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A Quanta of Magick (Full Moon Series Book 4)

Page 16

by P. Mattern

  Anyone human that is.

  The couple ran down a long hallway until they became breathless. Jaxon, after he had determined that they had left everyone else behind by scoping out the common area that they’d arrived at, pushed Rosie into a convenient alcove behind a huge black and white marble pillar with veins of gold running through it and began kissing her fervently.

  The experience of being able to kiss his beautiful dark haired lover after all their time apart almost had a dizzying effect on Jaxon. Her kisses made him feel almost lightheaded. Their hands wandered over each other’s bodies as they attempted to awaken each other. They reached a state of high arousal within a few minutes, and Jaxon knew that he had to pull away.

  “Rosalie love,” he said, ”As much as I want you, right here, right now,we can’t make love in the hallway of this castle-it would be disrespectful of our host. But I have been canvassing the layout of this place and I’ve found several well concealed exits that will take us out to the gardens—and Rosie they are beautiful. I am sure that we can find some place to be alone.”

  Rosie fell against him, her face against his chest.

  “Jaxon there is no place I would rather be than with you. It’s been torture being apart the last few days, and you know I’m decidedly NOT the clingy type. I can’t even articulate it, but a part of me is missing when we aren’t together…

  Do you feel it too?”

  “Horribly,” he told her, a twinkle in his eye, “Your beautiful face haunts me even in my dreams. Your lips, your hair…

  What are we waiting for?” he laughed,” Let’s go!”

  Jaxon pulled her down a hallway that was all but hidden from view. It was lined ceiling, floor and arched walls with smooth round stones, and so small that they had to duck their heads a little to continue through it. It also had a downward trajectory, as though it was a ramp of sorts. After some time they felt a breeze, and it spit them out into a garden.

  It was the most beautiful garden either of them had ever seen, and Rosalie let out a sigh.

  “Oooooooh Jaxon,” she practically cooed, looking around, her beautiful lips curled up in an unfeigned smile of delight. The arch of the open doorway they’d just stepped through was outlined in climbing roses in delicate and rare colors: white, blue, lilac and a saffron color. The air surrounding them was filled with garden scents of freshly mown grass.

  As they stepped down from the doorsill onto a step made of a single stone block, they could hear the warbling of birds, and the sunshine was warm.

  “Jaxon!” Rosalie squealed, ”It’s summer here instead of winter! How can that be?”

  Jaxon looked down at her and met her beaming smile with one of his own.

  “Dante is powerful enough to control the seasons here. And I would like to point out that since the castle is roughly rectangular ,kind of a cross shape actually, each of the castle sides has been appointed a different season. It is winter time on the castle approach, which faces North--I know you saw that as we arrived. We are behind the castle now, the Southern side, where it is perpetually summertime. The remaining sides are autumn and springtime respectively.

  “I could live here forever,” Rosalie said wistfully, staring at her surroundings,”But first, where can we go somewhere private Jaxon? I want you NOW.”

  Jaxon grabbed her hand and ran with her, laughing , to a thick circle of weeping willows bordering a stream that created a series of enclosures beneath the ‘weeping’ branches that swept the ground and formed private circular rooms. Brushing aside the fronds as they entered beneath the bowers he finally stopped in one of the interior ‘rooms’ and pulled her to him. They tore at each other’s clothing and tumbled onto the ground in youthful ecstatic eagerness and wild abandon.

  Afterwards , he looked down at her in the beautiful muted green light.

  “You’re glowing,” he told her, “And you are the most beautiful thing that I can ever remember have the pleasure to gaze upon.

  I love you, Rosie,” he finished.

  Rosalie looked up at the handsome face above hers. Jaxon’s blonde hair in the muted light had a green tint and his eyes were so green under the curtain of the fronds that they glowed.

  “I love you also, Fairy Man,” she said softly, “and I always will. Can you feel the connection between us? This is what I have waited all my life for.”

  She lifted her slender white arms and traced along his chest with her hands.

  “Every day you become more a ‘man’-or a mature vampire at least. I can’t imagine being with any other male energy, Jaxon.”

  Jaxon felt himself becoming aroused again at her tender touch. Bending his head he kissed each of her graceful fingers in turn.

  “Rosalie,” he asked, “Will you marry me?”

  He smiled as he watched her eyes widen, and she sat up and embraced him with a strength he never realized that she possessed, causing both of them to roll over laughing.

  “Yes!” she cried exuberantly,”Yes I will be your wife Jaxon!”

  The couple sealed the proposal for timeless moments afterward with heartfelt and passionate kisses. Then Rosalie pulled away from Jaxon’s embrace.

  “Jaxon,” she said, her luminous golden eyes searching his imploringly, “There was something that I had purposed to tell you today, something important. And after you hear it you may want to rescind your proposal my wonderful love!”

  Jaxon frowned, his brow furrowed in concern.

  “Nothing you can say would make any difference. YOU are the female energy that I love. I have loved you from the moment that I first set eyes on you. You are funny and shiny and challenging. I know who you are…there is nothing that you need to tell me.

  That is, unless you are by chance a lupina-a werewolf…that would be worthy of a mention I think!”

  Jaxon was relieved when Rosie threw back her head and laughed.

  “Nothing so extreme. Jax, you know me better than anyone at this point. For you I have been able to unlock doors that I kept closed off for years and years. I took a chance and made myself vulnerable for the first time, and I don’t regret it. You came into my secret gardens and reclaimed them, made them grow and flourish. You are my life!

  Except for one aspect…something that cannot be left undone. Something that I couldn’t have anticipated…”

  Jaxon was beginning to get an odd, indecipherable look on his face. Rosalie prided herself at being able to read Jaxon’s sometimes mercurial moods, but she couldn’t tell how he was taking her declaration. She continued on brashly,

  “Sooooo….you should know that Dante Febere asked me to apprentice with him—and I accepted! I mean who WOULDN’T accept an offer to apprentice with him? Jaxon I can’t say no! I just CAN’T! You understand, don’t you?”

  Jaxon looked thoughtful.

  “Rosie the apprenticeship is two years long. And Dante requires all of his apprentices to remain celibate for that period of time. Have you thought about that?”

  Rosalie pulled her legs up against her chest, smoothing her long skirts over them and wrapping her arms around them. Jaxon thought that she looked as if she might cry.

  “Yes Jaxon,” she said in a hushed voice,”But it’s two years out of an eternity that I am willing and wanting to spend with you. Two years. Really it’s a period of time that amounts to nothing in the scheme of things, even for humans. Certainly less than nothing for immortals…tell me what you think! I’m dying here!” she finished, wailing in frustration.

  Jaxon got an impish grin on his face.

  “I think it’s a wonderful opportunity. I think you HAVE to take it. Carpe diem as the saying goes .But you are going to have quite a time keeping focused I should think….”

  “I am ALWAYS focused!” Rosie interrupted indignantly.”You’re the one that gets easily distracted! When we studied together and you were explaining higher algebra to me you always turned every problem into a sexual scenario of some kind…”

  “I was trying to make it more interesting
and relatable,” Jaxon teased. “And it really did seem to assist you in grasping the principles as I recall!”

  “Well nothing will distract me, ”Rosalie assured him, tossing her hair behind her shoulders, and then adding softly ,”Except missing you, Jaxon.”

  “You won’t have to miss me,” Jaxon said winking, ”I will be here studying with you. Dante Febere has offered me an apprenticeship also!”

  Rosalie looked shocked for a moment and then threw herself at Jaxon, kissing him passionately.

  “If we have to give this up,” she murmured by way of explanation,” I need seconds, and maybe thirds, until our Magick Training begins.”Come to me my randy darling!”

  And Jaxon did.

  Cary , Kimbra, Blue, Nora, Daniel and Channing were exploring Dante Febere’s castle-at least the unrestricted wings. There was quite a bit to see and marvel at, including several indoor waterfalls and bathing areas. Cary was holding a map that looked like a printout of the first three floors of the incredible palatial edifice.

  You’re holding the map upside down dude,” Daniel said good naturedly, whisking it away for two seconds and then replacing it in to Cary’s hands,”This place is HUGE. HOARDES could get lost in this castle. I hope you guys are armed in case we run across a misplaced army or two!”

  Kimbra, Nora and Channing all whipped out their dirks simultaneously, laughing.

  “At the ready!” Channing laughed, ”And what about you guys?”

  Cary looked regretful.

  “Not packing steel today,” he confessed ,”Special K has me beat in that department anyway. All I’m good for is navigating and stud service—and maybe just stud service…at least that’s what she tells me!”

  “We all have our unique talents,” Kimbra said reassuringly, replacing her dirk in its sheath and slipping her arm through his as the group strolled through marble corridors so immense that the castle had a museum feel to it, ”I do have an edge on swordplay, I will admit.”

  “Blue is very quick ,” Nora said from underneath Blue’s massive arm ,”But I am better at flying and hovering I think. Where is Avi today anyway? He and Neerja aren’t joining us?”

  Cary got an amused look on his face. His hair was longer now, at Kimbra’s request, and she’d told him that he looked like a foreign Prince with it past his shoulders.

  “The young papa –to-be is attending his wife today. Neerja is a bit under the weather since she is expecting.”

  “They seem very happy,” Channing commented, ”And Neerja has asked Fressenda to be Godmother to their child. I am thrilled for them.”

  Daniel looked down at Channing and spontaneously bent to give her a kiss. He knew Channing would probably never be able to conceive , and it didn’t matter to him at all, but he knew that she often got a pang in her heart when others talked about pregnancies and children. Her graciousness and gladness for others that were able to conceive, in spite of her own disappointment, made him love her all the more. She was his world now, and they were inseparable.

  She had given his troubled life meaning and purpose, healed his wounds, made him whole. She was his touchstone.

  The three couples had been making for the West entrance when, to their surprise, Dante Febere himself, wearing golden and white robes, stepped out into the hallway.

  “Well hello,” he greeted the couples with a warm smile, ”And how are you finding the Marble City young ones?”

  Most of the group was tongue tied at his appearance, but Daniel stepped forward and , giving a slight bow of respect, answered, ”Your castle is amazing Prescient Mage! We are honored to be your guests.”

  The rest of the group nodded enthusiastically in agreement. Nora adding, ”This is most beautiful place that I have ever seen. There is beauty everywhere you look.”

  “Ah yes,” the mage replied, smiling at the group,”I am a fool for beauty in all of its forms and manifestations. I never tire of it. The higher swell of it’s vibrational level is uplifting. Have you seen the planetarium yet?”

  “You even have a planetarium?” Channing queried, her eyes wide and shining. “Oh I would love to see it!”

  “Come then,” Dante said graciously, offering his arm to her. Channing smiled saucily at Daniel and slipped her arm into that of the famous mage, who took then some distance down the hallway and then veered left into a high corridor that was marbled in all shades of blue, from sky blue arched ceilings to midnight blue columns flecked with glittering veins of fools gold and quartz.

  When they’d arrived at a 15 foot high entrance that had ”Planetarium” carved in bold relief over the doorway. Dante waved the others into the semidarkness of the theatre type seating, saying, ”I will be with you in a few moments. I wondered if I might have a private audience with Miss Channing at this time? I won’t take long I assure you.”

  Channing looked surprised and searched Daniel’s eyes. Daniel looked slightly irritated. Blue answered for the group.

  “Sure Mage,” he said, linking his own arm into Nora’s. He and Nora went in first and the rest followed him in.

  As soon as her companions were out of earshot Dante Febere turned to gaze down into Channing’s bewildered eyes.

  “Excuse my bluntness, but I see that your boyfriend is none too pleased and the matter I must speak of is a private one. I am very sensitive to the vibrational levels of other energies, regardless of phylum. When I am around you, and when I use the term ‘around’ I mean even when I am several yards away your vibrations come through the air to me.

  And they have a certain exquisite sadness to them,” he concluded, ”And because I am a Mage, I know why.”

  Channing’s mouth fell open.

  “So,” she said hesitantly, ”You know that I can’t….I can’t have…”her voice trailed off as she looked downward, unable to meet the Mage’s eyes. For that moment she felt completely exposed , as though she were both transparent and also naked to his gaze.

  Dante reached out gently and tilted her face upwards so that she could see into his eyes.

  “This was not your choice,” he said gently, ”And so it should never be your shame. But the great Dr. Caligare was wrong when he told you that there is no remedy…because there is, little flower.”

  As Channing looked at him, questions in her eyes, he continued.

  “I have access to Healing Magic, and I can help you.,” he said, ”But all powerful Magic, Magic powerful enough to change the path of Destiny and create new destinies, has a price.”

  Channing’s eyes were wide and she could barely speak.

  “Anything!” she whispered. The way that her heart was pounding shattered all of the falsehoods she’d told herself just to staunch the pain of being told that she could never have Night Children of her own. All the comforting fairytales she had kept telling herself were swept away with this admission, and she knew that she would do anything required to conceive, to give birth, to feel the tender tug of a baby at her breast.

  “Anything,” she repeated, stepping more closely to the Mage,her yearning making her eager.

  Dante Febere smiled in a way that was kind, understanding and completely empathetic.

  “Ah my child,” he said smiling” But you haven’t heard the conditions attached to your healing. And once you do, you may change your mind.”

  The Planetarium was immense, and was programmed to give a view of the night sky at any location in the world experiencing the night tide…and in real time too. The views were not simulated, but actual views around the globe. The group of young vampires were treated to panoramic views of the night skies over Tasmania in Australia, Kinshasa in Democratic of Congo and the starry displays and Northern lights dancing in the sky in Svalbard Norway. Their host Dante Febere was full of factoids and amusing stories.

  After 90 minutes, Dante suggested that the group continue down the corridor and enjoy the crisp fall weather on the West side of the castle, where the apple and pear orchards were continuously producing fruit and the trees were perpetu
ally showing off their orange yellow and vermillion finery.

  “Wow,” Cary said as he stepped through the door at the end of the corridor going out from the West wing of the castle, ”Smell the air would you! It’s really Fall here! My favorite season of the year!”

  “Great snuggling weather!” Kimbra agreed, doing just that.

  As soon as they had wandered some distance away from the other couples who were madly making out against trees, Daniel turned to Channing with his usually unrestrained intensity.

  “I’m dying,” he said, “Tell me what he said, Chan. Please! Anything that affects you affects me you know.”

  Channing found herself at a loss for words. She’d wanted to mull over the terms that Dante Febere had offered to her a little longer, to consider this new possibility privately for awhile before sharing with her lover. But as she looked up at Daniel she could see fear in his face…and she couldn’t stand to see him anxious or suffering out of concern for her.

  “The mage told me that there is a Magic Rune that can restore and even guarantee my ability to bear children, Daniel. It is a Healing Rune, an ancient one. And he is powerful enough to invoke it.”

  Daniel stepped back from her, surprise on his face.

  “Channing!” he responded,”Don’t you find it sort of shocking that he feels free to discuss such a personal matter with you? The Great Mage barely knows any of us, really. Except for Fress of course.”

  Channing kept her face impassive, but inwardly she was smiling. She could always tell when Daniel was jealous. She kind of liked him that way—his possessiveness made her feel desired and secure.


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