The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1)

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The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1) Page 11

by Riki Bishop

  “Wills…You can’t stay in here if you’re going to lose it every time he says something like that. You think I don’t want to rip his fucking head off at what he said? That’s not going to solve anything right now. We need to have calm heads. One more outburst and I’m throwing you over my shoulder and…” I lean in closer to her ear and whisper so only she can hear. “I’ll take you straight to our bedroom and fuck you until you can’t walk for a week or fuck you into submission. Up to you.” I can see the blush at the thoughts running through her head creep up to her face.

  “Fine. I’ll try to not react that way again. That’s all I can do…is try…” She says looking down at the ground. I lift her head to meet my eyes with a finger under her chin.

  “That’s all I ask, love.” I kiss her before getting back to the room to finish this shit. Man, her dad looks like shit. She did a number on his face. I smirk and look at them both. “Sorry for the interruption, now where were we? Ah, yes. You were insulting me along with my mate and our family. Care to continue or may I say something?” They just glared at me and I took that as a cue to continue, even though I was going to anyways. “So, let me get this correct, you were going follow through on a deal with King Hudson and his sons, even though he is dead, and you went against your current King, correct? Did you think of the consequences that you would face? Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but you were planning on using your daughters to weaken us so one of the boys could come into power? Care to explain?”

  Willow’s mother speaks up for the first time. “You are not good for my daughter and I would do it all again if I could. I regret nothing that has happened. You think you’re so great? You’re nothing but a fraud and a poor excuse for an Alpha. Yes, we were going to use them and then give them to Cole and Sebastian. Sebastian was supposed to become the next King and Willow was his promised mate. You took away our chance at never wanting for anything. That’s all there is to it.” She got cut off by her husband.

  “Shut up! Don’t tell him another thing! There will always be a threat to you. You think you can keep them safe from what is yet to come?” He sneered. What does he mean what’s to come?

  “Please, pray to tell, what is yet to come? What’s the next big bad that you think I cannot handle. Don’t stop there. It’s not like you get out of here alive either way. You betrayed your King and your Queen. You have kidnapped and tortured your own daughter, putting your grandpups in danger, not to mention your other daughter, who is mated to the Royal Beta. There are many more charges against you that will ultimately result in a death sentence and it shall be done publicly so that those who doubt my leadership will no longer.” I said.

  “There is a threat coming that doesn’t want those pups born. They are going to be the most powerful beings that have ever been created. Kill us, if you must, but that’s all you will get out of us.” With that, he shut his mouth for the first time. Well, I wasn’t expecting those answers.



  “Lock them up until I can figure out what to do with them. I want them in separate cells so they cannot talk to one another. I want a guard at each of their cells around the clock. I do not trust them. Also, get the doctor down here to inject them with something to where they cannot mind-link each other.” Levi said to Jason.

  “Yes, Alpha King.” Jason replied in return. I still find it odd when they call him anything but Levi.

  I’m still trying to wrap my head around what my father said. Who would want to hurt my babies? Once he said he wasn’t going to tell us who it was, I wanted to finish what I started. I must keep them safe. I must keep my family safe, even if it means giving my life in return. I don’t want it to come to that, but if it does I know what my decision would be. I’d do anything to keep my babies and mate safe. I know Levi wouldn’t agree and I wouldn’t agree with him wanting to do the same thing. I still can’t help but wonder who it is and when it will happen. I don’t like not knowing things. “You ready to go home? We have much to discuss.” Levi asks, breaking me out of my thoughts and wrapping me up in his arms. I just nod my head snuggling closer to his body. He laughs and picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist so he can carry me home.

  “I love you.” I say as I nestle my head into the crook of his neck. I don’t care that I look like a baby right now. I just want to be in his arms where I feel the safest. “Soon, you won’t be able to do this. I’ll be huge!” I chuckle.

  “I love you, too, and don’t you worry, I’ll still carry you. Even if you do break my back in the process.” He says and I slap his chest and glare at him.

  “Hey! That was rude! You asshole! I don’t think I want you to carry me anymore.” I say with a pout. He just smiles and tightens his hold on me.

  “I was only kidding, my love. I will never let you go. I’ll carry you if you let me. At least, until the pups are born, then they’re going to be wanting to held and carried, so you’ll just have to share.” He said chuckling. We’re back home now and in our bedroom.

  “Well, I think I can manage that. Now, can you put me down so we can go over what we just learned?” I said looking at Levi. This is the last thing I want to be doing right now, but it needs to be done. Our babies' lives are at stake and we don’t know what this person wants with them. I’m automatically thinking the worst. I can feel the anxiety creeping slowly through my body and I don’t like it. The panic attack is going to be coming soon. “I can’t let anything happen to you or our babies Levi. I’ll do anything to keep you guys safe.” Levi sighs and sits me on the bed and crawls behind me, so my back is up against his chest.

  “You won’t have to worry about it. I know you will because it’s who you are, but I am here. We have many people that would lay their lives down for you and those babies. Myself included. We knew this was going to draw more attention to us and more enemies. For some reason, I didn’t expect them to involve the babies, but now that I think about it, other than you, they are my greatest weakness as they are yours.” Levi said. The tears start rolling down my cheeks. “Hey, baby don’t cry, we’ll figure it out. We always do. We need to find out who this threat is and why they think that our pups are going to be the most powerful beings there is. We need to talk to your birth father along with my parents. We need to find out everything about you and your background. I know most of mine, but it never hurts to double-check. Yours is a bit more complicated because your father isn’t your biological father.”

  “I’m scared Levi. I can’t not worry about everything and I know that it’s not good for the babies, but I can’t help it. I love them so much already. We haven’t even picked out names yet! We haven’t even got the nursery put together for three babies. We barely had it together for one. We also need to figure out how we’re going to deal with my parents. What are we going to do to them? I support you in all your decision and the crossed us more than once and we can’t let that go. If we did, you would be considered weak and we can’t have that. I can’t have you getting challenged for your title every time I turn around. I can’t handle it. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones, but I can’t right now Levi. It’s all too much.” I have managed to turn around and am straddling his lap sobbing into the crook of his neck. Levi is rubbing his hands soothingly up and down my back.

  “I’m scared too, but we have to be strong baby. We can’t let our emotions run us or we won’t come out on top. We will deal with your parents and then we will talk baby names and decorate the nursery, and then next week we will set up a meeting with Josiah and my parents to discuss the information we have and to discuss your background. Baby girl, we will get through this. I promise you, if it’s the last thing I do, I will protect you four. You need to rest for a bit before dinner and then we will hold a meeting in the square to deal with your parents. It has to be done so everyone remembers who I am and not to cross me.” I lay my head down on his chest as the tears and sobs start to subside and listen to his heartbeat. It’s soothing. This
man is simply amazing. I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. He’s my one and only and I will do anything for him and our children.

  “Levs?” I mutter quietly.

  “Hmm?” He replies.

  “Thank you for everything. You’ve made me the happiest she-wolf around.” I said honestly.

  “You never have to thank me for that Wills…it’s my job. Now, lean up here and kiss me. I missed you. I haven’t been myself while you were gone, and I need you right now. I can smell your arousal and you need me too apparently.”

  “Eh…I don’t think I’m really in the mood right now. You might have to go take a cold shower or something.” I tease.

  He cocks an eyebrow and says, “Is that so?” before he flips me so he’s hovering over me, capturing my lips in his. This, right here, is where I belong for eternity. His mouth leaves mine and he leaves wet opened mouth kisses down my jawline and then to my neck and nips at his mark on my neck. I moan at the movement and thrust my hips forward. “Thought you weren’t in the mood?” He smirks kissing down my body, removing clothing along the way. A knock at the door stops Levi’s movements and I groan in frustration.

  “WHAT! This better be important!” I bellow out. I’m horny as fuck right now.

  “Luna, Alpha, I do apologize, but Shay and Ryder would like to see you in the office to discuss some business.” The man behind the door says.

  “We’ll be there shortly.” Levi replies and I glare at him. “Come on babe. Let’s go before Ryder decides to walk in on us again. Don’t worry though, I’ll make it up to you. It’s almost time to eat anyways and then we have to take care of the situation at hand.” He says kissing my lips before getting up and handing me my bra and shirt.

  “I’m going to give them a piece of my mind for this.” I mutter and Levi just chuckles and shakes his head.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you, my Queen. Shall we?” He reaches his hand out to me and I take it as he leads us to our offices. Shay and Ryder are already waiting for us and I immediately give them a death glare walking over and sitting on Levi’s lap after he sits behind his desk.

  “This better be important. You interrupted my sexy time and I don’t take kindly to that. I’m a horny pregnant woman and I need my dick!” I smugly say and smirk at the grimaces on their faces. Levi lets out a loud laugh.

  “Gross Willow! I didn’t need to hear that! I’m your sister.” Shay exclaims.

  “Oh please. It’s not like you and Ryder aren’t fucking like rabbits. No one interrupts you now do they. I didn’t think so, but I try to get my dick fix and we’re either walked in on or interrupted! Now, what is that you want to discuss so I can get some food and deal with our parents?” I say leaning back into Levi’s chest as he wraps his arms around my waist rubbing circles on my bump. I just smile at the gesture and my mood changes.

  “Anyway, how are you going to handle the prisoners?” Ryder asks. “I have already mind-linked the pack to tell them to be in the square after dinner. I just need to know how you would like to do it. I know you need to make a speech and Jason and I are needing to know what we are to do. Are we supposed to stand there and look pretty like our women?” I laugh at that. Ryder and Jason sitting around looking pretty, yeah I don’t see that ever happening.

  “Well I would love nothing more than to torture them in front of everyone, but what I have in mind wouldn’t be for the faint of heart. I will not make it quick, but they need to be made an example out of. Showing them not to cross us. As for you and Jason, you two get to play as well. Just a little and then we decapitate them and burn the bodies.” Levi said. I cringe a little at the term ‘play’ I know how ruthless they can all be and it’s not for my weak stomach. Ryder nods and gets up gesturing for Shay to follow.

  “We’ll meet you in the dining hall. Willow…next time…don’t talk about your ‘dick time’” Ryder says with a grimace. “I don’t need the image back in my head of my brother…or you…not again.”

  “Hey! I may be getting fat, but I’m still as hot as hell! You’d be lucky to get a peak!” I snicker as they walk out the door. “I’m starving…for food too.” I say getting off Levi’s lap and heading to the door.

  “Right behind you babe.” Levi said getting up as well.

  I don’t know why he had to plan this for after everyone ate. This is disgusting to watch, and I have a weak stomach as it is. I’m trying to keep my food down, so I don’t seem weak. Or like I can’t handle. They started by bringing them out and shackling them in chairs on the stage and then Levi threw a few punches at my dad and Ryder likes to ‘play’ with knives, whereas, Jason likes to ‘play’ with plyers. Levi uses his hands. By now, both are missing their teeth along with their fingernails and they have cut from the silver knives and their faces are swollen from the hits. It seems like they are starting to get it out of their system because Levi turns to the crowd. I’m glad that I mentioned for the pups to stay inside and not be able to come out here. This would scar them for life. The pack seems to understand that Levi, Ryder, and Jason aren’t the ones to mess with.

  “Attention all! As you can see here, my in-laws have crossed me and my mate. I will not tolerate this behavior. If anyone has any objections to how I run MY pack, then I suggest you speak up now and serve the same fate as these two.” Levi pauses and looks around. No one moves or says anything. “Good, now I am not a bad man, I am a good leader until you cross me. I am a ruthless man when it comes to defending my family and pack. I have decided to make this a public matter because you all need to know who you are dealing with and I am not afraid to put down the law! Ryder hand me a sword and grab one as well. Our mates have decided that they would like to get they’re on revenge for what they have been through. I will not go into detail about everything that has happened as I’m sure most of you have an idea.”

  Shay and I walk onto the stage and grab a sword each. I look at her and she gives me a nod. We need to do this. It isn’t going to do much, but it will help us get some revenge for what they did to us. I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to be the one to kill them myself. “Girls…please…spare us! We’re sorry.” My mother speaks. I just stare at them. We raise the swords and swing, taking their heads right off. I turn to Levi with tears in my eyes. I may have hated what they did, but I still loved them. Shay is in Ryders' arms. “Not here baby. You can break down when we get to the room.” Levi whispers in my ear.

  “I need some warriors to clean this mess up and get the stage clean. I hope you all understand that I am not a man you want to cross. Now, if you’ll excuse us, I need to get your Queen and our pups to bed.” With that, we walk back into the house and to the room.


  It’s been a week since we had my parents put to death publicly and it seems to have proven its point. Levi has been busy, per usual, talking to other packs about any leads and arranging the visit with Josiah and Levi’s family for tomorrow. Typical Alpha stuff, but with the added King duties. Today is Levi’s birthday and he doesn’t want to do anything because we haven’t gotten any closer to who would want our babies or why they want them, but I won’t let that happen. The girls and I have been working all week with planning him a surprise party along with our duties that come with our titles. The pups are growing like crazy and they are starting to get active. The doctor didn’t lie when he said that with multiples, everything goes faster. Thus meaning, my little bump is now a medium-sized one. I swear when Levi and I are around one another he shows my belly more attention than he does me. Just shows he’s going to be a fantastic father.

  So, for the past three hours, our girls have been getting everything ready for this party. We decided to have it in the largest ballroom in the Packhouse and have appointed Ryder and Jason to keep Levi busy with work, or whatever they could think of. Everything was coming together nicely. We had the buffet starting to get filled with the food, the tables all had either a navy blue or white tablecloth. Each table had a flower arrang
ement on them. It was all coming together. Now, all that needs to be done is everyone to get ready, and then the guys will bring Levi. “Alright girls, everything looks good. Let’s go get ready and then get back down here for when Levi arrives.” I tell Shay and Alexis. They nod and we each head to our perspective quarters.

  I walk into the room and see Levi sitting on the bed. “Levi! What are you doing here?” I squeaked out. I have two men that I am going to kill. Especially if they ruined everything that I have been working on. I want Levi to have one night where he doesn’t have to worry. “I thought you were in meetings all day?” I feel like I haven’t seen him all week except when he comes to bed at all hours of the night.

  “I missed you and Ryder and Jason were acting weird and it was getting annoying. What were you doing?” He says. “I rescheduled the rest of the meetings for after we get back from talking with you birth dad.”

  “Oh. Okay. I was just hanging out with Shay and Alexis. Discussing baby stuff…you know…the usual.” I say walking over to him to sit in his lap. “I missed you, too. I feel like I haven’t seen you all week. Happy Birthday. We love you.” I say planting my lips to his. He snakes his hand around to the back of my neck and deepens the kiss. I moan into his mouth and he growls in return. I maneuver myself so each leg is on one side of his thighs and I grind my core onto his growing bulge. He thrusts up and I moan again. He breaks the kiss to move down to my neck and grabs the hem of my shirt to pull it over my head and I do the same to him. I push him down onto the bed and start trailing kisses down his jaw to his neck and down his toned abdomen, making my way to the waistline of his pants. I unsnap the button after taking his belt off and unzip them. He lifts his hips and I yank his pants along with his briefs off in one swift motion.

  I lean down and trail my tongue from the hilt to the tip and suck the tip into my mouth. “Willow.” Levi growls, his breath quickening as I take more of him into my mouth. I bob my head up and down slowly at first, teasingly. “Woman if you don’t stop teasing…” I pick up my pace and take him deep into my throat suctioning as I move by up, lapping him with my tongue. He thrusts his hips up and growls. “Mmm…baby girl…” That gives me more motivation to go faster, cupping his balls as I go. He’s getting close and before he cums in my mouth he lifts me and he’s hovering over me. “That’s not where I want to cum.” He says and takes my pants and underwear off before plunging into my sopping wet core.


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