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Space Fleet Sagas Foundation Trilogy: Books One, Two, and Three in the Space Fleet Sagas

Page 41

by Don Foxe

  Captain Cooper walked a step in front of the two beautiful women. Attired in traditional formal dress whites, updated for Space Fleet officers. Service white dress coat, with a left chest filled with ribbons, and distinguished service medals. Hard shoulder boards with his Captain’s rank in gold. A Space Ranger gold pin on his left chest, above his gold Astronaut-Pilot wings. White dress slacks with creases sharp enough to cut steel, and dress white shoes. He wore his white Captain-Commander’s cap, with gold braid on the rim, and the Space Fleet Earth/Comet emblem on the front.

  He marched up to Demon’s pilots and addressed Mags. “Lt. Moore, your mouth is open.”

  “Sorry, sir,” Mags replied. “It’s difficult to drool with your mouth closed.”

  “Captain Casalobos, are we prepared for launch?”

  “If you will follow me, Captain Cooper. We will get this show on the road,” she answered professionally. Then aside, “And, Coop, this is one hell of a show.”

  “Diversion,” Coop replied. “I figure Sky and Storm will attract everyone’s attention. We can grab Canedee before he knows what hit him.”

  “Males act like males everywhere we roam,” Elie returned. “But every female down there, and a few up here, will dream of eating white cake with vanilla icing tonight”

  Elie and Mags handled shuttle controls. Coop, Storm, and Sky buckled in for the short flight to the castle’s landing pad.

  The reaction on the surface to the Captain and his escort equivalent to the one given them by Mags on the 109. Met by Genna, Tasha, Tista, Canedee and Gregory. Genna and Tista suppressed giggles as they watched the reaction of the males to Sky and Storm. Col. Gregory hesitated before remembering to come to attention, and salute. The two female Marines on duty exhibited no difficulty coming to attention for the Captain, and made sure their chests were fully expanded.

  Tasha Korr took Coop by the arm to escort him to the castle. “Quite impressive, Captain,” she said, as they walked through the rear garden. “I’m sure the King and Queen will be honored by the obvious attention to detail. By the way, Ship’s Counselor Bouvier is a natural diplomat, and a smart negotiator. Earth will receive everything it needs in the way of crystals, and the Counselor had the King agree to send a couple of his finest crystal cutters along to help the process along. The Chief of the Dwards’ guild is also on hand. He brought a shipment of raw crystals he claims the finest ever pulled from the mines.”

  “Thank you, Tasha. I’m equally sure you have been a strong arm for Genna to lean on during the talks,” Cooper replied, adding a smile and a thank you tilt of his cap. “I was sorry to hear the trip to Fell was unsuccessful,” Korr continued in a more subdued tone. “Sky and Storm appear to handle disappointment well.”

  “They are troopers,” Coop said, not knowing if the mediator would understand the reference.

  The mixed entourage entered the castle, and followed a hairy attendant to an expansive chamber boasting stain glass windows overlooking the ocean, and a high, vaulted ceiling. The crystal chandelier suspended from the ceiling easily weighed a ton. It hung above an extended, dark wood table. The Marine guards remained at the entrance. The representatives of Earth lined up behind chairs on one side of the table, with Captain Cooper at the top, beside Genna.

  The King and Queen entered. They moved to the head of the table, opposite Captain Cooper, followed by Prince Yauni, two Dwards in fancy sashes, General Postatoon, and four Lisza Kaugh Coop did not recognize, but apparently important enough for an invitation.

  At a chime, everyone took their seats. Once everyone settled, a steward delivered a thick set of documents, an outdated, yet quaint means of presenting data. He placed the stack atop the table, midway between Cooper, and the King.

  King Saharri addressed Coop across the table, “Captain Cooper, this document represents an agreement between our worlds. We have made many alliances in our history, but none more important than the one before us today. The people of Rys are honored as citizens of the first planet to welcome Earth as a trading partner. While I wish it had been under better circumstances, the conditions did prove your world, and its citizens, are people of good faith and strong wills [he tipped his head to Genna].”

  The steward repositioned the documents, setting them before the King. Then handed Saharri a quill pen.

  “As King of Rys, as representative of the people of Rys, I swear allegiance to Earth as a partner, and as an ally. Your friends are welcome, your enemies our enemies. We shall stand with Earth. We will do whatever necessary to protect the people of Earth.”

  He stroked his name across the bottom of the top page.

  Polite applause followed.

  The steward collected the documents, walked the long walk to the far end of the table, and placed them before Cooper.

  “King Saharri, Queen Navina, Prince Yauni, and representatives of Rys, this document is the most important in Earth’s history. It represents our first alliance with another world. The people of Earth are honored Rys consented and becomes our first partner, in trade, as well as in defense of one another, from any, and all who would attack our worlds, our people, and our way of life.

  “I, also, wish our first meeting could have been under more pleasant circumstances, but the cauldron of battle forges friendships far more powerful, much deeper, and stronger than any developed during times of peace. In war, the true face of your friends, as well as your enemies, is exposed.

  “As Captain of the United Earth Space Fleet’s SFPT-109, John F. Kennedy, and representing the desires of our world to reach out to discover friends within the galaxy, I swear allegiance to Rys as a partner, and an ally. Your friends are welcome, your enemies our enemies. We shall stand with Rys. We will forever do whatever necessary to protect the people of Rys.”

  He accepted the quill from the steward, silently noted the utensil was actually electronic, and scrawled his name and rank across the bottom of the document, aside the King’s, neither above, nor below.

  Thunderous applause followed, and everyone rose to shake hands with their counterpart across the table. Formality over, people began to mill, giving back slaps, and hugs as they drank something sweet, and certainly alcoholic, served from silver trays.

  Cooper approached the King and Queen.

  “I understand there is a party later,” he said. “I should have my people return to the ship to prepare. I also need to assign duty rosters to allow everyone aboard the opportunity to join the celebrations.”

  “Of course,” the King said. “We shall have a grand time later.”

  Cooper asked Genna and Gregory to round everyone up for the return to the 109. With emphasis, he told them he expected everyone to depart at the same time. He searched for Canedee, finding him with Storm on one side, and Sky on the other keeping his attention. Coop caught Sky’s eye, nodded, and headed for the exit. He spied Dr. Hernandez in a group in front of him, and sped up to catch the head engineer.

  “Manny, I meant to tell you sooner, the idea of embedding plasma rounds with the tachyon bursts was genius,” he said, coming abreast of the man.

  “Wild idea,” Hernandez admitted. “I figured the worst case would result in a slightly bigger explosion. Never expected the damn thing to rip spaceships into confetti.”

  “Did we get the technology, and materials we wanted?” Coop asked.

  “More,” Manny said, confirming Tasha’s assessment. “The King and the other representatives ecstatic with the tachyon cannon, and the results. They would have given us their first born for the next century. Once you get past the fact they look like Big Foot, the Lisza Kaugh, and the Dwards are really nice people.”

  “From what I learned while away, they may not look like Big Foot, they may actually be Big Foot,” Coop said. “Appears aliens have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. Maybe a Lisza Kaugh or two decided to take a stroll, and look around while on vacation. I do find it interesting a race with generations of trading practice gave us more than we asked for.”

  “Like I said, they were really happy with the weapons. Genna and Tasha are seriously good negotiators. Did you learn anything else of interest while out there?” Manny asked.

  “Maybe,” Cooper replied cryptically.

  He remained outside the LBJ, making sure everyone boarded. No need to worry. Canedee, ego fully inflated by the attentions of the two beautiful aliens, who evidently discovered him to be utterly fascinating, practically floated aboard the shuttle.

  “Kind of like the cow that doesn’t know it’s about to get hamburgerized,” Mags said, noting Canedee’s good mood.

  “The bull about to get neutered is more apt,” Elie said, passing the two of them, heading for the cockpit.

  The return flight ascended smooth and easy. Cornitsch had the hangar prepped, and as they set landing struts and locked magnetics, the Commander returned atmosphere to the bay. People began to disembark. Cooper interrupted a story of military brilliance, and asked Captain Canedee for a moment of his time.

  They allowed everyone but the cockpit crew to depart. Alone, the Mischene faced the human, and said, “I know you are involved with the Fellen, Captain. I hope I have done nothing to upset you. I assure you, they have been solicitous to me, and not the other way.”

  “Captain, I’m not concerned about Sky and Storm’s intentions. What I would like to know is when the Mischene first allied with the Zenge,” and as the Mischene’s eyes grew wide, Coop clipped him on the jaw with a solid right hand, knocking the man unconscious.


  “Dr. Singh.” Cooper, out of his dress uniform, and wearing space gray sweats, addressed his medical officer. “I really do not care about your knowledge of Mischene anatomy, biology, or your principals. I do not intend to torture this alien. I do not intend to waste time attempting to intimidate him into revealing what we need to know. I am ordering you to prepare a serum to make him conducive to answering questions.”

  “But I do not know his physiology,” Singh argued, one more time. “Even if I did, there is no such thing as a truth serum, Captain.”

  “I know, Bahadur,” Cooper replied in a calmer, less officious tone. “I spent time after the pandemic interrogating enemy combatants. Every truth, or half-truth helped save the lives of my people. Information helped us catch others planning on killing our people or innocent civilians. People like Captain Canedee suffer from expanded egos. I don’t think it matters what species or race they represent. He would probably brag about how smart the Mischene are, and how dumb we are to oppose them, without drugs. But I don’t have the time to find his talk button.

  “He’s a spy. He’s already forfeited his life. I need him doped, unstable, and off balance. Can you try anything?”

  “The Captain has been in uniform since his release from the cages,” Singh said. Singh had been present when the captives were freed. “You cannot try him as a spy.”

  “Fine. I can’t shoot him as a spy,” Coop admitted. “He’s a plant. He’s undercover. He’s dangerous, Doctor. More importantly, he has information vital to the security and safety of our world. We are trillions of miles from Earth, and we are the only ones standing between home and an invasion force of genocidal reptiles.”

  “I’ll put together something able to make a human experience something akin to an LSD trip, but I cannot promise it will work,” Singh replied. “It may not do anything, or it might make him totally unresponsive.”

  “Thank you, Doctor. Administer the dose, and call me when he’s under,” Coop said, leaving the medical center. Leaving Canedee, still out from the punch, restrained on a medical bed.

  In the hallway he met Genna, Storm, and Sky. “Kennedy, how positive are you no messages were sent or received by Canedee since we departed MSD?”

  “I have reviewed every scan made since our departure, Captain,” the AI replied. “No attempts at covert communications by anyone, including Captain Canedee.

  “I cannot say what he may have accomplished while on Earth,” Kennedy continued. “He was the guest of several of the UEC members, the military, and one female member of the Board of Governors hosted him as her house guest for a couple of weeks.”

  Coop could only hope no opportunity allowed Canedee to make contact with his superiors. He turned his attention to the present. “Genna, you, Storm, and Sky need to return to the palace and the party. Cover for me. Storm, when someone like Canedee hears a translation via the rings, do they hear everything as if someone from their own race was speaking?”

  “Of course,” Storm answered. “They would be pretty lame otherwise.”

  “At some point, you must return for the party. It is poor diplomacy to ignore a festivity held partially in your honor,” Genna told him.

  “With Storm and Sky wearing those outfits, no one will notice my absence,” Coop half joked. “I understand Star has a similar outfit, and plans on joining you. I would say I’m safe. Relax, Counselor. I will join the last group to shuttled down. I promise.”

  Singh entered the hallway, and signaled the Captain.

  “I have to go. Please, try to enjoy a bit of fun. You’ve done incredible work since leaving MSD, and this party seems a pretty sweet reward. Save the last dance for me.”

  Dr. Singh informed him, “I gave him what I thought best. I’m using an IV drip, and adjusting according to his readings. His physiology is close to human. If I’m reading everything correctly, you should find him in a receptive mood. I cannot tell you a length of time he will remain under the influence of the drugs, or if he will even respond.”

  “Is he conscious from the hit?” Coop asked.

  “I brought him to consciousness, before taking him back under. Even then he was groggy, and disoriented. He probably has a concussion.”

  “Thanks, Doc. If you need to tell me anything, please rap lightly on the window. Once I start, I do not want anyone to disturb us. Understood?”

  “Understood, Captain. In spite of my reservations, good luck. I do realize how important this is.” The field surgeon left to monitor from another room.

  Cooper walked over and behind the Mischene, who lay strapped to the bed, his head slightly raised. From there, out of the Mischene’s line of sight, he said, “Captain Canedee, report.”

  “What?” The Captain’s speech slurred.

  “Captain Canedee, you have been absent. You had a mission. A vitally important mission. Report.” Coop placed every ounce of authority he could into his voice, and hoped it came through in the translation.

  “My mission was to gather information from the captured aliens,” Canedee said.

  “And did you?” Coop asked.

  “Yes, sir. And more. Much more. Humans. A planet called Earth. We must destroy the [?]. They are as bad as the rest. Non-believers. Pathetic." The drugged Mischene drifted through a slow, slurred rant about humans, and alien infidels in general.

  “Captain, is our original mission still actionable. Do these humans represent an obstacle?”

  “An obstacle, sir? Maybe. They have weapons we need. They have space-fold engines, and tachyon cannons, and blue women with big tits and, no, wait, the Fell have blue women. They have the biggest tits, sir. They make you want to defile them. They are evil. We need to defile them.”

  “The original mission, Captain. Do you remember the mission?” Coop held his breath as Canedee hesitated. He looked to the window, but Singh made no indication the drugs were wearing off. Then Canedee began talking.

  Thirty minutes later, Canedee ran down, and the drugs finally put him under. Coop walked out of the room and into the hallway. He placed his back against the wall, sliding down to sit on the deck.

  Singh walked out, and looked down at his Captain. “If I ever question your methods in the future,” he said, “remind me of this night, and what we learned. What do you plan on doing?”

  Coop took a cleansing breath. He used the powerful muscles in his thighs to bring him up the wall to face the surgeon. “I plan on going to a party. It may be the last party we att
end for a long, long time. I suggest you make sure Canedee remains unconscious, and then join me in the shuttle bay.”

  Coop left to change into something more proper. He desperately needed a shower.


  Captain Daniel Marcel Cooper exited the LBJ. He brought Patric, Silla, Sparks, Stacey and Sarah with him. Prior to departing the 109, he introduced them to the crew members traveling with them to the surface as Sky’s family. He did not explain their presence, and no one asked.

  They entered the massive hedge garden holding the majority of the party’s activities. Star the first to see them. She grabbed Sky and Storm. The three ran to meet them, followed closely by Elie and Mags.

  The family reunited once more, this time under much better circumstances. Mags snatched Sparks, and walked him away, arm in arm. Star took control of Stacey and Sarah. She promised to keep them safe, but able to enjoy the party. Coop asked Storm and Sky to stay with Patric and Silla.

  As the Fellen left to enjoy real food and drinks, music, dancing and fireworks, Coop asked Elie, “Do you know where I can find Genna?”

  “Inside with Tasha and Tista. Queen Navina is giving them the grand tour of the castle,” Elie said. “Did you find out anything from Canedee?”

  “If you help me locate Saharri, and I can get him alone for a few minutes, you can listen in,” he promised.

  “Done, he’s holding court at the big bar on the castle patio. He considers himself quite the bartender.” She took Coop’s arm to lead the way.

  The King of Rys might or might not make a good cocktail, but those around the bar obviously enjoyed his stories; everyone laughing. It did not appear as laugh at the King’s jokes or lose your head laughter, but honest good cheer.


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