The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1)

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The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1) Page 2

by Riki Bishop

  "I respect that you are my mate, but that doesn't give you the right to control me." He's only far enough away from my face to where if either of us moves the slightest way our lips will touch.

  "You have some guts to talk to me that way, but I find it quite sexy." I gasp at what he said before his lips smash into mine. God, he tastes so good and smells even better. I open my mouth to allow access for his tongue and before I know it my legs are wrapped around his hips and his hands are on my ass. I start grinding on him and can feel him getting harder by the second. He starts kissing down my jaw, to my neck until he finds the spot that is most sensitive that is where one day, he'll mark me. I let out a small moan as he nips at it and starts sucking there. Goddess why is he so sexy. I want him. No, I need him right now. He backs away and sets my legs back on the ground and I am panting and irritated that he stopped. "Why'" I managed to get out between breaths.

  "Because when I have my way with you, it won't be in a bathroom at a club." He says, and it's enough to leave me longing.

  I go back out to the dance floor and let Alexis know that I'm going to head home. Shit, I forgot about my car. I can't drive it home. I'm too drunk for that. I guess I'll just have to leave it here until tomorrow. I order an uber and wait. It’s here, and I'm heading home about twenty minutes later.

  I go up to the door, fumbling with my keys to unlock the door, and head to my bedroom to change. I get to my room after taking some Tylenol and drinking water before laying on my bed.

  "It’s about time you got home Willow. I have been waiting for a while."

  I know that voice. "How did you get into my house. Why are you here?"


  Jake. That's who is in my room right now. Looking like he's been drinking, and a lot more than usual. This can't be good for me. He has been drunk around me plenty of times, but never this drunk. The thing about Jake is...when he's drunk, he gets abusive.


  Four months ago:

  "Another fight Jake? Are you kidding me? Can't you go to a single party and not get into a fight? I'm sick of always getting called because you want to act a fool. I have a huge test tomorrow and a 20-page essay due. How am I going to finish that and study if I have to bail your ass out?" I was pissed. He's always getting into fights at parties. Of course, with me being his girlfriend they always call me when he gets kicked out. I hate it when he drinks. It always ends up with him yelling at me...calling me names...throwing things.

  "Quit complaining. You always complain. It's always nag, nag, nag, with you. Don’t you ever use your fucking brain?" By now we've gotten back to my dorm room so I can get him cleaned up and to bed as usual.

  "Actually, I use my brain quite often. I have a 4.0 GPA and I'm not stupid enough to keep getting in fights." Why do I stay with him? Love? Loneliness? Both? "Jake, I can't keep going on like this. School is almost over, and I need to concentrate on keeping my grades up and not picking up after your mess." He's your typical male wolf. Always losing their temper when someone calls them out on their shit.

  "Listen here you fucking bitch I will do what I want, who I want when I want. I don’t need you to do anything. You're nothing but a slut. You fuck anything that walks and that's why you won't give it up to me." I rolled my eyes at him. He knows that I haven't had sex with anyone. I have not been ready. We've been together for two and a half years and even though we're not mates I still love him.

  "No Jake, I'm not fucking you because you’re an ass. I don’t even know why I’m still with you. You treat me like shit when you’re drunk, here lately it has been every damn day. I'm sick of it. I'm done trying to please you. I'm done being your punching bag."

  That sent him over the edge. Why did I have to be so stupid and lash out while he is like this? Didn't I know better by now? SLAP. His hand comes across my face harder than ever before. That's going to leave a mark. He slapped me hard enough to bust my lip open. He's hit me before, but never this hard. "YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY FROM ME THAT EASILY? YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. NO ONE WOULD EVEN WANT YOU. NOT EVEN YOUR MATE, IF YOU EVER FOUND HIM. YOU'RE A NO-GOOD, WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT." With that, I was done for. I couldn't control my tears. Maybe he was right. Maybe that's why I stay with him because no one will ever want me. I'm damaged by the abuse over the years. They say it's hard to get out of an abusive relationship, and it's true. Not today. Not anymore. I can't keep doing this. Just make it until he goes to sleep it off then leave. I keep telling myself that each time it happens. He goes on his rampage for another thirty minutes. I'll be wearing a long sleeve shirt tomorrow. The bruises from him grabbing my arms will start to show soon. He finally passed out and I decided to run.

  We still have school and classes together, but I can't take it anymore. I run over to Alexis' dorm and she just gasped. "He did it, again didn't he?" She asked as I walked in, she got me a rag and I started cleaning the blood from my lip.

  "It’s never gotten this bad Lex...I can't do it anymore. I told him it was over tonight. Now I just have to make it four more months."


  "What are did you...LEAVE!" Why is he here? How did he get in?

  "You should really make sure all the windows are locked when you're home alone kitten." He used to call me when he was drinking.

  "J-Jake you're n-not welcome here. We're done. We've been done." He's extremely calm right now and it has me freaking out. What is he going to do? He's only this calm when he's really pissed. I need to get out of here. Where is my phone?

  " left me. I tried to get you back. You wouldn't come back. Now you need to be punished for leaving." He has completely lost it.

  "P-Punished? Why? You're the abusive psycho." I need to get to my phone. I need to call someone. Alexis is still at the club surely. I don’t have Levi's number, and my parents won't get here in time...before I could finish my thought, he slapped my face, bursting my lip.

  "You'll learn you little bitch!" Stars...I'm seeing stars...I need to fight back. I'm still sobering up. I'm dizzy and my hands and knees meet the floor. Could Levi feel my pain even though we haven't marked each other? A kick comes to my side, and I roll over and go into the fetal position. He pulls me by my hair and throws me into the wall. There's a stinging pain in my head from where I hit my mirror. Damn, why did I have to drink? Although we have healing capabilities when we consume as much alcohol that I did tonight, it slows it down a lot.

  My phone! It's in the bathroom. I need to move to the bathroom, but I can seem to find my strength.

  LEVI! HELP! I know the mind-link probably won't work, but I must try.

  "Ahhhh!" I scream out in pain when something slices into my side. It burns. Silver? "Why Jake?" I ask with a shaky breath.

  "Because no bitch of mine is going to leave me and not get punished." He seethes.

  "I-I'm not...y-yours." I muster up what little strength I have left to kick him in his family jewels as hard as I can. He goes down. This is my chance. I fight through the dizziness, and nausea, and manage to crawl my way to the bathroom and lock the door. It won't last long, but I must have time. RYDER! He's Levi's brother I have his number.


  I send the text. I can't let him know I asked for help. He's trying to break down the door. It's starting to splinter. This is it. I can't hold on much longer as the darkness from blood loss is starting to come. He's still at the door. One good thrust and the door comes down. "Now, now kitten that wasn't very nice. " Another slice with the knife to my arm. He's toying with me now. Darkness is coming faster.

  LEVI...I... CANT... I mind-link again, hoping that it’s getting through to him.

  Darkness comes. I'm out for a few minutes. Trying to fight the blood loss. I'm in and out of consciousness every time he tortures me with cuts from the knife.

  Levi's POV

  It took every ounce of control I had not to take her right then and there. The way her lips tasted a
nd the way her arousal smelled. She needed to be sober when I had my way with her and marked her as mine. I went back to the VIP section after leaving the bathroom. The way she stood up to me. It turned me on. It's not often that people stand up to me. I have a reputation for being ruthless when it comes to people questioning my authority. I have had Wolves challenge me for my title of Alpha before and they never came out alive. You see, if I am challenged, I don’t do it for submission. If someone is stupid enough to challenge me then they are going to face death. Rouges are even afraid to come into my territory, but this mate of mine is something else. She's going to make a great Luna.

  I snatched her as she talked to her friend and walked out of the club. I swiped her keys because she is too drunk to drive. I watched as she left and was going to take her car to her after taking care of some business.

  I got back to the packhouse and went to my office to finish the paperwork I had left. I couldn’t get her out of my head. The way she looked tonight in that dress. It made concentrating on work a lot harder. I had to get these papers filed tonight. It was about midnight when I finished. Time to drop her car off and come back home and get some sleep. Training new warriors tomorrow means I must get up earlier than normal.

  The front door opens and closes. "Ryder. Is that you?" I call out.

  "Yeah just got home. What's up, bro?"

  "I found my mate while at your graduation. Willow Thompson." I said.

  "Willow? She's been through a lot with her ex. He was abusive to her. She ended up at Alexis's dorm a lot." A growl made its way to my throat. The thought of someone hurting my mate made my wolf want to take control.

  "I'll kill him. I need to take her car to her. She was too drunk to drive. Follow me in my car.”

  L..V... HEL... someone was trying to mid link with me, but it wouldn't work. Willow? She's the only one in my pack that wouldn't be able to since we're not connected. A ding from Ryder's phone brought me out of my thoughts. His face paled. "What is it?" I asked. He showed me the text


  "Let's go, now! I mind link some warriors to go to Willows house. I jump in her car, and I'm going way over the speed limit trying to get to her. I should have just shifted into my wolf, but she lived in the middle of town and the humans might see and we can't have that.

  I barely get the car in park and shut off before I'm at her door. Blood and lots of it. I kick down the door. I follow the blood smell up the stairs. Ryder and my warriors behind me. Willow is unconscious on the bathroom floor and that ex of hers is standing over top of her, slicing into her with a silver knife. I grab him by his throat and throw him up against the wall. Within seconds, I have his throat ripped out and rush over to Willow. We need to get her to the packhouse now. "GET THE CAR NOW WE HAVE TO GET HER TO THE PACK DOCTOR. I order Ryder as Ingram her and carry her to the car.

  I should have followed her home. Paperwork be damned. She wouldn't be in this situation if I had. "Stay with me baby." She opens her eyes fighting for consciousness. "Baby, you have to stay awake okay. We’re almost there. Stay with me. If you die...I die...I'm nothing without you." If one loses a mate they don’t die, but they never get over the pain of their mate. Even if they find another. Their death is always present in their hearts. I have only known Willow was my mate for a couple of days, but the mate bond is stronger since I am an Alpha. I feel so much for her in such a short amount of time.

  We arrive at the house doctor and I rush her in before the car is completely stopped. "Doc. Save her. I don’t know what exactly happened but there was silver involved. Save your Luna!

  "Yes, Alpha. I will do everything that I can."


  Levi’s POV

  I walked with the doctor and the nurses as far as they would let me. I didn’t want to let her go without me. She is my mate and even though we haven’t marked each other, I can’t help but to want to be with her every step of the way for the rest of my life. I guess that is because of the bond that we share. I was furious that they wouldn’t let me go back. I couldn’t help but let the growl escape my mouth as they took her back. I wanted to go into that room and make sure they did everything they could and then some. There are things that I need to do. I need to inform her parents about what has happened. When I saw that bastard standing over her with that knife and seeing how much damage he has done to her, I couldn’t control my wolf as he ripped him off her and threw him up against the wall and ripped his throat out. Why didn’t I follow her home? Why did I have to go back and take care of the paperwork? I could have helped her sooner.

  “Levi, you have to let them do their job and save her. They can’t have you back there telling them how to do their job or taking their attention away from Willow. You know as well as I do that if you just barge in there that you will just distract them from saving her.” I heard my brother tell me, but it was hard to comprehend as my wolf was starting to take control. It took everything that I had to calm him enough to jump into action.

  “We need to inform her parents about what happened. I need their number.” I barked.

  “I’ll get it for you. Go sit down and I’ll grab us some coffee. We’ll be here for a while.” Ryder said. Then he mind-linked someone to get what I asked for.

  “If it were anyone else here with me, I would have ripped them apart for stopping me. You need to go to the Pack House and take care of the business until I can get back there. I am not leaving her side until she is better and then I am going to have her move into my house after that so I can keep an eye on her and make sure that she is safe.” I told Ryder. Knowing my brother, he was going to stay here with me no matter what I said.

  “I am not going anywhere, Levi. Not until I know that she is out of the woods. She is your mate and our Luna, and I am your brother. I will be here for you no matter what. I’m going to get their numbers and I am going to let mom and dad know what is happening. I know you haven’t told anyone yet, but they are our parents and would want to be here with us.” Ryder told me. I didn’t answer, just gave him a nod before he left.

  I have been sitting here for about thirty minutes before Ryder came back, and I was in my thoughts the whole time. Scolding myself for not being there to protect her. Wondering what is going on in that room. I couldn’t get the image of her laying on the bathroom floor, covered in her own blood, out of my head. She had cut marks across her abdomen, all over her arms, one on her face. Stab wounds in her side. She looked so defeated. She had given up all hope of someone coming to help her. Just from our encounter in the club, she didn’t take any shit and stood up to me. I know alcohol, though it takes a lot for wolves to get drunk, weakens us slightly, but why did she give up? I couldn’t feel her pain because I haven’t marked her yet, and that is why the mind-link didn’t work properly. That and the fact that she has been away at school with the education amnesty, she wasn’t in the link. I should have marked her right there in the bathroom.

  “I have their number and here is your coffee. I also filled mom and dad in on everything and they are on their way. They are worried about you and your mate.” Ryder said as he handed me the paper with their number on it. I didn’t want to make this call, but I needed to.

  “Thanks, Ryder.” I said walking out of the hospital to make this dreaded phone call. I dial the number and wait for someone to answer.

  One ring…

  Two rings…

  Three rings…

  “Hello?” I hear Mr. Thompson answer after the fourth ring, and I take a deep breath, trying to contemplate on how to tell them that their daughter might not be alive when they arrive at the hospital.

  “Hello, Mr. Thompson. This is Alpha Andrews. I need you and your family to come to the hospital as soon as you can.” My voice cracks and I must pause for a moment before continuing. “It’s Willow, she was attacked and is in critical condition.” I waited for what seemed like an eternity until he finally answered.

  “We’re on the way. Leslie get the kids
and get the car now! It’s Willow. Thank you, Alpha. We will be there as soon as we can.” He hung up right after. I found myself leaning against the walls to the hospital trying not to cry for my mate that is fighting for her life. I can’t be losing my shit when she needs me to be strong for both of us. I take a deep breath and head back into the waiting room.

  About thirty minutes later, Willows parents enter the hospital. You can tell that they are worried, and I don’t have anything to tell them that will calm them down. It has been almost two hours and the doctors are still in there. What is taking so long?

  “What happened. Where is she?” Mrs. Thompson asked me.

  “She is in the room with the doctors now. She has been in there for almost two hours now and they haven’t been out to tell me anything. Trust me I am just as worried, if not more than you are. Willow is my mate. She is my everything and more.” I told them about Jake and what happened to him and I explained that as soon as I got to her, I rushed her here. I told them what that piece of shit did to her and how I found her. I couldn’t spare any details because they needed to know. There isn’t anything that we can do except sit here and wait.

  My parents had shown up shortly after Ryder called them and he went to get food while we waited. I wasn’t hungry. I couldn’t concentrate on anything other than her. I couldn’t help but pray to the Moon Goddess that Willow will come back to me and we will be able to get our start. Ryder came back and as soon as he walked in, he saw Shay, Willows’ sister, and couldn’t take his eyes off her, and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him as he walked to her. “Mate.” They said in unison. What a way to meet your mate right? In a time of darkness, there is always a light that comes through.

  “Alpha.” The doctor finally came out. “We did all that we could. The silver punctured some internal organs. That is what took so long. Since it is silver, it doesn’t heal as quickly as the other wounds will. She lost a lot of blood and we had to replenish that. We managed to stop the bleeding; however, it will take about a week to heal completely. She is not awake yet and it is up to her when she wakes. We are now playing the waiting game. Also, Alpha, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson may I see you over here for a moment?” We all followed him over by the wall and then he continued. “Your daughter, our Luna, has been beaten. There are scars on her body. They are old, but I just thought that you should all know.” He said and I was shaking. He must have been beating her for a while. Now I guess all we can do is process this information and wait until she is ready to wake up. I can’t wait until I see those beautiful green eyes of hers again.


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