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HOT MEN: A Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 17

by Ashlee Price


  He slid the vibrator up and down his cock, his hips rocking back and forth. His mouth slacked slightly and his breathing came quicker. I knew he was almost to his peak. I reached out, one last desperate lunge to touch him, but it was too late. He’d gone into that place that only existed in his head. His hips shook and a guttural sound came from his throat. His head lolled back, his eyes closed, and he dropped the vibrator and replaced it with a slippery hand. As I watched, his creamy white cum spurted onto the satin around me. I quickly threw myself onto my back, spread my legs and slid before him.

  “Please, Riker, put it in me. Fuck me. I want to feel it inside me. I can’t stand this another second.”

  He didn’t answer, but slowly melted downward onto the lounge chair at the foot of the bed.

  The only sound in the room was Riker’s breathing calming down and my soft sob. I ached so badly within. I wanted his touch, I wanted his love. I wanted him.

  He withheld these, and instinctively I knew it wasn’t out of cruelty, but out of dominance. He’d wanted me to witness his release. It was symbolic of what I’d denied him all those months. I felt humbled and sad, yet thoughtful and wiser. Human beings had the need for touch, and between two people who cared about one another, there had to be touch. I’d purposely started a fight with him, and in my selfishness, I’d walked away, leaving him with a cold void where my loving touch should have been. We both knew it, and when eventually he rose from the lounge chair, he unbuckled the collar and handed me my clothes. I dressed quietly, repentant and feeling needy. He had dominated me, and I deserved this denial of my own pleasure.

  Riker said nothing more, but reclined on the lounge chair, his legs open and his hand cupping his genitals. I wasn’t even going to be allowed to see them. I headed for the top of the stairs, but his voice stopped my descent.

  “Incidentally, what did you come to tell me?”

  I didn’t turn around. “You have a son, Riker. His name is Justin, and he looks just like you.” I said it quietly, and the only sounds that followed were my footsteps as I went downstairs and out the door into the cold.

  Chapter 22 - Riker

  I hadn’t slept. I couldn’t sleep. Sleep was for those of peaceful mind, and that was about as far from my mindset as anyone could get.

  A son?

  How could she not have told me? I knew why, but how could she? I would have married her before the words were out of her mouth and we’d have put together a home. She, of all people, had to know how much I wanted a son of my own. A child whose life I could support and care for from his first breath. How could she deny me all of that?

  I’d denied her nothing. Except the knowledge that she was safe and there were no secrets between us. I knew it as surely as if she’d just said the words into the air I breathed. The locked door held more than the secrets of the room above. It had meant insecurity, things I wouldn’t share, a part of myself I couldn’t trust her with. I’d held back, thinking I knew better what she could and couldn’t handle. I’d gotten what I’d deserved.

  That would change.

  I fell asleep with resolve.


  The door opened. A strange woman stood where Lacy should have been.

  “Excuse me. I’m Riker, and I’m looking for Lacy?”

  The woman took two steps back and opened the door wider. Beyond her stood Lacy, a baby resting on her hip. It was like looking into a mirror. He had my eyes, my nose, my lips and even my temperament. He burst into tears and reached for Lacy, who laughed. The woman who’d answered the door turned and disappeared into Lacy’s bedroom, closing the door behind herself.

  Lacy came toward me and looked into my eyes, a soft smile of pride on her face. She held the child out to me, and as I lifted him from her and held him, my life changed.

  “What’s his name?”


  I nodded. “His middle name?”


  My eyes filled with tears, so I turned away from her, holding the child against my chest. “Can he sit up yet?”

  “He’s trying. He rolls over, so you can’t leave him unattended.”

  “I’ve never been around one this young.”

  “I know.”

  “Thank you for him.”

  She nodded. She didn’t need to say anything. I carried him into the living room and sat down with him on my lap. His big eyes were searching mine, and perhaps he saw something familiar there, because he stopped crying and a small smile opened his lips. I held out my finger, and his little hand grasped it. “He’s got quite a grip,” I commented.

  Lacy smiled. “I’m going upstairs to change. I’ll leave you two to get acquainted.”

  Obviously, she had moved upstairs and the other woman was occupying her former room. It made sense; the downstairs room wasn’t big enough for Lacy and the baby’s furniture.

  There was a knock on the door. The other woman didn’t come out and Lacy was still upstairs, so I hefted Justin against my chest and stood up to answer it.

  Mrs. Douglas Pettibone had arrived. She sucked in an indignant breath and pushed past me. “I thought I’d seen the last of you,” she muttered. “Where’s Lacy?”

  I ignored her comment and went to the foot of the stairs. “Lacy,” I called out. “Mrs. Pettibone is here to see you.” I turned and walked back into the living room, leaving Pettibone standing where she was. I heard Lacy’s former bedroom door open and then close quickly. It was like high noon at the OK Corral.

  Lacy came down the stairs with measured steps, like a woman bound for the electric chair.

  “Hello, Mrs. Pettibone, what a surprise.”

  “I’ll just bet it is! I thought we agreed with regard to the company you keep?”

  Lacy stood there, mute.

  “And another thing… whose baby is that? It looks remarkably like him!”

  Lacy remained silent. I wanted to jump in and twist off Pettibone’s fat, self-righteous head, but I had to hold back. This was Lacy’s lesson to learn, her battle to fight.

  Mrs. Pettibone literally stomped her foot. “Well, I can see how much you value my patronage. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. There will be consequences for this!”

  The next sound I heard was the slamming of the kitchen door.

  Chapter 23 - Lacy

  I walked into the living room, where Riker had a death grip on Justin. “Be careful how hard you hold him. He’s only about twenty-two pounds, you know.”

  Riker’s grip instantly loosened. He held Justin’s tiny hands and let him try to stand and balance on his knees. I wished at that moment that Riker would hold my hand. He seemed to sense it.

  “How long are you going to let that old biddy run your life?” he asked me.

  “I know, I know. I’ve been trying over the past year to use up her recommendations and drum up my own clients. With the pregnancy and everything… well, Riker, I just didn’t have any choice. I needed money for Justin.”

  Riker was quiet, staring at me. He moved Justin to the crook of his arm and leaned forward. “Did you really think I would abandon you? Don’t you know how I feel about you? Don’t you understand what it means to me to have a son?”

  “I know, I know. I was scared and confused. Melanie kept telling me you didn’t want me, and in my panic, I began to believe her. Pettibone’s friends represented the only semi-sure thing at the time. Will you forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive, Lacy. In case you don’t know it, I happen to be in love with you. I have been from the beginning, although I didn’t want to admit it.”

  “Why not?”

  He shrugged. “Made me vulnerable, I guess.”

  “Ugh! Well, then you understand how I felt! You didn’t want to let your guard down, and I couldn’t either. It wasn’t just me in the gamble—it was the baby’s welfare. For all I knew, I was going to lose my house and my business and be run out of town on a rail. You know how the people in these small towns can

  “Only if you let them,” he said calmly.

  “I depend on their good graces.”

  “See, Lacy, that’s where you go off the track. These people hire you because they want your services. Do you think they wake up in the morning and the first thought on their mind is, how can I help Mrs. Douglas Pettibone today? Of course it isn’t. I’m not trying to insult your intelligence, but sometimes you have to make a point silly in order to get it through a stubborn head.”


  “What would you call yourself?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Okay, okay, so I can stick to my guns a bit too much, but it’s because I’ve processed the options and already made the wisest choice.”

  “Really? And you, alone, possess all the available information in the world and are able to make a universally sound decision for the rest of the world to follow?”

  “Stop, Riker. You know what I mean.”

  “Yes, I know what you mean, but you take yourself entirely too seriously. There are options you haven’t thought of, and just maybe, when your future involves more than just yourself, you might think about letting other people have some input.”

  “Is this your way of giving me hell for not telling you about Justin?”

  “Told you, you don’t need to apologize about that. I understand. I’m just saying you’re not alone and never were. You have me, you know.”

  I shot a look at him, wondering what he meant. Was he going to try to take Justin away from me?

  “You know I will see to it that you and Justin never do without.”

  “But Riker. Mrs. Pettibone is going to put my ass on a platter, and by nightfall I’ll only have the clients who already signed contracts. I’ve worked too hard to lose it all now. I need to make a stand and see this through.”

  “It’s up to you, but there are other ways of doing it.”

  “Such as?”

  “When you’re out of ideas, come and see me. In the meantime, I think it’s important that you figure this out on your own.” He stood up and handed me Justin, but not before planting a kiss on his chubby cheek. I got a deep, hard kiss that almost smushed Justin. “We’re not done with this, Lacy. I’d stay longer, but I have a client appointment. But before I go, I wouldn’t mind being introduced to the lady in your bedroom.”

  “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry. Abby! Could you come out for a second, please?”

  The door opened and Abby came into the living room, a sweet smile on her face. She reached out for Justin, who went to her willingly. “He’s a beautiful boy, Riker. You should be very proud.”

  Riker nodded and stuck out his hand. “Lacy’s manners are failing her at the moment, but as you guessed, I’m Riker, and yes, indeed, I’m very proud of my son. I only wish I’d known about him sooner.”

  Abby shook his hand with her left hand, her right hand currently occupied with the baby. “I’m Abby Struthers, Lacy’s roommate and surrogate mother.”

  “Surrogate mother?”

  She laughed and it was that musical sound.

  “No, no, not what you’re thinking. Lacy had her secret to protect, so we’ve been pretending Justin is my baby so there wouldn’t be any talk.”

  Riker looked at me and I shrugged. There was nothing more I could say.

  But he could think of something. “You and I will be having a long talk about all this later. I have to run for now. Can I pick you up about seven and take you to dinner? That is, assuming Abby would be kind enough to watch the baby?”

  “Of course,” Abby answered for the both of us.

  “See you then,” I said, and Riker left. I took Justin back and went into the living room to count my sorrows.

  Abby followed. “Honey, I have to say… you’ve got yourself one fine man there. I don’t know what you could possibly be worried about with someone like that on your side. And you know it goes without saying that I’m on your side.”

  “Do you need your bedroom decorated?” I jokingly asked her.

  She laughed, but sat down and put her hands on her knees. “You know, Lacy, there will always be women like Melanie and Mrs. Pettibone out there. They may not look like her, or have her money, but they will want whatever you have because they can’t have it. They’ll want to take it away from you and use it for themselves. You can’t let them do that. You’re very talented, an excellent businesswoman and mother, and a very lucky lady to have a powerhouse man like Riker in your life. Isn’t it about time that you found your own power?”

  I nodded, thoughtful. “Maybe you’re right.”

  Riker showed up as promised later that evening. He chose a quiet restaurant that was out of town, where I’d be unknown. He wanted to give us privacy to talk about anything, including the things I didn’t want people in town to know.

  He ordered a bottle of wine and prime rib for both of us. I was thrilled, as I hadn’t had that for some time. “Wow, you’re really treating me tonight,” I said.

  “Get used to it.”

  I settled back in my chair, a high wingback with beautiful navy upholstery. There was a candle burning inside a lantern on the linen-covered table, and the flatware was heavy and elegantly simple. Riker had good taste. He also looked like a million-dollar male model from a magazine cover. He drew stares as we entered the restaurant in his gray wool slacks and white turtleneck topped by a navy wool sport coat.

  As though he was reading my thoughts, he spoke up. “You know, I haven’t said anything, but I want you to know that having a baby did nothing to lessen your sex appeal. If anything, it brought out a glow to your features, and although I didn’t think it was possible, enhanced the curves I admire so much about you.”

  “Why, thank you—very diplomatically stated.”

  “Why? What do you mean?”

  I blushed. “Well, you know… I’ve always been a little… fluffy.”

  He honestly had a blank look on his face. “Wait a minute. Did you have some cockeyed idea that I don’t adore your body?”

  “Well, most men want someone who’s…”

  “Stop right there.” He held up his hand. “I’m not most men, and they are obviously insecure. You really don’t realize how beautiful you are, do you?”


  “No, Lacy, now I’m serious. You’re stunning, and I can’t imagine that you don’t realize that. You have the face of an angel and a body made for the bedroom, to be quite frank. But your true beauty is what comes from inside. That’s what will be there when I reach for you in the dark at three AM. It’s what I’ll hear when I’m ninety-nine and about to leave this world, and it will be there when the times are rough and we need one another to survive.”

  “Riker, you’re sounding awfully sure about ‘us.’”

  “Why wouldn’t I be? Lacy Chatte, don’t you get that I’m asking you to marry me? If I’m terribly lucky, you’ll say ‘yes.’”

  I paused. “Is this because of Justin?”

  “It’s because I’m crazy in love with you, silly girl. I was miserable without you, and I don’t ever want to go into that black hole again. Even the boys steered clear of me for months, and they’re the type of boys who can handle themselves in a dark alley. That’s the effect you had on me, for God’s sake.” He was tossing his head in amazement, and I felt very flattered.

  “What are you suggesting?”

  Riker threw his napkin from his lap to the floor and got up, only to kneel before me, right there in the restaurant. People were trying not to stare openly, but it was a precious sight. “Lacy Chatte, will you marry me?” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a dark navy velvet box, opening it to reveal a magnificent emerald-cut yellow diamond.

  What did I do? I started to cry. His face fell instantly. “No, no, it’s okay. Yes, of course I’ll marry you. I’m just so emotional, so happy that you asked.”

  Looking relieved, he quickly removed the ring and slid it onto my ring finger. “There. Now, this won’t be the last order you get from
me, but this is one you’d better pay attention to. Don’t ever take that off.”

  I put my hand to my lips and kissed the ring and then leaned forward and kissed him. He was so tall that his face was even with mine, even while he knelt. The restaurant onlookers broke out in applause. It was a moment I’d never forget.

  I leaned forward and whispered in his ear so no one else could hear. “I want to go to the room.” He knew the room to which I referred.

  “Oh, honey, tonight?”

  I nodded “Tonight is my turn.”

  “Waiter!” he leapt up and threw a hundred-dollar bill on the table, much to the delight of the onlookers. Then he picked me up and carried me from the restaurant like a bride over the threshold.

  Chapter 24 - Riker

  Lacy’s acceptance turned my gloomy interlude into a stretch of life that I couldn’t have imagined. I’d gone from a miserable bachelor to a family man overnight. The woman of my dreams was taking me by the hand up the stairs she’d feared. Jonas was gone to his girlfriend, and the house was ours for the night.

  “Take off everything but your undershorts,” she ordered. I complied, although I was puzzled by the request. “Sit on that chair, and don’t touch me.”

  “Lacy, before you begin, do you know what kind of chair that is?”

  “You dare to question me? Of course. It’s a tantra chair. Now do as you were told.”

  I sat, and as I watched, she began a slow tease of removing her clothes. When she was done, she looked like a beautiful young Lady Godiva, naked with her waist-length blonde hair lying over her the perfect orbs of her breasts. She turned her back to me and returned with a thick roll of black tape, which she used to bind my hands together behind my back. When that was done, she taped my mouth so I couldn’t open it. “If you need the safe word, just grunt,” she told me.

  She pushed me back on the tantra chair, one leg on either side so my thighs were splayed open and my arms beneath me, making it difficult for me to sit up. That, however, was her intention. I was amused, wondering whether she knew what she was doing. Maybe she was just making things up as she went along?


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