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A Quanta of Magick (Full Moon Series Book 4)

Page 26

by P. Mattern

  Their walk to the castle, and their short flight up to the throne room, seemed to take an eternity, and they did it silently, neither of them feeling the need for conversation.

  They were about to confront a grim task, one that they were determined to take on, one that could result in the end of their immortal lives. But it was a needful task, and there was nothing to say.

  The throne room was as cold and cavernous as Mitzi remembered, and a shiver ran through her as she walked toward the tall regal figure standing in the center of it.

  “Hello Adrastos,” she said quietly, ”I have come for my son—or your head. And I fancy having both in my possession when I leave here!”

  Though Mitzi noted with satisfaction that her voice rang out strong and clear, she could feel a slight sheen of perspiration forming on her forehead. Still she felt confident. She had foreseen the outcome. Now all she had to do was apply all the fighting skills she had acquired.

  “Let’s not fight, Parmitsvia. Part of you belongs to me and always will. You were born to be my concubine…and aside from that, you are carrying my child in your matrix.”

  “Liar!” Mitzi shouted vehemently.”Even if that were true, I would STILL never suffer you to live. You have already enticed one of my children into the darkness. You will never be permitted to SEE this child, do you hear me?”

  “But you do admit he is mine,Parmitsvia? I must say that I am offended by your attitude and rudeness. But not so offended that I would not offer you a gift..”

  Adrastos snapped his fingers and a servant appeared bearing an ornate round silver tray covered with a heavy silver domed lid.

  “I refuse your gift,” Mitzi said curtly in a studied,disinterested voice, though her heart had started to pound in her ears .Simultaneously icy fingers were beginning to creep up her spine.

  “Oh I think not,” Adrastos said, tsking at her.”For it holds the single thing that you value most in this world. More than the child you carry. More than even your own life.”

  In spite of herself , as the servant moved over to stand before her proferring the tray,Mitzi lifted the lid and was dumbstruck.

  Some horrors are way past the point of screaming. They press in at you from all sides and render you boneless, weak and mute.

  A part of Mitzi died as all her prescience came flooding in on her and she realized that she was beholding the heart of Charley Rabbit, her son. And that the heart was many hours cold and still.

  It briefly occurred to her to surrender, that a grief like this was nothing she could surmount or overcome, not even with the love of her family and friends, and she almost let her heavy sword fall to the floor in her shock.

  At the last moment a surge of energy welled up from deep within her core. A pocket of selfishness and anger. This was NOT what she had wanted, and she’d be damned if she would be robbed again of someone she dearly loved without exacting a price.

  The ultimate price.

  Her first blow at Adrastos caught him offguard and hit it’s mark. He howled as her sword sliced through his shoulder armour and a freshet of blood so dark that it looked black,ran down one side of his ornate attire.

  “Parmitsvia!” he screamed, raising his black sword high above his head and lowering it for a powerful blow that would have easily have cleaved her in two, if she’d still been standing in the same spot. But she had somersaulted backwards away from him and , instead he smashed the flagstones in the flooring, cracking several in half laterally. Mitzi let no time elapse before she was on him again from behind, but he managed to whip around quickly enough to deflect her blow,the force of his deflection sending her backwards against one of the pillars holding up the atrium of the grand chamber.

  She was panting but unhurt, and she continued toward him, swerving at the last minute to the side to land another glancing blow laterally along his side. Because her sword was tipped with the blood of the saints Adrastos’ wounds were not healing, and his immortal body had sustained two wounds. For a moment she was distracted as she saw Argent, formerly Corry’s ashen face to the side, standing in an alcove staring at her. Adrastos took advantage of that moment to attempt to cleave her in two. And though she propelled herself backwards to get away the tip of his sword sliced cruelly into her chest between her breasts.

  Immediately a dull throbbing that seemed to be spreading enveloped the wound site.

  “You cheated!” Mitzi screamed at him, “You dipped your sword in poison!”

  Adrastos looked at her in exasperation. “My castle, my rules. You might as well give up. And it’s a sedative mix, you’ll be incapacitated within a very few minutes now.”

  “Second!” Mitzi shouted, knowing that Jaxon would have to finish what she had started. She felt almost woozy from the sedative, but fought on stubbornly.

  Patraeus had joined the battle, as Adrastos’ second, and was giving Jaxon blow for blow. Then two things happened simultaneously.

  Jaxon killed Patraeus, and a golden galloping streak came running across the floor of the Grand hall and lauched itself, yowling, toward Adrastos.

  It was Otis, Fressenda’s cat. He clambered up Adrastos’ chest to his shocked face and half-blinded the Lord Earl with his claws.

  Jaxon turned to exchange a look with Mitzi. At her barely perceptible nod they both attacked Adrastos with swords swinging. Mitzi attacked from the front while Jaxon cut open Adrastos’ spine from behind with a single well timed blow.

  For a few fragments of time, the tallest man Mitzi had ever seen swayed unsteadily in place, like a tower, His eyes , mauled by Otis, were bleeding, giving the appearance that he was weeping blood.

  When he hit the stone floor, he fell backwards. Mitzi was suddenly on top of him straddling him, one booted foot on each side.

  “Say your prayers,” she told him,”Pray to your dark gods to save you Adrastos. Where are you minions now?”

  “Enough.” He said, but with no force.”Depart from me. I will bother you no more. You have my word on it.”

  Mitzi’s laugh echoed harshly in the near silence of the chamber.

  “That’s not possible , Adrastos,” she told him. She was beginning to feel faint and shook her head to clear it for the final thing she must do.

  But as she looked down at him his face seemed to morph and change and she suddenly found herself looking down into the face of someone she loved. Someone she hadn’t seen for a long, long, time.

  It was Sam. Her beloved Sam, gazing up at her. He looked beautiful and she marveled at how much he looked like the grown up Charley . Tears were standing in his eyes.

  “God , Mitzi I forgot how beautiful you are. I have missed you terribly…and now we have another chance to be together. I miss your soft voice singing at dusk. I miss your dainty hands and your loving touch. Please don’t hurt me, Mitzi. I never did anything but love you…”

  For a nanosecond Mitzi hesitated. She was starting to feel the effects of the sedative and felt confused. Was this really Sam returned to her? In her past life she wouldn’t have believe it possible. But after all she’d seen since that time she knew that nearly nothing was impossible.

  For a few seconds she looked down into Sam’s pleading face. He had raised one hand and stretched it out toward her. It had the familiar look of Sam’s hands: the broad palms, the strong fingers squared off at the ends. She remembered his hands caressing her, massaging her shoulders, brushing away her tears.

  And then something caught the light, a heavy gold seal ring with a dragon within a septagon engraved on it.

  Adrastos’s ring.

  “You shall never again exist in this dimension,” She told him,” But you shall go to the Realm of Smoke and Shadow where, doubtless, my son is waiting to torture you. And He shall have you…

  But first this!”

  As Adrastos screamed one last time Mitzi made an X with her sword, leaning heavily enough on it to break his ribcage. Reaching in his chest cavity she pulled with all her tribite strength and then held her blood covered a
nd dripping dainty hand high above her head to show the prize it contained to all gathered there: Adrastos’ still beating heart.

  As Adrastos gave a final gasp and was still, cheers begin to ring out , echoing in all directions. Argent walked immediately over to her. Although Jaxon moved to seize him, she held up her other hand and motioned for him to desist.

  “Hello mother,” he said,”I see that you’ve killed my father…my only REAL father.”

  Mitzi felt tears threatening for the first time since the battle had begun. Argent was beautiful and tall, taller than Absolam now, and also bore a striking resemblance to Adrastos … though his coloring was much lighter and his hair almost silver blonde.

  “I only did what was necessary. You are a grown man now. Surely you understand that. What are your plans my son?”

  Argent shrugged, then seemed to straighten to his optimum height as he replied to her question.

  “I will reside at Faquier Hall, and carry on my father’s legacy. He would expect no less. And he was right when he taught me that the price of failure is always death, because he himself failed to end you, and he breathes no longer.”

  “Then I will leave you,” Mitzi said, as a servant ran up with a stone jar and she dropped Arastos’ still warm heart into it and then handed it to Jaxon, who placed it in Mitzi’s backpack. Her hands were still sticky with his blood, and, remembering Charley, she took a private and primitive satisfaction in that.

  Argent stepped forward.

  “Well I have a brave mother at least,” he said coldly, with a slight smirk,”May I have a kiss before you leave?”

  At Mitzi’s nod, he leaned down toward her and kissed her cheek gently. As soon as he straightened up Mitzi brought her right hand back and slapped him soundly across the face.

  Argent started toward her, then restrained himself.

  “What was that for, my only mother? Have I displeased you in some way?”

  ‘My GOD’ Mitzi thought to herself, ’He is the spitting image of his father and he even speaks exactly like him!’ Aloud she said,”That was for killing Buttercup, Argent! “

  Argent smile thinly.”Well it took you awhile to figure it out. I don’t deny it. And I don’t regret it.” He said, giving Mitzi a pointed look.”And I really must run. I have much to do…arrange for my father’s funeral….I take it you won’t be attending. And rule my little kingdom. I am Lord Earl Argent now.

  I bid you adieu, mother.” He finished, turning,” Say hi to my bastard brother and the Commoner for me…won’t you?”

  Argent turned and walked away, several of his entourage and soldiers closing ranks behind him as he departed.

  Mitzi turned and looked at Jaxon, who was glaring after Argent. He turned to face her after Argent was no longer in sight

  “You were valiant, Jaxon.”she told him. “I couldn’t have asked for a better Second. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

  Reaching down she scooped Otis up in her arms and petted him, cooing to him as she did so of his bravery and valor in attacking Adrastos.

  As Mitzi prepared to take fly to the portal with Jaxon, Otis resting comfortably in a makeshift sling across her chest, she suddenly gasped and bent over.

  Jaxon was immediately concerned and placed a protective arm around her.

  “What’s wrong Mitzi?” he asked ,”What’s happening?”

  Mitzi straightened up but looked very pale.

  “Something is…happening,” she said, looking confused, “I feel like I’m having contractions…but it’s too early. Oh Jaxon!”

  Jaxon looked at Mitzi’s baby bump and gulped audibly.

  “Then we have to hurry back Mitzi,” he said nervously, ”Because I don’t know anything about delivering babies!”

  Mitzi gave a moan and again bent over, holding her abdomen. Her hair abruptly fell from its moorings pinned on the top of her head with pearl clips and cascaded over her shoulders. When she straightened up again she was gasping.

  “Oh Jaxon I don’t think I can fly! And the cramps are much stronger now—I mean the contractions. I guess I can’t go anywhere right now…but this baby can’t be born at Faquier Hall—it just can’t!”*

  “But why?”Jaxon asked, starting to perspire at the possible outcomes of the inconvenient situation. His mind recoiled at the thought that Mitzi was about to give birth and that he was the sole member of their vampire tribe present. He tried to remember anything he’d ever read about what was required. All he could come up with was something about boiling water and cutting or tying off the umbilical cord.

  Mitzi held up a small white hand, bent over again and started panting. After a minute she straightened up again and looked Jaxon squarely in the eye.

  “Any child born at Faquier Hall becomes the property of the Lord of the castle. You have seen what Coriander, now known as Argent has become…do you think for a moment that I would allow the curse of this place to follow my fourth child? For once the curse descends on him, there is no removing it!”

  Mitzi’s declaration jolted Jaxon out of his initial embarrassment and indecision.

  “You hold onto Otis,” he told her,”And I will carry you. You have to let me know how it’s going, and if we have to stop we will. But it is my intention to make it through the portal and deliver you safely to your husband tonight!”

  Mitzi smiled a relieved if feeble smile as Jaxon scooped her up and took off from the outside terrace. He flew as quickly as he dared, given her condition, and was glad that he had invested time in additional flying instruction with vampires Celeste and Ariel.

  But they had scarcely put Faquier Hall behind them when Mitzi cried out.

  “Jaxon I’m afraid the baby won’t wait…my waters just broke. I know of a clearing near here, it’s the same clearing that we gathered after Charley defeated Adrastos….” Jaxon heard her voice waver as she spoke Charley’s name but she continued.

  Mitzi turned her face away from Jaxon for a moment to look downward, trying to get her bearings.

  “Yes! See over there? That cleared space , almost a circle in the middle of the forest. Right there! Oooooooooooowww….hurry!”

  As soon as Jaxon set down on solid ground he whipped off his cloak and spread it over the ground at the base of a huge sycamore tree. Otis jumped out of Mitzi’s arms, and after she lay down with her head slightly raised he positioned himself so that he was at her shoulder purring and looking at Jaxon as if to say,

  ”Well? Get on with it boy!”

  At Mitzi’s instruction Jaxon rummaged for a small clean blanket that Mitzi had in her backpack. He also found a small dirk that could be used in lieu of scissors and a small flask.

  “Is this what I think it is?” he asked Mitzi.

  “Afraid not,” Mitzi said, grimacing, as another , stronger contraction hit her,”Only alcohol I’m afraid, not blood.”

  “That’s what I thought,” Jaxon said excitedly,”Please have a swig-or two-to take the edge off.

  Mitzi looked at Jaxon, sympathy showing in her dazzling teal colored eyes.

  “I don’t think that will be necessary,” she told him, ”Adrastos already ministered a sedative to me through his sword. Apparently since I am a Tribite it wasn’t as effective as he’d hoped. But I am feeling some numbness to the pain of the contractions, so I think it will be okay.

  Now I know this will be hard for you, since I am Absolam’s mother, but you must help me. This is my third time giving birth so it should be easier than the last two. Just think about nature and help me, won’t you? The baby’s head will be crowning with the next series of contractions so just be patient, I think we are almost there.”

  Jaxon nodded, an intense and serious look on his face. He loved Mitzi. She was one of the surrogate mother figures in their close tribe, like Fress, that had made him feel loved and made him forget about his own mother’s desertion. He decided that nothing she could require of him was too much to ask.

  And besides, he knew that Absolam secretly grieved the los
s of his fraternal twin and was looking forward to his new sibling being born.

  Before he could say anything Mitzi gave a cry and arched her back. Looking down Jaxon saw an emerging head crowned with a dark curly mat of hair appearing between Mitzi’s white thighs. Mitzi was panting as the next few seconds passed . Then abruptly she cried, ”Now I think-ooooooooh-catch him Jaxon!”

  The rest of the newborn emerged as though propelled and landed in Jaxon’s outstretched hands. The infant boy was extremely slippery, but Jaxon kept the squalling baby in his grip while he quickly slipped the blanket under it.

  One more groan and Mitzi had delivered the placenta. Jaxon eyeballed the umbilical chord, and saying a fervent prayer, cut it and tied it off with some threading from the tassled edge of the blanket. Quickly he placed the child in Mitzi’s outstretched arms.

  Although Jaxon had never given much thought to religion, gazing at Mitzi’s overjoyed face, seeing her body language and the look in her eyes as she beheld her infant made him believe in the existence of God. What he was witnessing was pure and true, the most poignant manifestation of love that he’d ever encountered. Love and warmth seemed to surround the trio.

  Above their heads over the clearing the white sliver of an immense moon appeared and there was a profusion of stars twinkling in the night sky.

  It was a sacred and holy moment.

  A short while later Mitzi was feeling her oats, as she usually did shortly after giving birth. She felt exhilarated, and though she recognized that a deep and abiding sadness over the loss of her beloved son Charley lurked underneath her overriding sense of joy, she was determined to compartmentalize her grief. Mitzi resolved with an iron will to allow nothing to take joy away from Liam’s birth, or her triumph over Adrastos.

  For the portal trip, Mitzi ripped opened the bodice of her gown so that she could carry her newborn and nursing infant next to her skin, pulling her cloak around her to conceal her partial nudity. For the thousandth time she thought of Buttercup. She certainly could have used her now to give a blood feeding to her and also Liam if he would take it. Still, the baby seemed satisfied with mother’s milk for now and they would be back in the New City soon.


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