The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1)

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The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1) Page 4

by Riki Bishop

  “If you MUST know, I am the Luna of this pack and you WILL TREAT ME WITH SOME RESPECT!” I boom at him. He looks flabbergasted. The nerve he had talking to me like that even with Levi standing right there.

  “I’m sorry Luna, Alpha.” He said. “Alpha Levi, I didn’t know. I’m sorr…” He says before I cut him off.

  “Hey, I’m right here. Don’t talk to him, talk to me. I’m the one that asked you the questions. What’s your name?” I ask.

  “Jefferson.” He says.

  “Well, Jefferson, why aren’t you training?” I ask again.

  “The training officers aren’t here. We have been waiting for an hour.” He explains with his head down.

  “I see. Well, I guess I’ll be the one training you today. I don’t want to hear it. Just because I am a woman doesn’t mean I don’t know how to fight. So, don’t even start with that shit! We’ll start with a ten-mile run and while you guys do that, I’m going to find the training officers. Levi will join you on your run, so I know you are getting it done.” I say. Levi just looks at me with his sexy ass smirk until he registers that I just volunteered him for a ten-mile run. “Oh honey, don’t look so sad. You’ll be fine. I have some asses to chew out. Who is supposed to be training this evening?” I say.

  “I do believe it was supposed to be Wilson and Robert.” He says to me before turning to the warrior trainees. “Alright men, let’s get this run over before my mate has our balls!” He says laughing as they all take off. After they leave, I call Jason and have him meet me at the arena with Wilson and Robert. It’s been about thirty minutes and Jason and the two men arrive along with Levi and the warriors.

  “Luna, what did you need?” Jason asks.

  “Well, I need to speak to your two trainers here.” I state with a glare in their direction. They immediately bow in submission to me, acknowledging my title. “So, do you two care to explain why you had my trainees waiting for an hour for training and still not showing up until someone hunted you down?” I ask.

  “We lost track of time?” Wilson says.

  “Is that a question or a statement? You care to tell me the truth or are you going to continue to lie to me!” I growl. I don’t have the time for this nonsense. I have a ceremony to get ready for!

  Robert is the one to speak this time, only he looks to Levi instead of me. “Well…um…we…we were…hungover.” He stutters out. Wilson glares at him not wanting him to tell us apparently. By this time the trainees are taking a break, and Levi is standing beside me.

  “Let me get this straight. You decided to go get drunk, knowing you had work to do the next day and wanted to nurse your hangovers instead of doing your jobs?” Levi asks and he doesn’t look happy.

  “Yes, Alpha.” Robert says.

  Wilson just scoffs and that seems to upset Levi. He lets out a loud growl and marches up to Wilson so that he is in his face. “DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU WOULD LIKE TO SAY TO ME OR MY MATE WILSON?” He booms.

  “N-no, A-alpha.” He stutters.

  “Alright since you want to miss out on training, you’re going to be my volunteers for the day, and believe me when I say this, I’m not going to take it easy on you.” I say as I head to the middle of the arena. They just stand there looking at me bewildered. “Well, come on now!” We start training and Wilson doesn’t look so good after I’m done with him. Robert doesn’t either for that matter. Levi just looks amused. “Now that you have gotten your asses kicked, I expect you to train the trainees on everything that I just did and be at the Pack House by six-thirty!” I say heading to get ready for my ceremony.

  It’s time for the ceremony to start and I am a bag of nerves. Why did I decide to do this now? I’m marrying Levi right now. The ceremony to become Luna is basically a wedding in human terms. Oh Goddess, what have I gotten myself into? The music starts and that is my queue to walk down the aisle. My dad is waiting for me at the doors and I feel a little calmer.

  “You look, beautiful princess.” He whispers in my ear.

  “Thank you, daddy.” I said blushing. My mom and Levi’s mom picked out the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my life. It is a strapless, white, mermaid style dress that has just enough lace that it’s not tacky. It hugs my curves perfectly, and they picked out white pumps to match it. The doors open and I instantly see Levi’s face. He looks so handsome in his tux, and I see the mist in his eyes as he sees me. Everything looks beautiful. I’m surprised it got pulled off only having a few hours to get it ready. We make it to the altar and my dad gives Levi my hand as he helps me up the stairs. I can’t help the tears that fall from my eyes. His dad is in front of us officiating the ceremony.

  “Are you two readies to begin?” He asks and we both nod, not looking at him. “Let us begin!” He states. “We start by thanking you all for coming to support your Alpha and Luna making the bond and commitment to one another. Many things will come into your life unexpectedly, and you must work together to make it through. Do you, Levi Michael Andrews, take Willow Grace Thompson to be your Luna and mate. To not only cherish and love her, but to uphold the duties that become of being a mate, father, and Alpha for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.” Levi says with a smile.

  “Do you, Willow Grace Thompson, take Levi Michael Andrews to be your Alpha and mate. To not only cherish one another, but support him in his duties and have the best interest for the pack as their Luna for as long as you both shall live?”

  “I do.” I say as the tears start to come.

  “Then by the power vested in me by the Moon Goddess, I now pronounce you husband and wife, Alpha and Luna of the Orange Moon Pack! You may now mark one another.” Suddenly I’m nervous. I didn’t think about the fact that we would have to mark each other in public! Levi leans down to my neck and starts kissing until he finds the spot that makes me moan and shudder. I’m embarrassed beyond belief for moaning in front of everyone. During my freak out moment, I feel his canines plunging into my skin and the pain that comes with it. It subsides and turns into pleasure after a few seconds and he takes his canines out of my neck and licks the blood away. Now it’s my turn. He’s taller than me, so he must lean down. I kiss on his neck until I find the spot that makes him moan and growl lowly and I sink my canines into his skin and release them and lick the blood away.

  “You may kiss your bride!” Alexander states and Levi wastes no time kissing me. “For the first time, I would like to introduce you to Alpha and Luna Andrews!” He says, and the pack cheers with hoots and hollers. Our mothers are crying among others as we walk back down the aisle and to the reception room.


  We walk to the reception area and once again it is stunning. The tables have white tablecloths on them with roses as the centerpieces. Each chair has a red or green bow on them. Our friends, family, and pack members aren’t too far behind us as they enter the room shortly after we do.

  “You look beautiful, my queen.” Levi whispers in my ear bringing me back from my thoughts. I blush as he kisses my cheek and leads me to the dance floor. If you would have told me this is how my life would end up before I started college, I would have thought you were crazy. I had a plan. I was going to get a job and open my own law firm. I wanted to start my career and then focus on starting a family, but the Moon Goddess had other plans for me, and I couldn’t be happier. “Don’t worry, my love, you can still have all of your dreams come true. You’ll just have me to support you along the way.” Levi says and I fall that much more for this man standing in front of me.

  “I love you my Big Bad Alpha.” I say as I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him. Then I bring my lips close to his ear so only he can hear me. “Maybe, if you’re a good boy, you can show me just how bad you can be.” I nip at his earlobe and he growls lowly.

  “If you’re going to talk like that and do things like that then we might not finish our reception.” He whispered as he kissed my mark.

  “Maybe that’s my plan,” I say in my mo
st seductive tone. His eyes go from sky blue to royal blue and back. He’s fighting his wolf. I can’t help but smirk at him.

  “Alpha! Alpha!” we heard from someone bringing us out of our sexual stooper. We whip our heads towards the voice so fast we could have given ourselves whiplash.

  “What is it, Andres?” Levi asks, clearly irritated for being interrupted.

  “Rouges.” Was all he could get out before we heard the screaming. We both rush out to see what is going on along with our parents and siblings.

  “How did they get past our borders, Levi? We’re supposed to have to best warriors!” I hissed. There had to be at least fifty rouge wolves surrounding our Pack House. “What do they want? Should we attack?” I asked, still not getting any answers from him. I look over him and see that he is mind-linking with someone. Probably the warriors.

  Calm down, Willow. I mind-linked Jason to have him bring the warriors and be discrete about it and not to attack until we find out what they want. Levi told me through our private link. This is odd now that I think about it. Rouges normally don’t strategize. They kill whomever on sight.

  Levi, you expect me to calm down. I don’t know what they want. I don’t even know how they got past patrol! This is a nightmare and you expect me to CALM DOWN! I say to him.

  Baby, you need to calm down. We can handle this. I need you to be strong for me and our pack. He says as one of the rouges comes forward and shifts.

  “I suppose you’re wondering what we’re doing here.” The rouge said. “Well if you must know, I’m here for the Luna and her sister.” He said with a menacing tone and immediately Levi shoves me behind his back and Ryder shoves Shay behind his.

  “You’re not getting anywhere near them!” Levi says with his Alpha command. The rouge doesn’t seem phased one bit. “How did you get past our borders and what do you want with our mates?” Ryder asked.

  “Your patrol made it easy as there was no one patrolling the southside boarder. Maybe you should get better guards.” The rouge said with a smirk. Levi lets out a growl that shakes everything around us.

  I want every single border patrol guard and warrior in the arena after this is handled! I angrily mind-link Jason.

  Yes, Luna. We will be there as soon as we take care of these rouges. He says back. I step from behind Levi’s back and start to walk towards the rouge, but Levi stops me and pulls me into his side.

  “You won’t get out of here alive, so you better tell me what you want with my sister and myself before I kill you myself!” I yell at him and all he does is laugh.

  “You wouldn’t kill your own father, would you?” He says with a smirk and my heart drops to my stomach as I look to my mom.

  “You’re lying! What do you want with my sister and me?” I ask again getting impatient.

  “Ask your mother and father. As for what I want with you and your sister, I need your blood. For what though, is none of your concern.” I can’t keep the shriek that rises into my throat down as I step closer into Levi’s side.

  I turn around to face my pack. “I want all of you to go back into the Pack House and do NOT come out until I or Levi tell you! GO!” I tell them.

  I’m calling the attack Levi. I say to him.

  Go ahead, my love. I trust your judgment. He says tucking me safely into his side.

  Jason, I want you to start the attack on my mark! Be discrete.

  “You’ve come to the wrong packed and messed with the wrong people and you will pay. You will not get my mate or her sister! I will kill you before you get the chance.” Levi sneers.



  It’s been a week since the intrusion and it didn’t take our warriors long to overpower our enemy, but it didn’t stop the man who claims to be Shay and I’s father from getting away. I want to talk to my parents about what happened, but there are far more pressing matters at hand. Like our warriors slacking off. If it weren’t for them not being where they were supposed to be, Levi and I would have already had sex by now. You don’t want to cross a sexually frustrated she-wolf that has been marked and I am pissed! I don’t know who is madder between Levi and myself, Ryder, or even Jason. We all head to the arena to meet with the warriors. We couldn’t have them meet us in the office because there are too many of them. Levi is the first to speak.

  “Tonight, fifty rouges were able to pass our borders. That should have NEVER been able to happen. Who was supposed to be guarding the southern border? Step forward now!” He growls. We generally have at least six warriors guarding each border and that is how we keep our pack safe. I know this because Levi and I had talked about pretty much everything before the ceremony. Levi, I, Ryder, Shay, Jason, and Alexis all stand in the middle of the arena waiting for the men or women to come down. After ten minutes of impatiently waiting, six warriors make their way to the center of the arena with us, including the man that came to warn us.

  “Anna, Rex (the one that informed us of what happened), Bradford, Greg, Helen, and Princeton, care to explain why Rex was the only one at the border tonight?” Levi asks. They all look at him like he grew two heads. “ANSWER ME!” He fumes.

  “Alpha Levi, we were out patrolling, and they slipped past us. They sent us on a chase. We went after ten rouges and they went in when we were focused on the others.” One of the warriors said.

  “There were too many for me to take by myself and the others were preoccupied with the rouges, so I came and got you.” Rex explained.

  “You’re all dismissed. Go back to your seats.” Levi said before addressing all the warriors. “Attention all warriors, with recent events that have happened last week, we will behold the Warrior Games early this year. I am NOT going to let my warriors not reach their best potential. If you do not do well in these Games, then you are done with being a warrior and will have to see my wife for a new job! I AM NOT going to put up with incidents like tonight! The games will start next Monday morning at eight sharps! If you are not here and ready, then you will automatically be demoted! Go!” Levi says. “DISMISSED!”

  “Let’s get you home Mrs. Andrews.” He said with a smirk. With all that happened tonight, I am ready to just take a nice hot bath and cuddle with my husband before tomorrow.

  “Sounds good, Mr. Andrews. I could use a nice hot bath and a massage.” I said as I grabbed his hand.

  “You automatically think that I’ll give you a massage? You know what they say about assumptions.” He said.

  “Oh, I’m not assuming anything. I know you’ll give me a massage.” I said with a flirtatious smile.

  “Oh, is that so, love? I may have other intentions with you for tonight. You are my wife and I can sense how sexually frustrated you are.” He says as he leans down to press his lips to mine.

  “Get a room you two!” Ryder says as he comes up to us. “Are you sure about the warrior games? We haven’t had them in a few years, Levi.”

  “I’m sure that something needs to be done and we can’t have anything like what happened tonight happen again. My wife was put into danger. Your mate was put into danger Ryder. You and Shay are having your ceremony tomorrow evening.” Levi said with a voice that says, ‘there is no discussing this and it is final’. Ryder just nods his head and takes Shay to their room and Levi and I head to ours.

  We arrived back to our room and I am beyond exhausted. My mind is a mess and I feel dirty. Is that man really my father? What does he want with Shay and me? What about our brother?

  “Unzip me?” I ask Levi.

  “It would be my pleasure.” He said coming over to unzip my dress.

  As my dress pools at my feet, I bend down to pick it up to put it on the hanger so I can get it properly preserved for storage tomorrow. I look back and see Levi eyeing my rear. “Like what you see Mr. Andrews?” I said with a smirk and shaking my ass to tease him a little.

  “You have no idea babe.” He said.

  I go to the bathroom to start the shower and Levi follows
shortly after. I look at him and he is in his boxers and might I say this man is sexy as hell. The bathroom is slowly filling with steam and it just makes his muscles look that much better. “Like what you see Mrs. Andrews?” he mockingly asks. I take my bra off and step out of my lace thong and step into the shower. The water is cascading down my body and I can feel the dirt falling off my body. Levi steps in behind me and wraps his arms around my waist kissing my neck. I lean back into him, tilting my head so he has more access to my neck. I can feel his growing erection on my back. I turn towards him pressing my lips to his. His hands run down my body until his hands are on my hips, going down to my legs under my butt and he lifts me and presses me against the wall. I grind against him, ready for him to be inside me. I wrap my legs around his waist and his cock is rubbing against my clit. I let out a moan as he slowly enters my vagina. He stills for a minute while I get used to him. I start moving my hips again and he starts to thrust in and out of me. It feels better than anything I have felt before. Without missing a beat, he turns the water off and we step out of the shower and I’m on the bed with him still inside me. He brings my legs over his shoulders so he’s deeper inside of me.

  “Fuck! That feels amazing!” I moan.

  “You’re so tight baby. You feel so good.” He says bringing his hand and starts rubbing his thumb against my clit.

  “Harder!” I need more. I want more. “Faster Levi. Make love to me like it’s the last time we’ll ever have.” I whisper in his ear. He thrust faster and harder. His balls are slapping my ass he’s going so fast. It feels amazing. I feel the pull of ecstasy filling in my belly. He’s so deep, it feels like he’s hitting my uterus. “Levi! Fuck. I’m going to cum!” I’m at the peak and he exists my hole and rams into it again and that takes me over the edge. As I’m riding out my orgasm, I feel his seed spilling into my walls and some of it leaking out.

  “Fuck! Willow!” He says as he collapses beside me.


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