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Beyond the Grave

Page 16

by Lina Gardiner

  "Woman,” he groaned. “How could you not know what your body would do to any red-blooded male in the place?"

  She looked him over as though admiring his physique in his newly rented tux. “And yet, I only have eyes for you."

  Heat flushed up his collar and he wanted to curse again. “It's cruel to say that to me in a place where I can't touch you, Jess, and you know it. I didn't know you were such a tease. Now, if you said that when we weren't in the middle of a job, you'd be in deep trouble, because I wouldn't let you get away with it."

  "Oooh, I'm scared,” she joked, then became more serious. “Just remember, I'm a blood sucker, Britt. Teasing isn't outside the parameters of hunting and luring food. I'll do whatever I need to for the ultimate goal."

  He blew out a breath and whispered, “It always comes back to this, doesn't it? Well, my gorgeous vampire vixen, let me tell you, that outfit on you tonight has absolutely clinched it. You're never going to get rid of me."

  "For God's sake. You've seen me completely naked, yet this outfit can drive you this wild?"

  He stared at her, his eyes burning. “Yeah, it can."

  Her head snapped away from him. “We'll talk about your weaknesses later. Drago just arrived."

  As hoped, Drago spotted her right away. He instantly left the man he'd been talking to, apparently in mid-sentence. He, too, only had eyes for Jess.

  "Seems like it's working on Drago, as well,” she said under her breath to Britt.

  "Lovely, just frigging lovely,” he grunted. “What do you want me to do? Act jealous."

  Jess glanced at him sideways and allowed a playful, sexy smile to cross her flawless features. She tipped her chin up to him slightly, as if she held him in her complete control. “No. Why don't you pretend you're not jealous and you'll loan me out to the highest bidder?"

  He raised his eyebrows and felt his mouth stretch into a thin line. He swallowed and nodded, with disgust blazing behind his irises he stepped back to give Drago full view of the most amazing woman in the room.

  * * * *

  Jess tried not to think about what she'd said to Britt. She'd used him to get the reaction she needed Drago to see. It was unscrupulous. Something one would expect a heartless vampire to do.

  "Jess, I'm pleasantly surprised to see you here tonight,” Drago took her hand, kissing the back of it before shooting a quick acknowledgement to Britt. “What brings you out on this fine moonlit evening?"

  "Why, your wonderful invitation, of course. I had work to attend to last night and wasn't able to come. I was so disappointed that I insisted that Britt and I come here tonight."

  Drago's eyes watched her mouth. She had the impression he was mesmerized by every nuance of her body. In fact, he was still clinging to her hand, rubbing his fingers across the back of her hand.

  She extricated her fingers slowly from his.

  "Please, I have a table in the corner. You must join me for dinner,” Drago said.

  "Thanks, we've already eaten. We will have a drink with you though."

  "Dessert then?"

  "Sounds great,” Britt said. Jess shot him daggers. Had he forgotten that she couldn't eat?

  They followed Drago to a private booth near the back. Talk about luxury dining. The cutlery was gold, the napkins gold lined, and the crystal sparkled like diamonds.

  Jess paused before they sat down. Looked around the room. She sensed a vampire nearby, but she didn't see one. With her impaired senses acting up, maybe the vampire was still here for all she knew..

  Now that it was evident that Drago knew about vampires, she suspected he knew about her, too, hence the attempt to offer her food to see how she'd get out of it.

  He snapped his fingers and two waiters appeared.

  "I'll just have a glass of dry, red wine, please,” Jess said.

  Drago touched her hand on the table, and smiled at her. And our best double delicious chocolate cheesecake."

  "No, really. I'm not hungry."

  He tented his fingers in front of his face. “Please. At least allow me to show you how delicious our desserts can be."

  Jess shrugged.

  "I'll have the same thing,” Britt said when it was his turn.

  Drago ordered red wine for himself. Jess frowned and watched him a little more closely. Could he be a vampire and she couldn't sense it? Her abilities were screwed up. “Aren't you having cheesecake?"

  He patted his mid-section. “Already had a piece today. We have a world renowned chef. And believe me when I tell you the cheesecake is divine. It's also laden with calories that I can't afford to overindulge on now that I'm getting older."

  "My goodness, you're not old enough to have to worry about a thing like that."

  He smiled, but ignored her request to eat with them.

  The food arrived, Jess took a sip of her wine, and Britt tasted the cheesecake.

  "I'm curious, Mr. Vaslov, why did you invite me here, again?” If she didn't ask questions like that, Vaslov would probably be suspicious.

  He looked uncomfortable for a moment. “That's why I was hoping we could talk ... privately."

  Jess feigned ignorance until Vaslov's gaze jerked toward Britt. Britt's jaw tightened.

  "I have no secrets from Lt. Brittain. Anything you want to say can be said in front of him.” She reached over and touched his fingers in a gesture that would be considered too intimate between a Captain and her Lieutenant, then she let her hand slide back across the table.

  "Actually, I wanted to pick your brain,” Vaslov leaned back in his chair, and unbuttoned his suit jacket, revealing a designer shirt. Vaslov liked expensive things.

  "Really? Why me?"

  "As you can imagine, I have to hire specialized security to protect my...” He hesitated. “...assets."

  Jess's gaze flickered to Britt and back to Vaslov. “I'm not sure how I could help you with that."

  "I cater to a varied clientele. They need to know their privacy is completely safe."

  "I'm a police officer, I don't do that type of security. I'm afraid I can't help you."

  Vaslov leaned back. His eyes boring into hers. “Really? I must have been misinformed. I was told you knew all about the city's underworld."

  Britt stopped chewing and his gaze burned a hole into Vaslov. Jess could hear him swallow his mouthful of cheesecake in one gulp.

  "May I ask who told you that?” She tipped her head and tried her damnedest to look curious, as opposed to pissed off.

  "I actually didn't find out his name. He was with one of my more affluent clients. One doesn't ask too many questions in a situation like that. Since he was adamant that you were the officer who could tell me how to handle my more difficult problems, I had every reason to believe him."

  Jess hesitated. Perhaps it had been the vampire she'd sensed earlier? Maybe she should pretend that she worked off-the-books. “Well, sometimes, I do take a case on the side.” She kicked Britt under the table when he started to speak. “But only in very special circumstances."

  "Good.” Drago smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. “This is my lucky day, it seems."

  "Jess. I don't think we have time for this one. We've got a full case load right now,” Britt ground out, giving her an urgent stare.

  "But it's not everyday someone like Drago Vaslov asks for our help. How can we say no?"

  Drago frowned. “You two work on these cases together?"

  "Umm hmmmm,” Britt said. There was an edge in his voice that he didn't bother to hide and his eyes narrowed. Testosterone rent the air. He didn't like the way Drago looked at her and, apparently, he wasn't about to hide those feelings from Drago.

  Jess outwardly heaved an impatient sigh, but inside she was thrilled. Whether it was instinctual or planned, she'd counted on Britt's possessive reaction to make Drago believe they were on the level.

  Drago smiled. “Not a problem. It's just that I heard Jess worked alone."

  "Not any more. We're a team,” Britt said.

Really?” Drago looked at Jess as if he didn't believe Britt.

  "What the man says.” She shrugged and smiled. “If you'd rather not hire the two of us, I'm fine with that."

  Drago looked instantly relieved. “You'll take the case yourself?"

  "No. But I'll try to find someone else who can help you out. But first you'll have to tell me what your problem is precisely."

  Drago looked very irritated at that comment. “No. That's fine. If you two must work together, then that's the way it'll have to be. I don't have time to fill you in on the details tonight since I have a pressing issue I have to attend to. Maybe tomorrow?"

  Britt stood and shoved his chair back loudly. Then he picked up his napkin, wiped his mouth and threw it onto the table. “Tomorrow is better for us too. We have other matters to look after tonight, as well."

  Jess followed Britt's lead. She stood and held out a hand to Drago. “Thank you for your hospitality. I'll look forward to finding out if we can solve your problem for you."

  Drago glared daggers at Britt then turned his attention back to Jess. His expression immediately softened, and he smiled at her. “Till tomorrow, my dear."

  While they walked to the entrance, Jess scanned the room for another vampire. Her senses were so skewed she just couldn't trust them.

  * * * *

  Outside, Britt took off down the sidewalk ahead of Jess.

  "We're walking back?” she asked.

  "Damn straight. These are your streets. You wander them alone, so surely you'll be okay."

  "What the hell's wrong with you?” She grabbed his arm and made him stop walking.

  He threw his hands into the air. “What's wrong? You've just signed on for God only knows what kind of criminal activity. What the hell were you thinking?"

  "I'm thinking we've been put on this case to find out what Vaslov is up to, and we'll have an inside track."

  "I don't think so. Vaslov is dirty. He's not going to let you in on anything that'll tell us what he's up to.” Britt didn't like what was going down. Not one bit. Fighting vampires might be in his realm of strengths, but how the hell could they fight a millionaire intent on manipulating them? There were too many variables and he feared for Jess's safety. Especially if Vaslov was the one trying to frame her. He had unlimited resources.

  Acid churned in his gut. “I sure as hell wish we knew what we were up against. A horde of vampires is less dangerous than that one viper back there, I'd bet on it. We have no idea what he's doing."

  Jess looked unconcerned. “Well, if anyone can figure it out, it's us."

  His shoulders loosened fractionally. He liked it when she included him in the equation. It was then he realized he'd taken off down the sidewalk expecting her to keep up in that beautiful silk gown.

  "Jess, I'm sorry. I forgot about your dress. You can't walk far with that on.” “You underestimate me sometimes, John Brittain. There are many things I can do that would surprise you."

  She reached up and planted her soft lips against his for just a second.

  It didn't take much to set him on fire. His hot gaze slid over her x-rated body barely covered by the silk. It took every bit of inner strength not to reach out and run his hand across the most perfectly shaped rear end he'd ever seen. He'd wanted to do that all night. Instead he clamped his teeth together. As badly as he wanted his tongue on her smooth skin right now, he knew she'd regret it later, and maybe she'd resent him. She needed to know he could be trusted. Not just for a quick roll in the hay, but for eternity. At least for his little bit of eternity, and he could wait until she was absolutely sure.

  He pulled his gaze away from her. “Sure you're okay to walk?"

  She looked surprised. She'd given him the opportunity to take advantage and he still hadn't. As they continued down the sidewalk she was quiet. Too quiet. He glanced in her direction then dragged a hand through his hair. The look she'd aimed at him nearly set him on fire.

  Hell and damnation, what was she doing to him? She was damned well making it very difficult for him to stick to his resolve tonight.

  Had he been wrong to back off? Wasn't this what she wanted? Was she disappointed he hadn't taken her up on her offer?

  He stopped in his tracks and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the alcove of a closed office building. “I sure as hell hope I'm reading you right, Jess. The last thing I want to do is to disappoint you. I get the feeling that little invitation back there is still open?"

  She looked up at him. The pink tip of her tongue flicked out to moisten her lips. She nodded, but didn't speak.

  He groaned, and pressed her taut body against the wall, grinding himself against her until she tipped her head back exposing the line of her neck, and voluptuous cleavage. The sight of her obvious pleasure nearly finished him. Sandwiching her between his hard body and the wall felt like his teenage fantasies were coming to fruition. He finally had the babe with the amazing body.

  Every nuance, every experience with her felt new and exciting. His body ached for her, and he had the feeling she was just as aroused as he was.

  He kissed her again. Hard. She parted her lips and welcomed his assault, moving sensuously against him as their kisses deepened, nearly robbing him of the ability to breathe.

  He reached down with both hands and cupped her rear, pulling her even tighter against him.

  "Dear God, Jess, you're driving me wild. I can barely control myself when you're dressed like this. Do you know what you do to me?"

  She nodded, her lush lips curling up at the sides.

  Hell, how could he ever understand how to make her happy? A normal woman was difficult enough, but a vampire? A sexy, unbelievably sensual woman like Jess, could turn on the heat and drive him past the point of no return in seconds flat. And that was without using her mind power. He suspected a single thought from her joined with his could turn sex into a mind-altering experience.

  Her soft hair brushed against his face when he pulled her into his arms. He inhaled her scent, a hint of rose mixed with something exotic and increasingly addictive to him. All he knew was that he craved that scent as much as he craved her.

  "I'm crazy about you. You know I wouldn't have made this move if I didn't think you wanted it too, don't you?"

  She didn't answer. Instead she ground herself against him again, and he sucked in a quick breath. Did she know how her firm breasts tantalized him through that red silk? Talk about pleasurable agony. He bit his lip in order to stay in control.

  "Britt, I've thought this through. I'll take my chances at whatever happens next between us."

  Britt looked into her eyes and buried his hands into the hair at the back of her head. “Only for you,” she whispered, kissing his collar bone before moving to his neck.

  Suddenly, he realized he wasn't the least bit afraid that she might bite him. He'd gotten over that fear. In fact, he was so hot and bothered right now, he didn't care if she did bite him. At least he'd die happy.

  "Come back to my apartment,” he said thickly just before her lips claimed his with such ferocity he nearly lost it right there.

  "I thought you'd never ask me again,” she murmured against him, then slipped her tongue inside and drove his libido into overdrive.

  He groaned, and pushed her slowly away. “Not here.” He grasped her hand and pulled her back onto the sidewalk, waving one hand in the air. “Taxi!"

  She slapped his arm and laughed. “You idiot, there aren't any taxi's here."

  He grinned. “Oh right. We'll then, it looks like I'll have to drive. I warn you though, I'm just a little bit distracted at the moment, but I'll get us there as fast as possible."

  "Oh,” she smiled wickedly at him. “Let's not make it fast. Let's make it slow and pleasurable."

  The grin wiped off his face and his burning need for her spiked into hyperdrive. “Dear God, woman, you know how to torment me."

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  Britt reluctantly let go of Jess'
s hand as she settled back on his bed and smiled up at him.

  She'd never felt more sure of what she wanted. Him. And the way he was looking at her right now made her quite confident he felt the same way. Not to mention, with the aid of her returning vampire abilities, she was erotically aware of every physiological change in his body—his heartbeat, the blood pounding in his veins, and his heated skin exuding pheromones so enticing and aromatic that she breathed in deeply.

  He stood next to the bed now, staring down at her with such adoration, she nearly squirmed. “You're very sure about this?” he asked.


  She adjusted her hips to a more comfortable position and instantly felt the heat of his gaze riveted to her every movement. As if the motion of her hips was suddenly more than he could bear he ripped off his shirt and lowered himself next to her on the bed. His warm, moist tongue began a sensual exploration in the V of her silk dress along the hollow between her breasts creating an electrical charge that exploded sensations along her nerve endings. Sensations she didn't even know were possible until now.

  Aware of her own ragged breathing, she took infinite pleasure in each sensation he elicited, until his hand slipped under her gown and slid up her leg while his hot mouth still explored the edges of her gown with his tongue.

  "Britt, I..."

  His firm lips covered hers. Splendidly numbing her mind and making her forget whatever it was she wanted to say. Never before had his kisses brought her to the brink of euphoria. Kisses so hot, so dark, so intimate and probing she nearly forgot about what his hand was doing to her. Until that exploration took on a life of its own and she gasped at his expert abilities.

  Beyond logical thought now, she explored the taut muscles of his back which were suddenly as moist as she'd become. Sensations rippled through her. Nearly robbed her of her breath, and she became absorbed in the sheer pleasure he was able to incite. Pleasure she'd never known before. Pleasure she was able to give as well, by the sound of his own breath rasping in her ear while he slid down the zipper on the side of her dress and slipped the bodice down to her waist.

  He cursed violently when her naïve touch became more intimate, driving him to the edge of sanity.


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