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The Ties That Bond (Love Conquers All Book 1)

Page 17

by Riki Bishop

  “He’s not here and he’s not coming. Now it’s time to push. Do as the doctor tells you! You don’t want to kill your own spawns do you?” He said and no I don’t I just don’t want them to go into his hands with what he has planned for them. I can’t let him have them. They’re all I have left in this hell hole that has become my life.

  “I won’t let you have them!” I yell through another contraction. I can’t hold off on not pushing much longer. “You will not touch my pups! I’ll rip your throat out before…” The sirens sound alerting them of intruders before I can finish my rant.

  “What the hell is going on! Who is here? Get them!” Victor yells out and leaves the room. I’m assuming he is going to see what is going on.

  “I need you to push now miss. You cannot hold off any longer or you will hurt your babies.” The doctor is right. I can feel it. I have no other choice. So, I push, and I push hard. There is fighting going around me as I give birth to my babies. “You’re doing good. The head is almost out. Keep pushing.”

  “WILLOW!” I know that voice. It’s the voice that I have dreamed of hearing for two and a half months. He’s not here. Is he? Am I just in so much pain that I’m hearing things? “Oh Goddess, baby girl! I’m so sorry I wasn’t here earlier. We couldn’t find an exact location.”

  “One last push miss and your first pup will be born.” The doctor said.

  “Levi?” I ask as I push.

  “I’m here baby. I’m never letting you go again.” He said.

  “It’s a boy! The first one is a boy!” The doctor exclaimed.

  “It’s a boy?” I say with tears in my eyes. “Levi. Behind you!” I yell as another contraction hits. The doctor hands my baby boy to someone else. “NO! Don’t take my baby away!” I scream through another contraction. Levi’s gone. He’s fighting someone. There’s a war going down, and someone has taken my pup. I don’t know where. Goddess, please help them. I need them all to be okay. It’s time to push again.

  “The second pup is crowning. I need you to push.” I take a deep breath and push with everything I have. The fighting is starting to die down, but it’s nowhere near over. I let out a scream as I push for a second time. I can’t even have a normal labor and yell at my mate for making me go through this. “It’s a girl! The second is a girl.” The doctor said. Cutting the cord and handing her off to someone else.

  “Where are they taking them? I need my pups! I will kill you after this if you do NOT bring them back this instant!” The doctor just laughed at me. LAUGHED! “This isn’t and amusing situation you bloodsucking bitch!” I yell. I know I shouldn’t say things that could put me or my pups in more danger, but I can’t help it. She’s handing them off like it’s nothing.

  “If I were you I wouldn’t speak to me like that wolf. I am the one that holds your life in their hands. Now, push again. It’s time for the last pup to come.” She says as another contraction hits.

  I growl at her and push again. One more after this and they’ll be born. Where’s Levi? The fighting has seemed to die down. Where is he? “Wills. I’m here baby. We have Victor. Push one more time for me.” He keeps coming out of nowhere. Is he real? I push the last time and everything still. There’s no sound, no movement. Everyone is quiet. The only thing that can be heard is my last pups crying. They’re all born.

  “This is the new King of our kind.” The doctor said. “He has been born. He holds much power. Take him to the others.” She said. Thanks to my wolf healing, I’m almost healed after the births. My wolf is powerful. She is angry. She wants blood. She wants to kill each and every person that puts her and her family at risk. Ryder comes up behind the doctor and rips her head off. She passed my son off to another and I need to find them. They need me. The fighting has completely stopped. The powerful trio has been born.

  “I need to find my pups. I need to name them.” I say trying to get up. Levi holds me down.

  “Nothing is happening right now. The wolves felt more power than ever before with the birth of our first son. Then with our little Moon Goddess being born the fighting slowed enough for us to capture the vamps that we were still fighting, including Victor. Jason has the pups. He’s killed the ones that were with them. With the birth of our final son, the vampires felt that power, but when all three were born, everything stopped. The power has been felt by every wolf, vampire, and witch. You did great baby girl. You don’t have to worry about them anymore. I’m here. You’re safe. Our pups are safe. No one will touch them. Even though they are not but a few hours old, they are more powerful than you and I and everyone else.” I’m shocked. I thought they’d have to grow into their powers, but I was wrong. They were born with more power than even I know what to do with.

  “I missed you so much! I waited for you. I tried to escape to get home to you. Alexis. She worked with them. She helped us. I thought she betrayed. Victor took her somewhere. I don’t know where she is or how she is. I love you!” I said as I started to cry. Levi brought me into his arms and kissed me like I have been dreaming would happen over the past two and a half months.

  “I missed you too. I know everything that Alexis did. She’s okay. Jason found her before he got the pups. Let’s go meet our pups.” Levi said helping me up. “We have all those who have betrayed us at home locked in the cells. We have the vamps that won’t pledge their allegiance to us. Until our son is old enough to take the throne, we need to have them on our side. We need to appoint someone we trust to watch the throne until he is old enough.” He said as we walked to the room where the pups, Jason, Ryder, Alexis, and Shay all are.

  “His name is Noel River Andrews. King of Vampires.” I say to Levi as we walk into the room. He looks at me with tears in his eyes. Obviously, everyone has heard.

  “You gave him my middle name as his first name?” He asks.

  “Of course, I wanted to give it to our first-born son, but it fit for our youngest because after his birth he managed to stop the fighting and make us victorious. Just like his father.”

  “I love you so much. I have been thinking about a name for our little Goddess. Freya Lillian Andrews.”

  “I love it Levi. Now, we just have our Alpha King to name. Everett James Andrews. King of Werewolves.” I say. Levi picks me up and spins us around kissing me like it’s the last time he ever will.

  “I love you and our pups more than anything. I just wish I was there to help you through it baby girl. I’ll never let anything happen to you or our pups again. Let’s finish this shit so I can get you home and we can introduce our pups to everyone.” Levi says.

  “I love you too and I couldn’t agree more. I’m ready to be held by your for the rest of my life.” I say kissing again before we walk over to hold our pups. They are simply perfect.


  “We need to get the pups out of here as soon as possible. I want one of our doctors to check them out. Willow, you need to get checked out as well. Don’t argue with me either. You just gave birth to three pups and have barely had time to heal. I want you to take the pups with the pack doctor to a room.” Levi said. “Ryder, Jason, and the warriors, I want you to gather the remaining vampires into the clearing. We’re ending this tonight and I’m taking my family home where they belong.”

  “Levs…It’s been months since I have seen you and I don’t want to be away from you!” I say.

  “Wills, just please do as I ask this one time. The pups need their mom and I need you healthy. Please baby girl. I promise that once this is all over you’ll have me to yourself, with the addition of our pups.” Levi says and I know he’s right, I just don’t want to leave him. Call me selfish if you must, but I don’t care.

  “Fine, but end this and end it quick. Save that bastard of an uncle for me.” I said before kissing him and going to the room I was kept in for months with my pups and the doctor.


  I know she wanted to go with, but she just gave birth. We have speedy healing, but that doesn’t mean
she’s healed yet. She may be partially there, but she barely had time to sit and heal before she came into the room to see the pups. “Ryder and Jason, with me now. We have some business to deal with.” I tell my Beta and Gamma. They not and we head outside to where everyone is starting to fight again. Of course, we are on the winning side. We had lost a few of our people, but not as many as vampires. “ENOUGH!” I shout using some of my Alpha tone and everyone quits.

  “Now that I have each of your attentions, we have some business to discuss. As you all know, my pups have been born and you can all feel their power! I want to offer an alliance of sorts. My son will be taking over the throne to the vampire kingdom once he becomes of age. I want you all to know that I will not tolerate what you have done with my family and you are all lucky I haven’t torn your heads from your bodies.” I snarl and in return, I get hisses from some of the vampires. “I want you all to know that if you were loyal to Victor and do not wish to follow whomever I feel is a fit to sit in until Noel is able to take his rightful place as your leader, you can die here and now.”

  “Not all of us were fond of Victor!” Someone yells.

  “Your son will never be my leader!” Someone else shouts.

  “Those of you who do not wish to follow by what I have said please try and do something about it. Give me a reason to rip you to shreds for what you put my Queen through along with my pups. DO NOT mistake my kindness for weakness. There will be many changes coming and whoever decides to go against the changes will be dealt with accordingly. Now, to start things off, there will be an investigation to see whom within this nest has been raping the women and beating them. Now, for the new leader, I have talked with my wife and she has informed me that Victors daughter is a victim and she is going to be the one that is in charge. My wife trusts that she will do the right things. Please bring the man who has been treating her the way he has to me.” I wait for one of my warriors to bring the scum up here so I can show them an example of what happens to those who do these things to women. Once he is in front of me I turn back to the crowd. So far my men have had to take out ten more vampires who have decided that they are not happy with what I have said so far.

  “Let this serve as an example of those who do what he has done.” I say as he is pushed to his knees. I bring out my knife that I always carry on me and begin to slice his skin and relish in the screams. It’s music to my ears when someone who has done the things he has, to hear them scream. I continue my torture until I’m satisfied. “Ryder and Jason, he’s all yours. I have a mate and pups to see. As for each of you vampires I hope you can accommodate to the terms set out and follow your new leader until my son comes to age to claim is thrones. Wolves, get this cleaned up and start heading home.” With that, I walk back to my love and pups all the while Ryder and Jason do what they do best.

  “How is she and my pups?” I ask the doctor when I arrive in the room.

  “They are all doing well. They should be able to travel in no time. Willow will be healed by the time we all reach home.” The doctor informs me.

  “Very well. Thank you Steve. I will see you back at home.” I said as I turned to my mate. “Hey baby girl. You and our pups ready to go home? I have put your cousin in charge and will keep an eye on everything from home.”

  “I am more than ready. I missed you so much and was starting to lose home of you finding me. He was only going to keep me around long enough to give birth and then dispose of me. He was going to dispose of Freya and Everett but couldn’t because Noel wouldn’t be as strong as he is with all three alive.” She says crying on my shoulders. My heart aches at knowing this. “What are you going to do with Victor? I want to kill him myself. I want him to suffer for what he was planning to do with us. For taking me away from you and my home. Levs I want him dead. I want to do it myself, but I don’t want to leave my pups…or you.” Her body is starting to shake with silent sobs. I feel her pain.

  “I was always coming for you babe. I just didn’t know where you were. I couldn’t find you and it tore me up inside. I wasn’t me without you by my side. Without knowing you were okay. Not knowing what was going to happen to you and my pups. My wolf was on edge the whole time and he wanted death to those all around him. We were both on edge. No one wanted to cross us because of how easily we snapped.” It was all true. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t do anything without her. “As for Victor, I linked Jason to take care of him since he is the Gamma. Now, let’s get these little ones ready to go home. The nursery is already set up and waiting. Baby girl, you are my everything and I swear that you will NEVER have to go through this again. I am going to make sure that our kids will not have to go through anything like this. I know what you’re going to say, and we can’t protect our pups from their destinies, but together we can do anything. You are my rock and my strength.” I kiss her forehead and go over to pick up my sons while she grabs our daughter.

  “Thank you Levi. You are my everything. I was about to lose it without you as well.” She said and I don’t miss the tears in her eyes.

  “I love you baby girl. Forever and always. Let’s go. I don’t want to be here any longer.” I say before following her out the door. It’s time to go home. It’s time to get my family back into the routine and create a new one that accommodates our family.



  I am more than relieved to be heading home. I thought I would want to see Victor go down, but I didn’t. I was just ready to be home where everything would go back to the way it was, if not better. I’m just not sure how well traveling is going to be with three newborns. Even though werewolves grow up faster than a human child, it doesn’t happen instantly. We stop growing fully when we turn sixteen. When we turn sixteen, our wolves can sniff out their mates, in turn giving our human side the one person that we can rely on for anything and everything. Basically, when we reach sixteen, we would only be eight in human years. That’s why we don’t age as fast as humans. I can honestly say that I am ready to see my children grow up and become who they are meant to be.

  We’re just waiting for our Beta and Gamma pairs to meet us at the plane. The good thing is that on the plane we have a room that we can set the pups up in. I’m pretty sure that Levi and I will be wanting to stay with them the whole time. Especially Levi because his wolf is more possessive than it is with me because it is his pups. “Levs?”

  “Yeah baby girl?” Levi replies.

  “How about when we get home we introduce our pups to your wolf? I can feel that he is anxious to meet them and then maybe we can get someone to watch them for a few hours so we can go on a run. Our wolves haven’t been out together for a while with me being pregnant and all.” I say to him and instantly see him light up.

  “That sounds amazing. I missed you so much. Then come tomorrow, when you’re all healed, you’re all mine. I want to explore that body that I haven’t been able to get my hands on in a very long time.” He whispers in my ear and goosebumps cover my flesh instantly while a shudder goes down my spine and wetness settles between my thighs.

  “That sounds like an amazing plan, Alpha.” I say in a sultry voice and he lowly growls from the back of his throat.

  “You don’t know what you do to me when you say that to me.” He says when we’re interrupted by a knock on the window of the car we’re in. Levi rolls the window down to see Ryder standing there. “Everyone here and ready to get home? Is the plane ready? I want to get my babies home and in my husband’s pants.” The look on Ryder's face is priceless that I wish I had a camera. Levi lets out a throaty laugh as the triplets start to stir.

  “One, that’s disgusting and two, the plane is ready, and everyone is here. Let me help you guys with my niece and nephews.” Ryder says and this time I let out a laugh.

  “You missed my nonfiltered mouth. Don’t deny it Ryder.” I said cheekily. He just let out a humph and got Freya out of the car while Levi got Noel and I got Everett. This should be
an interesting flight.

  We all board the plane and get into our seats. I have Everett in my arms and Levi has Freya. Shay wanted to hold onto Noel and, of course, we let her. These babies are going to be spoiled beyond belief. I just know that they are not going to grow up to be spoiled assholes. Even if I have to make sure of it with my last dying breath. The plane starts to take off about twenty minutes later and the pups are not liking it. As soon as we get into the air and the pilot takes off the ‘fasten seat belt’ sign, I get up and head to the bedroom with the Levi and Shay following with the other two pups.

  “Just lay them on the bed please. I need to change them and feed them.” I tell them and Shay leaves the room while Levi changes Freya’s diaper and then moves on to changing Noels. After I got done changing Noel, I got the bottles and we fed our pups. “I wish we didn’t even have to make this flight. We should have been at home when I went into labor. Levi, how are we going to do this? We’re parents to the strongest of our kinds.”

  “We’ll figure it out Willow. I’m sure of it. I know it’s not how we wanted to do it, but we have three amazing pups and I can’t wait for more. It’s a learning process and we will make mistakes, but that’s part of it.” Levi said and he is right. We are going to make some mistakes. We just have to learn along the way. I’m just glad that I have Levi by my side in all of this. We didn’t get the start of our family that we both thought we would, but we have each other now and we’re heading home.

  “I can’t wait to be home. I missed you so much. I killed me each day that I woke up and you weren’t there. I wanted you to come every day. I tried and tried to escape, but it never worked out for me. They were always there to stop me. It was hell not being beside you. I was so scared when I went into labor and you weren’t there with me. I swear if anything happens again I’m going to snap. It seems that every time were turned around, there was something coming, and I just want peace. I want us to watch our pups grow up without worry.” I explain. By now, we have the pups fed and they are fast asleep as we lay them in the pack-n-play that Levi made sure to put on the plane when we found out we were pregnant. Levi and I are laying in each other’s arms on the bed. It feels so good to be back in his arms with his scent enveloping me in a warm hug.


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