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Time Crossers 01: The Final Six Days

Page 40

by Agster, Joe

  “Do you have any proof? About this detonator box?” he asks Friend calmly.

  “Yes, I do. Can you pull over?” Friend asks, then a pause before Stewart nods to the driver. As they are currently on the freeway headed toward the downtown field office, there is plenty of room on the side shoulder. The driver assumes manual mode in the car and steers the wheel toward the side.

  Friend raises his cuffed arms. As he lifts them up for all the agents to see, he uses his super strength ability and rips the cuffs apart like they were cheap pieces of plastic.

  “Congratulations, Houdini. I need more than that.” Stewart replies in agitation. Just then Friend touches Stewart’s rear left shoulder and they vanish.

  They arrive in the asteroid command center, inside the control room. The gravity was left on, and Stewart feels himself lighter. The view of outer space is visible on the screen, with Earth as a distant speck in full view. Friend takes the control and zooms in, putting Earth closer in view.

  “What… is this?” Stewart looks around like a curious child.

  “We’re inside the asteroid. Look at Earth in the distance.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  “Am I? Want to go outside? The door is down that hall.” Friend gestures toward the corridor. As Stewart is still in awe, Friend directs his attention toward the hole. “Alright Stewart, this is what I am talking about. Right here is where the detonator goes. It’s in the hands of a group called the Lindenberg Society, an elite trillionaires club that believes the world belongs to them. They’ve been manipulating both your government and China all along. This asteroid is loaded with enough nuclear explosive devices to obliterate it into dust.”

  “Please take me back to the SUV. I need to notify the president,” Stewart requests, his tone much more respectful and civil.

  They return to the car as the other agents remained stunned.

  “Sir, you okay? What’s going on here?”

  “I need to notify the president immediately. Everything they have told us is true.”

  Stewart gets on his phone as he instructs the driver to start driving again. The car reenters the speedy freeway as he orders for the president while talking into his phone. A few seconds later he begins talking, he has Dr. Pond in custody, then he changes the subject and explains the detonator. The conversation ensues, as Stewart wraps it up. “Yes, Mr. President. I fully understand. Thank you.”

  “The president has called an emergency cabinet meeting. It seems the CIA is already looking for the detonator. I’ve been ordered to—”

  Just then Friend senses something, his intuition in a split second providing him a warning, when suddenly… BOOM! A large explosion rocks the SUV, the force so powerful it lands on its right side and spins a couple times before crashing into the embankment. Friend is momentarily disoriented, but is the first to come to. He is oriented sideways, lying next to the third agent who is unconscious. Friend heals himself of minor abrasions quickly, before checking on Cassie and Max. Cassie suffers a sharp cut to the head while Max is unconscious. Everyone else including Stewart is so discombobulated they can barely move. There is glass everywhere, inside and out, and everyone has some blood on them.

  Friend climbs up out of the side window, now facing up. He looks to find a large quadcopter flying directly overhead. Hanging just outside the window is his worst nightmare, Foenix. Flanking him to the left and right are about five goons, all geared up. Foenix waves and laughs as he holds a large missile weapon, still smoking from being fired at them. His goons are holding assault rifles, and upon seeing Friend, they immediately open fire. The hail of bullets rains down just as Friend ducks below. In a desperate contortionist move, somehow touches everyone just enough to teleport out.

  They arrive in the only place Friend could think of in the moment, Max’s old hotel room. Friend tends to their wounds one by one, starting with Cassie. Stewart has a bad head gash, but Friend helps to heal that. He tends to the other agents who are still disoriented a bit, but have only minor cuts. Max, of all people, has sustained little injury. With everyone healed, they admiringly look at Friend the miracle worker, as he and Cassie stand next to each other, her giving him a quick hug as thanks for helping her.

  “We were ambushed,” Stewart shouts to the other agents, looking at Friend, wondering if he had some involvement.

  “It was the Society. It was my nemesis, he shot us with some sort of missile weapon.”

  Stewarts phone rings. He answers, telling the caller that he is indeed alright. He explains that they escaped, listening attentively. The conversations last a few more seconds before he hangs up.

  “The Air Force is now involved in the search. The quadcopter that just hit us took off. So who is this nemesis?”

  “His name is Foenix. He looks exactly like me. He is working with the Society and Gustav Prast.” Stewart looks perplexed, as if Friend said something to spark deep thought.

  “Prast. Yes, of course, the European capitalist. So you think this esteemed trillionaire would shoot at FBI agents?” Stewart ponders.

  “You were tipped off to our location this morning.” Friend explains before asking, “It must have been them. Did you get the identity of the tip?”

  “The tip was anonymous. It had said that Dr. Pond was aiding a terrorist and they were at that location.”

  Stewart’s phone rings again. He is saying very little this time, just a stream of “uh huh” over and over. This continues for several minutes. Stewart’s face does light up at the news he is being fed from the voice over the phone. He hangs up again not saying a word.

  “The president has ordered all law enforcement agencies to apprehend this Gustav Prast and any or all of his associates,” Stewart enthusiastically explains to the group. “Europol is working with police throughout Europe. He hasn’t been seen in his home country of Denmark for quite some time. The Hong Kong police and the Chinese National Police Agency have just taken a Xiong Li into custody. We are working with our foreign counterparts all throughout the world. They have all surveillance drones on critical alert.”

  “Well, Friend, it appears you are correct. I owe you an apology.”

  Just then they hear a loud boom, prompting everyone to turn their attention toward the windows. The quadcopter is back, and from their view they watch as it is firing at the people below. Max turns on the holographic monitor, where the broadcast is currently airing the breaking news, detailing the acts of terror going on right now.

  The newscaster explains, “A quadcopter along with a group of terrorists have descended on the Strip, and are firing at the cars below and the buildings randomly. The strip is being evacuated as we speak. Law enforcement is urging everyone to stay out of the area.”

  Friend speaks up, “I need to put an end to this.”

  Stewart responds, “Friend, we have teams that can handle this. I need to get to the field office and assemble mobile command.”

  “Not Foenix. He has all the powers I have. If you engage him your men will be killed. I will teleport you and your agents to your field office, then I must meet with him now before he wrecks more havoc.”

  Friend leaves Cassie behind, teleporting the rest to the FBI field office. They wind up in the holding cell, the same cell they once held him and Cassie and her friends. Friend then explains, “Sorry, you once held me here, so I’m returning the favor. Please, do not engage him unless I am dead. Now, good luck.”

  Stewart laughs at the gesture, shaking his hand. He hands him Cassie’s device, and looking for any other way to assist him. “Agent Cryzbek, give Friend here your FBI jacket. I will notify everyone to stand down when they see you with this jacket.”

  “Thank you,” Friend tells him, before returning to the hotel room.

  He looks at her again as she stands tall and brave, ready for anything, knowing that her fate, whatever it is, is now tied to Friend. She has foreseen this, as her father did. She is involved somehow, connected to this battle, this moment, she can feel it.
  “Cassie I need to go. But I need to take you to safety first.”

  “No way! I need to be there.”

  “It’s too dangerous. I’ve already seen them kill you once. They want to kill you, just to get to me. I can’t let that happen.”

  “Listen to me Friend,” She grabs his arms with both her hands. “I don’t know why, or how, but everything I have worked for in my life leads to this moment, to be there with you.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “You told me, when I was a little girl. You told me to tell your future self, no matter what, to accompany you into battle with your Other.”

  Friend cannot understand why another version of himself would tell her that, but it must have been important enough that he must adhere to it. She will be placed in inexplicable danger, and she might not survive. That’s the worst part, is wondering if she was meant not to survive, that she won’t fulfill her destiny as the leader of the world. The thought torments him to no end, freezing him in a state of worry. But as the booms, screams, and horror below continue without end, he is fully cognizant that Foenix is desperately trying to draw him out, forcing him into a battle, perhaps their final battle. He knows he has no choice.

  He grabs Cassie’s hand and disappears.



  The Star Tower, Antenna Platform

  He goes to the one place where he knows Foenix will notice him. He stands tall, no longer afraid, looking down at the strip below. Cassie is frightened as she can see the ground beneath her feet, hundreds of meters below. She stands at the very top of the antenna structure, the familiar, three-meters-wide steel reinforced mesh platform where Friend has stood before. A gusty wind blows through every few seconds, enough to knock one off balance. Friend is the one who should be afraid of heights, but she finds herself nervously holding on to him tight to maintain her footing.

  Within thirty seconds of standing up there, Friend watches intently at the Strip to the south, noticing that the mayhem has momentarily stopped. To their right, the sun finally sets behind the mountain, giving way slowly to the night. One by one, the various towers, hotels and other buildings light up in their wondrous colors, letting their presence known under the cover of the coming night.

  “Why here, Friend?” Cassie breaks her silence, growing increasingly nervous as the moments tick by.

  “Because here I can be reminded of my fear, to control it. He is relentless, merciless, unfazed by anything. And I cannot lose now. The fact that I went back in time to meet you signals that they are close to you. This is my final chance now, to stop the asteroid. He will be here any minute. We can feel each other. He knows I’m here. He too, is preparing.”

  She knows exactly what to say to him, because it’s what someone told her in a similar moment in her life. When her self-doubt was high and her confidence low, and everything that mattered to her was in jeopardy, she heeded this one piece of advice. “Fear is your worst enemy, Friend. Remember that. I’ve lived by those words.”

  Suddenly, a large explosion rocks them from a distance. They look in its direction, worried for the people below. On the opposite end of the strip a large fireball elevates above the skyline a moment later.

  “He’s there,” Friend excitedly declares.

  “No, I’m here,” Foenix’s voice calls out, as Friend turns around. Foenix is standing suspended in the air, defying gravity somehow. “Have you ever figured out this skill, It’s like I’m continuously teleporting to this spot, creating the effect of levitation.”

  “Why the mayhem?” Friend cries out in anger.

  Foenix brushes off the question, laughing. “I knew I’d find you here, and your girlfriend too.”

  They continue to stare at each other. Friend knows he must make a move, and one that will take away an advantage. Suddenly he jumps off the platform to grab Foenix. While holding him Foenix can no longer teleport, and they both begin falling. A struggle ensues for a few seconds just as the pass the observation tower. Through a well-placed kick, Foenix breaks free.

  “I’ll race you!” Foenix calls out, before he folds his arms in and dangerously accelerates toward the ground, flying forward toward the street. Friend does the same chasing him with all his power. As Foenix approaches the ground he slows his fall through more continuous teleporting, letting him land safely. Friend tries the same, but sputters, landing much harder on top of a large SUV limousine, crushing its roof. He rolls himself off the roof and onto the ground, shouting in agony at Foenix as he laughs at his misstep.

  “Keep training,” he tells Friend, running away. Realizing he left Cassie, he makes a choice, go get her or pursue Foenix. He can hear her faint screams, calling his name. But Friend realizes this is his chance to nab Foenix. Foenix charges forward and creates distance, using his powers for super speed. Friend does the same, and closes the gap. Friend catches him and does a power lunge, grabbing him and throwing himself and Foenix to the ground.

  They engage in a fight. They both throw punches that each other dodge or block, countering with bursts or more punches. Foenix attempts a high kick. Friend ducks and lands a punch to his crotch.

  Foenix exclaims, “You’d better go get your girlfriend. This may be the last time you’ll ever see her before we cancel out her existence. Maybe I’ll kidnap her at her little pretty apartment before you can get to her. Yes, Friend, I know all about it. Maybe I’ll make her my girlfriend. Or I’ll have her kidnapped when she’s little, and Prast will have her ready for me. Hahaha…”

  In a flash, Friend teleports back to the Star Tower to grabs Cassie. They reanimate on the streets of the Strip, near the Metropolitan hotel where they witnessed the fireball originate earlier. The streets have been vacated due to the terrorist attacks by Foenix and the Society’s goons. People are watching from behind barricades set up by police from the side streets. It’s there that Friend and Cassie stand alone in the middle of the street, looking around and upward for Foenix. The thousands that make up the crowds are awed be their sudden supernatural appearance, yet cheer them on against the treacherous villains who caused all the damage.

  Foenix is missing though, and all they can do is watch the building around them burn. It appears the Metropolitan has been spared mostly, only a couple of floors emit smoke. The Uvia appears to have received the brunt of the attack as half the building is engulfed in flames. Tired of seeing the destruction, tired of waiting, Friend finally screams out.


  He finally appears in the air, slowly descending himself toward the ground about five meters from Friend. The crowd boos raucously at his appearance. His all black, gothic-like clothing and slicked back black hair being familiar to them as it was beamed all over the news broadcasts. He is seen as a symbol of hate and treachery now with everyone watching. The news cameras now point to the both of them, along with Cassie, displaying their confrontation on the holographic screens all throughout the Strip road. They all know that the whole world is watching.

  “Give this up, Foenix. The manhunt for Prast is in effect. The Society is finished. You chose the wrong side. The whole world now knows.”

  Foenix just smiles in disgust. “It is you that is finished. My powers are greater than yours. You can barely control your fear. Don’t worry they will never find Prast. Do you know why? I put him somewhere no can find him. And guess what? Anywhere you can teleport I can also teleport.”

  Friend has a look of defeated disgust. If he is right, then Friend is surely in trouble. He can teleport wherever he wants now? Is that even possible? Did he put Prast in the asteroid? All these questions are consuming him. He realizes if he is right then he is finished.

  “Yes that’s right. We let you fly to the asteroid. You see Friend, it is a beautiful thing. It sucks to be this close, just to fail. Your mentor Mason forgot to show you a few things. Luckily my mentor is wiser. So wise that Mason has to hide from him.”

  “Mason is not hiding.”

  “Oh no? Wh
ere is he then? Mason is more concerned about himself then helping you. He never told you he made a pact with his double to never get involved?”

  Friend is perplexed. This explains why he is always living in the shadows. All those days, those iterations, living like a nocturnal animal, waiting until day three to venture into Las Vegas.

  “Submit to me now and I’ll simply erase your existence, our existence. Otherwise we will make a nightmare for you and sexy Cassandra over there.”

  Friend is now more consumed with fear and worry, and is hit with this terrible dilemma. Maybe Foenix is right, maybe he should just quit. He cannot fathom what torment they may put Cassie through. Is it really worth sacrificing her to that to save this world, a world that couldn’t stand together to stop this asteroid themselves? Her words resonate with him at that moment, clearing the fog of fear in his mind. Fear is your own worst enemy, he tells himself over and over, almost chanting it. This fear is being propagated by Foenix. He is trying to manipulate me, he realizes.

  “No… I do not fear you.” Friend exclaims as he stands tall once again, taking a deep breath to return to his teachings about controlling his breath.

  Foenix is disappointed. They stand still for a moment, then Foenix jumps forward in a super speed attach, lunging at Friend, but Friend teleports away just in time, causing Foenix to lose his balance and momentarily roll on the ground before flipping himself up.

  Foenix turns to Friend and walks toward him in a stirred up rage. As the battle is now on, they engage in hand to hand combat. Friend slows time and lands a triple punch combo. Foenix is stunned, but counters with a burst. Friend blocks his burst with his own. In a power struggle, Friend wins and Foenix is thrown back.

  Foenix then starts teleporting randomly but Friend slows down time, timing his moment, and in a surprise, bang! Friend bursts him upward and hard. Foenix then surprises with a left hook. He throws Friend to the ground. Friend gets up but starts to become fearful. Foenix lands a super speed kick, knocking Friend back ten meters. Friend continues to be consumed with fear, unable to return to the tranquil mind he so desperately wishes. He wonders if this is truly the end. Foenix then bursts Friend while he is on the ground, then again, and again.


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