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Dragonfae & The Soul Catcher

Page 25

by H. C. Brown

  “Hold, Lumos.” Axim moved away from the sofa, his hands held up as if quieting a raging stallion. “This is not what it seems.”

  “You dare to take my queen and insult me by dressing her in your dragon skin? What game is this, Axim?” Lumos moved forward menacingly. “If you intend to fight me for her, trust me, you will lose everything.”

  “Thalia came here by her own free will, wounded by your attention to Lucinda.” Axim moved away from Thalia. “What true mate kisses another in front of the entire population of Drakka? You’ve caused Thalia distress, and I merely offered sanctuary so she may gather herself. I’ve no designs on your mate. My dragon skin was given for the purpose of travelling—nothing more.” Axim balled his hands into fists, and rested them on his waist. “It is you who should offer an explanation—do you have a reason for treating your mate in such an abominable fashion?”

  Thalia trembled. Lumos’ nose poured smoke. Her mate’s lips drew back to display sharp fangs. He gave a long, deep growl, and, with eyes flashing dangerously, moved towards his brother.

  “I don’t have to explain anything to you, Axim.” Lumos ground his teeth. “You kidnapped my mate and will pay the consequences.”

  “Did the challenge addle your brains, Lumos, or is this show of bravado for Thalia’s benefit? Might I remind you, Brother, you are in my realm.” Axim smiled thinly. “Do you honestly believe I will not fight to protect what is mine by divine right?” He met Lumos’ gaze. “I am King of Draconia.”

  “I know what you are and exactly how you regard females. My mate will never be another notch in your belt, Axim.” Lumos waved his hand towards Thalia. “I find it hard to believe Thalia would abandon me and block our bond for a simple misguided kiss. This sounds like you had a hand in this travesty. What lies did you tell to persuade her to come here with you?”

  Thalia drew a breath. “Axim is speaking the truth. I left Drakka because you kissed Lucinda—and for no other reason.” She met Lumos’ hard gaze. “You said you loved me and then I see you kissing her in front of everyone as if she is your queen.”

  “I—did—not—kiss—Lucinda.” Lumos ground his teeth. “The Faerie launched herself at me and pressed her mouth to my lips.”

  “Oh…really?” Axim rolled his eyes dramatically. “And I suppose if Thalia found you fucking Lucinda you would say you tripped and impaled her by mistake? I saw you too, Lumos. You cannot deny what I and the majority of Drakka witnessed with our own eyes.”

  Thalia jumped to her feet. “You had your arms around her, Lumos.” She glared at her mate. “Lucinda told me this would happen. She said you had planned the kiss to be rid of me—to prove that you gave your promise to Lucinda before we met.” She opened her wings. “Your plan worked—I left Drakka, didn’t I? So why in the gods’ names are you so angry with me?”

  Lumos drew a breath to steady his emotions. The sight of Thalia surrounded by gold wings astounded him. Not in his wildest dreams had he expected Cymbeline to bestow wings the colour of the sun upon his mate. Thalia, his opposite in so many ways, had become the day to his night. He bathed in the beauty of his mate and anger seeped from him like water from a leaky bucket. The void in his psyche ached with loneliness. He reached out with his mind, his dragon, seeking the unique bond he had forged with Thalia. He met his mate’s barrier and his heart ached with the pain of losing her. The part of his missing soul stood in flesh and blood before him. So close, and yet she denied his love.

  “Cymbeline, help me to put this to rights.”

  His butterfly had morphed into a golden Faerie blessed by the gods. He gazed into Thalia’s eyes and saw the flicker of flames in the green depths, the fire that danced for him alone. He fought for words to calm the situation.

  “I’m not angry with you—I could never be angry with you.” He waved a hand at Axim. “I’m angry with him. He knows better than to be this close to you.”

  “You’d rather have her run away through a Gate to gods’ know where?” Axim snorted. “I could see she was upset so I brought her here for protection. You should thank me.”

  Lumos ran a hand through his hair. “Fine…thank you.” He turned to Thalia. “When someone jumps into one’s arms, it’s a reflex action to grab hold of them.” He crossed his heart. “You have my word I’ve made no plans with that female. I’ve made no secret of the affair I once had with Lucinda. Indeed, I informed you that I believe her in league with the Magus. No doubt, the Magus persuaded Lucinda to cause trouble between us and it would seem she has succeeded.” He lifted his chin. “I’ve done nothing to betray you, butterfly. My heart has always belonged to you. I’ve loved you from the first day I set eyes on you in the forest.”

  “Oh…Lumos.” Tears flowed down Thalia’s cheeks.

  Slowly, Lumos drew his magyck around him, and changed Thalia’s attire to a long dress made from his own black, glossy dragon skin. He held out his arms.

  “I am yours and, in your heart, you know you belong to me, Thalia. I gave you my promise and, with your acceptance, the gods bound us together forever.” He moved closer and took Thalia in his arms. He searched her face, her eyes, for one trace of forgiveness. “I beg you to drop your barriers and allow our bond—search my mind and know the truth.”

  Thalia’s stiff body melted against him. Her rosy lips curled into a smile. Her warm hands cupped his face. The bond between them flared into life—he knew her love, her fear, and her forgiveness. Her intoxicating scent filled his nostrils. Inside the Nightdragon roared in contentment.

  With a long sigh, Lumos crushed her lips, and feasted on the taste of her sweet mouth. Thalia responded, her sweet mews of delight blinding him to everything but the sheer joy of holding her in his arms.

  “I don’t mean to break up this happy reunion but there are other matters to attend to.” Axim cleared his throat. “You can’t possibly allow Lucinda to continue to live in your palace.”

  Reluctantly, Lumos lifted his head and glared at Axim. “That she-devil’s name will never be spoken again, and by morning she will be gone from Drakka, never to return.” He pulled a face. “No doubt she’ll be on her knees begging the Shifters to take her in.”

  “Then stay here in Draconia. It might be best to keep away from the celebrations until Thalia’s moonfire is over.” Axim slapped Lumos on the back. “The entire east wing is empty.”

  The warmth of Thalia’s flesh seeped into Lumos’ chest and he sighed with contentment. He gave Axim a smile. “Aye, I would welcome a quiet place for a few days’ peace. The past three months have been rather hectic. Thank you.”

  “I’’ll arrange a fine meal for you this evening but first there is a small matter of those Nomag bastards awaiting judgement in the dungeons.” Axim frowned. “Pyro was most specific and insisted these men be dealt with before you retired.”

  Thalia’s small body stiffened in Lumos’ arms. He heard his mate’s sharp intake of breath, felt the tremble of her fingers against his chest.

  He gave Axim a nod. “Yes, I’ll deal with them now.”

  “What will you do?” Thalia gripped Lumos’ arm.

  Setting his jaw, Lumos met Thalia’s gaze. What would she do? These men had brutalised his innocent mate. Would she have him strip the flesh from their bones? He regarded Thalia thoughtfully. In truth, he had seen no display of the dark side in her. The protection spell from her dying mother had given Thalia the control she needed to harness her dark magyck. He wanted to remove the burden of dealing with these men from Thalia’s shoulders.

  “I could take them on in combat.” He cupped her cheek. “You don’t have to do anything. If you wish, the Nightdragon would happily tear them to shreds for you. If seeing them again brings back memories better forgotten, then allow me to punish these animals for you.”

  “Axim mentioned that your powers are enhanced now. Is it true you may actually contact Cymbeline?”

  Lumos rubbed Thalia’s back in long, slow caresses. “I’ve not tried to contact the gods. The thought is awe-

  “It’s much the same as mindspeak.” Axim shrugged. “I’ve asked for guidance only once and the reply was indeed swift.”

  “The men who escorted me to the Singing Forest had a reputation for brutality. I agree we must stop them from hurting anyone else.” Thalia met Lumos’ gaze. “I’m sure execution will deliver their evil minds into the Underworld and perhaps into the army of the Magus’ Shadow Walkers.”

  “We don’t have slaves, so how would you punish them? Indeed the Dragonfae are not a brutal race—we don’t condone public floggings.” Axim rubbed his chin “Lumos, concentrate as if speaking with your dragon. Ask Cymbeline for her counsel.”

  Running a finger down Thalia’s cheek, Lumos stepped away. Heart pounding, he reached out with his mind. “My goddess, I would ask for your guidance. How must I deal with the men who raped Thalia?”

  Warmth spilled over Lumos. The presence of the goddess surrounded him like a mother’s hug. The voice came to him as no more than a whisper on the wind.

  “Welcome, Lumos, King of Drakka. Thalia must confront her attackers to overcome her fear. She is powerful and, with your joint powers, you may cast the men into the void. In this state, the gods will decide their fate, and your souls will be free of doubt or remorse.”

  Lumos swallowed hard, his hands trembled, and he fought the desire to fall to his knees. Heaven’s above, the goddess had spoken to him! He forced himself to reply in a calm manner. “Thank you, my goddess.”

  “I am always here for you, Lumos.” The voice faded away and Lumos cleared his throat.

  “We are to cast the men into the void.”

  “I think that is a very wise decision.” Thalia paled. “I assume I must perform this spell?” She looked up at Lumos. “Do I think them into a void and then make it so?”

  “Aye, but we will do this together.” Lumos took Thalia’s hand and caressed the soft skin with his thumb. “Come with me to the dungeons.”

  * * * *

  Thalia gripped Lumos’ arm and they faced Erik and his men. Goddess, the smell of them made her gag. The surly guard gave her a knowing smile. Erik had not changed. The ugly man still resembled an arrogant hawk. Her stomach cramped. As if sensing her terror, Lumos’ moved closer. He coiled his large hand around her fingers. A warm glow flowed over her and she lowered her mind barrier to allow her bond with Lumos to flare. The comfort spreading from him and the Nightdragon melted away her fear. Lifting her chin, she met Erik’s hard expression. Beside her, Lumos tensed. She squeezed his hand in reassurance.

  “Do you know who I am?” Lumos spoke directly to Erik.

  “No, and whatever she has told you is a lie.” Erik pointed at Thalia. “She is a witch, a murderess—she killed the Queen of Broclarre.”

  “I am Lumos, King of Drakka, and this is my queen.” Lumos inclined his head. “You are charged with rape and abuse of my queen. Don’t deny it, I have a witness. How say you now?”

  “Rape?” Erik gave a sarcastic laugh. “I don’t know what lies she told you. The bitch spread her legs willingly for all of us many times. We made a bargain and she enjoyed every minute of it. Your queen is a whore.”

  “I am fully aware of the bargain you struck with an innocent, frightened girl.” Lumos met each man’s gaze. “An agreement made to sustain life and made expecting some degree of respect. My queen was a virgin. The bargain with Erik was for intercourse—not rape. Can any one of you say he honoured my queen’s request to stop rutting at any time? Can any one of you say he did not beat my queen or cover her mouth to muffle her screams? I know you all had a part in this crime. Remember—I have a witness.” His mind went to the first day he had met Brew and the cat’s horrific tale of Thalia’s treatment from these men.

  The shuffling of feet in the small cell echoed in the silence. Thalia examined each of the men. Her skin crawled at the sight of them. Graphic images of the suffering and indecency she had endured flashed through her consciousness. I will never forget what you all did to me—never. Magyck pulsed through her, like a snake ready to strike at the least provocation. A voice pushed into her mind, blocking the intolerable memories. The Nightdragon bathed her in comforting words.

  “Look how they tremble in your presence. Push all thought of them from your mind. Remember Lumos’ gentle touch, the love he has for you. Wallow in his glamour. Forget these beasts as you would a cockroach squashed under your foot.”

  “Your silence seals your fate.” Lumos turned to Thalia. “Together we’ll cast these men into the void.”

  Gripping Lumos’ hand tightly, Thalia called up her magyck. As the force of her mate’s power surged through her, sparks flew from her hair, and crackled in the surrounding air. She imagined an empty space, like a bubble floating in space, and mentally filled it one by one with the men.

  “For your crimes against me, I cast you into the void. As I have said, so mote it be.”

  A rush of wind whipped around the small cell and the men vanished. Thalia slumped against Lumos. He enveloped her with his strong arms. She inhaled his scent and rubbed her cheek on the soft dragon skin of his tunic. A wave of relief washed over her—never again would those men hurt another living being. Lumos lifted her chin with his long fingers and dropped his mouth down on hers, in a soft, coaxing kiss. He brushed her lips with his inquisitive tongue and teased them open. Thalia sighed and gave herself to the pleasure of Lumos, his taste, his scent, and the overpowering need of him. A rainbow of Lumos’ love replaced the dark memories like sunlight piercing the darkness of a summer storm. When the Fae pulled away, she complained and rubbed against him. She hovered her mouth against his, and his delicious, warm, damp breath brushed her wet lips.

  She gasped, “I want you.”

  “This is no place to make love.” Lumos smiled down at her. “I’m looking forward to a soft bed for our first mating.”

  Thalia giggled. “So am I.” She touched his lips, damp from kissing. “And I’m very hungry…for food as well.”

  “Uh-huh… Well, then, we shall eat.” Lumos led Thalia from the dungeon and up the stairs. “I do believe Axim mentioned something about a feast.”

  Through the door to Axim’s solar, Thalia spied Luka chatting to Axim with his arm wrapped around a petite Faerie’s waist. The Dragonfae males both turned to greet her. The Nightdragon whispered in her mind.

  “The female is Yashna, Lumos’ mother.”

  “Ah, there you are. My, you look beautiful in dragon skin, my dear.” Luka smiled warmly. “Let me present the love of my life, Yashna.”

  Thalia met the Faerie’s gaze and saw only warmth within the green depths. “It is nice to meet you. I hope we’ll be able to solve the problem of the Magus’ potion together.”

  “So do I.” Yashna stood gracefully and moved to a side table. She lifted a bottle and handed it to Thalia. “Here is the dreadful concoction. I‘ve cast many neutralising spells over it, but nothing seems to work.”

  Thalia unscrewed the top of the bottle. Lumos closed his large hand around her arm. She smiled at him.

  “I won’t taste the potion but I do need to smell it. My talent is deciphering the ingredients.” She lifted the bottle to her nose to inhale the pungent liquid. The aroma of red-cap toadstools, belladonna and wolfsbane scorched her nostrils. How many times had Nell waved these poisons under her nose to ensure she understood the dangers of using such ingredients. “Oh my gods.” She turned to Yashna. “This potion contains highly addictive, mind-altering botanicals. The Dragonfae’s thought barriers would not hold under the influence of this mixture. They would have lost contact with their dragons in a hypnotic stupor. The Magus could gain control with ease using dark telepathy.” She grimaced. “There is no spell to break. The antidote is simply clover, anise, and geranium steeped in wine but it will take some hours to work.” Thalia tapped her chin in thought. “Then, if you induce deep sleep again, the potion will slowly disappear from their bodies. They will awake whole and undamaged.”

  “What of tho
se Dragonfae who have embraced the dark side?” Luka narrowed his gaze. “Are they forever lost to us?”

  Thalia glanced at Lumos. In her heart, she knew that if she revealed the truth of her overwhelming bursts of desire to harness dark magyck, she would risk his trust in her. I have no choice. Lumos deserves to know. Drawing a deep, steadying breath, she straightened her spine, and gazed into Luka’s troubled eyes.

  “Dark magyck can only be described as seductive. Dark power is not comparable to any other magyck. The joy one feels using Cymbeline’s magyck is like the scent of flowers on the breeze or the sight of a rainbow.”

  How could she explain the incredible experience of using dark magic? Thalia continued to stare into Luka’s green depths and sighed.

  “Dark magyck rages through the body, seductive, powerful, and fills the mind with images of death and destruction. Dark magyck encourages…no, seduces the user into believing killing is the ultimate eroticism. In truth, one believes one is indestructible, god-like, holding life or death in one’s grasp.”

  Thalia cleared her throat. “I’ve experienced the seduction, the raging desire to kill, but Cymbeline guides my hand. I don’t know if you can save the Dragonfae whose dragons have already embraced the dark side. From the effects of this potion, I wouldn’t have thought that possible until I saw those dragons attacking Lumos in the challenge.”

  “They were lost to us,” Lumos rubbed the back of his neck, “although they were in the first four that left Drakka with the Magus. Perhaps he had other means at Fullmount to influence the dragons.”

  A shiver of awareness slid down Thalia’s spine. She leaned towards Lumos, seeking the comfort of his closeness. Would her revelation of embracing dark magyck have destroyed his trust in her? To her delight, he pulled her against his hard body. The bond between them flared. His deep love flowed over her. Relieved, she bit her bottom lip. There could be only one conclusion.


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