Have you Ever...?

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Have you Ever...? Page 1

by Cyan Tayse

  Have you Ever…?

  Have you Ever…?

  Published by Cyan Tayse

  Copyright © 2017 Cyan Tayse

  Licence Notes

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite book retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Proofreading and Editing by Spell Bound

  Cover images from Deposit Photos

  Cover design by Inked Imprints

  ISBN: 978-0-473-39561-2

  Have you Ever…?

  A Pocket Rocket Novella

  By Cyan Tayse

  Chapter One


  “And then he goes, ‘you did what with a cucumber?’ and I swear to God, Cara, I nearly died!” Brianna hides her face in her hands.

  I try not to laugh, really, I do, but when your best friend shares her latest embarrassing story, there really isn’t much else you can do. Giggling, I attempt to soothe her by rubbing a hand in circles on her back. “Look on the bright side, at least he now knows you’re open to food play,” I say with a goofy grin plastered on my face.

  “Not helping,” she says through her hands. “I have to live with him! I have to see him Every. Damn. Day.”

  “And that’s a bad thing because?” I ask, not seeing the downside at all. He is hot and single; what could possibly be wrong with waking up to that every morning? Catching him in the hall on his way to the bathroom… wearing nothing but those tight boxers, his six pack and delectable V on full display. Mmmmm.

  “Seriously, Cara?” The look on her face tells me I have indeed said those things out loud. “Maybe you should hook up with him, then I won’t seem like such a freak.” She sticks her tongue out at me, her grin returning. That’s what I love about her, even when she is amidst a total melt down, she can still find it in her to harass me.

  “Maybe I will,” I say, snatching a chip from the packet and popping it in my mouth. “I wonder what kind of depraved things I could show him,” I mumble around my food.

  “I’m sure you could think of something.”

  Oh, yes, I most definitely could, I think to myself. I’ve only met him the once, but it was enough to sear his perfection into my brain. I can picture myself climbing up his six-foot frame, wrapping my legs around his tapered waist, while clinging to his broad shoulders. His large hands cupping my ass, rocking me against him as I bite his full bottom lip. God, those lips. I’ve never seen lips more kissable than his…

  “Earth to Cara,” Brianna clicks her fingers in front of my face. “You’re sex dreaming, aren’t you?” She crosses her arms across her chest, pushing her breasts together and giving me an eyeful.

  “I’m pleading the fifth,” I say, dragging my eyes back up to her face. Brianna and I have been best friends since forever, and never have we stepped over that boundary, though I wouldn’t be averse to it. In fact, over the last year, I have often wondered what it would be like to bury my face in those beautiful full breasts of hers. She knows of my passionate trysts with other girls, but I’ve never had the courage to admit my true feelings to her. Yes, I’m into guys. I like a bit of cock as much as the next girl. But, I also like the soft sensuality of a curvy woman. Men are hot, but women are sexy.

  I’m sure Brianna has noticed me checking her out on several occasions, but she’s never brought it up, so I haven’t either. I wouldn’t know what to say anyways. “So, Bri, can I suck your tits?” doesn’t really seem like an appropriate thing to say to your best friend.

  “You’re doing it again! Stop picturing Dan naked, and pay attention to me!” she whines.

  Oh, if only she knew the truth.

  “Okay, sorry.” I hold my hands up in mock surrender. “You have my undivided attention.” I put my elbows on my knees and rest my chin on my hands. “What’s up, buttercup?”

  “You wanna sleep over tonight? Maybe it’ll be less awkward if you’re there.”

  “Sure,” I say casually. “I’ll pack a bag now.” Unfolding my legs, I crawl across the bed to grab my bag from behind her, my upper arm brushing past her soft mounds, sending a jolt straight to my centre. I have to stop myself from moaning out loud.

  Not wanting to seem like a weirdo, I quickly climb off the bed, and over to my closet. I select my skimpiest shorts and a singlet for sleeping in, along with a summer dress that hugs my curves. I’m not really sure who I want to impress more; Dan or Bri.

  Biting my lip, I push the thoughts of the three of us out of my head. That can be a little something I can revisit later, when I don’t have an audience.

  “All ready,” I announce, slinging my bag over my shoulder.

  “Great!” She claps her hands gleefully. “You haven’t stayed over in so long,” she draws out the word ‘so’ just to drive her point home.

  “Yeah, it’s been a while,” I agree, knowing full well why I hadn’t. Seeing Brianna in her day-to-day get up is one thing, but watching her prance around in her satin nightie is quite another. I lick my lips as that image dances in my head.

  “You need some chapstick?” she asks, holding some out to me.


  “For your lips. You were licking them, are they dry?”

  “Oh, uh, yeah, thanks.” I reach forward and accept her offering. “Hey, you wanna grab some drinks, really make a night of it?” I suggest.

  “Ooh yes! That will help me compose myself in front of Dan,” she says, springing up from her perch on my bed. I swear she still acts as though we are in high school, not nearing thirty.

  “Sure it will,” I say dryly, one eyebrow raised. “Alcohol is always my go-to when I need to feel cool, calm and collected too.”

  “Shut up and get your ass out the door. We have drinking to do!”

  “Yes, Ma’am!” I raise my hand in a salute before sashaying out the door, making sure to add an extra wiggle into my hips.

  “Yep, Dan is gonna love you!”

  Chapter Two


  “You’re full of shit,” Evan says, cracking open a beer. “There’s no way she said that.”

  “I’m telling you, man, she honestly did! Scouts honour.” I hold up three fingers beside my head.

  “Like you were ever a scout,” Evan scoffs. “You were probably too busy picking up chicks and getting laid.”

  I laugh. “You’re probably right.” Tipping my head back, I let the cool, amber liquid flow down my throat.

  “So, you gonna bone her?” Evan waves his hands in front of him to form the shape of a woman before pelvic thrusting.

  “What are you? Twelve?” I chuckle. Evan and I met at AMI Stadium last year, when our teams had gone up against each other. I played for the Ravens, and Evan for the Nomads. We bonded over a beer while discussing the ref’s decision to yellow-card us both during the game.

  I’d been living up in Wellington when I got the offer to join the Nomads down in Christchurch. With a higher salary on the cards, I jumped at the chance. Things had become taxing back home, and I’d been looking for something to spice things up. It couldn’t have come at a better time.

  Evan had been the first person I’d called. He’d jumped straight in, offering to help me find a flat. Even going so far as to personally check out each and every one while I had tied up loose ends up north. As s
oon as he’d met Brianna, the sassy red-head with curves in all the right places, he’d known it was the flat for me. I had a bit of a reputation for being a ladies’ man. What can I say? My six-foot-five stature, dark hair and piercing blue eyes always pulled them in. What he didn’t know though, was that I wasn’t one to hook up with flatmates. I knew from personal experience, it never worked out.

  “If you’re not going to, can I have a crack?” Evan asks, leaning forward in his seat. He is built like a brick shithouse, on the shorter side and stocky. The ladies often refer to him as a teddy bear because of his size. But that’s what is to be expected of a tighthead prop.

  “Hey, be my guest.” I wave my hand around the room. “I don’t shit where I eat.”

  Evan cracks a grin, rubbing his hands together. “Fan-fucking-tastic! With you outta the picture, I might actually have a shot this time.” He laughs, shaking his head.

  Chapter three


  Popping open a Billy Maverick, I hand it to Brianna before opening one for myself. We opted to walk back to her place so that we could imbibe on our way. She’s still packing herself about seeing the six-foot-whatever God that resides in her flat.

  When she’d told me she was living with a rugby player, I had thought he’d be just a regular Joe, playing social footy in the evenings. Not some hotshot player who was head hunted to play for the Nomads; the top team in town.

  This guy is the real deal. His rock-hard abs are chiselled to perfection, as if carved out of stone. Sure, I’d only had a sneak peek at him while he’d been sauntering down the hall to his room, wearing nothing but a towel, but it had certainly been enough to keep my fingers walking in the dead of night over the last week. Oh yes, I’d catalogued that one under Spank Bank Number 2, coming second only to Brianna, of course.

  Shoving the remaining cans into my backpack, I sling it over my shoulder once more.

  “Thanks again for coming with me,” she says, rolling the can across her chest in an attempt to cool down. My eyes are immediately drawn to the tiny droplets of water beading off the can and dripping down her breasts. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to lap that up. My tongue darts out, catching my lip and pulling it in, my teeth finding purchase. I have to tear my eyes away before I start salivating.

  “I still don’t see what the problem is. So he thinks you’re a perverted sex freak who likes to shove cucumbers up your ass? What of it?” I tease, nudging her with my elbow.

  “I didn’t shove them up my ass!” she screeches, before slamming her hand across her mouth and looking around to see if anyone heard her. I bark out a laugh.

  “I know you didn’t. But he doesn’t know that.” I love riling her up.

  “All I said was that I liked to shove cucumbers into everything. Everything meaning salads and sandwiches, not my ass! And, I was talking to my mum for God’s sake! Ewww!” Her green eyes flash, like they always do when she is fired up.

  “I think ‘shove’ may have been your downfall there,” I say with a grin. “I don’t know about you, but I generally throw cucumbers into a salad, not shove them.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she says drily.

  “I do shove things into my p—”

  “Stop!” she interrupts me before I can carry on, her hand darting out to stop my lips from moving. “I don’t need to know what you do in your spare time.” She rolls her eyes, and I fight the urge to lick her fingers.

  I sigh, looping my arm through hers. “Don’t lie, you know you live vicariously through my sexcapades.”

  Giggling, she nods. “You do tell the best bedtime stories.”

  “I really do.” I look over at her. “You really should try and experiment a little more. Who knows, maybe you’ll like a cucumber shoved up your—”

  “Jesus, Cara! If I promise to loosen up, will you stop talking about shoving things in me?”

  “It is one of my favourite topics of conversation, but I guess I could stop.” I reach over and press my finger to the bottom of her can, making her drink. “But first things first, you need to drink more.”


  By the time we reach her house, we are well on our way to being tipsy. Not quite enough for Brianna to be rid of her embarrassment, but tipsy all the same. While she flits back and forth on the porch, trying to build up the courage to go inside, I decide to take charge. Flinging open the door, I announce our arrival. “Honey, we’re home!” I holler down the hallway, making a direct line for the bathroom.

  “Cara!” Brianna hisses, tailing me. “You can’t leave me alone with him!”

  Cocking my head to the side, I listen to the voices coming from the lounge. “Good thing he’s got someone else here with him then,” I say. “Hey, maybe he was just as nervous as you.” I smile reassuringly. She, however, doesn’t seem convinced. “Look, if you’re that worried, just wait here until I’m done.”

  A smile washes over her face at my words. “Thanks,” she mutters, sliding her back down the wall to sit.

  Once in the bathroom, I do a quick check of my appearance. Adding a little gloss to my lips, and pushing my hands through my unruly curls, I am happy with what I see. With a spritz of perfume to freshen up after our walk, I step back out into the hall. Reaching down, I grab Brianna’s hands and pull her reluctantly to her feet.

  “I bet he doesn’t even remember.” The look she gives me says she thinks that is highly unlikely, but I wave it off. “Who cares what he thinks anyway?” Pulling the box of Mavericks from my bag, I shove them under my arm, while at the same time hurling my bag into her room. “Here,” I say, handing her another can. “Drink up, sugarplum.” I give her a wink, then with my free hand, I grab her hand and drag her towards the lounge.

  Chapter four


  As soon as I hear that voice, my interest is piqued. I recognise those dulcet tones from the brief encounter I shared with Brianna’s friend that first night in the flat. I hadn’t known anyone was home, so when I’d darted out of the bathroom in just my towel, I’d been caught off guard when the leggy blonde greeted me in the hallway. With her barely-there shorts, and tank top exposing her tanned midriff, the sight of her had stopped me dead in my tracks.

  Knowing she is here has my pulse racing. Jumping to my feet, I quickly make my way through to the kitchen for another beer to calm my nerves. Twisting the top off, I pour the cool beverage into my mouth, downing the whole bottle in one go. I brace my hands on the counter. What’s going on here? I think to myself. I’m Dan fucking Knight, I don’t get nervous around women.

  Shaking my head, I grab another two bottles from the fridge and head back to join Evan in the lounge. “Another?” I ask, handing him the bottle before he can answer.

  With a cock of his brow, Evan smirks at me. “That hot, huh?”

  “What?” I look at him questioningly.

  “Her friend. You’ve sculled back two beers in two minutes, and I saw the look on your face when you heard her voice.” He finishes his beer with a sigh, placing the empty bottle on the table and reaching for the next one.

  “What look?” I scoff, taking a seat on the couch, one arm draped across the back. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Pfft, whatever, man. You like her.”

  Before I can retort, the hot-as-fuck blonde steps into the room, dragging Brianna behind her. “Hello, boys,” she says, drawing out the words with a sly wink. “I see we’ve got some catching up to do.” She nods at the empties lined up on the table. “Good thing we brought these.” She unceremoniously slaps the box of bourbons down on the table, throwing herself down on the couch beside me. With one leg tucked beneath her, she leans into me with her arm extended. “I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Cara McNally. You must be Dan?”

  I take her hand in mine, her silky-smooth skin feels like heaven, and I can’t help but wonder what it would feel like wrapped around my cock. Clearing my throat, I sit forward, hoping to hide my arising arousal at just the touch of her hand. G
et a grip, Dan!

  “That’s me. Nice to meet you, Cara,” I manage to say. Waving my hand to the side, I quickly add, “This here is Evan Rider, tighthead prop for the Nomads.”

  “Ah, so you’re the lovable rogue that Bri was telling me about,” she says as she casts her eyes over him.

  “Cara!” Brianna cries out in embarrassment.

  Evan’s eyes light up. He turns to Brianna, who is hiding her face. “You think I’m lovable?” A shit-eating grin spreads across his face.

  “Oh yeah, she couldn’t stop talking about you after you came by.” Cara winks.

  “Stop!” Brianna hisses at her friend, her face turning a lovely shade of red.

  “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. He’s loving it, aren’t you Ev?” This girl is something else. She oozes confidence like no other. She is definitely someone who is comfortable in her own skin, and rightfully so. She’s only been in the room for a few minutes, and already my eyes have canvassed her form, taking in her gentle curves. She is a little more covered up than the last time I saw her, but then again, so am I. Her tight-fitting jeans hug her body, and the low-cut singlet she is wearing, gives me the perfect view of her full breasts. When I lift my eyes, I am surprised to see her smirking at me, as she catches me checking her out. Without taking her eyes from mine, she brings her drink to her lips, her tongue darting out before taking a sip, and all I can think about is how much I want to be that can.

  “When you’re done eye-fucking over there,” Evan starts, reminding me that we have company, “You wanna play a little Never Have I Ever? Get to know each other a little better?” He waggles his eyebrows, making the girls laugh. A quick glance tells me that Brianna has gotten over her embarrassment and is now perched on the chair opposite Evan.


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