all you can do.”

  “We’re going to get you through this.”

  “The other thing is… this person that’s been tracking me, what do they think I have? Or what do they want from me?”

  “I hope the police do their job well. If they do, they’ll uncover whatever they need to exonerate you and find out who really did this.”

  “Thank you for believing in me.”

  We arrive at the A-frame log house around eight in the evening. It’s almost completely dark outside. As we pull our luggage out of the car, I can hear the dogs whining with excitement upstairs.

  They jump on their master with delight when we enter the house. When they notice me, I get the same reception. They’re a beautiful pair. After a few minutes of horseplay, they settle down and relax near the windows that overlook the stunning slopes and the lake beyond.

  Jonathan gives me a tour of the five-bedroom house. He shows me to my room, the only one other than the master upstairs. We take the dogs for a quick walk and then return in time to fix supper.

  “What’s for dinner?” I ask, sitting at the enormous island.

  “I have some tuna steaks?”

  “Sounds great. With a salad?”

  “Great. Why don’t you fix the salad and I’ll start the grill.”

  He hands me a knife and chopping board then turns to the refrigerator to pull some vegetables.

  His cell phone dances across the granite counter surface.

  “Your phone’s ringing.”

  “Who is it?”

  I take a glimpse at the screen.

  “It’s Cruella De Vil,” I reply.

  He turns to face me. “Who?”

  “You heard me… Cruella.”

  He sighs. “What does she want?”

  “Evidently, you.”

  “Sophie. What’s up?” he answers, returning to the refrigerator and handing me some tomatoes.

  “No. I’m not… yes… no, you can’t. I have guests over. That’s none of your business. I’m not having this conversation with you. I have to go. Bye.”

  He looks irritated but doesn’t hang up.

  “I said I’m not doing this with you. I have to go.” He ends the call, almost slamming the phone down on the counter in frustration.

  I want to know what’s wrong, but I don’t want to ask. Unfortunately, I notice a change in his mood. He’s become quiet and withdrawn.

  “Why don’t you go relax, and I’ll handle this,” I say, patting his hand.

  “No. It’s fine. I prefer doing it with you. She
’s going overboard now.”

  “Why? What did she do?”

  “She found herself in Lake Tahoe and wanted to invite herself over for the weekend.”

  “Wow. Okay. You don’t have to answer this, it’s none of my business, but… are you still screwing her?”

  “No. Not in the last six months. I had another long conversation with her after the funeral and told her we could only be strictly friends, but she doesn’t seem to understand that.”

  “Maybe she wants to remind you of the fabulous weekend you shared together here,” I reply grinning, hoping to lighten the mood.

  “That weekend was what opened my eyes and made me realize I didn’t want to take things any further with her.”

  “What did she do that was so bad?”

  “A bunch of little things, including abusing the staff at my dad’s resort.”

  “How ironic,” I laugh.

  “Tell me about it. I remember how much attention that situation pulled.”

  His phone rings again, and he looks at the screen, and I know it’s her calling.

  “She’s getting fucking ridiculous. This is all about her ego. The only reason she’s doing this is because she suspects you’re here. She only started behaving like this when she saw us at the house together.”

  He answers the phone again.

  “What is it? I said no. Look, if you don’t stop this, the two of us are going to have to part ways. Fine. Goodbye.” He ends the call then dials another number.

  “Mom. How are you? I just wanted you to know I’m switching my phone off for the weekend. If you need me, call me at the house… I’m fine. My phone’s been ringing, and I don’t want to be bothered… Yes, please let them know. I love you too. Bye.”

  He switches off the phone.

  “I’m sorry you had to do that.”

  “I can’t believe it’s come to this.”

  “What does she do?”

  “She runs her own advertising agency. Why?”

  “Just curious. She’s coming across as pretty desperate right now.”

  “Yeah. Let’s not talk about it anymore. I didn’t invite you over so we could spend the weekend talking about Sophie.”

  We work together to fix dinner, and after we enjoy our hard work and tidy up the kitchen, we cuddle on the sofa to watch a movie in front of the blazing stone fireplace. At some point, I must have fallen asleep. I feel Jonathan waking me sometime later.


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