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Dragonfae & The Soul Catcher

Page 22

by H. C. Brown

  “Uh-huh… Well, good luck with that.” Lumos grinned and turned the horse into the cart track leading to the barn. In the barn, he could make out Brew sitting on a bale of straw, his gold eyes flashing. He reached out his mind to the cat. “Thalia is safe. We are leaving for Farrell straight away.”

  “When we get there, will you ban me from the bedchamber again? I’m not used to such treatment.”

  Lumos laughed. “Aye, for a little while. Don’t worry, cat, when we reach Drakka, I have a very beautiful female to introduce you to.” He whistled and Albert came trotting from inside the barn.

  “Really?” Brew purred. “Then you may have as much time alone with Thalia as you wish.”

  With gentle care, Lumos slipped off the horse with his arms wrapped around Thalia. “I thought you would say that. Now get back in your basket before I leave you behind.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Darkness surrounded the city of Farrell. Lumos led the way using the lights lining the road to Wentich Palace to guide his way. In the distance, the palace stood out like a huge, dark blot on the landscape. From the crenellations, the guards’ light globes moved along the walkway like ghosts. The palace housed a good friend, Lantar, from the proud house of Centich—the Cougar Shifters. This proud race controlled the peace in this realm of all peoples of magyck.

  Built on the side of a crystal mountain, Wentich Palace offered sanctuary and a chance for weary Fae travellers to renew their powers. The realm held a wealth of natural beauty, from waterfalls to valleys filled with an abundance of flora and fauna. Lumos drew in a deep breath and his magyck hummed with the infusion of the sweet honeysuckle fragrance.

  He turned to Pyro and grinned. “Gods, it is great to be here. I feel better already.”

  “You’re lucky to be alive.” Pyro narrowed his eyes. “I beg you not to do anything foolish before the challenge.” He lifted his chin towards the palace. “Shifters have no scruples when it comes to females. A fight over Thalia would weaken you for the fight I would advise you to keep her well away from everyone here. You’re in the mating fever and Dragonfae are unpredictable in this state of arousal.”

  “Have no fear, I’ve known the Pride leader, Lantar, for many years. He’ll understand.” Lumos stroked Thalia’s hair. “I’ll keep her secluded for the entire time we are here. When we return to Drakka she’ll be in my rooms at the palace until we mate.” He smiled. “I‘ve no intention of introducing her to anyone.”

  “Thalia’s transformation is startlingly fast now. You do realise, when you kiss her, she’ll become Fae within a day?” Pyro rubbed his chin. “I do hope you have explained everything to her.”

  Lumos chuckled. “Yes, I have explained. Gods, the thought of going through moonfire with Thalia is daunting and yet exciting, too—is it all it is made out to be? Can a female become any more insatiable?”

  “Moonfire is something you’ll never forget.” Pyro smiled into the darkness. “It is the only time you share the dragon’s emotions during sex. The mating joins the three of you together on all levels, although it is not as if the dragon takes your place like when we morph. But…every touch, every sensation becomes more—well, more intense. You’ll be insatiable, too. The three days blur into one, long incredible ride.” He turned to gaze at Lumos. “Thalia’s scent will drive you to madness and this effect, although lessened after moonfire, will continue forever. Our mate’s rule our emotions before and after the mating.” Lumos turned Argos onto the drawbridge. He grinned. “Then I’ll make sure she has her rest tonight. I would not have my butterfly too weak to enjoy her moonfire.” He frowned. “She will enjoy moonfire, won’t she? I’ve never dared ask a female such a thing.”

  “Oh, my friend, ‘enjoy’ does not come close. In fact, I do believe the females call the three days of exquisite desire ‘moonbliss’.” Pyro chuckled. “Yes, you may do well to let her sleep tonight. I’d imagine you’ll waste no time claiming her after the challenge.”

  A soft pillow nestled against Thalia’s cheek. She inhaled the delicious scent of Lumos close by. The heat from the Dragonfae’s body caressed her naked skin. Her nipples tingled and a familiar ache curled in her folds. The bite on her neck throbbed delightfully. She fought back a moan. Heavens above, the mating heat clawed at her, demanding satisfaction. How much more wanton would she become? Moonfire—goddess, how could she possibly survive such longing if her desire for Lumos became stronger? Nothing but Lumos’ love could calm this craving. Gods, she wanted him constantly. Stifling a yawn, Thalia opened her eyes to feast on the image of the man watching her so intently. His green eyes bathed her with a love so intense it sent goose bumps over her skin.

  “Hello. Where are we? This bed is wonderful. The pillow is so soft, it’s like sleeping on a cloud.”

  “We are in Farrell, a realm of Fae and Shifters. This realm has a shield to protect us from the dark Magus and those like him. It’s a safe haven for all races of pure magyck.” Lumos stroked Thalia’s hair. “It’s morning, and we have fruit and cheese for breakfast.”

  “I am a little hungry.”

  “Then come, we shall eat.” Lumos slipped from the bed.

  All thought of eating vanished at the sight of Lumos gloriously naked. She licked her lips, mesmerised as the man’s rippling muscles glided beneath golden skin. She loved the way his broad shoulders tapered to a slim waist and, oh my, how his delicious, velvet shaft jutted out. Thalia’s mouth watered at the desire to taste and to lick that musky bead of moisture from the bulbous head. Her womb clenched. Slowly, she raised her head to feast her eyes on every luscious inch of him, before meeting his sultry, hooded eyes.

  “I’m hungry for you, Lumos.”

  “Gods, I ache for you too, butterfly.” Lumos tossed back the sheets, and dived onto the bed. “To lie beside you while you sleep, wanting to touch you, has driven me insane with lust.” He took a nipple between his lips and suckled. “You taste like honey.”

  Thalia arched her back, pushing her breasts up for his attention. “I can think of nothing but having you in my mouth. I crave your body, Lumos, but know that I love you—what I feel is not only lust.”

  “So sweet, I love you too.” Lumos licked a path down Thalia’s belly. “I must taste you.” He parted Thalia’s thighs and feasted on her pussy.

  Flames, hot, spearing, tormenting, raked across Thalia’s clit with each lap of Lumos’ tongue. Her hips rolled. She threw back her head and grasped the sheets for purchase. Goddess, the way he teased and swirled then slid his long fingers inside her channel driving her to madness. He made a low, growling sound deep in his chest and his soft mouth closed around her sensitive spot. He suckled, then scraped his sharp teeth across her swollen bud.

  My head is going to explode. Her legs shook, black spots danced before her eyes, and something inside her shattered. Lumos’ strong hands cupped her hips and he held her in that wonderful place between madness and delight.

  “Lumos, gods, I need to taste you but I’m weak from pleasure.”

  Lumos lifted his head and smiled at Thalia’s flushed face. Her sultry eyes danced with fire. So close. Another day or two, and her wings would emerge—his bite had speeded the transformation. If he kissed her, she would become Fae before they reached Drakka. Could he take the chance?

  “Dragon, if I kiss her now, will you demand that I mate her immediately?”

  “Before the challenge?”

  Lumos pressed kisses up Thalia’s belly. He smiled. “Aye, I would have her transformation complete before we return to Drakka. The people will expect me to take a Fae as a mate, although I will have to wait until we have won the Challenge to complete the mating.”

  “Your kiss will bind Thalia to us for life even without the mating.” The Nightdragon sent images of Thalia’s terrified face from the first time they had met. “If we fail the challenge, she will be alone again.”

  “Then she’ll be alone with or without my kiss. I need this bond. Thalia is my reason for living. My duty lies with Dra
kka, this I know, but it will be a hollow victory without her. The bond will give me strength, knowing she waits only for me.”

  “Then kiss her.” The Nightdragon roared in triumph. “But know this, Lumos, Thalia waits only for us. She is my mate, too, and when she bears your son, he will morph into my son. Our sons will carry the blood of both good and evil—a combination not ordained by the gods since the creation of our kind. This Dragonfae will be born out of true love. He will be a new beginning, born from a butterfly. In his honour, the goddess Cymbeline has decided he will carry the same name as the first of our kind—Moondragon.” He chuckled. “His Fae name is for you to choose.”

  “Then I will call him Iah—god of the moon.” Lumos crawled up Thalia’s body.

  “You are beautiful.” He lay down beside her. “Touch me. Curl your hand around my shaft.”

  “I want to taste you.” Thalia’s damp hand closed around Lumos’ cock. “I need you.”

  Lumos growled. He lifted Thalia’s chin and stared into her eyes. The soft brown orbs, now rimmed with iridescent green, flickered with fire. Nervousness cramped his belly. He stroked her hair.

  “Will you have me forever? Will you stand beside me as my queen?”

  Thalia drew a deep breath. She fell into Lumos’ gaze. The Fae’s sea-green orbs swirled with emotion. He wanted her as his queen, his wife. Her heart squeezed with joy.

  “You know I will. I love you more than life.”

  “Forever.” Lumos bent to cover Thalia’s mouth with his own.

  The room disappeared into a kaleidoscope of colours. Time slipped away. Lumos’ soft kiss brushed Thalia’s lips and she opened for him. The instant his tongue brushed her, a surge of magyck washed over her. Her lover moaned, the sound of his joy more potent than his aphrodisiac-laced saliva. She needed to be closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. Under her fingers, his silken hair tingled with magyck. He speared his hot tongue into her mouth and stroked. Goddess, a hint of cinnamon and brown sugar spilled acroos her taste buds. Waves of erotic desire curled in her womb. Her folds clenched. Lumos nibbled and teased, then cupped her breast with one large hand. He scraped her aching nipple with his rough thumb, creating a delicious torment. Her lover growled deep in his throat, angled his head, and his hot, wet kiss took possession of her.

  Unable to focus on anything other than her lover’s stupefying kiss, Thalia pumped Lumos’ cock slowly, running her thumb in circles over the dripping head. He covered Thalia’s trembling fingers with his warm hand and slowly rocked his hips. Gods, her lover’s desires flowed through her, over her, consuming her thoughts in an explosion of passion.

  They were one.

  Hunger for her mate raged. Thalia kissed Lumos ravenously, feasting on the taste of him. She wanted more of the man’s hot saliva. With a moan, she captured his tongue, and suckled in ecstasy. Every precious drop of his delicious flavour sent shivers of delight to her folds. Each stroke of his tongue reverberated in coils of intense pleasure around her clit. Beneath her palm, the silken slide of Lumos’ shaft quickened. Thalia rolled in ecstasy at the twin sensations, the uncontrollable climb to their shared bliss. She trembled, shuddered and slid into a world where only she and Lumos existed. Her heart filled with love and, as she followed Lumos over the edge of insurmountable delight, she heard the voice of the Nightdragon. “Mine.”

  Lumos lifted his head and admired his mate. His lover’s eyes had transformed completely. Thalia’s eyes still shimmered with flames but the colour had become as deep and as beautiful as a raindrop on a lotus leaf. He brushed Thalia’s damp hair away from her ears and smiled.

  “You have the same colour eyes as I do and your ears are most delightfully pointed. By the time we reach Drakka, you’ll have your wings.”

  “My eyes are green—like yours?” Thalia ran her fingers over her ears and gave a nervous giggle. “Are there any other changes?”

  “Aye, your eyes are almond-shaped, but you are still my Thalia.” Lumos tickled Thalia. “You’ll stay like this forever and never age or become ill. I promise to make you happy, butterfly.”

  “Are we the same as vampires? Do I have to feed on you to remain alive—for of late, unless we make love, I feel as if I’m consumed by hunger for you?”

  Lumos met Thalia’s troubled gaze. “Oh, that feeling will get worse. In fact, you’ll become more demanding.” He pressed a finger to her lips. “Then after your moonfire, the ‘consuming hunger’ as you call the mating fever, will lessen. Although I hope I’ll continue to stir lust in you, butterfly, because I do intend to have you wet and panting in my arms at least once a day.” He frowned. “Vampires are the living dead for they feed on blood. We exist on beauty, love and our connection with Cymbeline. Unless we return to a magyck realm frequently, we’ll grow old and die.”

  “We kissed and yet you told me this was impossible as you would want to mate me straight away. We haven’t mated.” Thalia frowned. “You’re confusing me again.”

  With a chuckle, Lumos rolled onto his back, dragging her across his chest. “Aye, I said that, but I made a bargain with my dragon. He agreed to our kiss so that you would become a Dragonfae by the time we enter Drakka.” He ran a thumb over her bottom lip. “We are bonded now, little one.” He rested his head on Thalia’s forehead and stared into her eyes. “However, your moonfire will not begin until we mate. If I mated you now, I’d be almost incapable of fighting Kird in the challenge. Even now, I’ll have to warn off males that dare to come near you before we consummate our bond.”

  “I’d imagine after we mate you’ll not want males close to me, either. I can feel your emotion, Lumos.” Thalia grinned. “You can hide nothing from me now.” She dropped her voice to a sinister whisper. “I have you in my power.” She pulled his hair playfully. “Will you tell your family I’m a witch?”

  Lumos narrowed his eyes. “You’re no longer a witch—you are a Dragonfae.”

  “Will growing wings hurt? Are they the same as teeth?” Thalia wrapped a lock of Lumos’ hair around her finger. “How will I make the wings go in and out of my back like you do?”

  “I’ve always had wings, so I can’t answer the first question.” Lumos inclined his head. “Tell me, sweetness, how do you close your eyes and open them again?”

  “It happens without thought. Hmm—I don’t really know, although I can open and shut my eyes as I desire—why?”

  Grinning, Lumos sat up. “Then you’ll understand how to control wings. You may open or close them at will. If you want to fly, they pop out the same as your leg takes a step forward when you want to walk.” He slid off the bed, turned, and offered Thalia his hand. “It’s time to bathe and then we must eat. Come, there is a bath here as big as a rock pool.” He took her hand. “Today is a day for rest. Perhaps, later, I’ll fly you to the top of Farrell Mountain. The view is spectacular—and we can be alone.” He sighed. “Tomorrow, we’ll rise early, take the Gate to Drakka and I’ll face Kird.”

  “Will I be able to watch the challenge?”

  “Aye, I’ll lock you in my rooms at the palace. You may watch from the balcony.” Lumos touched Thalia’s cheek. “There is evil in Drakka. Although we won’t see him, I have no doubt the Magus will be there, expecting Kird to win. Should anything happen to me, go to my father, and he’ll get you to safety in Draconia.”

  Lumos gazed at his beautiful mate. The vision of her at this moment would stay locked in his heart forever. The thought of the challenge gnawed at his belly. Kird would not be his problem. The danger lay in the trickery the Magus had undoubtedly planned. He bit his bottom lip. At noon, the following day, the Nightdragon would be fighting for his life, and for the freedom of all the people of Drakka.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Thalia gaped at the city of Drakka, nestled beneath a glittering mountain range humming with magyck. The buildings appeared to flow out of the ground, each a mixture of the mountain’s rock, and living trees. Even the air held the sweetest fragrance, a potpourri of the masses of flowers s
pilling from a myriad of garden beds. Faeries of every colour flew around in excited bunches, their voices tinkling throughout the city. Everyone they passed stopped to greet Lumos and give their support for the challenge.

  They crossed the drawbridge into Drakka palace and rode towards the stables.

  “I must send word to my father of our arrival.” Lumos dismounted and lifted Thalia from the saddle. “I’ll be a few minutes.” He handed a stable boy Argos’ reins, and strode off in the direction of the gate house.

  Thalia waited in the stables for the grooms to settle the horses. On Lumos’ return, she followed him outside into the courtyard.

  “This is a magnificent building. Where is your room?”

  “Come here and I’ll fly you to my chambers.” With a mischievous grin, the Dragonfae opened his massive, black wings, and lifted Thalia into his arms.

  With Brew clasped to her chest, Thalia ground her jaw. Her stomach lurched at flying so high. I’ll never get used to this. A few seconds later, Lumos landed gently on a balcony overlooking the city square. Thalia slid down Lumos’ body and her knees buckled. The Dragonfae supported her in his strong arms, holding her close. Thalia smiled up at him.

  “I’m fine.” She dropped Brew to the floor. “Although I’m afraid flying makes my legs wobbly.”

  “You fear falling. It’s a normal reaction and will pass.”

  The balcony led to a suite of opulent rooms. Thalia stood in the middle, too scared to move. Frighteningly aware of the pristine condition of everything around her, she admired the beautifully crafted furniture, and rich furnishings.

  “I’m not sure that this is the place for Brew—perhaps I should leave him in the stable with Albert.”

  “Brew can’t hurt anything here, so put him down.” Lumos smiled. “Don’t worry so much.” His gaze followed the cat’s exploration f the room.


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