Years of Upheaval

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by Henry Kissinger

  Franklin Delano Roosevelt (aircraft carrier), 589

  Fraser, Donald M., 251–252

  Frei Montalva, Eduardo, 376, 396, 398, 404, 406

  Frydenlund, Knut, 920

  Fuad, Nagwa, 968, 1070, 1128

  Fulbright, J. William, 426, 427, 430, 853, 1121, 1123, 1199

  HAK letter to, on wiretaps, 1119, 1120

  Fulbright amendment (to Armed Forces Appropriation Authorization for Fiscal Year 1971), 337–338

  FUNK (National United Front of Kampuchea), 342n

  G-class submarine, 1145, 1146, 1148

  Gamasy, Mohammed Abdel Ghany el-, 967, 972, 1089

  and Egyptian-Israeli disengagement (meetings with HAK), 822–823, 824, 825–826, 828, 834, 835

  and Kilometer 101 talks, 750, 751, 772

  and Syrian-Israeli disengagement, 1075, 1076

  Gandhi, Indira, 676

  Gang of Four, 70, 368, 697, 698

  Garment, Leonard, 73, 74–75, 79–80, 102, 110, 417

  breaks news of Watergate to HAK, 75–76, 78–79

  Gaza Strip, 220

  Gazit, Mordechai, 830n, 1103

  Geneen, Harold S., 389

  General Accounting Office, 994

  Geneva, HAK meets Gromyko in (April 28–29, 1974), 995–996, 1027, 1049–1050

  Geneva Accords, 1954, 85

  Geneva Conference, 1962, 20

  Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 1973, 747–750, 760, 773, 793–798

  discussed with Boumedienne, 765–766

  Egyptian views on, 769–770

  Faisal’s views on, 775

  French lack of interest in, 728

  Hussein’s views on, 786–787

  HAK at, 796, 797

  HAK press statement on (December 20, 1973), 793

  draft letters of invitation to, 755, 756, 757–759, 766, 769–770, 775, 782–783, 785, 790, 791

  letters of invitation to accepted, 792

  Soviet views on, 767

  US and Soviet permanent representatives to, 794–795, 844

  US strategy with respect to, 686, 749, 750, 752, 765–766, 767

  Genscher, Hans-Dietrich, 1179, 1194, 1195, 1196

  German Democratic Republic, 145, 584, 589

  Germany, Federal Republic of (West), 732, 861, 1092

  Chinese views on, 57

  response to 1973

  US Foreign Policy Report, 161

  relations of, with France, 731

  HAK visits (March 1974) 927, 928–929, (July 19, 1974) 1179–1180

  and oil embargo, 908

  Pompidou’s views on, 177–178

  relations of, with Soviet Union, 144, 145, 146, 731

  and Washington Energy Conference, 901n, 902, 903n, 913

  and Year of Europe, 147–148, 154–155, 156–157, 186–187, 190

  see also Ostpolitik

  RELATIONS OF, WITH UNITED STATES, 145–148, 154–159, 185–187, 190–191, 286, 830

  improvement in, 933, 1194

  and Middle East war, 709, 712, 713–714, 715–716

  and Watergate, 123, 157, 159, 734

  Ghanim, Dr. Muhammad Hafiz, 213n

  Ghorbal, Ashraf, 635–636, 969

  Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 175, 746n, 911, 933

  Glassboro summit (1967), 261

  Godley, G. McMurtrie, 320–321

  Golan Heights, 215, 784, 851

  annexed by Israel, 1109n

  sporadic Israeli-Syrian fighting on, 937, 1039

  Israeli settlements on, 1043

  Meir’s remarks on (February 9, 1974), 946

  fighting in, during Middle East war, 473, 475, 489, 502, 504

  see also Syrian-Israeli disengagement

  Goldwater, Barry, 1121, 1152, 1206

  Goodpaster, Andrew, 137, 437

  Gray, L. Patrick, 319

  Great Britain. See Britain

  Grechko, Andrei, 269, 499, 1007

  Greece, 708–709

  and Cyprus, 1189–1192

  Greek-Turkish conflict, historical, 1188–1189

  Greene, Joseph N., Jr. (Jerry), 207–208, 224–225

  Greenhill, Sir Denis, 162–163

  Griffin, Robert, 1202

  Gromyko, Andrei, 204, 218, 612, 1105

  and Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War, 276, 279–280

  and Soviet emigration policies, 990, 994, 995–996

  and Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 756, 775, 794–795, 796, 797

  at 1974 Moscow summit, 1164, 1165, 1168, 1170, 1172, 1174

  meets with Nixon (February 4, 1974), 940–941, 942

  and nuclear test ban, 1167

  and SALT, 272–273, 1016, 1027, 1172

  at 1973

  Washington summit, 291, 292, 294, 295, 297, 298, 299

  refers to Watergate and impeachment, 1026, 1152, 1153

  MEETINGS OF, WITH HAK: May 1973 (in Soviet Union), 230, 232

  October 1973 (in Moscow), 548–549, 554, 555, 558–559

  February 1974 (in Moscow), 942–943

  March 1974 (in Moscow), 994, 1022, 1033

  April 1974 (in Geneva), 995–996, 1027, 1049–1050

  May 1974 (in Cyprus), 1063–1065

  AND MIDDLE EAST, 579–580

  plans to visit Cairo, 968, 969

  plans to visit/visits Damascus, 953, 956, 969, 971, 972, 1059, 1094, 1099–1101, 1103, 1104, 1105

  and disengagement negotiations, 940–943, 1033, 1034–1035, 1049–1050

  warns of possible war, 461, 463

  Growald, Richard, 820n

  GRUNK (Royal Government of National Union of Kampuchea), 342

  Guo Moro (Kuo Mo-jo), 695

  Gur, Mordechai (Motta), 492, 493, 803, 804, 1065, 1103

  Gwertzman, Bernard, 820n, 1086n

  H-class submarine, 1145

  Habe, Hans, 155

  Haig, Alexander M., Jr., 4, 107–110, 127, 203, 509, 578, 599, 635, 772, 804, 836, 881, 1192, 1206

  and possible Cambodian settlement, 346, 359

  appointed chief of staff, 106, 108–110, 415

  and JCS liaison office investigation, 806

  relationship of, with HAK, 107, 108, 109, 110, 118

  and HAK Middle East trip (November 1973), 656, 657

  and possible superpower intervention in Middle East, 583, 585, 586, 593

  and Middle East war, 454, 455, 468, 472, 474, 479, 480, 495, 504, 513, 517, 542, 543

  at 1974 Moscow summit, 1163

  suggests to Nixon that he make HAK Secretary of State, 420, 421, 422

  and HAK discuss possible Nixon resignation, 1196–1197, 1198–1199, 1202, 1205

  service in last days of Nixon Presidency, 1197

  tells HAK about Oval Office recording system, 110

  and HAK’s Salzburg press conference, 1118, 1119, 1120–1121

  and Vietnam Agreement violations, 324, 326

  and Washington Energy Conference, 911, 915

  and Watergate, 113, 116, 416–417, 537, 552, 567, 575, 606–607

  and wiretapping, 120n, 429

  Haldeman, H. R. (Bob), 94–98, 105, 107, 113, 184, 420

  relationship of, with HAK, 93, 97–98, 99, 414

  relationship of, with Nixon, 94, 95–96, 97, 104, 419

  and wiretapping, 120n, 121

  AND WATERGATE, 75, 77, 78, 79, 98–99, 323, 324, 1200

  indicted, 970

  Nixon considers firing, 90, 99

  and Oval Office taping system, 111, 112

  resignation of, 102, 103–104

  Hallstein Doctrine, 145

  Halperin, Morton, 1114

  Hanoi, North Vietnam, 24–25, 26–27, 42

  Han Xu (Han Hsu), 104, 364, 365, 366

  Harlow, Bryce, 92–93, 106, 113–114

  Harrington, Michael J., 382

  Hartford Times, 371

  Hartman, Arthur, 906n

  Hassan, Crown Prince (Jordan), 786, 847, 977

  Hassan, King (Morocco), 627, 630, 631, 1037

  Heath, Edward, 57, 137, 140–143, 177
, 286, 720, 732

  and alert of US troops, 712–713

  domestic position of, 701, 733, 930, 933

  meets with HAK (May 10, 1973), 162, 163

  and Middle East war, 506, 509, 717

  meets with Nixon (February 1973), 142–143

  meets with Pompidou, 171–172

  attitude of, toward United States, 141, 731

  and Year of Europe, 189, 190

  Heikal, Mohammed, 645

  Helms, Richard, 7, 626, 674

  Helsinki conference, 1975, and Final Act, 1165

  Hermon, Mount, 1090

  Herrera, Luis, 385

  Herter, Christian, 425

  Herter Committee, 137

  Hickenlooper amendment, 376, 388

  Hillenbrand, Martin, 712

  Hitler, Adolf, 459

  Hmong (Meo) tribesmen, 22

  Ho Chi Minh, 22

  Ho Chi Minh Trail, 18, 20, 32, 319, 322, 324

  Holland. See Netherlands Holton, Linwood, 1150

  Home, Sir Alec Douglas-. See Douglas-Home, Sir Alec

  Hong Kong, 44, 692

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 117

  and wiretapping, 119–120, 428, 429, 1115, 1123

  Houphouöt-Boigny, Félix, 495

  House Judiciary Committee, 1114, 1115

  and impeachment resolutions, 575, 656, 1025–1026, 1180, 1197–1198

  House of Representatives, US: impeachment procedure in, 1193

  see also Congress, US; House committees

  House Ways and Means Committee, 989, 990

  Hou Youn, 342

  Howe, Jonathan T., 366, 586

  Huang Hua, 61, 350, 351–352, 582

  Huang Zhen (Huang Chen), 61, 62, 364, 542, 558, 582, 683, 692–693, 698

  and possible Cambodian settlement, 351, 352, 354, 362–363

  Huerta, Ismael, 409–410

  human rights: in Chile, 410–413

  in Soviet Union, 988

  Humphrey, Hubert, 87, 426, 429, 1121

  Hungary, 303, 685

  Hu Nim, 342

  Hunt, E. Howard, 320

  Hussein, King, 199, 215–220, 544, 629, 787, 852

  and Algiers summit, 756

  and cease-fire, 540, 556, 568–569

  and Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 748, 786–787, 791

  and HAK’s visits to Jordan, 655–656, 786–787, 846–847, 848, 977, 1062–1063

  and Ma’alot crisis, 1077

  and Middle East war, 454, 461, 490, 494, 500, 506, 537

  and Nixon’s visit to Jordan (June 1974), 1142

  and PLO, 503, 625, 626, 788

  and Sadat, 219

  and Syrian-Israeli disengagement negotiations, 1043, 1062, 1089

  visits Washington, 218–220, 1037, 1038

  and possible West Bank negotiations, 1037–1038

  Hyland, William G., 159, 230, 441, 1173

  Ibn Saud. See Saud, Ibn

  ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile), 133–134, 1004

  Minuteman, 271, 273, 1002, 1003, 1012, 1018, 1159, 1194, 1195

  MX, 261, 1001, 1002, 1003

  and SALT I agreement, 1144–1145, 1146, 1147–1148

  SS-7, 1144–1145, 1146

  SS-8, 1145

  SS-9, 270, 1011

  SS-11, 273, 1011

  SS-17, 273, 1011, 1015

  SS-18, 1011

  SS-19, 1011, 1015

  Titan II, 1148

  Iceland, 172–173

  Iceland summit, 175–180

  preparations for, 170–175

  Idris, King, 859

  Iklé, Fred, 263

  Independence (aircraft carrier), 589

  India, 420, 676, 687

  India-Pakistan crisis, 7, 806

  Indochina: Chinese views on, 57–60

  US involvement in, 83

  see also Southeast Asia; individual countries

  Indonesia, 303

  Ingersoll, Robert, 1206

  Intelligence Board, US, 463

  Inter-American Development Bank, 380

  intercontinental ballistic missile. See ICBM

  Interests Section, defined, 207n

  Interim Agreement. See SALT I: Interim Agreement

  International Commission of Control and Supervision (ICCS), 303, 320

  International Energy Agency, 745, 921, 924

  International Monetary Fund, 401, 409

  International Petroleum Company, 376

  International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), 389, 390

  Iran, 55, 67, 524, 667–676, 687, 866n, 941

  HAK’s visit to (November 9, 1973), 673, 674–676

  modernization of, 670–672

  and oil price rise, 888, 889

  oil production in, 667–668, 674, 869

  oil sales of, to United States, 857, 858, 868

  relations of, with United States, 667–670, 672

  upheaval in, 887, 925

  see also Iran, Shah of; Tehran

  Iran, Shah of (Mohammed Reza Pahlavi), 544, 556, 687, 791, 869

  and HAK’s visit to Iran (November 1973), 674–676

  and Middle East war, 487, 512, 524–525, 527

  and oil price rise, 888, 889

  and oil sales from Iran to UnitedStates, 857, 858

  overthrow of, 670, 671, 672

  and Sadat, 650

  and US-Iranian relations, 667, 668, 669, 673–674

  Iraq, 197, 216, 217, 674–675, 866n, 937

  and Algiers summit, 756

  Chinese views on, 687

  and France, 1129

  and Iran, 668, 670, 941

  and Middle East war, 524

  and Soviet Union, 218, 504, 524, 669

  Ireland, 131, 903n

  Irwin, John N., II, 171, 180, 703, 863, 864–865

  Ismail, Mohammed Hafiz, 196, 592, 598, 610, 611

  and cease-fire, 553, 556, 568, 575, 579

  invites HAK to Egypt, 567, 578, 582

  and HAK’s visit to Egypt (November 1973), 635

  meeting with HAK in France (May 1973), 226–227

  HAK’s secret channel with, 206–207, 208, 213–216, 223, 224, 460

  and Middle East war, 481, 496–497, 499–500, 506, 522, 527, 530, 541

  visits Moscow (December 1973), 209–210, 469

  US approaches to, 207–209

  visits United States (February 1973), 210, 211, 212–216

  Ismail, Mohammed Zakariya, 453, 760

  Israel: internal politics of, 484, 539, 603n, 800, 936–937, 959–960, 1039

  military superiority of, 206

  negotiating method of, 539

  negotiating team, 830n-831n

  Nixon’s views on, 202–203, 211, 212

  Nixon visits (June 1974), 1136–1137, 1141

  ambivalence of, toward Sadat, 649

  Shah of Iran’s views on, 675

  and Six Day War, 196–197

  Soviet Jews emigrating to (September 1973), 463, 469

  and Soviet Union, 941, 944

  CABINET OF, 791, 937, 959

  and Egyptian disengagement, 816, 838

  and Ma’alot crisis, 1078

  and six-point plan, 652

  and Syrian disengagement, 950, 1063, 1075, 1077, 1102–1103, 1106

  and possible West Bank negotiations, 1139

  AND CEASE-FIRE, 545–546, 555–556, 564–565, 573

  agrees to observe, 509, 575

  military situation after, 571, 578, 579

  and possible superpower intervention to enforce, 588, 590

  violations of, 568–569, 571–572, 574–575, 578–579, 580

  HAK VISITS, 1073

  October 1973, 559, 560–562, 564–565

  December 1973, 789–791

  January 1974, 815–818, 829–834, 836–843, 851–852, 939

  February 1974, 960–966, 969

  May 1974, 1052–1054, 1057, 1062, 1063, 1065–1066, 1069, 1071–1072, 1074–1075, 1076–1082, 1084–1086, 1094–1095, 1102–1103, 1106–1108

alysis of Egyptian and Syrian military capability, 459, 460, 464, 465

  attacked by Egypt and Syria, 454, 455–458

  threatened by Egyptian and Syrian troops, 450–451, 453, 455, 461, 466

  and Egyptian Third Army, 601, 602–605, 607, 615

  judgment on possibility of, 464, 466–467

  losses in, 492, 561

  military situation during, 472–473, 475, 476–477, 488–489, 504, 525, 532, 534, 538, 542, 546, 552–553, 565

  prisoners, in Egypt and Syria, 615, 751, 832, 851, 939, 940, 951–952, 959n, 961–962, 963

  AND PALESTINIAN TERRORISTS, 626, 627, 628, 629, 788

  attack on Kiryat Shmona, 1048–1049

  attacks on, in Lebanon, 205, 223, 1048–1049, 1082n

  attack on Ma’alot, 1076, 1077–1078, 1079, 1082

  in Syria, 205, 1090–1091, 1103, 1104, 1106


  and Syrian disengagement agreement, 1103, 1106

  AND PEACE NEGOTIATIONS, 215–216, 219, 220, 227

  Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 748–749, 757–759, 775, 792, 795, 796, 797

  military talks at Geneva, 797, 800, 803–804

  Kilometer 101 talks, 611, 666, 750–753, 772, 799–800

  need for, 842–843

  position on, 197–199, 201, 206, 217–218, 221

  six-point plan, 642, 643, 651–654

  possible West Bank, 787, 847–848, 976–977, 1038, 1138–1140

  see also Egyptian-Israeli disengagement; Syrian-Israeli disengagement

  AND SYRIA, 935, 936

  and feeling about disengagement, 1044–1047, 1054, 1068–1069, 1071, 1073, 1082–1083

  sporadic fighting on Golan Heights, 937, 1039

  shoots down Syrian jets (September 13, 1973), 464n

  see also and Middle East war, above; Syrian-Israeli disengagement

  RELATIONS OF, WITH UNITED STATES, 483–485, 538–539, 598, 619–620, 1138–1139

  Memorandums of Understanding, 652, 654, 790, 833

  and Middle East war, 461, 510–511, 542–543, 608–611

  and possible peace negotiations, 211, 487, 620–623, 624, 759, 1137–1138, (cease-fire) 504, 509, 539, 558

  see also US aid to, below

  US AID TO, 221–222, 223, 873, 1129, 1136

  during Middle East war, 477–479, 480, 485–486, 490, 491, 492–493, 495–496, 499

  airlift during war, 501–502, 513–515, 518, 520, 522, 525–526, 527, 531, 536, 542, 546, 602, 644, 709, 873

  Nixon threatens to cut off, 792, 1078–1079, 1205

  Italy, 178

  internal politics of, 150

  relations of, with United States, 123, 149–150, 714

  and Washington Energy Conference, 901n, 903n

  and Year of Europe, 150, 155

  Izvestia, 362, 1162

  Jackson, Henry M., 256, 286, 288, 328, 504, 531, 595, 1121, 1129, 1175

  and Jewish emigration from Soviet Union, 250–251, 252, 253–255, 986–995, 996–997


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