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The Progeny (The Progeny Series)

Page 7

by Laynne, Ashlynne

  They’d talked until the sun came up, covering most of their early childhood during the conversation. She’d opened up, sharing some of the pain of her upbringing. He’d told her as much as he could without exposing what he was. Afterwards, she’d insisted that he stay over. Excitement made him unable to close his eyes or sleep a wink.

  Shauna tiptoed into the room with a smile gracing her ecstatic, but tired, face. He’d heard her fumbling around in her room all night. “Good morning.” She offered him a glass of orange juice. “I really enjoyed the movie last night.” Her chipper greeting contradicted the darkness under her eyes.

  “I can’t believe such a weak example of horror unhinged you. Some horror movie enthusiast you are. That zombie make-up was so poorly done.” He gave her a teasing smirk. “You lost the wager. Where are you taking me to pay your debt?”

  “Where do you want to go?”

  “You can choose. It’s your dime.” He’d never let her take him somewhere she couldn’t afford.

  “Since it’s my choice, I think we should eat here. I’ll cook for you.”

  “You can do that?”

  “Does that surprise you?”

  “No. You’re amazing. World renowned chef is just another thing I can add to your lengthy list of accomplishments.”

  “Smart ass,” she mumbled. “I don’t know about that, but I make great veggie lasagna.”

  He gave her an unenthusiastic nod of his head. “Yum, I can hardly wait.”

  * * * *

  Shauna chose crimson colored candles, hoping they’d evoke passion and desire. They sat at her tiny two-chair table having the loser’s dinner she’d prepared. The room was dark except for those two red candles on the table between them. The atmosphere bordered on romantic, but she hoped he’d find it a nice gesture.

  “So,” he began, “we were up to Jimmy and fifth grade.”

  She narrowed her eyes with confusion. It was hard to concentrate with his face so close to hers. He was gorgeous, and the candlelight did nothing to dispel that truth. Each flicker of the flame lit his face in a way that shouldn’t be possible. His skin seemed to absorb and bounce the light off his unique facial features. It both mesmerized and gave her the creeps.

  Ascher reached out, his fingers sliding across the back of her clasped hands. Flashes of fire prickled her skin, willing her occupied mind back to reality. “I’m sorry.” She swallowed hard. “What did you say?”

  “I see you’re having another bout of A.D.D. They have medicine for that…you know.” His eyes twinkled with mischief. “The kid who used to pull your hair in class…”

  “Oh, you mean Jackson.”

  “Sorry. Yes, I meant Jackson. You know he only pulled your hair because he liked you, right?”

  “Maybe, but he could’ve saved me a lot of worry if he’d just told me. School was bad enough without the added stress.”

  “What kind of stress could you have had at such a young age?”

  “I was a little different than most of my classmates.”

  “I’m sure you were cuter than most of your peers.”

  “I’m being serious, Ascher.”

  “Sorry.” He covered his smirk with an authentic look of concern. “What made you so different?”

  “The kids teased me because I looked different. My complexion wasn’t light enough for some, while it wasn’t dark enough for others.”

  “I don’t get it. I think your complexion is lovely.”

  “You do?”

  “Shauna.” Ascher speaking her name in his French accented English made the hairs on her neck stand on end. Stroking her cheek with the back of his hand, he murmured, “I think you are very attractive. Do you not know how stunning you are?”

  She shook her head. The smallest part of her knew that she was pretty, to some degree, but not gorgeous and never beautiful. She’d never see herself that way.

  “I know how you feel. My peers teased me—a lot. I was smaller than most of my classmates for a long time. I’d dare those creeps to try me now!” He growled through clenched teeth, flexing an impressive bicep. “At least Jackson got it right. He knew a pretty girl when he saw one.” Clearing his throat, he whispered, “I agree that he should’ve told you how he felt but you know us guys. We never do things the easy way.”

  “So I’ve seen. When you like a girl, do you come out and let her know it? Or do you play games like Jackson?” She knew her question might be a little forward, but she really wanted to know the answer.

  “I’ve often felt that a direct approach is best.”

  She bounded out of her chair, feigning intent to clear the dishes. Mostly, she needed to have her back to him. The embarrassment of the conversation caused the burning in her face. She’d never had a man say the types of things he said to her, or treat her the way that he treated her—as if she was the most precious and engaging person in existence.

  Each time he touched her it was like a feather gliding across her skin. His touch was silky, entrancing and electric. She sighed, realizing he would afford her no escape.

  Following her, he brought the remainder of the dishes into the kitchen.

  “I could’ve done that.”

  “What kind of a guest would I be if I didn’t help out? I’d be pretty lame.”

  Ascher handed her the dishes while she submerged them into the soapy water. The warm water and his piercing stare only perpetuated the heat in her face. She exhaled a breath of relief when he moved to the opposite sink to help her rinse. She had more questions for him, more things she was curious about but was too embarrassed to ask. Don’t be such a coward, Shauna. How do you expect to know anything, if you don’t ask him? “So,” she whispered in a voice breaking with nerves. “If you liked a girl, how would she know?”

  * * * *

  Ascher smiled at her clever way of extracting information from him. As he took the wet dishes from her, their hands brushed, causing an electrical charge to flow between them. He paused, trying to think of something shrewd to say and found nothing. He wanted to be genuine, allowing her to glimpse the real Ascher. “That’s hard to say. Having little experience with the matter, I can’t tell you much.” He locked gazes with her. “I suppose that if I really liked a woman, I’d spend lots of time with her. I’d probably take her to the movies. I’d carry her books to her car. And I’d probably do this...”

  Cupping her chin, his hand lifted her stunned face to his. Gently, he ran his fingers along her jawline, picking up the excitement in her racing pulse. Pulling her closer, he leaned in cautiously, carefully, combing her thoughts for the least bit of hesitation.

  There was none. She wanted this kiss just as much as he did.

  “I want to kiss you, but only if you want me to,” he whispered against her lips. He knew it was weird to ask her permission, but he somehow needed to hear her say the words.

  Shauna raised her fingers to his hair, weaving them through his dark locks. “Yes.” She breathed the word out and closed her eyes.

  The magnetic pull of their attraction concentrated, surging between their anxious and waiting lips. She stepped backward, leaning against the wall behind her. He leaned into her, angling her head up to him. Gently, as if the fate of his existence rested on this one small moment, he pressed his lips to hers and gave her the softest flutter of a kiss.

  Her eyes opened, a wide smile exposing her deep dimples. “I was wondering when you’d get around to that.”

  “You have just as much free will as I do. You could’ve kissed me.”

  “Call me old fashioned, but don’t guys usually lead in those sort of matters?”

  “I never pegged you as the old fashioned type.”

  “There’s plenty about me you don’t know.”

  “I hope you’ll allow me to know you better. I’d really love that.”

  “Enough with the talking, Ascher.” Her finger hold tightened in his hair. “No more words.” She tugged his head to her face, bringing his lips back to hers. This new kiss
was deeper, more passionate, impatience spurring her forceful actions.

  A tiny fire sparked inside him, causing him to crush her against him. He wanted her to be more than a friend, and it was obvious that she felt the same. Kissing was easy enough to do. He concentrated on her mind and her thoughts floored him.

  I bet he’s something in bed. God, his lips are so soft. I’ve never felt anything like them before. I can only imagine how they’d feel on my body. If he kisses this gently, just imagine how gentle he is between the sheets. I don’t know how I’m going to keep myself from attacking him.

  For someone who was a virgin, she had some explicit thoughts. When she slipped her tongue into his mouth, he knew they’d had enough for one night. Ascher pushed away from her, quickly enough to convey his disapproval but slow enough that he didn’t upset her. “Shauna, I think we’ve had enough for tonight. We need to slow things down. The kiss was nice. I really liked it, but we can’t get carried away.”

  “Jeez.” She let out a frustrated sigh. “Please tell me you aren’t one of those who believe in saving it until marriage.”

  “No. I’ve already given it up, remember? We haven’t known each other that long. Sex is a big deal, especially when it’s your first time. I’ve already had one lover, and we aren’t together now. I want to take it slower this time around…not jump into sex before we’re ready.”

  She seemed to consider his explanation. “You’re right. I don’t know what came over me. I’m usually so level headed and cautious. I understand what you mean.”

  Ascher stroked her face with his open palm. She was exquisite. A weaker man, in less control of his hormones, would take her to bed now and worry about the consequences later. Though he was in control, it didn’t stop the throbbing in his shaft. He shifted his weight to alleviate the uncomfortable pressure of a growing erection.

  “As long as you’re understanding things.” Briefly, he kissed her again and pulled away. “I want you to understand this…” He focused his stare deep inside her eyes, until he could almost see down into her soul. “Je t’adore.” He’d let it slip from his lips before he could stop himself, even though he knew she’d never understand what he’d said. Ascher did adore her. His mind searched for a more contemporary phrase. One she’d understand. “I’m completely and totally into you.” There, that was much better than his multi-lingual declaration of infatuation. “I’m not going anywhere. When it’s right, it’ll happen. I’m in no rush.”

  He gave her a softer, more reserved kiss before getting his things to leave.

  * * * *

  Langley, Massachusetts

  Sitting in Langley Park, waiting to see Ascher’s old friend wasn't Shauna’s idea of a fun time. She grumbled, “I still don’t see why we have to meet her today. I’m exhausted, and I need to sleep before my shift tonight.” She’d much rather think about their first kisses. He was so different. The fact that he wanted more from her, made him more desirable. She was now sure that she was falling in love with him.

  “I’ll cover your shift, so you can rest.”


  “You can grab a nap in my office upstairs.”

  “You have an office upstairs? You told me you weren’t my boss, Ascher!”

  “I’m not.”

  “Why do you have an office?”

  “We all have one. It’s no big deal.”

  Shauna fiddled with her hair and narrowed her eyes at him “We aren’t finished with this discussion.”

  “I don’t see why it’s such a big deal to you, whether I’m your boss or not.”

  “It makes a huge difference. They’ll think I’m a slut sleeping my way to the top.”

  He chuckled and gave her a teasing glance. “Shauna, you’re not sleeping your way to anywhere. Besides, why do you care what any of them think?”

  “I don’t want to feel like I’m getting preferential treatment, just because you like me. I can’t imagine any other boss offering to cover my shift so that I can stay home and sleep.”

  “Do you want to quit then?”

  “No, I can’t. I need the job.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “The employees don’t think like that. If they do, they’d better keep it to themselves!”

  “I want to feel like I’m truly your equal, not some charity case.”

  “Miss McCutchin, you are far from a charity case. Trust me.” He pressed his hand against her heart. “This is what makes you. This is the true Shauna. Everything you are, everything you ever will be is all stored here and nothing else matters.” He lowered his lips to hers. “Your unselfish heart is what makes me…”

  Before he could finish his statement, Aggie appeared from behind a row of oak trees, her stride stiff and her face scowling.

  * * * *

  Ascher’s body stiffened as he stood to greet her. “Ags, this is Shauna.” He turned to Shauna. “This is my best friend, Aggie.”

  Aggie flashed Ascher a strained look of pain before turning to Shauna. “It’s nice to meet you, Shauna.”

  “Nice to meet you, too.”

  Ascher studied his former best friend carefully. She’d been elusive and short with him on the phone. Closing his eyes, he realized that for the first time, in two years, her mind was clear to him. He sifted through her thoughts, immediately feeling the hurt, anger and grief Shauna’s presence caused.

  She’s in trouble, he channeled to Aggie. I’m not sure how much. Long story short, I need you to bind her mind from vampires who could channel her. Can you do it?

  He was lying and he knew it was wrong, but it was better than telling her the truth—she couldn’t handle the truth. Aggie wavered, as her nose trickled blood. Ascher grabbed her, just as her knees buckled.

  Shauna’s eyes widened. “Is she all right?”

  “I think so.” He turned to Aggie. Ags, are you okay? What happened?

  Aggie closed her eyes. Why didn’t you tell me she’s a witch?

  Forcing a smile at Shauna, he said, “I’m going to take her to sit under the tree. Ags gets nose bleeds when she’s not feeling well.” Once they were out of earshot, the floodgates opened.

  “I didn’t tell you she was a witch, because she isn’t!” he growled.

  Aggie shook her head with disapproval. “A witch can sense another witch, Ascher. Her powers are greater than my entire coven’s—combined. She’s a shifter and a screamer. How have you been able to avoid a nose bleed?”

  “I’m not sure. Her screaming does make me dizzy.”

  “What do you know about her past?”

  “Not a lot. Her parents raised her religious and strict. She left home because of it. Why?”

  “There is no way that girl came from religious, devout parents. Her gifts are too unique. In the wrong hands, she could do a lot of damage. I need to get a better idea of what she can do.”

  They bickered back and forth, Ascher refusing to believe Aggie’s assumption and Aggie unbelieving of his naivety to the truth. After neither could convince the other, they made their way back over to Shauna.

  “Ags, please sit down! I’d feel better if you’d just sit down for a second.” Ascher motioned toward the bench.

  Aggie flashed him an annoyed glance then spoke through clenched teeth. “I told you I was fine, Ascher.” She turned to Shauna. “Shauna, how much do you know about Wicca?”

  “Only what I’ve read and seen on TV.”

  Ascher shot Aggie a satisfied glance. Told you.

  Aggie’s voice calmed. “Shauna, I need you to clear your mind and concentrate. Can you do that?”

  “I think so.”

  “Try not to think about anything but my voice. Let it guide you.” Placing her hands on either side of Shauna’s head, Aggie whispered, “Let your mind be clear, Shauna. Relax. I’m going to give you an affirmation, and I need you to do it every day. Can you remember to do it every morning?”

  Shauna nodded, as her breathing audibly slowed.

  “Repeat this affirmation for me. My m
ind is a strong brick wall. Aggie and Ascher are my key keepers. They’ll keep my memories safe. I have nothing to fear from them. I’ll hide nothing from them.”

  Shauna nodded again, repeating the phrase verbatim.

  “Now when I say lock, your mind will close to everyone but Ascher and me. Do you understand?”

  She nodded a third time.

  Aggie frowned and clenched her fists, glowering at her estranged best friend. “Lock.”

  Shauna opened her eyes and staggered against Ascher.

  “Are you okay?” Aggie questioned.

  “Yeah, I just feel dizzy. My head hurts a little bit.”

  “Do you remember what I told you?”


  “Don’t forget it,” Aggie commanded.

  Shauna reached out to hug her, but when her fingertips contacted Aggie’s arm, an invisible jolt threw her backwards into Ascher’s arms. “She’s in love with you!” Shauna shouted. “You conveniently forgot to mention that, Ascher!”

  Aggie glared at them both then made her exit, disappearing behind the same row of oak trees.

  Shauna stared at him with hurt in her eyes. “Are you in love with her? If you are—”

  His hand smoothed over her worried face. “Of course not.”

  “Did you lead her on or encourage her feelings?”

  “Shauna, I can’t help the way she feels about me. We’ve been friends a long time. There was an incident on the pier two summers ago. She kissed me, and at the time we were both having a hard time. After the kiss, our friendship strained. I went to France for a couple of months to put space between us. She went off to college, and we lost touch. I hope you’re not getting the wrong impression.”

  “I don’t even know how I knew that. I just did.” Suddenly, a wave of intuition flashed in her eyes. “Was Aggie your first?”

  “No! I’ve never felt that way about Ags. I could never feel that way about…” Ascher stopped cold at his burning thoughts. He was about to say that he could never feel that way about a witch. Ascher assumed that vampires and witches didn’t mix, because he believed in the covenants. They were the closest thing he had to a religion—a mold he used to shape his existence. He’d felt something for Aggie, but it was never more than a friendship. What he felt for Shauna went deeper; she'd somehow managed to embed herself into his heart.


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