Have you Ever...?

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Have you Ever...? Page 2

by Cyan Tayse

  “I’m game if you are,” Cara says, with a look that says I dare you.

  Nobody challenges Dan Knight. “Challenge accepted.”

  Chapter Five


  “Never have I ever… had a threesome.” Evan sits back with a smirk, his legs stretched out in front of him.

  “Wow, just going straight into the juicy stuff, huh?” I’ve barely had a chance to put my drink down. Knowing the boys both have their eyes glued to my every move, I slowly bring the can back up to my lips, lapping up the drops on the edge of the can, before swallowing back another mouthful.

  Evan coughs uncomfortably, muttering something under his breath as he adjusts himself. “So… ah…” His face flushes as he tries to get his mouth around the words. “I gotta ask…” He cocks an eyebrow at me, and I know what his question is going to be before he even says a word.

  “Two girls, one guy.” I turn to Brianna with a grin, tipping my drink in her direction. “I believe it’s your turn.”

  “Hold up! What was that look? You mean…” he points back and forth from Brianna to me. “You two…”

  Dan sits forward in his seat. “You two have made out?”

  I look at Brianna and without missing a beat, she stares Evan straight in the eye and says, “Oh yeah, sure. All the time. Ya know, when we’re running around in our knickers having pillow fights.” The sarcasm runs deep with this one.

  A defeated look crosses Evan’s face. “So, that’s a no, then?”

  “Why? Are you trying to tell us something?” I quirk my brow. “Have you two hooked up?” I gasp and hold my hand to my chest in mock surprise.

  “What? No, of course not.” Evan coughs and quickly sits back, finishing his can. Dan smirks at his friend’s reaction. Interesting.

  After a beat, I turn back to Brianna who is clearly amused at the goings on. “Never have you ever..?” I prompt. We’d played this game many a time before, and somehow, I always ended up drinking the most, and divulging my every secret. Brianna, on the other hand, hasn’t been quite so experimental – or so she’d have people believe. She always manages to turn the tables on everyone else.

  “Never have I ever…” She looks at me with a devilish grin. Oh God, here it comes. “Streaked at a rugby game.”

  “No.” The word is said on a whisper of a breath as both Dan and Evan turn back to me, waiting to see my confirmation.

  “It was once, and I was dared,” I say, sculling back the last of my can. I point my empty at Bri with narrowed eyes. “You promised.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says through her laughter. “It was just too good not to! I promise this is the last time I bring it up.” She crosses her finger across her chest then blows me a kiss. With that cute grin of hers, and that sparkle in her eye, how could I stay mad?

  “Wait, are you?” Evan slaps the back of his hand into Dan’s chest. “It’s her! She’s the Blonde Bullet!” He throws his head back in a raucous laugh. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognise you!”

  “Well, I do have all my clothes on, so there’s that…”

  Folding his arms across his perfectly formed chest, Dan lets out a low whistle. “Normally we’d frown upon things like that, but even I have to admit, that was pretty impressive. I mean, it’s not often that a woman… and the speed!” He shakes his head at the memory. “Those fat bastards never saw you coming.” He chuckles.

  Cupping his hand around his mouth, Evan imitates the commentators’ voices, “And now the ball’s with Grigg, he runs across field and passes to Tokomo, he takes the tackle and he loses the ball forward! The play breaks down and the ref calls knock-on…” He pauses, turning to Dan as if he’s the second commentator in the box. “Well, Smithy, we haven’t seen this for a while! A break-down in play and some idiot’s decided to make a spectacle of themselves and streak across the field! I don’t believe it! This makes a pleasant change, it’s actually a woman!”

  Dan jumps to his feet, unable to help himself. He holds his bottle up to his mouth like a microphone, and places his hand over his ear as if wearing an earpiece. “I wonder if they’ll actually tackle her. Oh, here we go! The security guys are after her! They’re having trouble catching up, she’s across the centre of the field and almost at the far touch line!”

  “Ya reckon they’ll get her, Smithy?”

  “I dunno, she’s pretty speedy. She’d make a good winger, wouldn’t ya say, Jono?”

  “Yeah I reckon she’d give Usain Bolt a run for his money!”

  Pointing across the room, Dan speaks excitedly into his make-shift mic. “Look, she’s made it over the sponsors’ signs… and… and… what’s she doing now, Jono?”

  “She’s tipping her hat at the crowd!” Evan begins to laugh, an over-the-top, fake, belly laugh. “And she’s off into the crowded grandstand!”

  “Oh, they’ll never catch her now!”

  The boys collapse back onto their chairs, holding their stomachs as they snigger.

  “Yuck it up, boys.” I commend them with a slow clap. “That’s super impressive how you remember that word for word. Quite a talent you have there.”

  “Are you kidding? That’s seared into my brain! That shit never happens anymore!” Evan shuffles forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees. “I just have one question.”

  Reaching forward, I pull another can from the box and flick it open, taking a sip before answering him. “Ask away.” I wave my hand in front of me as if to say, I’m an open book.

  “How did you get out without being caught? I mean,” he lowers his voice, “you were naked.”

  “Except for her hat,” Brianna pipes up.

  I tip my drink towards her once more. “Yes, we can’t forget the hat.” No matter how many times she makes me rehash this story, it never seems to get old with her. I can’t help but grin back at her. “I might have had a little help at the other end.”

  “You were there?” Evan asks her, his eyes shining with amusement.

  “Of course! What kind of friend would I be if I’d left her in all her naked glory? It was the least I could do… after daring her in the first place.” She grins, taking a swig of her drink.

  “You dared her?” A deep laugh bursts from his chest. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard all year!”

  “Did they ever find out who you were?” Dan asks, angling his body towards me.

  “Nope. The crowd closed around me, shielding me from security while I dressed.” I lean into him. “It may not have been my smartest moment, but damn if it wasn’t exhilarating. All those eyes on me.” I run my hand down my neck, over my breasts and down to my thighs. “What a rush!”

  Chapter Six


  This girl will be the death of me. With her hands roaming her body, she flashes me the most devilish grin, and my cock jumps to attention. I can’t tell if she is playing with me, or if she is actually interested. Either way, I am hooked.

  “You make it very hard to concentrate when you do things like that.”

  “I can see that.” Her eyes flick down to the bulge in my pants and back up, one side of her mouth pulled up in a sexy-as-hell, lop-sided grin. “Guys are so easy.” She pulls back, chuckling lightly.

  Yep, she’s fucking with me. Damn.

  “Must be my turn, right?” She taps her finger against her chin. “What to choose, what to choose?” She peers around the room as if looking for inspiration.

  “Shit, is there anything she hasn’t done?” Evan asks Brianna, who is helping herself to another drink.

  “Mmm.” She looks up to the ceiling, considering his question. Her wavy red hair sways side-to-side as she shakes her head. “Not a lot, no.”

  “Never have I ever… done a body shot.”

  “I find that hard to believe.” Evan sniggers, taking a large gulp of his drink. “How has someone who’s had a threesome and streaked in public, never done a body shot?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugs. “I guess it’s just never come up.�

  “Well, we’ll have to rectify that then, won’t we?” I jump to my feet, making my way into the kitchen. After opening and closing several cupboards and coming up empty, I peer back around the door. “Where do we keep the shot glasses, Bri?”

  “In the cupboard above the bench. There might even be some tequila in there.” Thank you, Evan. You really outdid yourself when you found this place.

  With four shot glasses and a lime in one hand, and a bottle of tequila and the salt shaker in the other, I join the group in the lounge. I pour four full shots of tequila, and slice the lime into quarters. “So, I noticed you didn’t drink either, Bri. Evan and I have both done our fair share of these when out celebrating with the boys.” I point at the shots lined up on the table. “Two shots each. One off each other, and one off us.” I fold my arms across my chest, pleased I’ve come up with such a clever idea.

  “Oh, it’s like that, is it?” Cara licks her lips. “I think I can manage that.” She turns to Brianna with a cock of her brow. “You up for it?”

  With a few drinks under her belt now, she is quick to nod her agreement. “Sure.”

  “You wanna go first?” Cara asks, grabbing a lime wedge and placing it in her mouth.

  “Okay.” Brianna shrugs. She swipes a shot from the table and pushes it in between Cara’s breasts.

  “Really shove it in there,” Cara says around the lime. She has a smirk on her face and I can only assume that she knows what I overheard, as I watch a blush creep its way up Brianna’s neck and face.

  “Okay, here goes.” She huffs out a breath before lowering her face to Cara’s chest. She tentatively licks just above the edge of her top. She pulls back and sprinkles salt over the wetness. Peering up at her friend, she gives a little sigh before going back in, lapping up the salt, then clasping her teeth around the glass. She pulls it from its resting place and shoots it back. The glass falls from her lips, into her hand, and then Evan and I watch with our mouths hanging open, as her lips move in to Cara’s. Their lips barely brush each other as she pulls the lime out of her mouth, but it is enough to redden Brianna’s cheeks again. Even Cara has a bit of colour showing, and that is what really intrigues me. Does she have a thing for her best friend?

  “Yeaow!” Evan calls out, clapping his hands. “That was hot!” He quickly moves to an empty space in the room and lies down, pulling his shirt up. “Now, you gotta take a shot off me.” He winks as he places his hands behind his head, eliciting a giggle out of Brianna.

  “Um, how do I…?” She stands, staring at his body with her hands on her hips.

  “Here, you put the shot in his belly-button.” Cara balances the shot glass gingerly. “Try not to move,” she whispers to Evan. She licks a trail up his middle and sprinkles the salt on. “He’s all yours.”

  Bri straddles Evan, her hands braced on his hips as she leans forward and runs her tongue along the same path Cara’s had been. Evan groans under his breath, and Cara and I exchange a look before bursting out laughing.

  Tequila begins to trickle down his sides as he shoots a look at us, which only makes us laugh harder. Brianna quickly laps up the tequila and fastening her teeth around the glass once more, she throws her head back, letting it flow down her throat.

  When she’s done, she spits the glass across the floor, and slowly creeps up his body, latching onto the lime. Evan’s hands automatically wrap around her, pulling her against him. She giggles as she pulls away, triumphant. She holds the lime in the air. “I did it! Now, it’s your turn.”

  Chapter seven


  This is it. Over the last year, I’ve dreamed of this moment. Well, maybe not this exact moment, but close enough. I am about to get up close and personal with my best friend.

  Brianna stands before me, her chest pushed out, waiting for me to place the shot glass between her gorgeously soft mounds. I lick my lips, stepping in close. “You ready?” I breathe. Geez, Cara, get a grip.

  “As I’ll ever be.” She giggles, making those delicious bags of fun jiggle about. I suppress another groan as I ever-so-gently push the shot glass deep into her cleavage. My heart thumps in my chest as I place the lime wedge between her full lips. I trail my finger down her jaw with a wink, letting her think I’m playing it up for the boys’ benefit.

  Darting my tongue out to moisten my lips once more, I duck my head under her chin, licking a long trail from where the shot glass rests, nestled deep between her breasts, to the outer edge where her top begins. I run my tongue from there up to the base of her neck, forming an arc with my tongue. Her sharp intake of breath spurs me on. I grab the salt and sprinkle a little over my trail before diving back in to lap it all up. I can feel her heart racing as I take my time, a grin spreading across my face as I realise she is just as turned on as I am.

  Burying my face between her breasts, I latch onto the shot glass and with a gentle shake of my head, and her silky-smooth skin brushing against my cheeks, I pull the glass up and out, tipping my head back. I let the cup fall into my hand and stepping forward, I grab a hold of her hip, pulling her into me as I tilt my head towards hers. I run my tongue along her bottom lip before securing my mouth around the lime, our lips brushing against each other.

  When I pull back, her eyes are closed and her breath is coming out in pants. Slowly, she blinks them open, her heated gaze meets mine and I know in this moment, she wants me too.

  Before I have a chance to react, Evan clears his throat, breaking the spell. “Damn girl! That was hot!” He’s still lying across the floor, his hands now clasped in front of him, covering what I’m sure is a raging hard-on.

  When I turn back to Brianna, her cheeks are flushed and she won’t meet my eyes. Damn it, Evan!

  “It was just a bit of fun,” she murmurs, as if trying to convince herself. She keeps her eyes down, staring at a spot on the floor.

  Look at me, damn it. It was more than just a bit of fun to me.

  “So, ah, I guess it’s my turn then.” Dan steps forward, offering me the last remaining shot glass. “Where do you want me?”

  With one last look at Brianna, I plaster a smile on my face, turning to face Dan. “Wherever you wanna be.” I give him a playful shove towards the couch. Gripping the hem of his jersey, he quickly whips both his tops off, giving me a perfect view of his six pack. I am impressed, really, I am. But, he is no Brianna.

  Once he is on his back, I place the shot glass on his belly, as I had with Evan. Reaching for the salt, I bring my eyes up to Bri’s, hoping to see a hint of that flame again, but all I see is confusion. With a sigh, I turn my attention back to the body before me. Knowing they are waiting for a show, I get down on my knees and leaning over his body, I slowly lick along his stomach, just above the top of his pants, following the treasure trail up to his navel. This should be hot, but all I can think about is the look on her face. It feels wrong to be doing this after what we just shared, even if it was a fleeting moment.

  I quickly down the shot of tequila and crawl my way up to his mouth, the lime firmly between his teeth. When I hover above him, his hands go around the back of my neck, pulling me down to meet his mouth. He lets go of the lime wedge just before our lips meet. This is a move I have been known to pull, so it shouldn’t surprise me as much as it does. I pull back as soon as I realise what he is doing, but not until after it is too late. I’d kissed him back, albeit briefly.


  Brianna sits there, almost as stunned as I am. She has her hand to her chest, her eyes wide and fixed on the scene before her. God, I’d give anything to know what she is thinking.

  Chapter eight


  What the hell just happened? The single hottest moment of my life just played out, that’s what. Sure, I’ve noticed her looking at me before, but I’d thought it was just like when I check out guys; it doesn’t mean anything. But the way she dragged her tongue along my skin… I’ve never felt anything so electric before. I had to stop myself from throwing my arms around he
r and slamming my lips to hers.

  Where those thoughts came from, I have no idea. I’d never once considered hooking up with a girl before, but damn if I don’t want to throw myself at her right now. The only thing is, it was all just an act. I saw her wink, I knew it was all to see how flustered she could make the guys. And boy did it work, if Evan’s boner is anything to go by. I just wish it hadn’t worked so well on me.

  Watching her trail her tongue along Dan’s rippled muscles, it is clear to me what her feelings are. I mean, how could I possibly compete with Dan fucking Knight? The star athlete and epitome of all things sexy. The answer is simple. I can’t.

  Chapter nine


  Wow. Her lips are even softer than I imagined them to be. I hadn’t planned on kissing her, but when she dragged her tongue along my skin, a spark was ignited inside and I couldn’t help myself. I’d hoped it would last a little longer than it had, but beggars can’t be choosers, and I’ll take anything she is offering.

  As she pulls away from me, her eyes dart over to Brianna, knocking the wind out of my sails. I’d seen the way they’d looked at each other, I’m not stupid. There is definitely something between them, even if they haven’t realised it yet. I guess I’d just hoped that her flirtation meant more than just that.

  That was a shit move, Dan. It was just meant to be a bit of fun.

  I sit up, grabbing my jersey and throwing it back on. “So, ah, whose turn is it?” I ask, knowing full well that it is mine.

  Brianna seems to snap out of her daze at my words. She leans forward in her seat, snaffling another bourbon from the table. “I believe it’s yours,” she says with a smile.


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