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Real Love 7 (Love Knows No Bounds)

Page 12

by H. H. Fowler

  Levi, on the other hand, was on a different wave length altogether. He couldn’t care less what Sasha thought of his presence in church, or that she was dredging up all sorts of crazy scenarios about him. In fact, he was so busy thinking about Yasmine and that heartbreaking note she’d left that Levi barely even noticed that Sasha was trying to get his attention. All Levi could focus on was how long Yasmine had been gone without so much as a phone call or a text. Three days to be exact and Levi had to wonder if his relationship with Yasmine was officially over. It had to be, because Yasmine had sent him a clear message regarding their future. They were never going to be together and it was time he started accepting that.

  Drake may have invited him to church, but if Levi were to be honest with himself, he would have to reveal that he was looking for his heart to be consoled. He couldn’t take another disappointment, especially in relation to his love life. So maybe, coming to church was just what he needed to take his mind off of his pathetic life. Really, why was it so hard for him to find real love? And just as Levi was about to drop his head toward his lap, Drake announced his message for that morning.

  “Today, I plan on talking to you from the topic: Love Knows No Bounds.” Drake scanned the smiling faces and saw that the congregation was happy with his announcement of the message. “But before I get into the sermon, I would like to bring you up to speed on the progress of construction for our new sanctuary. Two days ago, I met with one of the most gifted architects on the island. And we spoke for well over three hours about the design, the building schedule and the estimated amount it’s going to take to bring to fruition the grand edifice of El Shaddai Ministries. I can assure you that come next year this same time, we will be cutting the ribbon at our new location.”

  The congregation jumped to their feet and went up into a jubilant praise. The organist slammed her fingers on the organ keys, the guitarists plucked their strings and the percussionists rolled their sticks in one accord. Some of the congregation ran out of their seats and began dancing in the aisle like they’d lost their minds. Even Hunter, Kevin and Suanne were up on their feet, thanking God for blessing Drake and Sasha with the money to fund projects that had once seemed impossible.

  The atmosphere was suddenly charged beyond what Drake could control. He had trouble getting his words in and the more he tried to fan the crowd to silence, the more the noise level increased. A loud scream erupted to his left, then another one to his right. Soon, more and more people began screaming and shuffling in their seats. The ushers had to get in and assist those under the power of the Holy Spirit. The only thing left for Drake to do was to join the people in their spontaneous praises.

  It took about twenty minutes before things began to simmer down. Drake, with tears flooding his eyes, took the microphone and said, “The power of God is so strong in here today and I’m convinced that it has come to do a work among us. In your spare time, please read 1st Corinthians, Chapter 13. It goes into detail about what I wanted to use as the foundation of my sermon. Truly, real love knows no bounds.

  “It forgives lavishly. It heals and restores the open wounds. It seeks to make peace and strives to remember no wrong committed against it. It is the very essence of God’s love. In Greek it is known as Agape, and it is through this kind of love that Jesus sacrificed Himself for the sins of the world. I admonish that we do everything in our power to love as Jesus loves, expecting nothing in return. For Jesus died for us when we were yet alienated from the throne of grace…”

  Levi stood to his feet at that point and locked his gaze with Drake. The tears in Drake’s eyes encouraged the tears in Levi’s eyes. For as long as Levi had known Drake, he’d never heard or seen Drake speak with such passion. Now he was beginning to understand why Drake could be so kind and so forgiving toward him, despite all of the mess he’d put Drake through. Drake possessed the genuine love of God and Levi knew at that moment he needed to experience that same love that Drake had brimming in his heart.

  Levi didn’t wait for Drake to call an altar call. He moved out of his seat, unashamed and undisturbed by those who were looking at him. He had one aim in mind and that was to reconcile with the God who’d created him. He kneeled at the altar and began to pour his heart out. Hunter, Kevin and Suanne were next to step forward, falling down next to Levi with the same earnest of spirit. Their action provoked many others, drawing them down the aisle to recommit their lives to the cross and to the commands on love that Jesus had left behind.

  Witnessing such a divine transformation of his friend was more than Drake could take. He bawled like a baby, because Drake knew it was his example of showing God’s love to Levi that had made all of the difference. It was the seed that God used to prick Levi’s heart and to bring him into a loving relationship with Him. Drake stepped down from the podium and made a beeline toward Levi. He knelt behind him, prayerfully resting his hands on Levi’s shoulders.

  When Sasha saw the scene, the tears she’d been holding back, suddenly popped out of her eyes. Because up to that point, she’d been fighting the temptation to believe that Levi was not being sincere. However, deep down, Sasha knew Levi wasn’t pretending, because church was the last place Levi would ever think of making himself look like a fool. And as unbelievable as it was, Levi’s step of faith forced Sasha to examine her own heart, which had hardened over time with hatred, bitterness and unforgiveness. She too needed to repent, more so than anyone because she knew better than to allow sin to take up residence within her life.

  It took a lot out of her to ditch her pride and make the necessary steps toward the altar. But she didn’t stop there. She knelt next to her husband, reached around and took Levi’s right hand. And by the way he’d gripped it, Sasha knew that Levi sensed it was her touch. She was asking for his forgiveness and at that divine moment, no words needed to be spoken.


  During the same time

  Mrs. O’Grady reached for her cell phone the minute her husband got up out of bed to use the bathroom. She watched in disgust as his fat behind jiggled and swished as he walked. It was more than she could stand. A woman with all her curves didn’t roll as much as her husband rolled when he walked and she’d had it with this man and his laziness. All he did was eat, poop and sleep – just like a blithering newborn baby. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed having sex with him. Oh, Levi, where are you when I need you?

  She punched Levi’s number into her phone, but it rang and then went to his voicemail. Mrs. O’Grady couldn’t determine whether Levi was avoiding her or not. He didn’t show up to her office that day. Granted he’d called and explained that something urgent had come up and he could no longer attend the faculty meeting (of course it was simply a ruse to get him alone), but still, that had been three days ago and Levi had failed to make contact with her since then. What was left for her to think? Her thoughts could be summed up in one word: Sasha.

  Mrs. O’Grady was willing to bet her life that Sasha and Levi were together somewhere, probably holding hands – maybe not holding hands – but nonetheless, they were together. The nerve of that woman to string Levi along, knowing she had no intention of leaving her husband. That was what irked Mrs. O’Grady about this entire situation. Sasha had two fine men, one attached to each arm, while she was forced to be with her fat husband, who could barely get out of his own way. Why should she allow Sasha to enjoy the pleasures of these men at her expense? It was time she turned up the heat another notch and showed Sasha, rather than told her that she wasn’t one to mess around.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Night of Kevin and Hunter’s Engagement

  Waldo St. John had had enough of Raffie’s games. Now it was time to teach that bastard a lesson. Waldo didn’t care that it wasn’t Raffie’s fault losing fifteen thousand dollars’ worth of drugs to some street hoodlums. It was Raffie’s responsibility to get the shipment safely to the drop off site and Raffie had failed – big time. But he’d given Raffie two months and additional days
to pay what he owed. Never in the history of Waldo’s drug business had he been so lenient to his hired drug-pushers. He wasted no time killing off their family members until he got what he wanted. And if he didn’t get what he wanted, then that delinquent drug pusher ultimately paid with his life.

  But Waldo liked Raffie and had given Raffie the benefit of the doubt when he said that by tonight Waldo would have received his fifteen thousand dollars. But Raffie was a no show and Waldo was prepared to take action. He rested his Cuban cigar in the ashtray and pressed the speaker button on his house phone.

  “Speak to me, Kipling.”

  “He’s about to leave his apartment,” Kipling reported. “I could finish him off. Just say the word.”

  “Is he still driving that black Cadillac?”


  “Then follow him and see where he’s going. He’s getting financial assistance from somewhere and he’s gonna lead us straight to it. But if it’s a dead end, you have my blessing to assassinate that lying son of a gun.”


  Raffie punched the autodial to Shiloh’s cell phone and waited. But he didn’t have to wait long because she always picked up on the first ring.

  “She didn’t bite the bullet,” he said without preamble.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Shiloh spat.

  “The jewelry designer,” Raffie tried to explain. “She rejected the proposal…she said she isn’t interested in selling any or parts of her collection.”

  “Not even for the sum of fifteen million dollars? How is that even possible?”

  “I am not being paid to analyze that woman’s mind. She said no and now I’m telling you.”

  “Don’t get cheeky with me,” Shiloh lashed back. “Because I could hang up this phone and you would never hear from me again.”

  You have got to be kidding, lady. I need the balance of that money you promised me so that I can get Waldo off my blithering back. “I’m sorry…I’m just frustrated right now because a lot things are not working out in my life as I’d planned.”

  “I don’t care to listen to your pathetic story,” Shiloh said. “All I care about is you getting the job done that I’m paying you to do.”

  “When am I going to get the balance of my money?”

  Shiloh laughed, which sounded like the wicked witch of the west. “As soon as you put a bullet between the brows of that blue-eyed devil.”

  “I need some assurance,” Raffie said. “I know I will keep my end of the bargain. But how do I know that you will keep yours?”

  Shiloh continued that wicked laugh and it was the last thing Raffie heard before she broke the connection. Raffie punched the steering wheel with such force that the Cadillac veered to the right, scarcely escaping a head-on collision. But the close call didn’t faze him one bit. He had to stay focused, emotionally and mentally ready to carry out a swift execution against Ms. Hunter Rose.

  Well, my pretty lady, it looks as if I’ll be crashing your engagement party in about fifteen minutes. Enjoy it while it lasts.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sasha welcomed her husband’s lips against her cheek. Two days and counting and they hadn’t an argument about Levi, or any other trivial nonsense that would have set Sasha off before the events took place on this past Sunday. She’d even decided to keep quiet about the way that Drake had been freely giving away his assets. The cars? Big deal. After witnessing Levi’s conversion to Christianity, she was more or less at peace with Levi keeping the Toyota Camry. For Sasha, it was a huge change in attitude, which was a sign in and of itself that her repentance had been sincere.

  In fact, she’d suggested that Levi carpool with them to Kevin and Hunter’s engagement party – to test how comfortable she truly was with Levi being so close in their personal space. But of course, Levi opted to put some mileage on his new car, explaining that he had some additional errands to run. Either way, Sasha was grateful that she’d been able to release all of that bitterness and anger she’d held toward Levi these past ten months – to the point where she could now have a civilized conversation with him. Truly, she felt liberated and at rest in her relationship with the Lord.

  “Give me a few minutes to put on some make-up,” she told her husband. “And I will join you in our brand new Mercedes.”

  Drake laughed. “Ours? I bought that car for you to enjoy.”

  “I know, but it sounds so much better saying that it is ours.” Sasha decidedly draped her arms around Drake’s neck, smacking him on the lips. “You are such a wonderful man. And I keep asking myself what did I ever do to deserve you?”

  “And I can say the same about you.”

  “Seriously, Drake. You are more amazing than you realize. I’ve never seen anyone display love and forgiveness like you have. You’ve taught me the value of letting go and allowing God to mend the broken pieces of our hearts. Ever since Sunday, I’ve never felt so free and so at peace in my soul. I feel restored…I feel alive and I have you to thank for that.”

  Drake smiled understandably. “No, you have God to thank for that,” he said. “But it wasn’t as easy as it looked. I had my dark days as well.”

  “But you didn’t allow those dark days to ruin your heart. You possessed great godly traits and I want you to know that I love you and that I appreciate you for the man that you have become.” Sasha paused to fiddle with a pregnancy test, hidden in one of her closed palms. She’d been waiting for the right moment to share the good news with her husband. “And I pray that God will bless us with a quiver full of children,” she continued, “so that you can impart some of your wisdom and character traits into them.”

  Drake playfully narrowed his eyes at his wife. “A quiver full of children? Why are you smiling like that?”

  “I’m two months late,” she said. “And I was feeling bloated and sore in my breasts. I didn’t say anything until now because I wanted to be sure. I took three pregnancy tests and these are the results I got for every time.”

  Sasha handed Drake the latest pregnancy test. He saw two, strong pink lines in the window where it said, pregnant. Drake eyes watered.

  “You’re pregnant?” He could hardly get the words out.

  Sasha’s eyes began to water too. “We will have to confirm it with our doctor, but it looks as if I am.”

  Drake lifted Sasha from the floor and began to spin her around. He kissed her everywhere, holding on to her for what seemed like an eternity. The only other thing Drake could do in that moment was cry and thank God beneath his breath. For the blessings of the Lord had literally overtaken him.

  Sasha managed to pull herself out of Drake’s embrace. “We had better get going or we’ll be late for Kevin and Hunter’s engagement party. We’ll have plenty of time to celebrate later. I’ll be out shortly, as soon as I apply some makeup to my face.”

  Drake was too numb to respond. He exited Hunter’s front door and made his way to the Mercedes. He pulled his cell phone out his pocket to retrieve the key fob that also rested there, only to feel his phone buzzing in his hand, one vibration after the other. And although it wasn’t unusual for his phone to do at times, it got Drake’s attention. He’d received three emails, all from a person with the name, Anonymous_Eyes. Drake clicked into the first email, which simply read:

  Your wife is not as faithful as you think. Click the link below and you will have all the proof you need to kick that whore out of your life for good.

  Drake gave the email a long stare before he stashed the phone in his pants pocket. He unlocked the Mercedes with the key fob and then sat quietly in the driver seat, not having the slightest clue of his next move.


  The song, “Heavy Love”, by Mail Music was turned up, rattling the windows of the Toyota Camry with its pounding acoustics. Levi would have it no other way. He bobbed his head and tried to sing along with the lyrics. He was grateful that Drake had given him the CD, along with the car, because the song reminded Levi of so many wonderful things that coul
d be birthed out of love and forgiveness. He couldn’t even describe the joy and the peace he felt at the moment, which he sensed was the direct result of him becoming a born-again Christian. He wished the feeling could last forever.

  But even in the midst of these liberating emotions, Levi felt a sudden need for companionship – the kind a man felt when he was in search for a wife. Levi would have loved to have been married right now – just to share this new experience with his wife. Those thoughts prompted him to turn down the music. He then reached for his cell phone to call Yasmine. They hadn’t spoken since she left his house almost a week ago and Levi was more than ready to reconcile. Unfortunately, it appeared as if Yasmine just didn’t want to be reached. He kept getting her voicemail.

  Levi grew pensive for a minute, trying not to allow thoughts of depression get the better part of him. He was a Christian now and one of the things he was learning was how to depend on God to work out a particular situation. If he and Yasmine were meant to be together, then he had to trust God to remove the obstacle that was keeping them apart. He sighed and was about to turn up his music again when he heard his phone clamored to life. Thinking it was Yasmine, he answered immediately without bothering to look at the screen.

  “Do you have a few minutes to talk?”


  “Sounds as if you were expecting someone else,” she said.

  “I was…but it’s cool. What’s up?”

  “I gather you’re on your way to the party.”

  “Yes…I’m actually less than twenty minutes away.” Levi sensed a hesitation in Sasha’s voice that had nothing to do with him attending the event tonight. “Why’d you ask?”


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