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The Battlefield Series 1: Let It Go (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She was shocked at his words. It seemed they knew her well, that she would try to minimize this—but the truth was, she didn’t want to. She’d never felt so amazing. Nothing had ever given her the power to let go and release all the fears and the walls she’d built up around her heart.

  Jagger lowered down to kiss her lips. He ate at them gingerly and then moved along to her breasts, her underarms, and down her ribs. She wiggled and giggled, only for him to stop at the scar by her ribs. She lost her smile and focused on his expression.

  “It’s all behind you. We’re not Kevin. We’re not any men from your past. We’re yours,” he told her and then suckled along her inner groin, bringing tears to her eyes.

  Could they be real? This perfect? she wondered and then he was between her legs and slowly stroking into her pussy. They both closed their eyes, and then when she opened them, he opened his, too, and began to ease in and out of her cunt slowly. Gazes locked, hearts connected, and she knew she would never be the same woman again. She suddenly wanted more. She wanted everything that was perfect and was meant for perfect women with perfect lives. The tears rolled down her cheeks and both Aero and Zeke kissed them away.

  “That’s it, baby, let it go. Give us all of you. We’re giving you all of us,” Finnian said from the side and then Jagger increased his thrusts, gripped her knees and began to stroke faster and faster. Zeke and Aero suckled her breasts and pulled on the tips, and then they released her just as she felt her orgasm hit her. She came and Jagger pressed over her, causing her to straddle his hips and hug him tightly as he rocked into her body, claiming all of her. The moment was magical, special, and so deep she continued to shed tears and feel important, special.

  “Mine, baby. Forever,” he said and then lifted up and thrust three more times before he came.

  She thought that was it. She was exhausted and numb from the experience but apparently the men wanted to really seal the deal. Jagger lifted up and out of her and Aero was there.

  He rolled her to her belly, lifted her hips, and spread her thighs.

  She felt his palms smooth along her skin from ankles to ass cheeks. Up and down he aroused her, spread her thighs wider and then pressed on her back.

  “I love every inch of this body. My brothers and I are going to continue to claim you in every way, baby. We want you understanding what this kind of commitment and relationship means,” he said, and she felt the cool liquid press against her anus. She gasped.

  “Offer me this ass. Tell me you want my dick in you, fucking it, claiming it. Tell me, Brooklyn,” he demanded. She hesitated.




  “Oh,” she cried out and felt the cream drip from her cunt.

  “Oh, God, I can’t believe this. Yes, Aero, yes, I want that. Take me. Any of you, all of you, just don’t stop, please.”



  She jerked forward and more cream dripped from her cunt.

  Finnian moved onto the bed and gently grabbed her hair.

  “You feel it, don’t you, Brooklyn? You know this is real. This is special,” he said to her.

  “Yes, Finnian. Yes,” she cried out as Aero slid his cock into her ass. He held himself deep and caressed her hips and then slowly thrust into her. She was panting, feeling her pussy swell with need.

  “Again. We take her together again,” Finnian said as he lowered her head to his cock. She opened immediately, needing, craving the feelings they gave her when she was filled with their cocks and at their mercy and control.

  Aero was relentless with his strokes. In and out he fucked her ass and she moaned against Finnian’s cock.

  “So giving and so perfect. I’m yours, Brooklyn. All yours,” Aero said and came.

  He slid out and then Finnian pulled from her mouth. She looked at him, waiting for his command and he smiled. He caressed her cheek. “You’re not alone anymore. Never alone.” He pressed his lips to hers and then Jagger slid under her, lifted her hips, and aligned her needy pussy with his cock. She slid over him and lost her breath, but the desire to please him, to please them, overwhelmed her. She began to ride him when she felt more lube being pressed to her ass and then sexy, muscular Zeke pressed up against her and kissed her skin.

  “My turn,” he said and nipped her shoulder, making goose bumps travel along her skin.

  Zeke slid right into her ass and he and Aero started to set their own pace. Then Finnian was there, holding his cock, waiting for her to take him into her mouth again. She looked at him, feeling submissive and loving it as she took his cock inch by inch into her mouth. She savored his taste, absorbed each moan combined with his brothers’ as they all made love together. He tightened up and came and she swallowed him, licking him clean. When he pulled from her mouth, he leaned down and kissed her. “Perfection.” He ran a hand along her thigh but she could hardly concentrate as Aero and Zeke both called out her name and came together.

  She was exhausted as they eased from her body and then covered her with kisses. Jagger appeared with a washcloth and towel. He cleaned her up and she was too exhausted to protest. They lay around her, Aero held her against his side and Finnian pressed up against her back. They traced her skin and she closed her eyes, drifting off into a peaceful sleep like she hadn’t had in years.

  * * * *

  Antonia was in her bedroom when she heard a strange noise coming from the back door of the house. She knew her sister was staying over at the Cartwrights’ house. She panicked and picked up the cell phone just as she heard the glass breaking. She ran to the bedroom door, closed it, locked it, and placed a chair under the knob. The phone rang one time.

  “Antonia,” Cesar said, his voice instantly making her feel a little relief.

  “Someone is trying to break in. I’m scared.”

  “I’ll be right there. Stay on the line,” he told her in that tone of his that made her react instantly. She ran to the closet and pulled out the baseball bat. The lights were off and she stayed away from the window and got into the closet.

  “I’m right down the block. I have more help on the way. I’m close, Antonia. Trust me,” he said to her.

  She heard another noise then a male voice yell out, “Fuck.” She dropped the phone and held the bat.

  She tightened up and felt the tears roll down her cheeks. Then there was silence. She heard banging and someone trying to open the door.

  “Antonia, it’s me. Antonia,” the Chief yelled.

  She ran to the door, pulled the chair away, and unlocked the knob. As she opened it up, Cesar was there, looking angry and wild, his shirt undone and his gun on his hip, and he pulled her into his arms and she held on tightly.

  “I got you, baby. I got you. He’s gone. You did good. He’s gone,” he said to her and she sobbed as she held on to him, absorbing his scent and the feel of his arms wrapped around her.

  “He got away. Whoever the fuck he was, he left a message,” some guy said. She pulled back and Cesar wiped the tears from her eyes. The guy was tall like Cesar, and they shared the same eyes. He was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans and was also carrying a gun. He looked at her and gave a gentle smile. Despite the scruff along his cheeks and an almost rugged appearance, he seemed kind.

  “This is my brother, Damon. He’s a Texas Ranger. Damon, meet Antonia,” Cesar said and she swallowed hard and tried to say hello but her voice cracked and tears rolled down her cheeks. Damon scrunched his eyes and then reached out and caressed her arm.

  “He can’t hurt you, darling. We’re going to take good care of you. Don’t you worry.”

  * * * *

  “Oh, my God, no. Please tell me he didn’t get to her. Oh, God. I should have been there. Son of a bitch!”

  Brooklyn carried on as she got into her dress and didn’t zip up the back. Finnian grabbed her around the waist and held her tightly.

  “Calm down. She’s safe and there was nothing you could have done.”

  “No. Let go
of me. I should have been with her protecting her. Oh, God,” she cried and covered her face with her hands.

  “Calm down. No one would have suspected anything like this would happen. It seemed like he wasn’t even in the vicinity, Brooklyn,” Zeke said to her and he got dressed and so did the others.

  Finnian zipped up her dress. He whispered against her ear. “We’re going to take you to her. You’ll see she’s just fine. I need you to calm down and stop talking crazy. Last night was incredible. We’ll work this out. We’ll protect your sister, too.”

  “I think she’ll be covered,” Zeke stated and held Brooklyn’s gaze.

  “What? What do you mean?” Brooklyn asked.

  “She called the Chief when she heard the first indication of a break-in. He and his brother Damon got there in record time.” He held her gaze and she processed what he was saying.

  “Antonia called him first, or the police department and got him?”

  “What do you think, Brooklyn?” Zeke asked and then he placed his off-duty weapon into his holster on his hip. She swallowed hard. These men were different than any other men she had ever known in her lifetime. This town was different. She felt shocked even as Jagger took her hand, brought her knuckles to his lips, and kissed them gently while holding her gaze. Even that was different.

  She didn’t say a word. Antonia wasn’t going to accept any man taking control of her life or claiming guardianship. She was going to fight it tooth and nail. She was vulnerable right now, and fragile. She sure as shit didn’t need Brooklyn’s problems coming down on her and placing her in danger. This had to end, and she didn’t know how, but Brooklyn needed to end it quickly.

  * * * *

  “This is the plan,” the Chief addressed all of them as they sat in the living room at Brooklyn’s home. Antonia and Brooklyn were side by side, holding hands and looking completely exhausted. The incident had happened a little before four o’clock in the morning and it was now five a.m. No one there had any sleep and they were all on edge.

  “We need to make sure that the two of you are being watched over at all times. That isn’t going to be easy to do with your work schedule, Brooklyn.”

  “I’m safest at the restaurant with all the people around, and Antonia was going to start coming in with me this week to learn the business. She’ll be helping out more and hopefully taking a position as a manager very soon,” she said to her sister and gave her a reassuring smile. The Chief could tell that the two were close and they were all each other had, as far as he knew.

  “Well, the evenings are going to be tough. You work very late most nights and we’ll have to work out a schedule to see who can stay with Antonia and then the two of you once you’re here,” the Chief said.

  “They can both move into our place. We have the additional rooms upstairs for both of them. We leave the restaurant because of the construction at the end of the day, but one of us at least could bring Antonia back to the house and stay with her until Brooklyn and the others arrive,” Finnian suggested.

  “Is that really necessary?” Brooklyn asked.

  One look from Finnian and Jagger and Brooklyn was nibbling her bottom lip and shifting on the couch. Antonia whispered to Brooklyn and the Chief wondered what it was about. He couldn’t exactly say that he would watch over Antonia, even though he wanted to and would be anyway. As the Chief, he needed to be really careful in making a move like guardianship. He glanced at his brother Damon, who’d decided to stay and help out. He’d taken a liking to Antonia immediately and even now watched her. He was sure they would be talking more about her when he finally got back home.

  “I guess there’s no use in arguing. I mean, if you really think we can’t remain here in our home, then accepting Finnian’s offer is our only choice.”

  “Don’t make it sound so terrible, Brooklyn,” Zeke said to her with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a firm expression on his face. It was obvious to Cesar that the men had finally made some progress with Brooklyn. He would need to talk to them about guardianship, although it seemed to him they were already making that claim, just not letting Brooklyn know. Perhaps they didn’t want to scare her, since she had been a victim of assault a few years back. She really went through hell. That thought made the Chief wonder what Antonia’s story was and whether any trouble could eventually make its way to Repose. One situation at a time, he supposed.

  “Why don’t you two pack some things? Aero and Jagger will get some wood to patch up that window and secure it. We can come back whenever you need anything else,” Finnian suggested to them. Both women got up and walked out of the room.

  “Anything you men care to inform me about?” the Chief asked Zeke and his brothers.

  Jagger looked down the hallway to make sure the women were gone. “We’re making some progress, Chief,” he told him.

  “Sure as shit didn’t need that phone call early this morning. We may be taking some steps back,” Aero said to them. The Chief squinted at him.

  “Why is that, if she was at your place?”

  “She wasn’t here for Antonia. You should have seen her reaction when she found out what happened. She started saying that it was her fault and she never should have left Antonia alone,” Jagger said to him.

  “I’m sure she was just upset. Now that she sees she’s okay and is going to be staying with you guys at your place, it will work out fine. Brooklyn is stubborn and has tried really hard to act like she doesn’t need anyone. This is different. This guy may be obsessed with getting his hands on her,” the Chief told them.

  “How are we going to stop this guy? He knows we know who he is, yet he comes back here and tries to break into Brooklyn’s place to assault her again. She and her sister can’t live like this and with such fear,” Aero said to them.

  “We’ll handle it. Damon wants to help, too,” the Chief told them.

  “Well, isn’t that real friendly of ya?” Finnian teased Damon.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Damon asked very straight-faced.

  “Maybe it has something to do with a gorgeous, green-eyed brunette and the fact that when she was scared and in trouble, instead of calling emergency services, she called the Chief’s personal cell phone number?” Jagger said and chuckled.

  Before the Chief could say anything more, Brooklyn and Antonia returned, carrying a suitcase each. Finnian took Brooklyn’s and Aero took Antonia’s and they headed outside.

  “We’ll go fix that window real quick,” Jagger said and walked out. He looked at Antonia, who appeared exhausted.

  “I want you to get some rest. You’ll be safe with the Cartwright men and feel better being with your sister,” the Chief told her.

  “Oh, shit, let me go grab my laptop and the charger. I’ll be right back,” Brooklyn said and walked back to the bedroom.

  Antonia stood in front of the Chief and Damon. “Thank you for, well, for everything, and you, too, Damon, for sticking around. I’m sorry I ruined your night.”

  Damon shook his head. “Don’t apologize for anything. I’m just glad you’re safe and also that we finally got to meet,” Damon told her. She gave a small smile.

  The Chief placed his hand on her shoulder and she tightened up and held his gaze. He didn’t know why, but every time he touched her she did that. It was like she was fearful. Except when he’d first arrived at the house when the intruder took off—she’d held on to him so tightly it was like she was inhaling his scent and the feel of being in his arms and it made her feel safe. That affected him big time.

  “I want you to be sure to rest and then we’ll talk later in the day.”

  “Okay. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

  “I won’t be able to help but worry about you, Antonia,” he said and then released her shoulder and held her gaze.

  Brooklyn came back into the room. She thanked them for helping her sister and for making arrangements to keep them safe. They all headed out of the house together, locking everything up. As he watched the
trucks leave with the women, Cesar couldn’t help but think about how he wished it was him watching over Antonia.

  “I don’t know, Chief, I’m feeling a little jealous,” Damon said to him. They got into the truck and Cesar exhaled.

  “I know what you mean.”

  “Do you, now?” Damon asked and they stared at one another. He knew what Damon was hinting at. Cesar was drawn to Antonia just like Damon was, but Fox and Gino were complicated men. Their brothers meant everything to them, but they were still active duty, still living on the edge and not exactly interested in settling down. Damon and Cesar would wait until they were ready. Even if it did mean missing out on the perfect woman for all of them.

  Chapter 8

  Finnian watched Brooklyn work. She was all over the place tonight. It seemed extra busy with a lot of locals coming in to make sure she and Antonia were safe. Word had spread quickly about him and his brothers staking claim to her. His brothers Jagger and Aero had made a point of kissing her frequently throughout the last several days so people would know. He, however, was feeling a bit uncertain. Well, maybe not uncertain—it was more like resistant to the strong feelings he had for Brooklyn already. He watched her now, wearing a flared black skirt that tapped against her thighs as she walked in those sexy, red high heels. The strapless red top she wore had beading along the chest, but it was how fitted it was and how it accentuated her large breasts that made her looked hot, sexy, and damn stunning. She wore hardly any makeup, she was so naturally beautiful.

  What he seemed to love most about her were her eyes. Not just that bold green color, but how she showed emotion in them despite her efforts to hide that.

  She stopped and took a few breaths as if she was really needing a break from the chaos. It was nearly midnight and she hadn’t even stopped for a drink.


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