The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1)

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The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1) Page 3

by Riki Bishop


  Willow’s POV

  “Why isn’t she awake yet doc?” I heard a voice say as I was slowly regaining consciousness. My head was pounding and my entire body aches inside and out. Why am I in so much pain? What happened? I crack my eyes open, but immediately close them when the light hit them. It was so bright and didn’t help with my splitting headache. “It has been four days since she arrived here. She should be almost healed from the silver.” The same voice said. I have heard that voice, but where? What happened? Where am I? Silver? I slowly open my eyes again letting out a groan as I try to look around. “Willow! You’re awake.” It was from Levi. That is the voice I heard. All I could do is groan in agonizing pain as I open my eyes wider. I am in a hospital room. My parents are here along with my siblings.

  “Ow. Why does it hurt everywhere?” I ask, my voice cracking from being so dry. Then it hits me. Jake and everything he did to me. The thought that I was dying. I thought that I had died. I couldn’t remember much after I went into the darkness the last time. Wait, did he say I have been asleep for four days?

  “Ms. Thompson, how do you feel?” The guy, who I’m assuming is the doctor, asks me as he checks me over.

  “I feel like someone stabbed me with a silver knife and threw me up against the wall and tortured me over and over again.” I told him with a hint of sarcasm to his stupid question. I mean seriously, how does he think I feel? He knows what I went through to some extent. Now is not the time to be sarcastic Willow. He’s just trying to help. I tell myself. Ever since I went through two and a half years of torture I have changed. “Sorry, it’s a defense mechanism. My head is pounding and my body hurts.” I said.

  “I understand. You went through a lot and we didn’t know if you were going to make it. We had to open you up to stop the bleeding from some internal organs. They should be healed by now, but the wounds on the outside still need a couple more days to heal. You hit your head when you hit the wall and had a gash on the back of your head. We closed it up and it is healed, but still tender. I will have someone bring you something for the pain. It is good to see you awake. We weren’t sure if you would wake up due to the blood loss that you endured. I will be back later to check on you.” He said. I didn’t say anything as I was taking everything that he told me in. I just wanted to go back to sleep and wake up with all of this being just a dream.

  “Can I get some water. My throat hurts and is dry.” I asked anyone in general. There are so many people in my room so someone should be able to get me something to drink. My parents, siblings, Ryder, Levi, and two other people that I didn’t recognize. How are so many people allowed to be in my room? Well, I guess Levi is the Alpha, so he had the authority to change the rules. My mom is crying as she brings me the water.

  “Oh baby. I’m so glad you’re awake. We didn’t think you would wake up.” She said with her voice cracking with tears. After she set the cup down, she immediately hugs me trying not to cause me any pain. My dad, brother, and sister come over and we have a big family hug. I can’t help but look at Levi. He has worry and relief written all over his face. His scent of freshly cut grass and rain sends me some comfort. I don’t know what it is, but those have always been my two favorite smells ever since I could remember.

  “Okay guys, I can’t breathe! I need space.” I said still staring into Levi’s eyes. I can’t bring myself to look away from his dark blue eyes. With worry and hurt in them, it makes my heart feel exactly what his eyes show. Well and pain anyways. Then he just leaves and that makes me confused and angry. His brother kisses Shay and follows him out along with the two people I didn’t recognize. Wait did Ryder just KISS my sister? I didn’t have time to get an answer because the nurse came in just long enough to give me medicine for my pain and before too long, I was out like a light.

  It’s been a week and I am finally healed completely to go home. Levi hasn’t come back since and I can tell that my parents have something to ask me, but I don’t know what it is. I haven’t told them what all Jake has done to me and when I was told that Levi killed him, for what he did to me, I couldn’t find it in me to feel sorry for him. I was glad that I won’t have to look over my shoulder every time I turn around. I’m still extremely furious that Levi hasn’t come to see me since I am his mate and I want answers. So, as soon as I get home, I’ll be making a special trip to the Pack House to get my answers.

  I get home and everything looks just as it was before the attack happened. I take my time getting ready. I take a nice hot bath and pick out my most, I'm pissed that you left me in the hospital alone, but I want you to make me yours for good, outfit. I put on my daisy duke shorts with a tank top that shows off my cleavage nicely and fits my form perfectly. I throw my hair up in a pony and put on a little makeup. I slip on my flip flops and head to the Pack House.


  I’m ready to go to the Pack House and rip my mate a new one. I’m fuming. He should have been there when I needed him. Even though we haven’t known each other long, but the bond between mates puts the whole getting to know each other part of a relationship on the back burner. It is something that is supposed to be so strong that you don’t want to leave the others side at any point in life. So why wasn’t he there? I have sadness running through my body, but the anger that I have overpowers the sadness. He has another thing coming if he thinks that he can ignore me while I am in the hospital after he saved me and not give me an answer as to why. I am a madwoman on a mission and he’s not going to like me.

  I have changed so much. I used to be the type of person that was shy and let anyone and everyone walk all over me. I don’t do that anymore since I went through everything I went through. Going through that hardens a person. I swore that I would never give my heart away so easily after I gave it to Jake. Look at what he did. I have all the scars to prove it. I always defended him because I loved him, and I became good at hiding the scars. I knew that once you found your mate you can’t give them your heart, soul, and body. That scares me more than anything. Maybe he realized that I am too much for him and he just ghosted me. Whatever the excuse, I am going to get to the bottom of it.

  I arrive at the Pack House, and my anger seems to be leading me as I throw open the doors and head straight for his office. I know he is there because I can smell him. I am so focused on where I am going that I don’t even notice the receptionist trying to tell me that he is busy.

  “You can’t go in there, Ms. Thompson. He is in a meeting.” She said to me in my angered haze. I don’t care what she has to say as I burst through his doors, not caring who is in the room. He seems shocked that I am here.

  “Willow wha..” He said before I cut him off after slamming his door shut.

  “NO! You son of a bitch! How could you leave me in the hospital and not even check to see if I was okay! I am supposed to be your mate and yet you could care less. You bastard! Don’t even think about interrupting me. It wouldn’t be good for you! I don’t care if you are the Alpha. You should have been there when I needed you, but instead, you were doing Goddess knows what with Goddess knows who! I was in so much pain and yet you get to escape?” His wolf is starting to come to the surface and right now I don’t care. I know you’re not supposed to yell at the Alpha, but I am his mate and I have all the right to yell at him.

  “Maybe we should go.” I hear from behind me.

  “No, I will get to you two after I am done with this asshole in front of me.” I hissed.

  “Now back to you, Mr. Alpha. What was more important than your mate dying in a hospital bed after being attacked? What was so important that you couldn’t stop by and check on me after I woke up? What, you see that I have a past and just disappear? Is it too much for you? I know that the doctor told you about my scars and you know that I had been abused in the past. So, did that scare you off? The least you could have done was let me off easy instead of disappearing! I am so pissed at you right now I could just slap the shit out of you!” I t
urn to Ryder and Jason before Levi gets the chance to talk. Once I am done with them then they can have a chance to explain.

  “As far as you two! Why didn’t you make him go to the hospital? I don’t care that he is the Alpha. You are his brothers! You could have knocked some sense into him! Are you both just too scared of the big bad Alpha brother that you can’t tell him to go see his mate? Or is that you guys are just to stuck up my sister and best friends’ asses!” There is so much that I could go on about, but they all look like they could shit their pants right now. I sit down on Levi’s desk. I did say that I am going to give him a piece of my mind, but I also said that I was going to make him want me more than he has ever before. Good punishment, those blue balls. “Now would you men care to explain yourselves?”

  I don’t think Ryder and Jason know what to say since they can’t close their mouths long enough. I don’t think that they expected me, or anyone for that fact, to talk to Levi like that. I have been about five minutes before Levi starts to speak. “LEAVE! NOW! I would like to talk to my mate in private for a moment, and don’t speak a word of this to anyone!” The guys leave and then it is just Levi and me in his office. I seem to be losing some of the confidence that I had when I first walked in here.

  “You care to tell me why you thought it was smart to come into MY office and speak to ME like that?” He asks with his Alpha tone. Little does he know that that doesn’t work on me since I’m his mate and it just so happens that I am as stubborn and defiant as they come.

  “Don’t you DARE try to use your Alpha tone on me again Levi! You have no right to be pissed at me. I’m not the one that left you in a hospital alone!” I hiss in his face.

  “Willow, I was there every night. I watched you while you were sleeping. I couldn’t bring myself to face you because I wasn’t there to protect you. I didn’t want to see the hate in your eyes for me not being there when you needed me most. I should have been there and then he wouldn’t have been able to do that to you.” He says as he positions himself in between my legs.

  “That’s still no excuse for not being there. You should have talked to me instead of just leaving me. You should have been there while I was awake instead of while I was asleep. Levi, it would have happened eventually. You don’t know what I have been through with him.” I said. “You don’t know what he has done to me. Maybe one day I can explain it all to you, but the attack just brought it all up and I have tried so hard to keep the memories away. I don’t want to re-live that right now.” I explain to him. I hope he understands. There is so much that I want to tell him, but I’m just not ready.

  “I understand Willow, but you will be moving into my house with me so I can keep you safe. It is going to happen eventually with your Luna ceremony this weekend so you might as well do it now.” He says.

  “So, you’re just going to tell me that I am uprooting my life and moving away from my family home instead of asking me? I thought I told you at the club that you won’t order me around. I am your equal. I am NOT your property. When were you going to tell me about the ceremony?” The nerve of this man!

  “Will you just not be complicated about this. Please! I just told you about it. You have four days to prepare. I’ll send someone over to get your things from your house and have them brought to mine. Well, our house now.” He said.

  “Why exactly can’t I get my own things Mr. Bossy Alpha man?” I say in a sarcastic tone.

  “Because you have Luna duties that you need to attend to here. Your office is right through that door.” He says as he leans down to kiss me.

  “So, I just get to jump right in on this huh?” I say as I run my fingers through his hair. He growls lowly and kisses me again, but deeper than before.

  “Oh yes, you do.” He breathily says. I start to run my hand down his chest to the hem of his shirt before I put my hand under, running my fingers over his abs. God this man is sexy as hell. Time for a little revenge from the bathroom incident and then him pulling the disappearing act.

  I slowly take my hand to the waistband of his jeans and play with his happy trail. I unbutton and unzip them and stick my hand in his briefs and grab his shaft. He hisses and leans his head back. I lower his pants and briefs down, so his erection springs out. My eyes widen a bit at the size of it. I start to pump my hand up and down as he wraps his fingers through my hair. “If you don’t quit, we won’t be getting any work done today, and I might not be able to control my wolf not to mark you little one.” He says through grunts. I start to kiss down his chest down to his cock and lick the tip with my tongue before taking him into my mouth. He lets out a low growl and starts pumping himself in and out of my mouth. He starts to play with my breasts through my shirt and I let out a small moan and take him deeper. When I feel he’s about to go, I stand up and head to my office.

  “What the hell Willow! You just gave me blue balls.” He says as he follows me to my office.

  “That’ll teach you to not leave me hot and bothered in the bathroom or leave me in a hospital room by myself now won’t it?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Well played love. Well played, but tonight you’re mine.” He says before going back to his office.


  After Levi goes back to his office, I look around mine. The walls need to be repainted and it needs some color and simple touches to make it my own. The only thing in this office is the desk and chair along with the computer and filing cabinets. On top of the desk are stacks of papers that look like they haven’t been touched in a month. “Levi, why is there so much paperwork? Did you not have anyone do this for months?” I holler through my office door.

  “That is just from the weekend, love.” He yells back. I groan internally and decide that I’m going to order things for my office first. If I am going to be able to concentrate on things, then I might as well make it more comfortable to be in. An hour later, and I have managed to order new paint, a couch, and some odds and ends like plants and paintings, etc. With that being done, it is time to start on all this paperwork and get it organized.

  I decided to start with the stack of papers that must be filed for the pups that have been born within the last week and believe me when I say that there has been a lot. Part of being a Luna is to file paperwork for the newborns, pack transfers, visits to and from different packs, and help the Alpha with contracts. They also make sure that the pack is taken care of and their best interests are at heart. I finally get all the birth paperwork done and start to think that since I am already going through the motions of being Luna, why wait for the ceremony. I step into Levi’s office and he is on the phone.

  “I don’t care that you don’t think it’s fair. You expect to build on my land for free! It’s not going to happen. Come up with a new offer and then we’ll talk.” He yells into the phone. I walk over and stand behind him massaging his shoulders.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “Alpha Jamison is wanting to build a club, and it crosses into our borders and he expected us to let him use that land for free.” He explains.

  “Ah, I see. Well, I was thinking…since I’m already doing the Luna duties, why don’t we have the ceremony tonight?” I ask and look for his reaction.

  “Are you sure babe? I don’t want you to feel rushed. I mean we just had that blowup and I want you to trust me completely. I know what I did lost me some of your trust and I want to have it all.” He explains.

  “Yes, I’m sure Levi. I have already forgiven you. You are my life, my soul, and my other half. I would do anything for you and even though you did that, I understand why you did it. I want this. I love you with everything I have and more.” I tell him and his jaw drops. I know I just said the L-word, and I don’t regret it. It may be the bond, but I can’t help the way I feel.

  “Okay, I’ll have my mom set everything up. Oh, and Willow, the stuff you ordered for your office arrived. I’m assuming you used my credit card?” He says with a smirk.

  “Oh honey, of cour
se, I did. It’s the least you can do after leaving me in a hospital room for a week!” I say with a giggle.

  “I’ll have someone bring it up and get everything settled. You’ll have to either work from home, or in my office until they get done with painting though.” He said. How did he know what I bought? “When a large purchase is made with the card, I tend to find out what is being bought, love. You’re lucky I love you. I don’t let just anyone use my card. How did you get it anyway?” He asks.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t leave your wallet lying around for anyone to take, Mr. Alpha Man.” I laugh. He left his pants in his office when he changed for training earlier. “You left it when you went to training. Speaking of which, I need to go to the training area and oversee what is going on so I can file the papers for the new warriors. Care to join?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I let mom know that we are moving the ceremony to tonight. It’ll be at seven, so you’ll have to start getting ready around five. Which gives us about two hours to look at our new warriors.” He says as he stands and grabs my hand. We head to the training arena and when we arrive, the warriors are sitting around.

  “Excuse me, fellas. What exactly are you doing sitting around?” I ask. “Shouldn’t you be training? How do you expect to become warriors if you’re not training?”

  “Who exactly do you think you are? We don’t have to tell you anything.” One of the guys says to me. Levi starts to say something, but I stop him. I can handle this myself.


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