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Hot and Sexy Beast Story Bundle (Featuring 9 Hot Beast Erotica Stories)

Page 10

by Christie Sims

  "Would it be okay if I stayed at my uncles estate? I don't have much money so I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to afford much in terms of a hotel..." The woman looked in the rear view mirror and smiled back at Lesley.

  "Of course. I also don't thing that you will have much trouble with money once we settle your uncle's estate." Lesley smiled back, she had no idea that her uncle owned anything of worth, in fact she knew nothing at all about the old man apart from his ownership of the castle.

  Latkis castle had been in her family for hundreds of years, possibly more, but Lesley had given up on her research after hitting more than a few brick walls. She suspected that her uncle's inheritance of the castle had been part of the reason why her father and he had stopped speaking years ago, but she couldn't be sure.

  The castle stood on a secluded hillside, surrounded by large moats that seemed to run into a neighboring body of water. Lesley assumed that it was a lake but her lack of geographical knowledge made this nothing more than a guess.

  "Everything still works...power, water, etcetera." The estate manager led her up the large stone steps at the front of the estate. "Your uncle was a very clever man." Lesley wondered if this meant that he had something to do with setting up power and water capabilities for the estate or just an offhand observation.

  "I never had the chance to meet him." There was a note of sadness in her voice as she followed the estate manager through two large solid wooden doors.

  The castle smelled damp and a certain coolness clung in the air despite a large fire that roared in the fireplace in a tall front room.

  "Oh, is someone here?" The estate manager turned to Lesley and nodded.

  "Yes, your uncle had many people on staff here to keep the estate running. Their wages have been provided for in your uncles will so for as long as you desire them to stay, they will be at your service." Lesley couldn't believe that she was soon to be the owner of not only a castle but an entire wait staff as well. "I will have the butler collect your things for you while you look around and get comfortable. Shall we meet up again, say tomorrow at 10am? That will give you a whole day to get to know the place and to catch up on a little rest." Lesley smiled.

  "That would be great! Jeez everything here is so...beautiful..." She spun a circle in the large entryway, her eyes looking up to the large tapestries that hung on the walls.

  "Those were your uncle's pride and joy." A new voice appeared behind her and Lesley turned around to find the estate manager gone and a middle aged woman in 'household uniform' standing before her.

  "What are they?" Lesley strained her eyes at the images of the mythical creatures that were woven in to the fabric.

  " did not know your uncle did you?" Lesley shook her head. "Well, those are hydras, the mythical beasts that are most well known for looking like sea serpents. They are almost always depicted as having many heads." The woman looked down from the tapestry and back to Lesley. "Come, I've set up a room for you. I wasn't sure if you were going to be staying here with us or not so I got a room ready, just in case." The woman led her to a large staircase made from stone with a shabby looking red carpet running its length and held in place with brass rods on each step. "Watch your step. You'll get to know the castle quite well in no time but these stairs, they always seem to be changing. I can't count the number of times I've nearly broken my neck!" She laughed as she leg Lesley up the stairs .

  It felt like it took an eternity for them to get to the bedroom that had been prepared for Lesley's arrival, but once she saw the room, the trip there, the plane ride there...all of it blurred in to the past.

  A large four poster bed stood against one wall with four large floor to ceiling windows off to the side. The view overlooked the large body of water that sat behind the castle and Lesley stood for a moment just looking out across the endless blue.

  "I have put some fresh towels in your bathroom," the woman gestured to a door to her left, "and if there is anything else you need there is a phone beside the bed, just pick it up and you'll get right through to me downstairs." Lesley nodded.

  "Thank you, I think I will take a nap before I do anything else though, I didn't sleep on the plane and I am exhausted!" The lady smiled and nodded, turning to leave and closing the door firmly behind her.

  Kicking off her shoes, Lesley flopped down on to the large bed and began to sink in to the soft mattress. As her head sank in to the down pillow, her eyes alighted on the beautiful blue outside of her window and just as she began to drift off to sleep she could swear that she saw a large ripple in the water.

  By the time Lesley woke up the sun had already gone down, she had no idea what time it was but the silence was deafening. Lesley made her way to the bathroom, she had every intention of washing off the stale airplane air before exploring the estate. Despite how dusty or dirty the castle might be during her exploration, she reasoned that dirt and dust simply did not compare to the viruses and germs that she could have picked up in the plane.

  The bathtub had claw feet. There was no shower.

  Lesley stepped out in to the hallway outside her room. There were small lights along each side of the corridor, held in place by candelabras. Still there was no sound as Lesley walked toward the large staircase, her hair still wet from her bath and her skin still warm and supple. She contemplated returning to her room and calling someone on the phone, asking them to show her around, or at least point her in the direction of the kitchen. Not knowing what time it was though, and being too lazy to fish her cell phone out of her carryon luggage, she decided to go at it alone.

  The winding corridors were all well lit and there was a distinct lack of drafty winds whipping down the stone hallways. Lesley walked slowly, afraid of waking anyone who may be sleeping. The stairway seemed much more dangerous now that the lighting from the large entryway window had gone. Lesley recalled the woman's earlier comment about how it always seemed to be changing and she had to agree.

  At the bottom of the staircase was another tapestry of a hydra. Lesley stopped to look at it closely, there was something about this piece that made it different to all of the others she had seen earlier that day. There was some sort of glinting substance sewn in to the fabric. Lesley leaned towards it, running her fingers over the cloth. As she pressed the cloth she felt the wall behind the tapestry give way, something moved and Lesley had to see what it was. Unhooking the bottom of the tapestry, she looked around for disapproving faces before pulling it away from the wall. As she lifted the tapestry she came face to face with a large door shape carved in to the stone and again she pushed against it. Again, it moved. Lesley stepped forward leaning her whole body weight against the door and this time it ground stone on stone and opened in to a dark passage.

  Lesley felt against the wall and found a small round toggle switch. Flipping it she found herself standing at the top of a set of stone steps. These steps had no carpet and there was definitely something damp at the bottom of them because she could hear the dripping of water. Slowly she took the steps one at a time, being careful not to slip as she guided her fingers down the cool stone walls.

  "Oh uncle Arthur, what shady dealings have you been involved in?" Her voice echoed off the stone walls as she walked down the seemingly endless stairway. The sound of water was getting louder with each step she took though and as she continued her journey downward she couldn't help but entertain images or pirate uncle Arthur using moats below the castle to bring in his booty.

  When the staircase finally did come to an end though, there were no lit oil lamps hanging on the walls and there were no large boats or piles of gold. Looking around in the darkness, Lesley could see only channels and channels of waterways and a single large archway up ahead. Reaching against the wall she searched for another light-switch, only this time all she found was a single lantern and a book of matches.

  The warm light from the lantern flooded across the damp stone floor and holding it higher allowed Lesley to see that the large archway seemed to lead dee
per in to the darkness that lay under the castle. She walked towards it, her curiosity spurning her on. As she walked the dripping sounds got louder and when she finally found herself standing in a large cavernous room she could hear the dripping almost on top of her.

  Lesley lifted the lantern and as she did she caught sight of large hydra shaped carvings in the stone walls that surrounded her.

  Another drip...only this one landed on the back of Lesley's hand. As she lowered her hand to look at the drop that had landed on the back of it she heard a deep rumble. Never before had she heard anything that sounded like that but despite her fear she lifted the lantern again and looked upward.

  Fourteen glowing orbs looked down from the height of the ceiling. Lesley wanted to run but her feet were rooted to the ground. Each pair or eyes seemed to move in its own direction and it wasn't until one pair dipped down to look more closely at Lesley that she realized what she was looking at.

  The single hydra head that had lowered to meet her gaze was examining her, sizing her up and snapping at rivaling heads as they turned toward her. It's eyes glowed golden with large black pupils that remained trained on her. Lesley could think only or running but she knew that if she did it would be too late, the creature was so much larger than she was and would undoubtedly outrun her. If it wasn't faster than she was, she was certain that it would be able to outmaneuver her in the darkened tunnels under the castle.

  "A visitorrrrrrrr," one of the other heads hissed down in Lesley's direction and was again greeted by the snapping teeth of the head that was trained on Lesley.

  "MINE!" It snapped and the other head backed off.

  Lesley could feel her body trembling in fear as the head leaned down to her and with its large scaled nostrils took a deep breath in. The dragon like head cocked to the side and it's eyes gleamed in the light of her lantern. A large forked tongue slid from between a small gap in its lips and it snaked it over her neck.

  "Mmmmmm" it rumbled as it tasted her skin. Lesley could feel her heart pounding in her chest, she wanted to escape, she wanted to...

  The creature slid it's long forked tongue out from between its lips again and this time slid it over her bare legs and under her skirt. Lesley froze, it's warm wet tongue tasting her flesh terrified her. The creature's other heads turned in their direction now and stopped flailing so violently, they watched as the first head continued to slide its tongue underneath Lesley's skirt.

  "Ah!" She cried out as the creature managed to slide it's long wet tongue underneath the side of her panties. She had been prepared to be eaten by the creature, but not eaten out! The forked tongue slid over her throbbing clitoris and snaked inside her pussy in one smooth motion. It's snout now pushed under the hem of her skirt.

  "Mmmmmm" the creature hummed as he began to flick his tongue quickly in and out of her sweet pink pussy. Lesley couldn't move as her fear began to be taken over by an entirely new feeling of pleasure, something she had never felt quite so intensely before. The long tongue snaked so deeply inside of her pussy that it was all that she could do to stop herself from falling over in pure ecstasy. Her breathing was now panting and her forehead was wrinkled not in fear but in an almost agonizing pleasure.

  "Yesssssss" hissed the other heads as they watched the first lapping at Lesley's pussy each wanting their turn to taste the human girls juice. The first of the hydra heads lifted and Lesley found herself balancing on the tip of its large tongue, her feet no longer on the floor and the very deepest part of her feeling the most intense pleasure. The other heads watched on excitedly and as Lesley watched them it only made her more excited too, seven of those heads, seven of those tongues...

  The hydra lowered her down to the ground, snaking it's head from under her skirt and bringing its eyes level with hers once more.

  "Ssssoooooo sweet!" It's long scaled neck pulled back to group with the others and the large dragon like body reared up. As the creature stood on its thick back legs, Lesley could see the biggest erection she had ever seen. The width of the creatures rock hard cock was as big as one of her thighs and she couldn't tear her eyes from it. Each of the hydra's heads began to breath heavily as they leaned forward. The first of the heads rammed in to Lesley, knocking her back against the wall. Before she had time to stand, the creature had stood back on its two hind legs again and was staring at her.

  Lesley knew what the creature wanted and after feeling it's long slick tongue inside her she knew that she wanted it too. Sliding her fingers underneath her skirt she tugged her panties, pulling them down over her ankles and throwing them towards the creature. One of the hydra's heads leaned down, burying its nose in them and making a satisfied noise. The other heads snapped at it, dragging it back to the group as the entire creature's body stepped forward. Lesley spread her legs.

  Lesley wasn't sure how this was going to work, or if it was going to work at all. The width of the creatures cock was certainly enough to split her in two but there was something so hypnotizing about it. The cherry red tip that glinted with pre-cum, the thick veins that snaked along its length, Lesley couldn't turn away from that, not even if it was going to kill her. The thick cock came closer and Lesley closed her eyes in anticipation of pain. Another of the hydra heads leaned in instead, lapping at her pussy and this time it left a thick and sticky substance on her, leaving her almost numb. The other heads snapped back and the second head pulled away. Lesley's pussy felt almost numb but when the creature stepped forward once more, she knew that she was to completely numb at all, just enough to take away any pain of that enormous cock sliding inside her.

  The hydra slid its cock between Lesley's legs slowly, almost gingerly and while she didn't feel any pain, she couldn't believe just how wide her pussy was being stretched. Her thighs pressed against each side of the monster cock what and she bit down on her bottom lip as the hydra pressed forward. As just three inches of the hydra's monster cock slid inside her, Lesley could already feel her pussy tightening. Her pussy juice was already running down either side of the creatures cock and the sight of it only made the creature want more.

  "MINE!" Snapped the first hydra head as it thrust another two inches in to Lesley's snatch. Reaching down she grabbed the hydra's cock on either side with her hands, pulling forward she begged the creature to impale her further with that monster cock, to split her in two if it must. Never before had she felt such a deliciously full feeling and as the creature did as she wished and pushed forward another four inches slid deep inside her.

  Lesley was certain that she was going to tear right in two now as the creature lifted her with the strength of its monster cock. She found herself pinned against the wall, with the thick dick pinning her there. Her pussy so tight around the creatures cock that there was barely room for any motion other than the inward motion of more of that unending red tipped dick.

  Lesley could smell the creature as each of its heads began to grunt, she could hear them breathing, panting. She watched as one after another the heads would snake down between her legs and get a close up view of that monster cock stretching her tight pink pussy wide open. She knew that she wouldn't be able to take much more.

  The hydra leaned forward again, sliding more of its monster cock in to her and as it did, head number three leaned down and lightly brushed it's tongue over her clitoris. At that moment Lesley could feel herself beginning to fall over the edge. Her already tight pussy was not tightening even more, squeezing that thick monster cock between her legs. She there back her head, her eyes closed and her forehead furrowed as she cried out loudly.

  "Aahhhhhh yessss!" As she screamed, Lesley's pussy began to spasm, sucking at the creatures cock, drawing it deeper with each ripple of those tight muscles. As she came, Lesley was certain that she would die, impaled on the hydras cock and still begging for more as she died from a simultaneous heart attack and splitting straight down the middle.

  The first head of the hydra leaned in, it's large glowing eyes staring at her.

  "Yessssssss" it h
issed, followed by, "MINE!" And this time Lesley knew exactly what it meant. The creature leaned forward and tried to pull back, but it's swollen cock prevented it from pulling out of her tight cumming pussy. Then, the creature blinked slowly, it's mouth open, almost frozen in time and Lesley knew what was coming next.

  A deafening roar echoed around the stone cavern in which she lay as each of the hydras heads leaned up to the roof and cried out. As the cries echoed, Lesley could feel thick jets of cum filling her from the inside. The sheer pressure of the bucket loads of cum was enough to force it out around the creatures cock as it continued to spasm inside of her. The sticky stream seemed never ending as the hydra filled her tight pussy and cried up to the heavens with its seven sets of godless eyes.

  Lesley sat on the stone floor, a growing puddle of sticky white cum surrounding her and coating her legs and her pussy. She looked over to the creature that had managed to free it's cock from the vice grip of her pussy with a little help from the gallons of cum. The red tipped cock still throbbed, small droplets of cum still dripping from its end. The first of the hydras heads looked over to Lesley from across the cavern.

  "MINE!" It hissed. The other heads turned and began to move toward Lesley but were met with the snapping jaws and knife like teeth of the first and the reiteration of "MINE!"

  The other hydra heads backed away from the first and then the entire creature stood and began to move in to the darkness.

  After the creature had disappeared, Lesley sat in the puddle of cum, her lantern flickering against the cave walls. Had this been what her uncle had been doing? Had he been creating a hydra? He certainly had seemed obsessed with them from what she could tell but why was this creature so horny for pussy? Certainly that wasn't her uncle's doing...was it? She doubted it, but as she contemplated just how much that creature loved pussy she also contemplated what it would be like if she moved in to the castle full time.


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