Guns or Butter
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Perkins, Carl: and Elementary and Secondary Education Act, 193–94
Perkins, Frances, 157
Perkins, Tony, 234
Perlman, Selig, 157
Peterson, Esther, 52–53
Pickering, George W., 398
Pierson, DeVier, 304, 305
Pinchot, Gifford, 265, 274
Pollak, Stephen, 424
Poll taxes, 222, 223, 224
Poole, Cecil, 421
Port Huron Statement, 400–1
Post (Washington), 152
Post-traumatic stress disorder, 532–33
Potofsky, Jacob, 430
Poverty: culture of, 83, 89–90, 91–92;
in Cumberland Plateau, 90–91;
English discovery of, 82–83;
inequity argument, 85;
and rise of industrialism, 82;
study of, 88–92;
in U.S., 87
Powell, Adam Clayton, 107;
and education legislation, 194–95, 198, 208, 210;
and Martin Luther King, 396
Powell, Charlie, 404
Powers, Thomas, 330
President’s Commission on the Assassination of
President John F. Kennedy (Warren Commission), 22–23
President’s Commission on the Status of Women, 53
President’s Task Force on the Quality of the Environment, 304
Progressive (Bull Moose) Party, 117
Progressive Labor Party, 414
Prouty, Winston, 109, 200, 239
Proxmire, William, 368
Public Broadcasting Act, 455–57
Public Broadcasting System, 457
Public Health Service: opposition to air pollution regulation, 290;
and water pollution enforcement, 282, 287
Public television, 454
Pucinski, Roman, 195, 395, 396
Pueblo, 472–73
Pusey, Nathan, 332
Putnam, Katherine Lawrence, 331
Quadriad, 364
Quayle, Danforth J., 536
Quayle, Oliver, 153
Quigley, James, 287, 292, 394;
and withholding of federal funds for Chicago schools, 394
Raby, Albert A., 395
Radio broadcasting, 452
Rafsky, William: task force on Model Cities, 462
Ramparts, 416
Randolph, A. Philip, 79
Randolph, Jennings, 296;
and Air Quality Act of 1967, 296, 297;
and Senate subcommittee on roads, 299
Randolph, Phil, 417
Rankin, Jeannette, 330
Raskin, A. H., 104, 105, 401, 403;
on Yarmolinsky, 110
Rauh, Joseph L. Jr., 25, 72, 137, 225
Ray, James Earl, 494–95
Rayburn, Sam, 5, 18, 160;
and Smith’s domination of House Rules Committee, 47–48
Reagan, Ronald, 149, 407, 410–11; 1968
presidential race, 507
Reeb, James J., 228, 229–30, 231, 244
Reed, Roy, 227
Reedy, George, 5, 8, 317;
on the 1957 civil rights bill, 46;
on Dirksen, 68;
and Johnson’s 1964
candidacy decision, 133;
on Johnson’s change in leadership style, 542;
on Johnson’s lack of prejudice, 45;
on Johnson’s performance after assassination, 26;
on Johnson’s personality, 538–39, 540, 541;
on Lady Bird Johnson, 540;
on Richard Russell, 62;
and Walter Jenkins affair, 151, 152
Reese, Frederick D., 219, 220
Refugee Relief Act of 1953, 248, 250
Regnery, Henry, 119
Reid, Ogden, 196, 310
Reimers, Charles, 259
Reinert, Paul C, 187
Relyea, Chester, 191
Republican National Committee, 157
Republican National Convention (1964), 129–31
Republican National Convention (1968), 507–8
Republican Party: defection to Johnson-Humphrey, 147;
gains in 1966 elections, 506;
internal division, 117–18;
position on federal arts funding, 440
Reston, James, 106, 298, 380;
on antiwar heckling of Johnson, 412;
concern about Vietnam War, 379;
and Johnson’s self-doubt, 133;
on Moyers’s resignation, 407;
on 89th Congress, 155
Reuss, Henry, 366
Reuther, Walter, 25, 361, 369;
Model Cities proposal, 461, 462;
opposition to House AFDC amendments, 436, 437;
task force on Model Cities, 462;
UAW agreement, 368
Revenue Act of 1964: capital gains amendment, 36—37;
effects on economy, 39–42;
Ribicoff education credit amendment, 37
Revenue and Expenditure Control Act of
1968: conference report, 374–77;
in House, 372;
in Senate, 372–74
Ribicoff, Abraham: on air pollution, 290;
and Medicare bill, 166, 167, 175;
nomination of George McGovern, 515;
reaction to Silent Spring, 265;
task force on Model Cities, 462, 571 n.2;
and tax-cut bill, 35, 37
Ridgeway, Matthew B., 410
Riesman, David, 187, 333
Right-to-work, 308
Riis, Jacob, 83–84;
How the Other Half Lives, 83
Ripley, S. Dillon, 443;
and Hirshhorn museum, 445–46, 448–50
Roberts, Charles, 16
Roberts, Owen, 23
Robertson, A. Willis, 8, 65, 210
Robinson, Donald Allen, 54
Robinson, Joe, 11
Roche, John P., 484;
on transformation of Vietnam by war, 350
Rockefeller, John D., III, 456
Rockefeller, Laurance, 267–68, 272, 299
Rockefeller, Margaretta (Happy), 126
Rockefeller, Nelson A., 73, 130, 147, 445;
on need for water treatment plants, 284;
and 1964 presidential race, 117–18, 126–27, 129, 148;
relationship with Goldwater, 125
Rockwell, George Lincoln, 219
Rodino, Peter, 81, 251, 256
Rolvaag, Ole: Giants in the Earth, 58
Roman Catholic Church, 108
Romney, George, 147, 230, 469;
and Detroit riots, 418–19; 1968
presidential race, 506
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 53
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 4;
and conservation, 265;
New Deal, 52, 527;
and Social Security, 157, 431;
support for national health system, 157
Roosevelt, Jimmy: Roosevelt bill, 428
Roosevelt, Theodore, 3, 117, 304;
and conservation, 265;
Gentlemen’s Agreement with Japan, 247
Root, Elihu, 331
Rostow, Walt, 333, 407, 416;
and 1968 conference on Vietnam War, 477;
and Johnson’s 1968
speech to nation on war, 481;
support for Vietnam War, 327, 480
Rovere, Richard, 105, 123, 124;
on Goldwater’s presidential campaign, 144—45, 149;
on Johnson’s presidential campaign, 151
Rowan, Carl, 202
Rowe, James, 5, 21, 25, 133, 136, 480;
and 1964 campaign, 145;
citizens’ committees, 145, 146–47;
critique of O’Brien Manual, 482;
at 1964 Democratic convention, 139–41;
and Humphrey’s candidacy, 516;
and Nixon’s manipulation of peace talks, 520
Rowe, Thomas, Jr., 235
Royko, Mike, 393, 397, 398–99
Rubin, Jerry, 422, 512
Ruby, Jack, 21
Rusher, William A., 11, 117, 122, 124
Rusk, Dean, 17, 30, 249, 251;
and 1968 conference on Vietnam War, 477;
and Immigration Act of 1965, 249, 251, 256;
and Johnson’s 1968
speech to nation on war, 481;
and Johnson’s Vietnam policy, 339, 341;
position on Vietnam War, 327, 407, 408, 479, 480;
Student Unrest Study Group, 399
Russell, Richard Brevard, 22, 57, 61–63, 161;
opposition to Vietnam War, 343, 379, 380, 479;
and Senate Civil Rights Act debate, 65, 70
Rustin, Bayard, 138, 139, 233, 389, 417
Ryskind, Morrie, 4
Saarinen, Eero, 446
Safire, William, 520, 526
St. George, Katherine, 54
St. Lawrence Seaway, 280
Sale, Kirkpatrick, 400
Salinger, Pierre, 20, 30, 327
Salisbury, Harrison, 411;
dispatches from Hanoi, 412–13
Saltonstall, Leverett, 68
San Gabriel Mountains, 289
Sanders, Barefoot: and Model Cities Act, 464–65;
and surtax bill, 370–71, 375
Sanders, Carl, 456
Sanford, Terry, 88, 101, 453;
reaction to Humphrey’s Salt Lake City speech, 517
Santaella, Irma Vidal, 238
Savannah River, 279–80
Savio, Mario, 403–6
Scalapino, Robert, 405–6
Scammon, Richard M., 225, 258, 411
Scarlett, William, 154
Schandler, Herbert Y., 474
Scheuer, Jim, 380
Schlei, Norbert A.: and Economic Opportunity Act, 102, 103, 105;
on Feighan, 253, 255–6;
and Immigration Act of 1965, 254, 256, 260;
on Yarmolinsky, 110
Schlesinger, Arthur, 20, 142, 341;
on JFK’s arts policy, 441;
on Johnson’s selection of running mate, 134, 135, 139;
on Johnson’s Vietnam War decision, 348;
opposition to Vietnam War, 327
Schnittker, John S., 416
Schooley, Frank, 456
Schrade, Paul, 504
Schulkind, Gilbert, 203
Schultze, Charles, 29, 33, 531;
and Model Cities Act, 464–65;
opposition to increased interest rates, 364;
and plan to reorganize Department of Interior, 285;
support for tax increase, 359, 365, 366;
and surtax bill, 370, 371, 372;
task force on financing public broadcasting, 456;
and War on Poverty, 95
Schwartz, Abba, 249, 250, 251, 253;
ousting from state department, 558 n.5
Schwartz, Tony, 148
Schwerner, Michael, 137
Scott, Hugh, 73
Scranton, William W., 129, 147
Seib, Charles, 152
Select Commission on Western Hemisphere Immigration, 258
Selma, Alabama, 214–15;
Edmund Pettus
Bridge, 214, 226;
Green Street Baptist Church, 233;
segregation, 214, 218
Selma to Montgomery march, 233–35
Senate. See U. S. Senate
Senior Citizens Golden Ring Council, 432
Serkin, Rudolph, 453
Seward, William H., 9
Sewell, William, 420
Shadegg, Stephen, 130, 144, 149
Shapley, Deborah, 355, 477;
on McNamara’s deceptiveness about war, 359, 360
Sharon Statement, 119
Sharp, U. S. Grant: hawkishness toward Vietnam, 330
Shawn, William, 262
Shay, Jonathan, 353—54;
Achilles in Vietnam, 532
Shedd, Peter J., 303
Sheehan, Neil, 325, 327, 479, 535
Shehan, Lawrence J., 69
Shriver, Eunice, 89
Shriver, R. Sargent, 18;
as director of Office of Equal Opportunity, 112;
and passage of Economic Opportunity Act, 107–11;
task force on poverty, 100–6;
and War on Poverty, 64, 98–100;
and Yarmolinsky affair, 110–11
Sierra Club, 275, 300
Simpson, Milward L., 76
Sinclair, Upton, 400;
The Jungle, 90
Sirhan, Sirhan, 503–4, 505
Skowronek, Stephen, 527
Small, Melvin, 412
Smathers, George, 109;
and Medicare bill, 166, 167, 168, 176;
and tax-cut bill, 35, 372–73
Smeltzer, Ralph, 215, 218
Smith, Adam: Wealth of Nations, 131
Smith, Bromley, 333
Smith, Elwyn Allan, 233
Smith, Hedrick, 479
Smith, Howard W., 46–48, 109, 111;
and Civil Rights Act of 1964, 45, 51, 52, 53–54, 78;
domination of House Rules Committee, 47–48, 208;
proposed amendment to ESEA, 198;
Smith Act, 47;
support for Equal Rights Amendment, 53
Smith, Margaret Chase, 69, 162
Smith, Merriman, 16
Smith, Steve, 134, 505
Smitherman, Joe T., 215, 218
Smithson, James, 447
Smog, 289
Smoot, Dan, 466
Soap and Detergent Association, 283
Social Security Act, 157, 431
Social Security Administration, 431
Social Security Amendments of 1965, 177–78
Social Security Amendments of 1968: conference report, 435–36;
in House, 432–34;
in Senate, 434–35
Solid Waste Disposal Act, 293
Sons of Italy, 249
Sorensen, Theodore, 20, 24, 94, 159, 502;
on Kennedy’s Vietnam policy, 329;
and War on Poverty, 96, 183;
and Wilbur Cohen, 158
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 138, 389–90;
differences with SNCC, 221, 229;
division over poor people’s march, 493;
and Selma to Montgomery march, 226;
and Voting Rights Act of 1965, 244
South Vietnam: assassination of Diem, 328;
civil war, 326;
lack of nation status, 339
Southwest Texas State Teachers College, 11, 183, 184, 210
Soviet Union: invasion of Czechoslovakia, 511
Soyer, Raphael, 84
Space Cadets, 88, 89
Sparkman, John, 161, 465
Spector, Ronald H., 492–93
Spellman, Cardinal, 191
Spock, Benjamin, 382, 414, 417, 422
Spring Mobilization for Peace, 414
Sputnik, 205
Staats, Elmer, 28, 31;
and reorganization of Office of Education, 202
Stafford, Robert T., 303
Staggers, Harley, 297
Stanton, Frank, 454
Star (Washington), 152
State Department: Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs, 250–51;
report on student unrest, 399
States’ Rights Party, 59–60
Stein, Murray, 287
Steinbeck, John: The Grapes of Wrath, 84, 90;
and Johnson’s “guns and butter” speech, 320
Stennis, John, 77, 210, 356;
lack of support for more troops, 479
Steps Toward Clean Air, 291–92
Stevens, Robert Warren, 363, 365, 533, 537
Stevens, Roger L, 147, 440, 446;
and arts council and endowment, 443, 444;
on Johnson’s support for arts, 457
Stevenson, Adlai, 6, 24
Stewart, W. H., 296
Stimson, Henry L., 331, 334
Stockdale, James B., 336, 337, 534
Stokes, Carl, 515<
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Stone, Edward Durell, 440
Stone, I. F., 381
Stop the Draft Week, 420–22
Stoughton, Cecil, 16, 17
Strategic Bombing Survey, 342
Stroll, Irwin, 504
Strong, E. W., 404, 405
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC): differences with SCLC, 221, 229, 233, 390;
and Selma to Montgomery march, 225–26, 229;
voting rights campaign, 215, 218
Student unrest, 379;
at Berkeley, 401–7;
Communist role in, 399;
report of Student Unrest Study Group on, 399;
at University of Michigan, 381;
at University of Wisconsin, 420
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 379, 399–401;
ambivalence toward Vietnam War, 401;
disagreement with LID, 401;
and march on Pentagon, 424
Sullivan, Gerald, 411
Sullivan, William C, 217
Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs, 327
Summers, Harry G., Jr., 532
Sun (Baltimore), 154
Sundquist, James L.: and 1964
presidential campaign, 146;
on Shriver, 104;
and War on Poverty program, 96, 101, 102, 105, 112
Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund, 178
Surrey, Stanley S., 206, 207, 454–55
Sviridoff, Mitchell, 88
Symington, Stuart, 415;
lack of support for more troops, 479
Synagogue Council of America, 410
Tabb, David H., 469
Taft, Robert, Jr., 155
Taft, William Howard, 117
Taft-Hartley Act (Labor-Management Relations Act), 47, 308–9
Talmadge, Herman: and Medicare bill, 166, 176;
and Senate Civil Rights Act debate, 70;
and tax-cut bill, 35, 37
Task Force on Metropolitan and Urban Problems, 460–61;
demonstration cities program, 460–61
Task Force on Natural Beauty, 299
Task Force on the Quality of the Environment, 294–95
Tate, James, 509
Taylor, H. Ralph, 467
Taylor, Maxwell, 328, 340, 345;
support for Vietnam War, 481;
“Wise Men” meetings, 425
Television broadcasting, 451–52;
educational stations, 452–53;
public broadcasting, 454—55
Tennessee Valley Authority: opposition to water user fees, 270
Tet offensive (“General Offensive and General Uprising”), 473–75, 476
Thayer, Thomas C., 351–52, 532
Thieu, Nguyen Van, 347, 518–19
Thomas, David, 220
Thomas, Donald S., 300
Thomas, Evan: on
“Wise Men” meeting, 481
Thomas, Norman, 382, 401, 416
Thompson, Clark W., 164
Thompson, Frank, Jr., 50, 171, 309;
support for National Humanities Foundation, 443
Thoreau, Henry David, 273
Thornton, Charles Bates, 334
Throckmorton, John L., 419
Throttlebottom, Vice President Alexander, 4
Thurmond, Strom, 59, 77, 507