Years of Upheaval
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on HAK’s Moscow visit (October 1973), 554, 556, 557
coins term “shuttle diplomacy,” 799, 818
presents six-point plan to Israel, 643, 651–653
Egyptian, 822, 827, 828, 834, 835, 838
Syrian, 1049, 1096, 1099, 1103
Six Day War (1967), 196–197, 217
six-point plan for Egyptian-Israeli negotiations, 641–643, 651–654, “666, 686, 750–751
Sixth Fleet, US, 455, 475, 508, 560
Skyhawks, 512
SLBM (submarine-launched ballistic missile). See Polaris submarine
Poseidon submarine and missile
Trident submarine and missile
Smith, Gerard, 1146
Smith, Walter Bedell, 438
soccer, 1179–1180
Social Democratic Party, Chile, 408
Socialist Party, Chile, 375, 383, 384, 394, 399
Society of Pilgrims, HAK speech to (December 12, 1973), 725–726, 727, 771, 896–897, 898
Solomon, Richard H., 366, 680
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 986, 988
Son Ngoc Thanh, 342
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut (Hal), 291, 437, 440–441, 600, 906n, 940
on HAK’s Soviet visit (May 1973), 229, 230, 232, 282
Southeast Asia: US involvement in, 15, 22–23, 60, 67
see also individual countries
South Vietnam, 9, 11, 18, 35, 85–86, 307, 311, 314, 315, 337, 339
North Vietnamese occupation of, 327n
prisoners of, in North Vietnam, 331–332
and Tho-HAK negotiations of May-June 1973, 333–335
US aid to, 315, 369–370
and violations of Vietnam Agreement, 32, 303, 324, 328
South Yemen, 1030
Souvanna Phouma, 20, 21–22, 58, 316
Soviet Union, 6, 243, 245, 1030, 1160
and Afghanistan, 677, 1030
and Cambodia, 343–344, 362
and Chile, 377, 396, 410
relations of, with China, 6, 46, 47–49, 51, 70, 83, 689
and Cuba, 376
interference in US communications from, 557
Communist Party in, 244
defense capability of, 133–134, 256, 257, 264, 273, 999, 1007–1008, 1011, 1028–1029, 1144–1145, 1146, 1148
treatment of dissidents in, 988
economy of, 243–244
and Europe, 56, 57, 134, 136, 144, 145, 146, 148, 710
and Laos, 20
leadership of, 243
negotiating tactics of, 1024
and North Vietnam, 295, 1030
HAK VISITS: April 1972, 208n, 274–275
September 1972, 278–279
March 1974, 994, 1021–1025
May 1973, 228–235, 271–272, 282–284, 296
October 1973, 542–544, 545, 548–559
IN MIDDLE EAST, 200, 201, 202, 204–205, 210, 250, 296, 675, 794, 972, 1051
relations with Egypt, 201, 204–205, 209–210, 469, 497, 511, 532, 637, 768, 829
relations with Iraq, 218, 669
relations with Syria, 218, 469, 497, 777, 785, 850, 944–945, 971, 1035, 1102
see also and Middle East war, below; and Middle East cease-fire, below
and Middle East peace negotiations, below; relations of, with US, below
AND MIDDLE EAST CEASE-FIRE, 498, 509, 511, 517, 521, 571
Brezhnev-Nixon exchanges on, 572, 605–606, 607–608, 609
three-point draft proposal, 539–540
proposes to send troops, 581, 582, 589
violations of, 570, 572–573, 574, 577, 578, 579–581
see also Alert of US forces
Egyptian-Israeli disengagement, 752–753, 805, 818, 843–844
Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 749–750, 755–756, 758, 767, 770, 785, 792, 794–795, 796, 804
Syrian-Israeli disengagement, 953, 956, 958, 1033–1036, 1050, 1064–1065, 1092
US-Soviet “auspices” for, 558–559, 646, 747, 756, 941
AND MIDDLE EAST WAR, 468, 469–470, 480, 509–510, 519–520
airlift, 497, 499, 504, 507, 510, 511–512, 521, 549–550, 584, 709
encourages Jordan and Algeria to enter, 494
airlifts dependents out of Egypt and Syria, 465, 466–467
movement of forces, 475, 552, 584, 599
informed of Syrian and Egyptian troop movements, 451–453
RELATIONS OF, WITH UNITED STATES, 49, 51, 53–55, 239–242, 245–246, 287, 980–981, 982–985, 1151, 1153
and China, 233, 295, 1173, 1174
economic, 246–254, 294
and Jewish emigration policies, 249–255, 430, 463, 469, 986–998, 1022, 1030
discussed by HAK in press conference of October 25, 1973, 594–596
and Middle East, 207, 222, 286, 295–299, 463, 612–613, 764–765, 1022, 1165, (cease-fire) 547–548, 568, 569, 582–597, (negotiations) 940–944, 969, (war) 458–459, 471–472, 473, 474–475, 479, 480–481, 486–487, 489, 498–499, 502–503, 508, 517, 518, 521–522, 525, 531, 532–534, 539–540, 542–544, 713
and military balance, 258–259
Nixon speech on, at Moscow summit, 1162–1163
proposed unconditional treaty of nonaggression, 1173–1174
and violations of Vietnam Agreement, 317–318, 322
and Vietnam war, 237, 274–275
and Watergate, 122–123, 287–289, 300, 1030–1031, 1152–1153, 1160–1161
see also Agreement on the Prevention of Nuclear War
détente Moscow summit; SALT; Washington summit
Spain, 709, 714, 792
Sparkman, John, 428, 429, 430, 1115
Sprague, William, 820n
SS missiles. See ICBM: SS
Staden, Berndt von, 123, 159, 715, 933
Stalin, Joseph, 243, 459, 1170
State, Department of, 6, 403–404, 684, 1092
prepares Atlantic Declaration draft, 183
Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), 462n, 463, 464
permanent career service of, 434
and Chile, 379, 385, 386, 387, 389, 390, 410
and Cuba, 419
and Cyprus crisis, 1190
and Foreign Service, 443–444
Historical Division of, 347
and India, 420
internal organization of, 435, 436, 437–440
HAK’s changes in, 440–442
HAK becomes head of, 423–432
physical layout of, 432–433
Near East bureau, 581
Nixon’s relationship with, 414, 418, 424, 434–435
and nuclear testing, 1166
and oil crisis, 867, 874, 901–902
and SALT II, 265, 267, 270
and Vietnam Agreement violations, 328
and US weapons programs, 263
AND MIDDLE EAST, 196, 200, 201, 214, 225
Middle East war, 478
Palestinian problem, 977
possible peace settlement in, 206, 207, 209
US-Saudi relations, 974
State of the Union address (1974), 892, 893, 914
Statute of Democratic Guarantees, Chile, 375, 394
Stennis, John, 537, 543, 547, 809, 1152
step-by-step approach. See Middle East peace negotiations
Stevenson, Adlai, 997
Stoessel, Walter, 183, 940, 1153
Strachan, Gordon, 970
Strategic Air Command, 588
strategic arms limitation talks. See SALT
strategic superiority, concept of, 1175–1177
strategic weapons. See defense program, US: strategic forces; nuclear weapons
Strauss, Robert, 431
submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM). See Polaris submarine; Poseidon submarine and missile; Trident submarine and missile
Substitute Foreign Assistance Act and Related Assistance Act, Symington-Case amendment to, 338
bsp; Suez Canal, 215, 799, 835n, 937
and Egyptian-Israeli disengagement of forces, 817, 822, 823, 825, 835
fighting along, during Middle East war, 473, 474, 532, 538, 546, 565
Suez crisis, 708
Sukhodrev, Viktor, 232, 291, 294, 298, 940
at 1974 Moscow summit, 1161, 1162, 1174
Sulh, Taqi al-Din al-, 788
Sullivan, William H., 33, 305, 325, 334
Sun Tzu, 459
Supplementary Foreign Assistance Act of 1970, Cooper-Church amendment to, 338
Supreme Court: and Watergate tapes, 1180, 1193
decision of, on wiretapping, 119, 429
Swank, Emory C. (Coby), 347, 348
HAK meets with, in Bangkok, 15–16, 17
Sweden, 413
Switzerland, 408
Symington-Case amendment (to Substitute Foreign Assistance Act and Related Assistance Act), 338
Syria, 205, 213, 216, 219, 226, 675, 954
and Algiers summit, 756–757
and Egypt, 848
and Jordan (Hussein), 217
and Ma’alot crisis, 1078
Nixon visits (June 1974), 1131–1135
and oil embargo, 893, 894
Palestinians in, 1090–1091, 1098, 1103, 1104
and PLO, 503, 1140–1141
domestic politics of, 779–780
and Six Day War, 197
relations of, with US, 749, 760–761, 777, 785, 941, 1087, 1135–1136
see also Asad, Hafez al-
AND ISRAEL, 197, 777, 935, 936
feelings about disengagement, 1044–1047, 1069, 1073, 1082–1083
sporadic fighting on Golan Heights, 937, 1039
jets shot down by, 464
see also and Middle East war, below;
Syrian-Israeli disengagement
HAK VISITS, 1072–1073
December 1973, 197, 777–778, 782–785, 786
January 1974, 848–851, 937–939
February 1974, 953–959
March 1974, 970–974
May 1974, 1058–1060, 1066–1068, 1073–1074, 1075, 1082–1084, 1087–1089, 1096–1101, 1104–1106
AND MIDDLE EAST WAR, 450–451, 453, 454, 458, 459, 460, 476, 480
agrees to observe cease-fire, 575
military preparations for, 461, 462, 463, 464
AND PEACE NEGOTIATIONS, 200, 201, 645, 748, 778, 849, 1135
domestic opposition to, 1133
Egyptian-Israeli disengagement, 815, 845
Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 765, 775, 792, 795, 798
views on Soviet participation in, 944, 1035
wants US role in, 749, 941
possible West Bank, 1140
see also Syrian-Israeli disengagement
RELATIONS OF, WITH SOVIET UNION, 218, 469, 497, 777, 785, 850, 944–945, 971, 1035, 1102
Soviet airlift to, 497, 499, 504, 507, 510, 511–512, 521
Soviet Union airlifts dependents out of, 465, 466–467
Syrian-Israeli disengagement, 963–964, 1109
agreement, 1099, 1103, 1105–1107
NEGOTIATIONS, 959, 1055–1057, 1058, 1092–1093, 1096
Israeli position leaked (May 10, 1974), 1071
Israeli positions/proposals, (January 28, 1974) 939, (February 1974) 960
(February 27, 1974) 963, 964–965, (March 29, 1974) 1042–1043, 1044, (May 2, 1974) 1057, (May 5, 1974) 1062, (May 6, 1974) 1063, (May 7, 1974) 1065, (May 13, 1974) 1075, (May 14, 1974) 1077, (May 17, 1974) 1084, (on limitation of forces) 1089, 1090, 1093–1094, 1103
Syrian positions/proposals, (January 20, 1974) 850, 851, 937–939, (February 27, 1974) 958, (March 1, 1974), 973, (April 13, 1974) 1044–1045, (May 3, 1974) 1060, (May 8, 1974) 1068, 1069, (May 12, 1974) 1074, (May 14, 1974) 1075, (May 16, 1974) 1083, (May 18, 1974) 1088, (on limitation of forces) 1089–1090, 1093–1094, 1098, 1099
US links to oil embargo, 939–940
US proposal of February 5, 1974, 939
“United States proposal” (force limitation), 1093, 1099
Taft, Robert A., 1152
Taiwan, 47, 60, 61, 63, 684, 688, 691–692
Tanaka, Kakuei, 56, 741–743
Tang Wensheng (T’ang Wen-sheng; Nancy Tang), 694, 696
taping system, Oval Office, 110-114
see also Watergate: tapes
Task Force on Oil Import Control, 855–856
TASS, 509–510, 1152–1153
Tehran, Iran, OPEC meeting in (December 1973), 884, 885
Tehran agreement (1971), 865
Teng Hsiao-p’ing. See Deng Xiaoping
“Tension and Detente,” 252
Texas Railroad Commission, 855, 858
Thach, Nguyen Co, 33, 325
Thailand, 13–15, 59
HAK visits (February 1973), 14–15
Thieu, Nguyen Van, 11, 323, 332
and Tho-HAK negotiations of May-June 1973, 334, 335
visits United States (April 1973), 310–311, 314–315
and Vietnam Agreement, 15, 303, 304, 305
and Vietnam peace negotiations, 309–310
Third Army, Egyptian, 546
cut off, 571, 574–575, 576, 590, 640
question of supplies (medical) for, 598, 601, 602–605, 607, 608–611, 614–615, 623–624
Third World, 6, 859
Tho, Le Duc, 23–24, 25, 38–39, 40, 130, 163, 336–337, 351
and understanding on Cambodian peace settlement, 10–11, 36
HAK’s last meeting with, 792
and HAK’s visit to North Vietnam (February 1973), 23–24, 26, 27, 28
and Laotian cease-fire, 10, 21, 35
awarded Nobel Peace Prize, 370, 372
MEETINGS OF, WITH HAK, RE VIOLATIONS OF VIETNAM AGREEMENT: February 1973, in Hanoi, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37
May-June 1973, 327, 329–334, 351
proposed, 323, 324, 325, 326
Thompson, Sir Robert, 35
Thorn, Gaston, 933
“threshold” nuclear test ban, 1166, 1167–1168
Time magazine, 634, 820n, 1086n, 1111, 1117, 1118
Times, London, 161
Titan II. See ICBM: Titan II Tito, Josip Broz, 228
Tlas, Mustafa, 1074, 1104, 1105
Tohá Gonzales, José, 384
totalitarian governments, 312–313
Tower, John, 262
Transportation, Department of, 501
Treasury, Department of, 974
and Chilean debt, 385, 387, 390, 403, 410
Trend, Sir Burke, 123, 142, 143, 151, 189, 191–192, 278, 870
Trident submarine and missile, 257, 259, 261, 265, 267, 273, 1000–1001, 1002, 1003–1004, 1015, 1148
Tripoli agreement (1971), 865
Truman, Harry S., 66, 203, 434
Tunisia, HAK visits (November 1973), 631, 632
Tunney, John, 1121
Turkey, 55, 67, 708
and Cyprus, 1189–1192
Turkish-Greek conflict, historical, 1188–1189
Two-Party Joint Military Commission (South Vietnam), 334
Ullmann, Liv, 4
Ultima Hora, 402
Unidad Popular (UP), Chile, 383, 384
United Kingdom. See Britain
United Nations, 412, 607
and Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 758, 790, 791
and Palestinian attacks on Kiryat Shmona, 1048–1049
GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Allende addresses, 395
HAK addresses, 447, (September 1975) 887
Sixth Special Session of, 1032, 1092
AND MIDDLE EAST WAR, 471, 472, 474, 480, 486, 489, 502
cease-fire, 555, 557–558, 582, 583, 592, 598
Kilometer 101 talks, 610, 611
proposed observer force, 579, 582, 592, 598, 601, 605, 713
SECURITY COUNCIL, 480, 486, 489, 502
Resolution 242, 197, 295–296, 503, 539, 543, 554, 624, 1133
Resolution 338, 554n, 558, 1133
Resolution 339, 575
Resolution 340, 59
8, 599
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 392
United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), 1094, 1099
United Nations World Food Conference, 429, 447
“United States proposal”: on Egyptian-Israeli force limitations, 828, 832, 838, 840, 841, 844
on Syrian-Israeli force limitations, 1093, 1099
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 412
USSR. See Soviet Union
Ustinov, Dmitri, 1007, 1171
Vaky, Viron P., 389
Valeriani, Richard, 820n, 968, 1086n
Vanik, Charles, 251
van Voorst, Bruce, 820n, 1086n
Verification Panel. See National Security Council: Verification Panel
Vientiane, Laos, 18
Viet Cong, 86, 303, 327, 332
Vietnam Peace Agreement. See Agreement on Ending the War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam
Vietnam peace negotiations, 7, 29, 62, 130, 163
Vietnam war, 10, 11, 52, 58–59, 82–89, 308–309, 1183
Christmas bombing, 137, 142
and US defense program, 134
and old foreign policy Establishment, 84, 86, 87
European reaction to, 137
in Laos, 18
North Vietnamese spring offensive, 274–275
opposition to, in United States, 5, 84, 85, 86–87, 88, 89, 94, 339
Thailand and, 14
effects of, and Watergate, 81, 89, 102
see also Pentagon Papers
Vinogradov, Sergei, 752, 753, 770, 785, 795, 844, 1087
Vladivostok, USSR, 48
Vladivostok agreement, 273, 1028, 1173
Vorontsov, Yuli, 280, 509, 569, 570, 571, 572–573
Wade, James P., 1154
Wahba, Dr. Ihab Said, 214n
Waldheim, Kurt, 412, 604, 805
at Geneva Middle East Peace Conference, 795
and Middle East war, 455, 472, 502, 569
and six-point plan, 653, 654
and UN Middle East peacekeeping force, 596, 598
Wallach, John, 820n
Wall Street Journal, 600, 820n, 988, 1125
Walters, Vernon A., 627, 628–629, 1036, 1037
Wang Hairong (Wang Hai-jung), 64, 694
War Powers Act, 429, 510, 582, 593
Warren, Gerald L., 455
Washington Energy Conference, 166, 902, 904, 905, 911–918, 919–924, 954
announced, 901
communiqué of, 920, 921
follow-up to, 917, 918, 919, 920–921
preparations for, 906–911, 921
Washington Post, 36:, 372, 415, 820n, 1086n, 1191
on bombing halt in Cambodia, 360
and HAK and wiretaps, 1115, 1117, 1118
on US Middle East initiative, 195
on 1974 Moscow summit, 1177
on “secret” SALT agreement, 1150
on Soviet emigration policies, 251
on US-Soviet Middle East confrontation, 599