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A Proper Guardian

Page 17

by Carolyn R. Scheidies

  “Is that all? I still own the place. If you checked your information you would know a nice older couple rents it.”

  The dandy spoke up. “That isn’t all, Alistair. You were seen in an amorous embrace with a woman in at Hyde Park.”

  “I don’t suppose the individual who spread that on-dit explained Winter and I were having a picnic in a secluded location,” he said, barely restraining his fury. “Though I doubt any of you will believe I was with my fiancée. Who started this Banbury tale?”

  “Lord Hollingsworth,” said the dandy, a flush starting from the neck up at the earl’s penetrating scowl. “I tender my apologies for thinking...”

  “You should,” Alistair retorted. Then, more to himself, he said, “Hollingsworth, that explains it. Hollingsworth!” Glancing around, he could not see the blackguard anywhere. His heart pounded. He couldn’t see Winter, either. Pushing through the crowd, he began to search.

  * * *

  Winter stumbled from the ballroom. Dazed at what she’d overheard, Winter clutched her hands together trying to pray a prayer that refused to form. “Help me, Lord. Help!”

  Was it all a lie—Justin’s profession of faith, his love for her? Was she just a way to free Mary and Terrance and bring down the spy operation? He seemed so sincere. How she wanted to believe him.

  The trap for Hollingsworth was forgotten in her pain. She gulped back tears as she slipped into the library, intending to head up to her room as soon as she thought she could do so without being seen. Suddenly she stopped, stilled a gasp.

  There was Hollingsworth leaning over the desk, prying it open. If he saw her, she would ruin everything. As quietly as possible, Winter tried to sidle from the room, but lack of sleep had tired her and her leg refused to do her bidding. A less-than-graceful clunk brought forth an oath from Hollingsworth.

  Over the desk, they stared at each other. “You’re stealing the papers,” she said when he tucked a paper into his pocket. Her self-chastisement for her slip became a strangled cry, as she hurried for the door ahead of Hollingworth, who reached for her, his expression deadly.

  “Let me go!” She opened her mouth to scream, but gagged instead on the linen square Hollingsworth jammed between her teeth. Where were Terrance and Mary? “I laid a false trail. Even now your watchdog thinks he’s following me to the stables,” he said as though sensing the direction of her thoughts.

  Mary, too, would have fallen for the misdirection, thought Winter with despair. Lord, please let someone see us, please!

  At that moment, Mary came around the corner and stopped at the sight of them. “Hollingsworth, whatever are you doing? Are you planning to jeopardize this whole plan?”

  “She found me out, and I can’t let her go.”

  “Let me take care of her,” said Mary, holding out her hand.

  “No,” he growled. “It is time m’lady gets what she deserves. You keep Carlyle and Alistair busy while I have a little uninterrupted session with the chit. Now go!”

  Mary backed off. “Don’t be long. The count is waiting for that information. He needs it before he can flee the country.”

  “Don’t I know it. I’m going with him. There is little left here for me, but first...”

  “Go up to her chambers, third one on the left. I’ll see you are undisturbed.” Mary’s face contorted into a sneer. “About time the little miss has hers. I am tired of being ordered about by the likes of some country miss.”

  Hollingsworth smiled. “Give me quarter of an hour.”

  “Done.” With a long look toward Winter, Mary pivoted and left her in the hands of Hollingsworth.

  Though Winter fought him, he merely picked her up, slung her over his shoulder and sprinted up the stairs to her room. First Justin, then Mary. Winter’s heart cried. Was there no one left to come to her aid?

  Lord? Helplessness turned to anger. Spitting out the kerchief, she growled, “Traitor.”

  “Yes, but my own countrymen want to throw me into debtor’s prison. The count offered a better deal, even if it did include that insipid daughter of his.”

  “What are you going to do about me?”

  Hollingsworth sneered. “When your body is found, the only evidence will show your lover got rid of you.”

  “Body. Even you wouldn’t be so despicable.” Her voice cracked. She glanced toward the closed door, praying for some way to stop this nightmare. Somehow she had to keep Hollingsworth from destroying Justin. Mayhap Alistair wasn’t all she hoped, but she loved him, and he didn’t deserve this. Doubt nagged that she might have misjudged him. Why had she been so ready to believe Hollingsworth and the tittle-tattle of the ton? Jesus, forgive me if I’m wrong.

  “You won’t get away with this.” She pulled away.

  Grabbing her wrist, Hollingsworth twisted her arm. Step by step he forced her back toward the bed, his devilish expression showing relish at his power over her.

  Picking her up, he flung her onto the covers. The bed creaked as he launched himself on top of her, knocking the breath from her lungs.

  “Get off of me,” she yelled, pummeling him with her fists and kicking as best she could while trying to keep from smelling his breath, foul with alcohol.

  Instead he pressed down on her. The look in his eyes panicked her, and she twisted her face away.

  “You cannot escape me, Winter. For the last time you have humiliated me.”

  “You may force yourself on me, but I will never willingly submit,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “Even if I promise not to tie your demise to Alistair?”

  “You’re a liar and a traitor and your promises are meaningless,” she spat at him. He laughed at her pitiful attempts to fight him.

  “You know me too well. Either way, you will be mine.” He gripped her hair and tried to kiss her.

  Winter clawed at his chest, but he only pressed her deeper into the bed.

  Instinctively, she bit him. Roaring in fury, he reared back. Raising up, he slapped her face so hard her head snapped back against the pillow. Again and again he slapped her, his face twisted like some fearsome unreasoning savage.

  Thunder exploded in her head and as from a distance she heard herself scream. Ripping the band and patch from her head, he smashed his fist against the side of her head. Dizzily she felt the warm stickiness of her own blood trickle down her cheek.

  The sight sent Hollingsworth into a fit of beastly laughter.

  * * *

  Alistair tried to keep his concern for Winter in check as he searched for her—room by room. Stopping a moment, he tried to reason out where she might hide out. In her bedchambers? The library? Mary found him by his rifled desk.

  “It’s gone. The paper is gone?” he said to Mary as she hurried up to him. “Did Terrance grab him?” Seeing her pale face, he asked, “Terrance wasn’t hurt, was he?”

  “No, Hollingsworth created a false trail, and Terrance wasn’t even here when Hollingsworth lifted the paper, but...” She paused. “Winter was.”

  “Lord, no!” he groaned. “Where is she now?”

  “I sent him on up to her bedchamber to stall for time. He means to have her, Justin. We must hurry.”

  “I’ll get him. You find Terrance,” he commanded, tearing out of the library and up the stairs.

  * * *

  Pinning her hands against her waist, Hollingsworth held Winter down. All her screaming and kicking only inflamed him. “Lord Jesus, help me. Send Justin. Justin!”

  “Shut up!” Hollingsworth growled, his hand connecting with her bruised face. Again he raised his hand. Winter tensed, waiting, but it never connected.

  His face white with rage, Alistair dragged Hollingsworth from Winter and slammed him against the wall, knocking the breath from his lungs.

  Before Hollingsworth could suck
in a breath, Alistair landed two more punches, leaving Hollingsworth gasping on the floor. Holding him down, Alistair extracted the paper from his pocket.

  Hollingsworth quailed under Alistair’s cold smile. A moment later the door crashed open, admitting Terrance.

  “Help me,” Hollingsworth shouted. “This lunatic tried to murder his fiancée and now he is after me.”

  Alistair handed his brother the paper. “Here, brother, get rid of this traitor before I do kill him.”

  “Brother!” Hollingsworth slumped. “I...”

  “Quiet.” Terrance dragged the man to his feet and hauled him from the room.

  Furious, Alistair glared down at Winter as she clutched her torn gown. Through wide, frightened eyes, she couldn’t help but sense his fury.

  Without a word, Alistair found a towel, rinsed it in the water still in the pitcher, sat down on the bed and wiped the blood from her face.

  Winter could only look at him miserably, feeling her happiness was as torn and crumpled as her pride and her gown. She looked away, not bearing to look at Alistair’s rejection.

  He did not want her before, but now, after Hollingsworth’s brutal attempt, he could not even pretend tenderness. Closing her eyes, she gave up. She no longer had the pride of running her estate, nor the regard of her fiancé. She had nothing left.

  Lord, she cried out silently. Why? She stopped, recalling her promise not to ask why, and then changed it to, What do I do now?

  I am the way. She remembered the verse from childhood.

  Trust in the Lord with all your heart...

  As she slipped into unconsciousness, Winter murmured, “Yes. Oh, yes.”

  Chapter 16

  Winter winced as the doctor’s fingers probed her reopened wound. Carefully, he rebandaged her throbbing head. Seeing her eyes open, he said, “How do you feel?”

  She tried to smile, failed. “Dreadful.”

  He smiled at that and turned to address his remarks to the earl. “She will recover with time and lots of bed rest for the next week.” His frown was stern. “This could have been far more serious.”

  “I know.” Alistair flinched as he glanced toward Winter. “Thank you, Doctor. I’ll see to it.”

  Hungry for a look at Alistair, Winter turned her head only to find the doctor blocking her way. Pouring a nasty-looking liquid into a glass, he held it for her. “Drink it all down, Lady Renton.”

  She winced. The doctor seemed to assume her expression emanated from the taste and chuckled. “I know it tastes awful, but it will help you rest.” Picking up his bag, and with a nod to the earl, he left the bedchamber.

  A strange warmth spread through Winter, making her drowsy. “Laudanum,” Alistair confirmed, leaning over the bed. His hand gently touched her cheek.

  She so wanted to say something. His face swam before her. As he turned away, Winter croaked, “Please don’t leave me.”

  Sitting down, Alistair took her hand. “I am right here, Winter. Right here.” The words echoed in her mind as her eyes closed once more.

  * * *

  For a long time, he sat beside her. “Lord,” he began, “I don’t know how to go about repairing this relationship...but I love her.” He continued to pray until sleep finally claimed him, as well.

  Early the next morning Mary tiptoed into the room and shook his shoulder gently. “Justin.”

  Yawning, he opened his eyes. “Mary.”

  “The secretary and Terrance are downstairs in the library waiting for you. Don’t worry, I’ll stay with her.”

  Much to the dismay of his valet, Alistair dressed without his assistance and hurried down to the library.

  * * *

  The sun was already high in the sky when Winter awoke. Alistair was gone and Mary, her head over a book, sat in a chair beside the bed.

  Winter tried to stop the tears gathering in her eyes until her chest ached from her effort. Finally a sob broke forth, and her agony burst forth in a flood of tears and hurt and pain.

  Throwing down the book, Mary stood up. “Winter, what is it?”

  Unable to speak for the tears, Winter shook her head. Still the tears fell.

  * * *

  Just then Alistair strode into the room. Seeing Winter’s tears and hearing her wrenching sobs, he waved Mary from the room.

  Sitting down on the bed, he enfolded her in his arms. “I’m sorry, Justin. S-sorry.”

  “What’s this?” He winced at the bruises on her face, and from the look in her eyes knew Winter misinterpreted his response.

  “Winter, listen to me, you don’t understand.”

  “I heard,” she whispered brokenly. “I heard...”

  “You heard a lot of nonsense started by Hollingsworth, who saw me coming from the castle and assumed I had installed a lady friend. My dear, we were also seen in the park.”

  Winter’s eyes widened with the horror of understanding. “Oh, no, Justin. I’ve misjudged you so.”

  “Shh. It’s all right.” Looking down at her damp cheeks, he wanted to cry, too. “My darling, I never realized my former indiscretions would hurt you. I am the one who is sorry. I am sorry I didn’t wait for you. Sorry I lived the way I did to bring dishonor on myself and to you. I am sorry I put aside my childhood commitment because it wasn’t convenient with the way I was living.”

  “I am not whole. And now, my face.”

  “Winter, I love you. You’ve given me back my ideals, my life, my faith.”

  Searching his face for the truth, she said, “I thought I had lost you. Hollingsworth—” she gulped “—was going and kill me and see that you were blamed.”

  A hard line formed on Alistair’s lips. “He’ll never harm you again. He’ll go on trial and will probably hang for his crimes. The count managed to evade capture and has left the country with his family. Hollingsworth tried to save himself by listing the men in the government who passed him information. It won’t help him, but it did help us round up this operation.”

  Winter closed her eyes. Alistair almost felt her draw on his strength. A moment later, she drew away. “Mary? Is she really on our side?”

  “Yes, she found me as quick as possible. If she had not suggested Hollingsworth bring you to your room, who knows where he might have dragged you. At least I knew where to go.”

  “Are they free now?”

  “Mary and Terrance? Yes, they will slowly reenter society, as heroes.”

  “Where will they live?”

  “I’ll have to think on that.”

  “Someone needs to keep up Renton Hall, and Mrs. Duncan and Mary certainly got along.”

  Alistair held her close. “Would you mind dreadfully?”

  “No, not as long as I have you,” she said, ducking her head as red stained her cheeks.

  “You’ll always have me. One day we’ll have a daughter as lovely as her mother and a son to carry on for us both.” He swallowed. “Don’t ever forget, dearest love. No matter what, I love you.”

  Putting her arms around his neck, she kissed him, her eyes bright with love.

  “‘Tiger, Tiger, burning bright....’” he quoted softly.

  The shadow of doubt was gone from Winter’s face. Snuggling in his arms she interrupted, “I’ll live with you and be your love.”

  “And together we will serve Him.”

  “Together,” agreed Winter, “my one and only love.”

  Alistair chuckled as his lips found hers in a promise of a lifetime of love and fulfillment.

  * * * * *

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  ISBN: 9781460317419

  Copyright © 2013 by Carolyn R. Scheidies

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