Years of Upheaval

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Years of Upheaval Page 193

by Henry Kissinger

  and possible Cambodian settlement, 349–355, 362–366, 367, 368, 678, 681–682

  means of communication between, 60–63

  diplomatic relations established, 63

  differences in interests, perspectives of, 49–51

  Liaison Offices set up, 62–63, 67, 104

  and Middle East, 543, 558, 582, 693, 1092

  and Watergate, 104, 122, 363–364, 683, 694, 1201

  Percy, Charles, 1121

  Peres, Shimon, 1039, 1137

  Persian Gulf, 161, 524, 669, 673, 677

  oil production in, 862, 865, 866

  see also individual countries

  Peru, 376, 392, 408

  Pétain, Henri Philippe, 148

  Petersen, Henry, 324

  Peterson, Peter G., 249, 386

  Phantom jets, 491, 512, 514

  Pharaon, Rashad, 775, 1061

  Philae temples, Egypt, 812

  Pilgrims. See Society of Pilgrims

  Pinochet, Augusto, 406, 407–408

  PL-480 food program, 410

  PLO. See Palestine Liberation Organization

  “Plumbers unit,” 117, 118, 807, 853, 1113–1114, 1116, 1120

  Podgorny, Nikolai, 293, 396, 1164, 1173

  Point, Le, 926

  Poland, 244, 303, 1030

  Polaris submarine, 1003

  Pompidou, Georges, 57, 123, 129, 173, 286, 933

  and French-German relations, 731

  and Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 792

  meets with Heath, 171–172

  and Iceland summit, 149, 174, 175–180

  illness of, 164, 175–176, 700, 728, 733

  on Middle East policy, 718

  views of, on oil consumers’ group, 897, 903

  Reston’s interview with, 130, 135, 148–149, 174

  states attitude toward United States, 132

  and US-French relations, 142

  and Washington Energy Conference, 911, 918, 920

  MEETINGS OF, WITH HAK: December 1972, 128, 129–131

  May 1973, 166–167, 168, 169–170

  December 1973, 728

  Popper, David, 570

  Porter, William, 183

  Portugal, 520, 709, 722, 792

  Poseidon submarine and missile, 257, 1003

  Prats Gonzalez, Carlos, 393, 395, 402

  Pravda, 362, 1162

  press the: HAK’s relations with, 95, 1122, 1163

  leaks to, 421–422

  Price, Ray, 1205

  “Principles of Relations and Cooperation between Egypt and the United States,” 1129

  prisoners of war: Egyptian in Israel, 751

  Israeli in Egypt, 615, 751

  Syrian in Israel, 959n

  ISRAELI IN SYRIA, 832, 851, 939, 940, 959n

  list of, 951–952, 961–962, 963

  US, 40, 322

  in Laos, 39

  in North Vietnam, 26, 33–34, 317, 320

  “progressive tide,” 167, 169

  Project Independence, 874–875

  Provisional Revolutionary Government (PRG), 327n

  Pyramids at Giza, 650–651, 966–967

  Qaddafi, Muammar, 859, 860, 865

  Qiao Guanhua (Ch’iao Kuan-hua), 17, 341, 367, 679, 696, 699

  meets with HAK in New York (October 3, 1973), 681–682

  Qin Shi Huangdi (Ch’in Shih Huang-te), 63

  Qubbah Palace, Cairo, 1126

  Quneitra, Syria, 1052, 1062, 1063, 1068, 1069, 1074, 1075, 1077, 1081, 1088

  Rabat Arab summit (1974), 1141

  Rabin, Yitzhak, 477, 483, 563, 620, 1108, 1140

  forms cabinet, 1106

  named to head government, 1039, 1081

  and HAK’s visits to Israel, 561, 1137, 1139, 1141

  Radical Party, Chile, 383, 384

  Rafi faction, Israel, 960

  Ras el-Tin Palace, Alexandria, 1129

  Rather, Dan, 421, 422, 1149

  Reagan, Ronald, 649

  Rebozo, Charles (Bebe), 1184, 1185, 1186

  Red Flag, 680

  Republican Party, Italy, 876–877

  Reston, James, 1091

  interview of, with Pompidou, 130, 135, 148–149, 174

  Rhodes, John, 1071, 1205–1206

  Ribicoff, Abraham, 993, 994–995, 996

  Richardson, Elliot, 7, 103n, 182, 267, 424

  and Vietnam Agreement, 305, 322, 325

  and Watergate, 470, 537, 538, 547

  statement of, on wiretaps, 427, 1115

  Richmond Times-Dispatch, 371–372

  Rifai, Zaid, 219, 757, 1206

  at Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 797

  and HAK’s visits to Jordan, 786, 787, 847, 977

  Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 659–660, 773–774

  Roberts, Chalmers, 124

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 91, 103, 114, 118

  Rodman, Peter W., 214n, 230, 366, 441–442

  and Foreign Policy Reports, 159

  trips to Middle East, 465, 466, 492, 822, 831n, 835, 961, 1049, 1097, 1103

  Rogers, William P., 4, 7, 196, 207, 304, 317, 424–425, 862, 864

  and US bombing of Cambodia, 347

  and preparations for Iceland summit, 172, 173, 175

  meets with Ismail, 214

  relationship of, with HAK, 98, 415, 418, 419, 424, 425

  recommends sale of aircraft to Latin America (including Chile), 399

  on Middle East, 195

  relationship of, with Nixon, 414, 418–419, 425

  departure of, as Secretary of State, 420, 421, 422, 424

  and Washington summit (1973), 291, 292

  Rogers Plan (1969), 200, 637

  Romania, 46

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 119, 492, 971, 1124, 1170

  Rose, François de, 164, 705

  Rosenthal, Benjamin S., 251–252

  Rothe, Jane, 433, 447

  Rowny, Edward, 1015

  Ruckelshaus, William D., 427, 547, 1115, 1121

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 713

  Rush, Kenneth, 4, 7, 420, 424, 871

  and Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 750

  and Middle East war, 478, 483n, 493, 514

  Rusk, Dean, 423, 431–432, 438, 820, 1115, 1123

  Sabbagh, Isa, 955, 970, 1097, 1104

  Sabri, Ali, 201, 665

  Sadat, Anwar el-, 527–528, 559, 565, 573, 603, 616, 617, 629, 631, 646–651, 790, 1037

  views of, on conduct of diplomacy, 966

  and violations of Egyptian-Israeli disengagement agreement, 1040

  his distrust of Hussein, 219, 1140

  and Ma’alot crisis, 1077, 1078

  exchanges personal messages with Meir, 836, 837, 841, 844

  negotiating tactics of, 642–643, 829

  Newsweek interview with (March 1973), 224, 225

  and Nixon’s visit to Egypt (June 1974), 1126–1130

  and oil embargo, 528, 773, 811, 845, 876, 884, 890–891, 892, 893, 894, 945

  and Shah of Iran, 524, 650, 675

  and Soviet Union, 201, 204–205, 296, 469, 497, 528, 579, 941

  and US press, 773, 821

  AND CEASE-FIRE, 511, 517, 518, 519, 529, 541

  suggests international force to observe, 592, 593, 596

  suggests US-Soviet force to observe, 579, 583, 588

  violations of, 573–574, 576, 577–578

  AND MIDDLE EAST WAR, 459–461, 479, 490, 497, 500, 527

  preparations for, 206, 225–226, 227, 453, 637

  and Third Army, 601–602, 604

  communications with United States, 481–482, 506, 522

  AND PEACE NEGOTIATIONS, 207, 210–211, 212–213, 802–803, 804, 838, 844, 848

  Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 747–748, 775, 791

  internal position of, 780–781, 936

  Kilometer 101 talks, 610, 611, 751, 752

  meetings with HAK, (November 1973) 636–644, 646, (December 1973) 767–770, 772–773

  (January 1974) 810, 811, 812–813, 814–815, 822–829, 834–835,
836, 844–845

  idea for “shuttle diplomacy,” 799

  Syrian-Israeli disengagement, 939, 956, 1033, 1043, 1066, 1075, 1089, (meetings with HAK) 966–968, 1051, 1060–1061, 1070, 1108–1109

  possible West Bank negotiations, 1138, 1140

  Sadat, Mrs. Anwar, 647

  Safire, William, 7, 122, 160, 1163

  Saikowski, Charlotte, 820n, 1086n

  St. Clair, James, 1212

  Saiqa (PLO group), 625, 972

  Sakharov, Andrei, 988–989

  Salisbury, Harrison, 29

  SALT I, 134, 237, 256, 264, 1007, 1010, 1011, 1023, 1166

  ABM treaty, 256, 261

  Interim Agreement on offensive weapons, 256–257, 260, 272, 1016–1017, 1018–1019, 1144–1148

  HAK’s news conference on (June 24, 1974), 1149–1150

  US-Soviet Standing Consultative Commission, 1147

  SALT II, 1006–1007

  linked to Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War, 268–269, 283

  domestic US attacks on, 1028, 1143–1144, 1147, 1148–1150, 1154–1159, 1169, 1172

  equal aggregates concept, 1011–1014, 1015–1016

  Geneva talks, 267, 269–270, 272, 1018

  HAK discusses with Brezhnev in Moscow (March 1974), 1022–1025

  HAK discusses with Dobrynin (July-August 1973), 1014, 1015

  HAK discusses with Gromyko in Geneva (April 1974), 1027

  HAK’s press conference on, March 21, 1974), 1020–1021

  and MIRV, 267–268, 269–270, 271, 1012, 1014, 1018–1019, 1024–1025, 1159

  discussed at 1974 Moscow summit, 1170–1172, 1177

  preparations for, 262–267, 1015–1021, 1026–1028

  Soviet attitude in negotiations, 1007, 1030

  treaty, 1173n

  effect of Watergate on, 263, 264, 268, 1029, 1154–1159

  and US weapons programs, 260–261, 274, 1004, 1019, 1027, 1029

  discussed at Zavidovo (May 1973), 271–173

  see also Vladivostok agreement


  April 1973, 272

  July 1973, 1014

  August 1973, 1015

  March 1974, 1022–1023, 1024–1025, 1153–1154

  US POSITIONS/PROPOSALS: October 1972, 267

  April 1973, 272

  May 1973, 271, 1012, 1016

  February 1974, 1018

  March 1974, 1023, 1153–1154

  July 1974, 1172

  Salzburg, Austria: HAK news conference in (June 11, 1974), 1118, 1120–1123

  Nixon visits (June 1974), 1118–1119

  SAM 86970 (Presidential aircraft), 818–821

  Sampson, Nikos, 1190, 1191

  Sanchez, Manolo, 3, 297

  San Clemente, California, 3, 183–184

  Brezhnev visits (June 1973), 294–299

  Thieu visits, 310, 314–315

  Saqqaf, Omar, 534, 535, 773

  and HAK’s visits to Saudi Arabia, 659, 665–666, 774, 775–777, 976

  and Ma’alot crisis, 1077

  and oil embargo, 880–881, 884, 890, 891, 893, 894, 978

  visits Washington with Fahmy (February 1974), 946, 949–951, 952–953


  meetings with HAK, 974, 1069

  Sato, Eisaku, 740n, 743

  “Saturday night massacre,” 470, 547, 552, 567

  Saud, Ibn, 658

  Saud al-Faisal, Prince, 867

  Saudi Arabia, 224, 304, 534, 657–666, 760, 871, 877–883

  and Algiers summit, 757, 946

  and Europe, 975

  HAK visits, 659, 660–661, 663–666, 774–777, 974–976, 1069

  and Middle East peace negotiations, 663–664, 665, 892, 974, 975, 1061

  and Middle East war, 454, 500, 523–524, 528

  modernization of, 877–878

  Nixon visits (June 1974), 1130–1131

  relations of, with United States, 528–529, 871, 875, 878, 974, 975, 976

  see also Riyadh

  AND OIL: embargoes all sales to United States, 545, 657, 664, 776, 880–881, 884–885, 890, 891, 893, 975–976

  and “equity participation” in oil companies, 866, 867–868

  announces production cutback (October 18, 1973), 538, 872–873

  increases production (March 1974), 932–933, 978

  links oil policy to Arab-Israeli conflict, 869, 872–873, 878, 879, 882–883

  and price rises, 888–889

  Saunders, Harold (Hal), 214n, 831n, 1206

  on Egyptian shuttle, 838, 840

  and oil pricing, 863, 864

  presents six-point plan to Israel, 643, 651–653

  on Syrian shuttle, 1049, 1060, 1061

  Sauvagnargues, Jean, 933

  SAVAK (Iran secret police), 671

  Savang Vatthana, 58

  Sawyer, Diane, 1199–1200

  Saxbe, William, 1123, 1203

  Sayyid, Ahmad Mahir al-, 213n–214n

  Scali, John, 474, 487, 489, 556, 557, 558, 572

  on support for Israel at UN, 607

  and Middle East peacekeeping force, 582, 583, 592

  Schecter, Jerrold, 820n

  Scheel, Walter, 123, 704, 933

  and European-Arab dialogue, 929, 930–931

  and HAK’s visit to Bonn (March 1974), 927, 928

  visits Washington (July 1973), 159, 185–187

  and Washington Energy Conference, 905, 907–908, 911, 912–913

  Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 988

  Schlesinger, James R., 7, 110, 260n, 266, 670, 1177

  and Cyprus crisis, 1190, 1191

  on US-Europe relations, 714

  and Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 750

  and Jackson, 1028, 1154, 1155

  relationship of, with HAK, 525, 1154–1155, 1187, 1192

  and possible superpower intervention in Middle East, 595n, 586, 597

  and Nitze, 1151, 1152

  and Arab oil embargo, 891–892

  and SALT, 1018, 1019, 1028, 1154, 1155, 1156, 1157–1159

  and Vietnam Agreement violations, 316, 317, 328

  and US weapons programs, 1003, 1004–1005, 1013, 1017

  AND MIDDLE EAST WAR, 458, 461, 478, 480, 483n, 493, 500, 544

  on Egypt’s military capabilities, 462

  US military supplies to Israel during, 496, 512, 513, 514

  Schloss Klessheim, Salzburg, 1120

  Schmidt, Dana Adams, 820n

  Schmidt, Helmut, 45, 166, 908–909, 913, 923, 934

  Shultz, George, 79, 80–81, 102, 103, 110, 251

  and US energy policy, 869

  and Iceland summit, 170

  and US oil imports, 855

  and Washington Energy Conference, 906, 912

  Schumann, Maurice, 149

  Schweid, Barry, 820n, 1086n

  Scotes, Thomas, 848, 947, 954, 1036, 1060, 1078, 1096

  Scott, Hugh, 488, 1052, 1205–1206

  Scowcroft, Brent, 370, 629, 771, 792, 843, 844, 1059, 1180, 1210

  and possible Cambodian settlement, 364, 365, 366

  and Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 759, 785

  and JCS liaison office investigation, 808

  relationship of, with HAK, 418

  and US air strikes in Laos, 321

  and Ma’alot crisis, 1078

  and Middle East shuttles, 818, 830, 840, 1092

  as national security adviser, 437

  and Nixon-Dobrynin private meeting (December 13, 1973), 772

  and Nixon’s Middle East trip, 1132, 1142

  and Nixon’s views on Middle East negotiations, 634, 635

  and possible Nixon resignation, 1206

  and Arab oil embargo, 892, 948

  and HAK’s Salzburg press conference, 1119

  and six-point plan, 652

  and proposed unconditional treaty of nonaggression, 1174

  and Washington Energy Conference, 915

  and Watergate, 567, 970
  AND CEASE-FIRE, 547, 548, 551, 555, 556, 558

  possible superpower intervention to enforce, 582, 586, 588, 590

  AND MIDDLE EAST WAR, 453, 455, 492, 493, 495, 536, 541, 542, 544, 546, 553

  buildup to, 465, 466

  US military aid to Israel during, 486, 501–502, 504, 517, 520

  Second Army, Egyptian, 546

  Second Supplementary Appropriations Act for

  Fiscal Year 1973, 338, 357, 358

  Segretti, Donald, 470

  Semenov, Vladimir, 269

  Senate, US, 673

  impeachment procedure in, 1193

  prepares for impeachment trial, 1198

  see also Congress, US; Senate committees

  Senate Armed Services Committee, 263, 809, 1007, 1150

  Senate Finance Committee, 992, 993, 994

  Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 304, 359, 425–426, 1139, 1199

  holds HAK confirmation hearings, 426–427, 428, 429–430, 989

  looks into wiretapping, 120, 1115, 1119, 1123

  Senate Judiciary Committee, 319

  Senate Rules Committee, 1198

  Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, 78, 89, 113, 115, 125, 288, 319, 323, 353

  releases report, 1180

  Senior Review Group. See National Security Council: Senior Review Group

  Setting National Priorities, 1002

  Seventh Air Force, US, 347, 348

  Shakir, Zaid Bin, 847

  Shalev, Mordechai, 465, 466

  and Middle East war, 453, 454, 455–458, 477–478, 479, 504, 509

  Shanghai Communiqué, 47, 679, 697

  Sharp, Mitchell, 908

  Shihabi, Hikmat al-, 1068, 1074, 1096, 1101, 1104, 1105

  visits Washington, 1044–1045

  shuttle diplomacy, 799, 818 see also Middle East shuttle

  Sidewinder missiles, 480, 486

  Sidqi, Dr. Aziz, 206

  Siglo, El, 402

  Sihanouk, Norodom, 16–17, 18, 59–60, 339–344, 368, 683, 686–687

  and possible Cambodian settlement, 346–347, 349, 352, 354, 357, 361, 362, 364–365

  deposed, 336, 340

  interviewed by Oriana Fallaci, 354–355

  and Khmer Rouge, 340, 342, 355, 361, 367

  calls for dissolution of Lon Nol government (March 23, 1970), 342

  memoirs of, 35

  and North Vietnam, 36, 59, 332, 340

  Siilasvuo, Ensio, 611

  Simon, William, 110, 408, 871, 901

  and Washington Energy Conference, 906, 912, 913

  Sinai peninsula, 199, 223, 937

  Middle East war in, 522, 525, 538

  see also Egyptian-Israeli disengagement

  Sinatra, Frank, 89, 90

  Sion, Dov, 814

  Sirica, Judge John, 353, 656, 1193

  Sirik Matak, Sisowath, 342, 346

  Sisco, Joseph J., 225, 630, 831n, 1206

  and Cyprus crisis, 1191

  and Middle East war, 450, 473, 501–502, 504


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