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The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues

Page 13

by Ron L. Carter

  * Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

  It was the perfect town for Morzum to disguise his organization as a real estate investment firm and take advantage of a lot of unsuspecting investors. Morzum rented an office space downtown, in an upscale office building complex. He was promising huge returns on investments to his clients when all the while, he laundered their money to the Hamas organizations. By the time Doug found out about his scheme, Morzum had already bilked millions from his clients and sent the money to the radical Hamas terrorist group.

  While on the way to Alexandria, Doug told Terry and Krista what his plan was. He told them he would pose as a retired doctor and a possible investor in Morzum’s company. He told them that once he was convinced of Morzum’s scam and knew he was funneling money to the terrorists overseas he would bring them proof. They could then have the FBI step in and shut him down.

  When they checked into the hotel, Krista got her own room, while Terry and Doug shared a room with two queen beds. After they checked in, Doug pulled out his Muslim attire from his suitcase and laid it out on the bed. He wanted to make sure everything was ready when he went to see Morzum the next day. His hair was down past his ears and his beard had grown back since the surgery.

  The following morning he got up and took a shower, put on the wire the FBI was having him wear and strapped it to his chest. He put on his clothes and then he was ready. Terry had given him a small leather briefcase that contained $25,000.00 in marked FBI bills. He said his good-byes to Terry and Krista and started walking in the direction of Morzum’s office. Terry and Krista were going to be waiting and listening in a car down the street from Doug's meeting.

  When Doug got to the building, he went inside and was met by an attractive Middle Eastern woman in her mid-thirties. Everything was covered on her body, accept for her face. She was very friendly so he told her that his name was Youngsma Amed Youseff, and he was a retired doctor from Afghanistan. He told her he'd heard he could invest some money with Morzum. He asked her in Arabic, “Is Mauka Morzum in today so that I can talk to him?” She said back to him in Arabic, “No, he’s not in right now, but he should be back around 11:00 this morning. Do you want to wait or come back later.” He told her he would come back later and quickly turned and walked out the door.

  Doug walked back to where Terry and Krista were parked and jumped in the back seat. He told them that he made contact with a person in Morzum’s office that said he would be in at 11:00 am. Terry said, “We know, you were coming through pretty loud and clear from your wire. We heard everything you said." They went back to the hotel and just relaxed as they watched the news on television until around 10:30 am when Doug said, “Okay, looks like it's time for me to go try this again. Are you guys ready?” Terry said, "Yeah, Let's do it."

  They took Doug to a spot where he was only about three blocks from the building and dropped him off. He made his way to the office building once again and was met by the same friendly woman. She smiled at him when he came in, “Oh good! You came back! He’s here now, I'll go and get him for you.” He thanked her and sat down at one of the chairs in the waiting area with the briefcase on his lap.

  It wasn’t long. and a strong looking Middle Eastern man walked out smiling. He said in Arabic, “You must be Youngsma Youseff. Talicka told me you came by earlier." Doug got up and bowed to him and said back in Arabic, “Yes, I was told by some friends that I could make an investment with you.” Morzum replied, “Maybe so, please come into my office so we can talk." He led Doug into a big plush private office and had him sit at the desk across from him. He said, "You may have come to the right place. I don't know, but let's talk about what you have in mind."

  Doug began to tell him in Arabic that he had been a doctor in Kabul many years ago, but had come to America and practiced as a primary care physician until he retired in 2008. He told Morzum that he had made a lot of money as a doctor and that he wanted to help out the Muslim people in his home country. Morzum looked surprised when he said that, and replied, “What do you mean you want to help out the Muslim people?” Doug began to tell him how his entire family had fought against the Americans in Afghanistan and that his brother had died fighting them. He told Morzum that he hated the Americans for what they had done to his brother and the rest of his family.

  Morzum was crafty as he said, “I run a legitimate business here Mr. Youseff and I do investments for my friends and clients in real estate, that’s it and nothing else.” Doug looked at him, smiled and said, “Then that’s okay with me. You don’t have to tell me where you invest my money. I’ll give it to you anyway and you can do whatever you want to with it. I was told by a close friend in Kabul that my money would help further our brother’s cause in Afghanistan if I gave it to you. But, if you don’t want my money then I’ll find someone else that will take it.” He stood up as if he were going to leave when Morzum quickly started asking him a few more questions.

  Doug sat back down and after talking back and forth for several minutes, they exchanged stories. Morzum soon became very comfortable with him and asked, “How much money are we talking about here?” Doug said, “I lost my wife to cancer a few years ago and I have no need for the money anymore. I’ll give you $1,000,000.00 if you can guarantee me the money will get to my friends in Kabul. I only brought $25,000 cash today to show you that I’m sincere, but I will bring you the rest of the money in a few days. I don’t want any of it back, but you will have to show me where you’re sending it and that's all I want. I just want to make sure my comrades in Kabul get the money. I want to do my part to help my Hamas brothers and to make sure the money gets to them. Can you do this for me?” Morzum told him the money goes through several check points to make sure it can’t be traced, but said, "I will make sure it gets to your friends in Kabul and give you the information you need when you come in with the rest of the money." Terry and Krista now had the proof they needed on tape to shut Morzum down.

  Doug stood up to leave, “Do you want the $25,000 now or do you want it when I bring in the rest? Morzum replied, “You can leave it and I’ll put it with the rest of your money when you come back in with it.

  When Doug got back to the hotel, he took off his clothes and the wire and said, “Okay, I did my part, now it’s up to you and the rest of the team.” Terry called Sam and told him that they had enough information on their target Morzum to shut his operation down. They had proof Morzum was sending money to the Hamas terrorist organizations in Afghanistan. Sam told him he would have a team there within 48 hours and then they would seize Morzum’s business and arrest him.

  While they were waiting for the team to arrive, Doug was starting to get anxious, just sitting in the hotel room and waiting. He told Terry and Krista, “Why don’t we just go over to his office, bust in and kill him? We know he’s sending money to the Hamas Terrorist Organization. That would save everyone a lot of time and trouble and it would probably save a lot of lives in the long run.” Terry replied, “We can’t do that Doug, as much as all of us might like too. We have to do it Sam’s way, by the book.”

  It wasn’t until the afternoon of the next day, that the team of FBI agents had arrived and were in place at Morzum's office. They knocked on the door a few times and there was no answer. After no response from inside, the agents decided to break the door down. When they got inside, they found that everything had been cleaned out, the computers, books, everything. The only thing left in the office, was the furniture. On top of his desk was the briefcase Doug had given him with the $25,000.00 still in it. It appeared Morzum had left in the middle of the night, and in a hurry.

  Apparently Morzum was able to find out the money was marked and believed the FBI was onto him and his scam. It spooked him enough that he decided to run. They did some checking with local airlines and found out that he'd fled the country during the middle of the night. He was already in the other country before the FBI knew exa
ctly where he’d gone. He had gotten lucky this time and slipped out of the United States, just in the nick of time, or he would’ve spent years in prison for his scam.

  When Doug found out that Morzum had skipped out on them before they could arrest him, he was furious about losing his target. He didn’t just want him shut down, he wanted Morzum dead. He yelled to Terry, “This guy has financed terrorist attacks and terrorist activity that has cost us, who knows how many American Lives in Afghanistan and around the world. He is one of our enemies and we just let him slip away from us!” Terry replied, “Hey, sometimes it happens like that, Doug, we can’t get them all. At least this guy’s not in business anymore. That’s the most important thing.” He didn’t agree with what Terry said as he growled, “That’s not the most important thing to me, this guy will change his name and come back here and do it again.”

  When no one was looking, Doug went over and looked at himself in the mirror and whispered, “What the heck am I doing here with these people! This is crazy! I’ve got my hands tied behind my back working with them! I could’ve killed this guy yesterday and probably saved hundreds of American lives in the process. This guy won’t stop providing money to arm the terrorist organizations until he’s dead. What a complete waste of effort and time."

  As they drove back to FBI Headquarters, Doug was sitting in the back seat not saying a word the entire way. His mind was racing, because he was already trying to figure out how he could do what the FBI wanted him to do and also take out some of the terrorists at the same time.

  Doug’s first experience working with the FBI was frustrating and it left him scratching his head. Terry had to keep reminding him that he couldn’t just take the law into his own hands and start killing people again. He kept saying, “We have to play the game by the book Doug, or we’ll be the ones in trouble, not them. You’ll be locked up for a long time or executed.”



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