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A Quanta of Magick (Full Moon Series Book 4)

Page 20

by P. Mattern

  Only after everything had been unloaded did the locomotive, driven by one of the kitchen staff loaned for the trip by Dante Febere, start up again and chug off into the distance. Several of the new residents of the settlement unofficially dubbed,’New Eden’, stood for several silent minutes watching until the last puff of smoke from the locomotive and the last thin strains of the locomotive whistle were no more. The quiet that surrounded them seemed to press onto them from all sides, and collectively, vampires and humans, they realized how truly isolated they were.

  At that altitude, it was almost as if they landed on the moon.

  They couldn’t know it then, but as they began talking, helping each other settle into their new abodes, they had already made history and created a new world that had the potential to alter the future of life on planet earth.

  The vampires and humans had been in New Eden for three days. It was before the sun rose on the fourth that Lux and Pierre stood looking down fondly at a still sleeping Raine, resting squarely in the center of the overstuffed straw mattress they had fabricated on the queensized handcrafted bedstead in the central bedroom of the four room cavern apartment.

  Lux reached forward and adjusted a thick coverlet that had slipped down from one of her shoulders, pulling it securely over her. It was still warm in the room, though the fire that had blazed earlier had died down during the night.

  “What do you think?” Lux asked Pierre.”Do you think she might be?”

  Pierre reached gently under the edge of the triple piled blankets and pressed a finger and thumb, with light and nearly imperceptible pressure, around Raine’s wrist.

  “Hmmmmm,” he said in a whisper that only the heightened auditory senses of another vampire could hear,”I do think I can pick up a little extra something. Not an extra pulse….not yet. But kind of a faint vibration emanating from within her.

  So…” he continued, looking at his partner sympathetically but guardedly ”Don’t get too excited yet—but… maybe?”

  Pierre could tell that Lux wanted to hoot with delight, but was containing himself so as not to disturb Raine as she slumbered.

  “I love her you know,” he said in a barely audible whisper,”And I know that you do too. We both do. That is why this will be perfect. ‘

  The two vampires exited quietly, Lux first bending down to brush his lips across Raine’s brow, making her stir slightly in her sleep and causing Pierre to frown and shake a finger at Lux.

  In the dark netherworld of her dreams, Raine was replaying the events of the previous night in her unconscious mind.

  It had started with a frank discussion in front of the roaring fireplace on the first night she’d spent under the same roof with Lux and Pierre, one in which they had all discussed their hopes and dreams for the future.

  Ultimately they had all discovered that they wanted the same things. And the synchronicity of their collective desires had culminated in the events of the night before.

  She had been nervous at first. The room was warm with the heat of a high and blazing fire burning merrily in the oversized fireplace. Lux had brought to her a huge basin that he placed in a dry sink, just as she’d requested. It was full of the steamy water of the underground springs, and she had stood naked on a rug that was thrown over the rough flooring so that she could wash herself with a natural sponge and some rose scented castile soap that the vampires had provided. Afterwards she felt lovely and fresh. And it was only after she had dried off with a fluffy white towel and climbed into the huge yielding bed that the vamps had built that her heart began palpitating in anticipation. It was covered with massive layers of blankets and quilts for comfort. At first she had pulled the blankets up under her armpits, leaving her arms out on top of the covers. She quickly realized that she was too shy even for that, and slipping her arms back under the bedclothes called,

  “You can come in now,”

  As soon as they entered she noticed that both the vampires were naked save for towels wrapped loosely around their lower torsos. As Lux moved around to her right side, and Pierre to her left, she heard the towels that they’d been wearing hit the flooring simultaneously and felt the bed shift as they slid in beside her. She’d kept her eyes closed as she felt the pressure of a mouth on hers, gently at first and then, after she responded by kissing back, another tongue dancing with hers, causing a sensual hunger to rise within her core.

  At the same time she felt herself being explored by hands and fingertips, gently teasing her to life, causing her to open with a blooming sensation. Above her there were whispers, assuring her that she was beautiful and completely loved.

  At first she was aware of both of their energies but as she became aroused they seemed to blend and merge into a single energy that covered her, immersing itself in her female energy. She became a vortex, drawing the energy into her most private and secret places, feeling exquisite passion as all their energies blended even more deeply until she was filled with liquid joy. It was a physical act, yet fraught with spiritual and emotional depth, lifting her buoyantly and triumphantly to a place of complete connection and love.

  When it was over, and the energies ebbed, she felt the deepest sense of peace and relaxation that she had ever felt. And she slept dreamlessly, cocooned in warmth.

  She continued sleeping and dreaming, stirring only slightly as noises emanated from the kitchen area and cooking odors wafted into the chamber.

  The encampment in the mountains was located on an elevated plateau of land nearly a mile above the surrounding countryside. At the center of the oval shaped plateau was a stony mountain peak, with the base of the mountain honeycombed with clusters of caverns. It was a natural though primitive habitat and each day brought the mixed population of humans and vampires closer to remodeling it into comfortable and secure dwelling spaces.

  The first few days were spent making sure every dwelling compartment had well vented fireplaces. Most were constructed of stone and there were both double sided and three sided fireplaces so that a central unit could serve to heat more than one room. The vampires , that were the remnant of the original V-net supplied the superhuman labor necessary to construct New Eden from the ground up. Dante had filled many of the cars of the train with basic necessities for building, including stovepipes, the cement canvas sheets, cooking equipment, blankets, clothing, canned foods roosting chickens and smaller livestock and both sacks of flour and sugar and coffee and tea as well as seed grain for spring planting. Even at their elevation the way the sun hit the mountains and the jet stream assured that the elevated area would have a decent growing season.

  Several of the residents had been recruited for scouting groups and made some surprising discoveries: even under the snowy crust of a recent snowfall on the mountain there were lingonberry bushes growing. The ruby colored berries tasted like a cross between a cranberry and a blueberry and most of the residents found them delicious. Fressenda and Mitzi organized canning groups using huge cauldron like pots set out in the open to conduct tutorials on canning and preserving them, as well as drying them in huge food dehydrators that Dante Febere had provided.

  Dante had also included medical supplies of the humans, including bandages, antibiotics, topical disinfectants and antibacterials. Also included were painkillers, syringes, and many sorts of analgesics and common over the counter medications. Dr. Caligare was given the largest cavern, located centrally in the compound. Half was retrofitted to provide family style housing accommodations, and the other side, which had it’s own separate entrance, was the Medical Center for the New Eden Residents. Those humans with medical training were delighted to work alongside Pierre the Physician’s assistant and the good vampire Doctor. The Medical Center had no sooner been set up than the first human baby was born into the camp.

  The first birth went swimmingly, and the girl child was christened Eden Caligare Abbot. Dr. Caligare seemed genuinely pleased that the infant bore his name as it’s middle name.

  As in pioneer times, a central st
orehouse was set up in a cavern the size of an armory. It was here that all the venison and wild game that the designated hunters in the group had killed was stored.

  As the travelers relaxed and began to settle in, the atmosphere of the makeshift elevated city began to resemble it’s given name. The human residents were well provided for by the vampires, and the vampires were able to begin to collect and bag blood donations to store in the Medical Center. The new society was independent of the established ‘grid’ that connected the rest of the world . The grid, for all of it’s amazing communication advantages, had become a trap and a surveillance tool for the politically unscrupulous.

  Cass was amazed that counted among the new inhabitants were several billionaires that had disconnected themselves from the establishment over time. Many of them were scientific and technological geniuses, currently working on alternatives to established technology. It was an inspiration to be rubbing elbows with geniuses that had been epically successful in the eyes of the larger society , yet had given up their powerful positions to give mankind a second start.

  He was sure, given time, that they would create a new and amazing society. All of that depended on their being protected and allowed to create and flourish, and that part was dependent on their protectors—

  The vampires.

  It was the first wedding ceremony in the new city, and spring had arrived to enough of an extent so that there were spring flowers growing: lily of the valley and crocuses, windspree and huge azalea bushes both budding and in bloom. The bride and groom were standing at the base of a huge pair of elm trees whose topmost branches were naturally inclined toward each other, forming a heart shape outlined in layers of spring green leaves.

  Byron Chance was dressed in an ecru open throated shirt with full sleeves and matching breeches tucked into finely tooled black studded boots, Alexiandra, his bride to be, was resplendent in a white bejeweled gown that had hand sewn pearls and semiprecious stones in light blues and greens and pinks along the neckline and on the trumpet sleeves up to the elbow. The dress was borrowed from Fressenda and had been packed away and never been worn—Fress insisted on giving it to her as a wedding present.

  Fress and Dr. Caligare were presiding over the short ceremony. The good vampire doctor had been somewhat heartbroken that the wedding ceremony of his only niece would be conducted outdoors instead of inside a grand cathedral, and that the reception would be held in the common meeting hall for the new city instead of a grander locale, but he was resigned to the fact of their love and commitment to each other. Byron Chance had grown on him over time. He had to admit that Byron, despite his humble beginnings, had shown great valor in battle, and seemed utterly devoted to Alexiandra. Dr. Caligare was looking forward to having great nieces and nephews, and knewinstinctively that Byron would fight, and even die, to protect his family.

  Charley was Byron’s best man, and he’d been honored to be asked, but it also made him sigh. Besides Byron, Lux had also asked Charley to be HIS best man at his own upcoming nuptials. And after that his mother Mitzi had decided that she wanted to renew vows with Cass every year on the date they’d been married, and so Cass had asked Charley to stand in as one of HIS best men for the celebration. Charley thought it ironic that he seemed to be everyone’s first choice as best man, when he and everyone else knew that Fress had taken a vow long ago that she would never marry. It was just one of the things about Fress that he’d had to come to terms with.

  And he thought he’d done a damn fine job. But his continuing role of ‘best man’ called to mind the old saying ”Always a bridesmaid, never a bride”.

  The irony was not lost on him.

  Charley straightened and leaned in more closely to hear the exchange of vows between Byron and Alexiandra. Alexiandra was the first to speak.

  “Byron Chance, I never told you that I fell in love with you the first time that I saw you, but I did. Still, I knew of your reputation with female energies, and so I kept my distance—partly out of wariness, and partly because I was afraid of getting to close to you, because you were exquisitely charming, dashing and handsome and I was afraid that I might get swept off my feet.

  What I discovered in you as we became closer was an intelligent, deeply sensitive man who cared about those he loved and would die for them if necessary. I found that you loved animals, as I did, and when we adopted our dog/person Dylan from the Animal Rescue Shelter you amazed me with your patience and kindness. I think that Dylan STILL loves you best sometimes…and that makes me jealous, but also lets me know that I have given my love to the right male energy.

  You have proven who you are to me time and time again. I love you, now and forever, and I will be proud to be your wife and companion for always.”

  The rapt audience seemed to let out a collective sigh at the end of Lexi’s vows to Byron that was almost a vocal tribute to her lovely words. Also sighing were dozens of beautiful women of all ages, both human and vampire, that had developed unrequited crushes on the handsome blonde dhampir-turned- vampire.

  They were sighing because it was disappointing to realize that he was getting married and would be officially ‘off the market’.

  Byron cleared his throat nervously as Dr. Caligare turned to him and gave him a ‘go ahead’ nod.

  “Alexiandra,” he intoned in his deep vibrant masculine voice, “You are the Love of My Life! I was drawn to you from the first time our eyes met. I thought I would win you over with my—some would say considerable—personal charms in a heartbeat, but you have been not only my greatest desire but my most daunting challenge. Lady….you made me’ WORK for it’ as I have NEVER worked in my entire life!”

  There was a good natured acknowledging round of laughter in response to this portion of Byron’s vows, though it quickly subsided so that he could continue.

  “I adore you. You endlessly fascinate me and I find out something new about you every day. You are the most amazing female energy I have ever encountered, and I can’t WAIT to be your husband my darling!”

  “You may exchange rings,” Dr. Caligare intoned. Lexi slipped the silver band carved with the sun, moon and stars on Byron’s ring finger and then he quickly slipped a huge pink pearl and diamond ring on her delicate finger as well.

  Fressenda stepped forward behind the couple.

  “By the authority vested in me by the V-net and the High Prescient Council, I now pronounce you man and wife!” she said joyfully, ”You may kiss the bride!”

  Byron tilted Lexi back in his arms, kissing her soundly. When at last their nuptial kisses ended, Dr. Caligare announced to the audience, ”May I present to you Mr AND Mrs. Byron Chance!”

  Everyone applauded and Byron and Lexi stood beaming as they waved to the happy throng that had witnessed their marriage ceremony.

  The reception held in the cavernous meeting hall was not ornate by modern standards, but as lovely as Mitzi and the other vampires and human females could make it. Plain tables were covered with delicately hand crocheted tablecloths upon which a variety of foods were displayed including some mouth watering desserts. Dante Febere himself had managed to deliver to them an immense five tiered wedding cake that was ornately decorated in icing curlicues, flowers, leaves and edible pearls. No one knew how the cake had just appeared the day before, with a plain white card embossed with the phrase ’Best Wishes from Mage Dante Febere’ in gold script. The cake added a layer of elegance to the occasion. Along with the cake there were no less than 24 crates of champagne magically delivered.

  The atmosphere was one of relieved relaxation. Everyone present had worked feverishly to build their new city, and it felt wonderful to take a day off. Alexiandra and Byron had requested that no wedding gifts be given but their requests were largely ignored, and a mountain of gifts, some wrapped in wrapping paper and some in newspaper or placed in boxes with twine tied around them, sat at one end of the reception hall.

  There were speeches, of course—Charley Rabbit spoke as the Best Man and gave the first
toast to the couple, followed by a short speech by Dr. Caligare and Mitzi. Everyone present appreciated the champagne and each toast caused the wedding guests to become even more merry.

  Obviously the bride and groom weren’t able to drive off the roadless mountain, so as an alternative they were carried off to their honeymoon suite in their new cave home in a double seated conveyance known as a ‘sedan chair’. The two chairs were attached to bamboo carrying poles that formed a litter and allowed the couple to be carried by six of their friends and family across the broad street from the reception area to their new abode.

  After Byron had waved off the last of the celebrants, he closed the stout door and turned to Alexiandra, pulling her to him and kissing her with a wild hunger. Byron knew that she was a virgin, as sexy and even naughty as she could be at times, and he was desperate to make love to her. He had never wanted anything more in his immortal life, and found that he was nearly trembling as he kissed her.

  Alexiandra pulled her lovely face away from his to gaze into his eyes. To his surprise her eyes were wet with tears of happiness.


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