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The American Terrorist: The Revenge Continues

Page 23

by Ron L. Carter

  * Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

  Doug wanted to take his time and get to know the imam and some of the members before he killed Khalid. Over the next several days, he went back every day and started becoming a regular. It was on the sixth day that he finally was introduced to his target, Jasvir Khalid. When Doug first talked to him he thought, “How could a soft spoken non-assuming person like him be so full of hatred toward the Jews and Americans? If he hadn’t seen the hatred material coming from him with his own eyes he may have questioned if Khalid should even be a target. Unfortunately, he had been around enough of the terrorists to know that they are masters at hiding their true identities and their intentions. Sometimes they will stay dormant for years until the time is right for them to come out of hiding and that's when they commit their Jihad.

  Now that Doug had made contact with Khalid, he knew what he looked like and where he could find him again whenever he wanted too. He thought Khalid would be an easy target when he was ready to kill him. He just needed to come up with a plan on how to kill him that would be simple and not very easy to trace back to him.

  Doug now had time to search for the targets that the FBI had wanted him to find in San Diego, Abdul-Azeez Bashir and Jameel Khaleel Samad. According to the FBI reports, Bashir and Samad were both in their mid-thirties and they had devoted their entire life to their own personal crusade of standing up for what they believed was the unjust destruction of the Muslim people. They had each preached in the mosques and gathering places in Afghanistan and Iraq at a very young age. Their sermons usually involved talking about how Israel and the West were trying to suppress and kill the Muslims that were fighting and dying for what they believed in. Unfortunately, their type of Jihadist preaching usually just led to more deaths and destruction. Doug always had a hard time understanding why they preached about saving the Muslim people and then they would strap a suicide vest onto one of their own that was willing to kill himself and hundreds of other Muslims. He understood the fact that it instilled fear in everyone that heard about the bombings and maybe that was one of their main goals. He said to himself, “Why go to such extremes as to kill your own people just to get the attention and recognition you're looking for.” When Doug killed the radical terrorists, it was to get revenge and to keep them from killing more innocent Americans. It wasn't because of some misguided interpretation of a religious belief or ideology he believed in.

  While Doug was spending time at the local mosque, he was also gathering information on how he could locate Bashir and Samad. After days of poking around and asking questions, he found that the two of them were associated with a different mosque in San Diego and not the one the FBI thought they were aligned with. Doug thought that might have been the reason they were having a hard time getting the information they needed on them. They also weren't being very outspoken about their beliefs at the mosque they attended. They seemed to be keeping a low profile and not letting anyone no their true intentions. He figured it was because they were being extra cautious about their upcoming attack they had planned.

  He started attending the mosque where Bashir and Samad attended and slowly began to work his way into meeting up with them. It took several days and he was finally introduced to Bashir. Doug used one of the fake Muslim names that Sam had given him when he was introduced to Bashir. He began to speak to Bashir in Arabic, but at first, Bashir was very reluctant to talk with him. He wasn't able to give him very much information during their first meeting, only that his brother was a fighter in Afghanistan and was killed by the Americans during a drone attack. The last thing Doug told Bashir before their brief encounter ended, was that he hated the Americans for what they'd done to his brother. He wanted Bashir to think about what he said and maybe during their next meeting he would trust him enough to talk to him and let him know what he and Samad had planned.

  Doug spent the next few nights planning his strategy on how he could break down the barrier between himself and Bashir. That's when he decided he was going to try and use a direct approach on him. He went to the mosque and waited around until Bashir was alone and pulled him aside. He said to Bashir in Arabic, “I’ve heard that you may be the person I need to talk to.” Bashir was a little startled as he looked Doug in the eyes, “With what exactly, are you referring to, my friend?” Doug cautiously chose his words, "I know how to make I.E.D.’s and suicide vests and I want to help you blow up some Americans. I don’t care if I die doing it. I just need help in getting the material and coming up with a plan on how to kill them.” Bashir replied, “My brother, you need to be very careful who you say these things too. You could end up being arrested or killed by the Americans for even talking like that to someone you don't know very well.” Bashir then turned and walked away. He kept looking back over his shoulder and shaking his head at Doug as he left. Doug was just fishing, but he threw out the bate to see if Bashir would take the hook.

  He kept spending time at the mosque and talking to some of the older Muslim men as often as he could. He wanted them to know that he’d just arrived in the U.S. from Kabul, Afghanistan and that his brother was killed in the fighting. He was trying to establish credibility with the men of the mosque. Doug was spending almost every day there, until he was finally able to make contact with Bashir once again.

  When Bashir saw Doug sitting all alone in the courtyard, he came over and sat down next to him. They began a dialog in Arabic when he said to Doug, “I’ve been doing some checking on you and found out that it is true, your brother was killed in Afghanistan and I would like to get to know more about your story. You intrigue me.” Doug said, “Is that good or bad?” Bashir lowered his voice, “Neither, you just intrigue me. I would like to meet you at my private residence if you are so inclined to meet with me.” Doug replied, “So what do you want with an old man like me, my friendship?” Bashir laughed and said, “That's funny, but no. I want to find out more regarding your special ability.” Doug leaned toward him and angrily said, “Can I trust that you won’t turn me in to the Americans?” Bashir laughed again, “I can assure you my friend, I would never do something like that. I hate them too.”

  Doug then realized Bashir had swallowed the bate; hook, line and sinker, and he was in. He replied, “I would be honored to meet with you at your residence, just tell me where and when. Bashir said, “I will send a messenger in a few days to let you know. He will be in contact with you soon, so be patient.” The meeting was over as quickly as it had begun and Bashir immediately got up and left.

  After the service, Doug went back to his apartment. The next day he was able to get a message to Terry and Krista that he’d made contact with Bashir and they were going to have a meeting with each other soon. He told them that everything was right on track to find out about Bashir and Samad's plan.

  Doug kept going back to the mosque and hanging around for a few more days before he was finally approached by a young man in his early twenties. When he approached Doug, he handed him a note, “This is for you. It's from Bashir.” He thanked him and quickly stuck the note in his pocket. He waited until the young man was gone and then reached in his pocket and pulled out the note. “Meet me Monday at 7:00 pm" and it had the address written on it.

  Doug had made the contact he needed with Bashir, but he had four days before the meeting was going to take place. With time on his hands, he went back to the other mosque the following day, where Khalid hung out. He wanted to make sure that his own personal target, was still attending the mosque. Seeing that he was there gave Doug enough confidence he could go back any time he wanted and kill him. He spent time at the mosque and checked out where a good hiding place would be near Khalid's car. He watched as Khalid went to his car alone and left. Doug wasn't sure if that's where he parked his car every time he attended the mosque, but he found an area not too far away that was heavy with shrubs and trees. He figured that would be the perfect spot to hide and kill hi
m. He checked out an easy exit path for his escape once he killed him.

  When Monday rolled around Doug was anxious to meet up with Bashir. Just the anticipation of what may lay in store made him take a few deep breaths just before he knocked on the door. After a few minutes someone peaked through the curtain covering the window. Seeming satisfied that Doug was alone, the door slowly slid open and a young man holding the door and told Doug to come in. He gave a slight bow to the young man and quickly removed his shoes and sat them just inside the entrance to the door. The young man said in a low voice, “Follow me, he's waiting for you.” Doug didn’t say anything as he followed him into a big open room that resembled a prayer room. Sitting in several fold up chairs was Bashir and three other young men. When he entered the room, Bashir stood up and motioned for Doug to come and sit next to him.

  After they went through introduction formalities with the other men, Doug found out that one of the men was Samad, Bashir's accomplice in the mastermind plan they had been working on. Bashir carefully spoke his words, “You got my attention at the mosque, but we couldn’t talk there. Now you can tell us about your brother and the bomb making business and how you hate the Americans.” Doug replied, “You aren’t going to turn me over to some law enforcement agency if I tell you everything I know, are you? Bashir laughed and a couple of the young men chimed in on the laughter, “Of course not, do you think I would've invited you here to my own home if I had that in mind? Doug laughed, “I guess not. I'm sorry, that was a stupid question.”

  Once they were comfortable with each other, Doug began to tell them an elaborate story he had told so many times before about how his brother was killed by the Americans and how he has dedicated his life to getting revenge for his death. (It’s true, he did want revenge, but it wasn’t against the Americans). He knew this had to be the best story he could ever tell or they would kill him on the spot and dispose of his body somewhere out in the desert east of San Diego. He told them how he’d made over 100 I.E.D.’s out of C-4 and metal pieces and planted them in the American’s paths. He told them how he used remote control detonators to trigger the explosions when the American vehicles or ground forces got close to them. He also lied and told them he’d made a couple of suicide vests, but they were never used. Bashir then asked him how many American’s did he think he had killed and Doug replied, “I don’t know for sure, maybe eleven or twelve, maybe even more.” Doug could hear the young men sitting in on the conversation, whispering excitedly.

  Bashir asked Doug, “Do you think you could make us some I.E.D’s and suicide vests if we wanted you too?” Doug replied, “I could if you could get me all the tools and material I need to make them. How many would you need for me to make?” Bashir looked him in the eyes and said, “I would be happy with 15 I.E.D’s and 15 suicide vests.” Doug replied, “Wow! That's a lot of bombs! I can do that, but it will take several weeks to make them and that's if I work on them every day. You must be planning something big to want that many?” Bashir replied, “Yes, but it’s nothing you need to be concerned with. You just need to make the bombs for us and we’ll take out the Americans for you. Does that sound okay with you?” Doug instantly agreed, “Sure, as long as I know we’re killing Americans with them then I’m okay with that.”

  Bashir handed Doug a pen and paper so he could make a list of everything he would need to make the bombs. He excused himself and went into one of the other rooms while Doug worked on his list. Doug took his time and tried to think of everything he needed as he sat alone in the large open room. When he was finished with the list he gave it to one of the men that had come back into the room. He immediately took it to Bashir. A few minutes later Bashir came back into the room, and told Doug that once they had everything he would send a messenger to the mosque and notify him. He told Doug he would have to come to his house and build the bombs in a large room off the back of the house. He took him to the room and showed it to him. It looked like it may have been the master bedroom, but Bashir told him that everything would be removed from it except for a few portable tables that he would need. Once Doug was satisfied with everything and Bashir felt comfortable with him, he thanked him and left.

  Doug was now exactly where he wanted to be with the terrorist group. He laid low for the next several days and made sure no one was following him as he made contact with Terry and Krista. In his message to them, he told them about the plan he'd made with Bashir to make the thiry bombs for the group. Terry was able to get a note back to Doug that said to go ahead with his plans to make them and to keep them informed on his progress. Terry also told him that before he was ready to activate the bombs, to let them know and they would bring in several FBI teams and arrest everyone. Also, while he was building the bombs he needed to find out all the names of the men involved in the plot. Doug agreed he would try and find out everything he could about the terrorist group and report everything back to them when he could. He told them they would just have to be patient because he didn’t know how long it was going to take for them to get everything he needed to make the bombs or how long it would take for him to build all of them. He was going along with everything the FBI wanted him to do at that point.

  For the next several days Doug was just waiting for Bashir to get back to him. He had a lot of time on his hands so he decided to pursue Khalid. He came up with a plan that he would kill him after one of the meetings at the mosque. He would do it when it when it was dark and there was no one else around. He carefully planned out his every move. The first thing he had to do, was get into the students house next door and steal the shotgun for a few days.

  He watched the students house for a couple of days, from early in the morning, until late at night. He wanted to find out when all three of the students may be away from the house at one time. The first day there was just short periods of time when someone wasn't at the house. After keeping an eye on it for a few more days, he watched anxiously as two of the students left at the same time, about 7:30 in the morning. It wasn’t until around 11:00 in the morning that the third student left and the house was empty.

  As soon as the last student was gone, Doug sprang into action. He quickly went to the back door of the house and went inside. He said hello a few times just to make sure no one was there. Not getting a response, he headed straight for the room with the shotgun. He retrieved the gun and looked around in the night stand, next to the bed, to see if there were any shells. Tucked back in the corner of one of the night stand drawers was a half-filled box of shells loaded with buck-shot. The students dad must have figured if someone did break into his son’s house he wanted a shell that would kill the intruder with one shot. Doug grabbed the box of shells and the shotgun, as he headed for the back door. Just as he got out of the house, he heard two of the students enter the front door. He had just gotten out of the house in the nick of time, as the students returned home from school. He put the gun down next to his pant leg and walked casually over to his apartment and went inside. Now he had the weapon to kill Khalid.

  For the next few days, he went back to the mosque just to follow Khalid’s every move, from the time he arrived at the mosque until he left. He seemed to always be surrounded by several people everywhere he went. There was only a few brief moments that he was by himself and that was just before he got into his car to leave. Doug decided that he would take that opportunity to kill him.

  The next evening, after dark, Doug went to the mosque and made sure everyone was still inside attending service. He parked down the street about two blocks away in a dark spot. He loaded the shotgun and made his way to the hiding spot he'd picked out earlier. He waited anxiously for the service to be over and the people to make their way to their cars.

  When Khalid left, he was all alone as he approached his vehicle and was ready to get in. Doug was standing hidden only about twenty feet away from him when Khalid reached for the car door. Doug quickly stepped out from behin
d the bushes and took quick aim at Khalid's head and fired one single shot. The sound of the blast echoed down the street as Khalid instantly hit the ground. Doug immediately turned and took the exit path back to his car. He made sure no one was watching as he took the gun and threw it in the trunk.

  After he was finished, he started running back toward the people that had surrounded Khalid. Pretending not to know what just happened, he started asking people in Arabic what was going on. One of the men turned around and told him that someone had killed Khalid. Doug went over and took a look at his body. Being satisfied that Khalid was dead, he said, "Did anyone see who did it? Everyone said no, that he was all alone when it happened. After standing around for a few minutes Doug turned and walked back to his car. On his way back to his apartment, he said, “Well, Michael, it looks like another one bites the dust. He won’t be doing anymore Jihadist preaching in this town. That's one for you too, Mandy.”

  During the middle of the night, he went to his car and retrieved the shotgun from the trunk. He took it and the box of shells and wiped them clean to make sure there wasn’t any fingerprints on them. He then wrapped everything in a towel and put them under his bed. He left things that way until a few days later when he was able to sneak the gun back into the student’s room and put the gun and the shells back exactly where he had found them.

  Now that his personal target had been eliminated Doug could concentrate on Bashir and Samad and their group. It was about a week after he killed Khalid and he was attending Bashir and Samad's mosque when a messenger for Bashir gave him a note that said, “Everything is here, come Tuesday at 7:00 am.”

  Doug got up early on Tuesday and went directly to Bashir's house. He was immediately let inside once the guard recognized him. He was taken back to the bomb making room and everything he needed was carefully laid out on the two tables. Doug looked over all tools and material and then made a list of a few additional things he needed. He didn't waste any time and immediately started working on making his first bomb. For the next several days, he worked tirelessly on making them. While he was working, it reminded him how angry he was at the terrorist when he made his first I.E.D. Every day he worked on the bombs the angrier he became at Bashir, Samad and their group of terrorists. These were exactly like the people that had killed Michael and he hated them but he had to mask his anger as he continued to make the bombs.

  Doug didn't see much of Samad while he was making the bombs because everything was pretty much handled by Bashir. Occasionally a young man would come in to check on him to see how the bomb making was coming along. They tried not to carry on a conversation with Doug, but when they came in he pressed them to talk to him. They would only give him bits and pieces of what they had planned to do with them but, it was enough to soon found out that he was making the bombs to kill people at the Sea World Park.

  While he was making the bombs one of the young men by the name of Mohamed Asariff came in and started asking Doug a lot of questions. He didn't give him very much information the first few times they talked to each other. He kept coming in about every four days and talking to Doug until they developed a friendship and he trusted Doug. It was during one of those meeting that he accidently divulged to Doug he was a confidential Informant for the FBI. Doug didn't say anything to give away who he was, he just told him to be very careful who he told that information too. He told Mohamed that Bashir would kill him if they found out he was a C.I., but his secret was safe with him.

  Over the next few weeks Doug found out from Mohamed that there were two groups of about twelve men each. One group was going to handle the I.E.D’s and infiltrate the park and plant the bombs in strategic places that would kill as many people as possible. The suicide vest were to be used by some of the young men that he had gotten a chance to see and meet while making the bombs. They were a separate group of men from the I.E.D. group. He couldn't believe these young men, so full of life, were so willing to kill innocent people and to die for their beliefs and ideology.

  After he had made about half the bombs Doug was able to get a message to Terry and Krista about his progress and let them know what he’d learned. He told them there was two groups of men about 24 in all, plus 2 drivers. Their plan was to kill a lot of people at Sea World Park as soon as he finished making bombs for them. He told them how they were planning to infiltrate Sea World Park as Venders and place the I.E.D.’s in crowded areas and use the suicide vests in large crowds. They were hoping to kill thousands of men, women and children. Terry and Krista told him to keep close contact with them when he got close to finishing the bombs so they could move in and make the arrests. Doug lied to them and told them he would let them know two days before the attack was supposed to take place. By then his anger had gotten the best of him and he had no intention of letting these men get captured, just to be turned loose at some point in the future. He wasn't even thinking about notifying Terry and Krista, he was going to take the law into his own hands once again. He was going to get rid of the terrorist threat his own way and use the bombs he was making to blow them up.

  As the time kept getting closer to when Doug would be finished making the bombs he gave Bashir a loaded I.E.D and told him to take it out into the desert east of San Diego and see how it worked. He gave him a detonator device and showed him how to use it. The following afternoon Bashir and Samad were together for a rare moment. They went into the room while Doug was working on the bombs. They both were all smiles as Bashir said, “It worked perfectly. Just like you said it would. How soon before you have everything ready and finished?” Doug said, "I should be done with everything in about ten more days so get your people ready. I'll let you know a few days before I'm done with the last one."

  Doug had just finished making the last bomb when the day came that Bashir and Samad had decided to carry out their plan of destruction. It was time to load up the men with the I.E.D.’s and suicide vests. Doug had everything ready to go for each one of them. The men didn't know it, but he'd planted phony donator devices in all of the bombs accept for two real ones on the I.E.D.’s and two on the suicide vests. Those two were rigged with phone detonators and Doug had the main donator phone with him. He had them all rigged with the same phone number so that in order to get them to blow up all he had to do was call one number.

  On the day Bashir and Samad had planned for the attack, two vans pulled onto the property and backed up to the house. A group of men started getting out of the vans and Samad was one of them. Bashir greeted Samad as he came over and joined him. They seemed to be very happy as they hugged each other. Doug could see the nervous excitement in their body language.

  Samad then hung out with Bashir, while the rest of the men started going into the house to get their assigned bomb from Doug. He thought they seemed like they were high on some type of hypnotic drug. They were passive and quiet, very much like being in a state of hypnosis, just doing what the hypnotist told them to do. Each man got either an I.E.D., or a suicide vest and it was their full responsibility to get it onto the van and to the location where they had planned to use them. All the I.E.D. men were in one van and all the suicide vest men were in the other van.

  When Mohamed came in to get his bomb Doug quickly pulled him aside and told him to go out the back door and leave the area. He lied to him and told him that he was going to notify the FBI and try and have the men stopped before they reached Sea World. Mohamed said, "Okay, I will just go with them like I'm supposed to and they won't suspect anything." Doug then broke down and told him the truth, "You can't go with them Mohamed or you are going to die if you do. I'm going to blow everyone up on the freeway so I'm giving you a chance to save yourself and leave through the back door. When they come looking for you, I'll tell them you got cold feet and left through the back door. Once you leave the house, you better not look back or they'll find you and kill you. Just get out of here, do you understand me?" Mohamed said, "What about
the FBI, I thought you were going to notify them so they could arrest everyone before they got to Sea World." Doug said, "I'm Douglas Cotton, the "American Terrorist," and I have no intention of letting these men get captured. I'm going to blow them up so you better listen to me unless you want to die along with them. You better leave right now." Mohamed looked surprised when Doug told him who he was, but he didn't say anything else as he quickly left through the back door.

  Once the men all had their assigned bombs and were back in the van they got ready to go to their destination. They noticed they were missing one man so a couple of men came looking for Mohamed in the room where Doug was still working with the bomb material. They asked him if he saw Mohamed and he told them he got scared and left through the back door. They took a minute and looked for him in the back yard, but he was gone by then. They went back to the Van and told Bashir what had happened. He told everyone they would go ahead with their plans without Mohamed.

  While the doors to the vans were still open, Bashir and Samad went over to the men and said a prayer before the men left. They stayed behind as they sent their soldiers out on their last farewell. Doug couldn't hear what they were saying, but assumed it was wishing them luck in their journey to meet Allah.

  Doug had already calculated how long it would take for the vans to get to the Sea World Park and when the best time and place would be to detonate the bombs without killing a lot of innocent people along the freeway in the process. It was around eleven thirty in the morning and Sea World was already getting packed with people. Doug also had all his things packed in the trunk of his car. He was ready to leave San Diego and especially the FBI behind once he carried out this mission.

  After they left, the Vans had been on the freeway exactly 12 minutes and Doug felt the time was right for him to make the call. He was a little nervous because he was hoping that nothing would go wrong. He went into the bathroom and said, "Ok Michael, we are going to stop these terrorists from killing a lot of people. I just hope it works like I planned." He used his phone and dialed the phone number connected to the bombs. In an instant, the two vans went up in a huge explosion, instantly killing all the people on board. The explosions could be heard for miles away as the smoke and debris shot up into the sky hundreds of feet. At the time of the two explosions the vans were about a hundred yards apart from each other and it became a major disaster on the freeway. There were body and vehicle parts scattered from one explosion point to the other.

  Samad and Bashir had stayed behind waiting anxiously for their next report to come in that said their well laid plan had killed thousands of people at Sea World. They seemed nervous, but excited, as they waited for the good news from their comrades. They didn't know it, but Doug had just blown up all of their plans.

  Doug had already planned his departure and he had one of Bashir's automatic weapons and a couple of clips of ammo to kill Bashir and Samad with before he left. After he came out of the bathroom he had the rifle loaded and ready to fire as he walked into the room where Bashir and Samad were waiting. When they saw him he said, "Don't worry guys your men are all dead. I blew them up before they got to Sea World. I'm Douglas Cotton and you might know me as "The American Terrorist." I just want all you terrorists dead, just like what you did to my grandson in Afghanistan." Bashir had a surprised look on his face, he had heard of Doug before, "Well it looks like we made a huge mistake in trusting you." Doug said, "Yes, I guess you did. It's over now boys. You won't be killing anybody today." Bashir made a move for a gun he had on his desk and, Doug opened fire on him and Samad with the automatic rifle. He sprayed each of them with several bullets before they fell to the floor dead.

  The guards from outside heard the gunfire and instantly came running into Bashir's office. They had their weapons drawn and ready to go on the attack when they saw Bashir and Samad lying all bloody on the floor. Doug had just ducked behind the doorway when they came running in. They turned toward him and starting firing their weapons. He returned their fire and killed one of the guards instantly. The other guard was still firing on him and bullets were going in every direction. The gun battle continued as they fired at each other from room to room. Doug was moving from one hiding spot to another the entire time. He was able to reload his weapon during the battle and kept firing in the guards direction. One of the guards bullets just grazed the skin of Doug's left shoulder. He felt the sting of the flesh wound as the bullet tore away a few layers of skin. The blood instantly started to flow from the wound, but he was too busy to worry about it at that moment, he was fighting for his life. The battle lasted for several minutes until he was finally able to get a clear and open shot at the guard and kill him.

  After everyone was dead, Doug found a small hand towel and stuck it under his shirt to stop the bleeding from his shoulder. He searched around and found the keys to Bashir's Mercedes and went out to his car and transferred everything he had in his trunk to Bashir's. He went back in the house and found a few ammo clips lying next to the dead guards and threw them in the car, along with the AK-47 rifle. Nosy neighbors had started coming out of their nearby houses to see what was going on. He made his way to the freeway and headed in the opposite direction of the explosion sites and east of San Diego. He already planned on heading north/east out of San Diego until he made it to San Bernardino once he killed everyone. From there he would then cut back west on interstate 10 until he hit interstate 5 going north toward his hometown of Visalia, California.

  Once again Doug had foiled a major attack on American soil at the hands of the radical terrorists and he was on the run from the FBI. The "American Terrorist" was now back doing what he felt compelled to do, which was, to find revenge against the radical terrorists for his Grandson's death. This time, it was a little different for him. The FBI couldn’t tell anyone that he’d killed a lot of potential terrorists because he’d been working with the FBI when it happened. They had also changed his appearance so no one would be looking for him with his new face. Because of those things, the FBI couldn't tell anyone about him. He knew that if they ever caught up with him they would have to kill him to keep the public from knowing that he was still alive and working with the FBI..

  That evening the news channels were still trying to figure out what had happened because the law enforcement agencies weren't given them a story yet. Terry and Krista, along with the rest of the FBI, had soon moved in to take over the investigation. Once Terry and Krista saw and heard what happened, they knew Doug had once again gone back to his old ways of blowing up the terrorists on his own.

  When Doug got a chance to take a break he stopped at a convenience store and picked up some large band aids for his shoulder. That's when he decided to call Mandy from a pay phone. When she answered, he said, "Hey Mandy, this is Doug." He didn't get a chance to say anything else as she replied, "Oh! My Gosh Doug! I heard the news about how you took out the entire group that was planning on killing people at Sea World. I can't believe you did that all by yourself!" Doug chuckled and said, "Yeah well, they got what was coming to them. I just wanted you to know that I also got Kalid for you. I'm now on the run from the FBI again, but thought I'd ask if you have any hot leads for me in California while I have you on the phone?" Mandy said, "Gosh dang Doug! Don't you think you should lie low for awhile or at least until everything dies down!" Doug replied, "You know me Mandy, I can never rest as long as there's terrorist out there that want to kill Americans." She replied, "Yea, I know you Doug, you're a man with a mission."

  Doug hesitated for a moment and then said, "Well, who's my next target?" Mandy thought for a minute, "There is a guy that goes by the name of Ragale Mohalid that is a top priority right now for the FBI. He's been helping out a couple of different real bad terrorist groups. He's in his early thirties and originally from Iran. He's a real bad dude and pretty radical in his thinking. He wants to destroy Israel and the West and everyone else that isn't a Muslim. He's lo
cated in Bakersfield, California, a town north of Los Angeles and south of Fresno. Doug said, "Yeah, I know right where it is. It's only about 75 miles from my hometown."

  Doug thanked Mandy for her information and before he hung up the phone he said, "Thank you Mandy, I'll be in touch with you sometime in the near future. Take care of yourself. It's been great working with you." Mandy thanked Doug and said, "Be safe out there Doug, it can get pretty ugly and dangerous. I hope I get a chance to talk to you again soon."

  They said their good-bys and when she hung up the phone Mandy held it to her breast for a brief moment. She was thinking, "I wonder if I'll ever hear from him again before someone kills him, someone like the FBI." She knew they couldn't let the public know that Doug had been working with them. He had gone from being an Asset to a liability and they had to get rid of the liability somehow, before anyone found out about him.



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