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With Love

Page 6

by J. L. Langley

  “I like sunshine.”

  “I see. We’re going to wake up tomorrow and find the complex empty and all your neighbors scared away.”

  Laine snorted. “More like they’ll be knocking on my door wanting to know if the stud is taken.”

  “Now, I know you’re nuts.” He turned and dropped Laine on the bed.

  Laine bounced then sprawled. He ended up spread out on the mattress, arms and legs wide, his gaze raking up and down Dev’s body. “Absolutely certifiable. You don’t mind do you?” He raised his hands up towards Dev.

  “Nope, not at all. You’re, however, at the moment, an overdressed nut.” He grabbed the waistband of Laine’s pj’s and pulled them down.

  Laine lifted his butt off the bed to assist, his thick cock hard and ready.

  Dev lay down next to Laine on his side, his face even with Laine’s hip, his head propped on his hand. He traced his finger up Laine’s chiseled abs and back down, marveling at the way Laine’s muscles jumped under his fingers. He looked up to find Laine’s eyes closed, his bottom lip between his teeth. Dev’s gaze trailed down Laine’s body, past the gold hoops in his nipples—which Dev had to reach up and flick—past Laine’s belly, to the nest of red curls above that thick, hard prick. He really was a beautiful man, slim and fit. His willowy form and ivory skin was such a contrast to Dev’s own larger body and dark tan.

  Dev leaned forward, tracing the hollow beside Laine’s hipbone with his tongue.

  Laine’s head and shoulders shot off the bed, giggles sounding immediately.

  Oooh, a ticklish spot. He pushed Laine back onto the bed and did it again.

  Laine’s hands flew to his hip, covering the spot, still giggling like mad. The man was just too damned cute.

  Dev nuzzled Laine’s hand and when he managed to nudge Laine’s hand out of the way he licked again.

  Laine bucked his hips off the bed. His cock bumped Dev’s cheek.

  Dev froze. He’d never been much of a cocksucker, but he had the sudden urge to taste Laine. He pushed Laine’s hips down and grabbed that fat prick.

  Laine hissed out a breath and relaxed back onto the bed. “Dev…”

  “Shh…” Dev traced up one side of his mate’s dick with his tongue then down the other side. He positioned himself over the redhead’s groin, taking just the head between his lips. Not bad. Laine’s skin was smooth and warm, salty.

  “Dev, you don’t have to.”

  “I want to.”

  Laine nodded. “Okay.”

  Dev gradually explored. He’d done this once or twice, but it had always been hurried, a case of feeling obliged, never for his own enjoyment. On this occasion he took his time, learning, enjoying his lover. Dev laved and nuzzled. He took one testicle in his mouth, then the other, before licking behind them. When he was ready to get serious and start sucking, Laine was squirming all over the place, his breath coming in pants.

  Laine brought his hand up to his mouth, then all Dev heard was a whimper.

  He looked up to find Laine biting his hand. “What are you doing?”

  “Trying not to come.” It came out in a squeak that had Dev holding back a grin. He didn’t know anyone who could come as quickly as his mate. It was surprisingly sexy as all get out. The fact that Laine had such a short recovery period was pretty damned hot too.

  Dev didn’t even come that fast as a teenager. He knew some guys did, but he’d never been one of them. “Go ahead. I’ve complete faith you can get it up again.”

  “Mmm, okay.” Laine dropped his hand back to his side.

  Dev kissed his hand where Laine had left teeth marks, then sucked Laine’s dick into his mouth. He squeezed the base in his palm. He couldn’t go very far down without choking, but Laine didn’t seem to care. Dev used his hand and mouth, watching Laine’s reaction the whole time.

  Laine’s face scrunched together. It wouldn’t be long. Laine’s hips bucked up into his mouth, almost gagging him. Laine whimpered and begged.

  Dev caught those slim hips, holding them still, and sucked the next time he moved up. That was all it took.

  Laine’s back arched off the bed, his begging and whimpering turned into grunts, as he shot in Dev’s mouth.

  Dev let the tangy flavor collect in his mouth then swallowed every drop.

  “I…oh…uh…wow.” Laine blinked down at him.

  Dev grinned and slid up his mate’s body to settle against him. He grabbed his own dick, rubbing it against Laine’s hip. “Mmm, yeah, wow.” He bent and kissed Laine’s lips.

  Laine’s hands came up, his fingers tangling into Dev’s hair, and he deepened the kiss. He moaned and turned his body to the side, pressing against Dev. He wrapped his hand around Dev’s prick without breaking their kiss and stroked softly.

  Damn, it felt good. Laine had great hands. Not as great as Laine’s mouth or his ass, but still, nothing to shake a stick at. He let go of his cock, allowing Laine to take over, and reached for Laine’s nipples. When he found the little gold hoops, Laine moaned into his mouth. He tugged gently and twisted.

  Laine’s cock started hardening against Dev’s thigh. And fuck if that wasn’t hot. He loved knowing that he could get Laine hard again so quickly. His own cock jerked at Laine’s renewed interest.

  Laine pulled back breathlessly. “Let me suck you…please.”

  Dev dipped down and flicked the nipple ring with his tongue, then rolled onto his back, carrying Laine with him. “How about you ride me instead?”

  “Oh yeah, I can do that. That works.” Laine sat up and snatched the bottle of lube off the nightstand. “Want me to do it?”

  Dev groaned. Good Lord yes. The thought of Laine with his fingers in his own ass made his cock twitch. Dev nodded and grabbed the pretty, eager cock, pumping lightly.

  Dropping the bottle, Laine scrambled for it and flicked the lid open, getting some on his fingers before he closed it. He moaned and shut his eyes, sitting up a bit as he reached behind him. He looked beautiful, sensual, a fucking wet dream come to life, as he readied himself for Dev’s cock.

  “Fuck, honey.” Dev gripped the prick in his hand a tad harder, pumped a little faster, as he watched Laine ride his own fingers.

  Laine’s eyes shot open, a look of surprise on his face. “Oh. Stop. Stop, stop, stop. Gonna come again.”

  Dev relented and let go of Laine’s cock. He didn’t want to but he really wanted to feel Laine come, squeezed tight around his dick. Dev nodded. “Hurry.”

  “Yeah.” Laine grabbed Dev’s prick, opened the bottle of lube, squirted some on the head then tossed the bottle aside. Dev started to tell Laine that he forgot to close the bottle but Laine’s hands distracted him, slicking him up. Oh well, they’d clean up the mess later.

  Laine bit his bottom lip, his amber eyes boring into Dev’s as he lined Dev’s prick up. He sank down slowly.

  “Damn.” Dev’s breath caught. That tight little hole was like a vise pulling the head of his dick in. His eyes blurred, then suddenly the color was gone.

  Laine gasped, his own irises spreading, swallowing up the white. His canine’s slid down as he impaled himself on Dev’s erection. “Dev…” His ass finally rested against Dev’s hips. He sat still for several seconds trying to catch his breath.

  Laine was concentrating on not losing his load, Dev could see it in his face. It didn’t matter. Dev was pretty damned close himself. “Just move, Lainey, it’s okay.”

  Laine nodded and raised himself up then back down. He found a steady, quick pace that had Dev’s eyes rolling back in his head. It wasn’t long before Laine’s whole body went stiff and he was crying out above Dev.

  The hot splash of semen hit Dev’s abs and Laine’s muscles constricted around him. Dev grabbed Laine’s hips and thrust up into him, fucking Laine through his climax.

  Laine’s hoarse moan and the look of sheer bliss, coupled with the tight heat squeezing his cock plummeted Dev into his own orgasm.

  Laine collapsed on top of him, out of breath.

>   Dev hugged him snugly, nuzzling his cheek against Laine’s. Yeah, Victor was a dead man. No way was he going to lose Laine. Heck, he didn’t even want Laine to be unhappy, therefore the Alpha had to go.

  He rubbed Laine’s slender back, relishing the feel of Laine’s hot breath in his ear.

  Laine turned his head and kissed Dev’s ear, showing no signs of moving.

  Not that Dev cared. Laine wasn’t heavy, it was a comforting weight and feeling. If Laine was here with him, he was okay, not getting into mischief or getting attacked by psycho werewolf pack leaders.

  Laine’s breath evened out and slowed. He started snoring softly.

  Dev continued to rub his back.

  Laine needed the sleep. He’d been on edge ever since his run-in with Victor last night. He hadn’t slept worth a damn. Dev knew because Laine tossed and turned all night, waking him several times. When Dev woke at three a.m. to find Laine still awake, he’d fucked Laine’s pretty little ass into unconsciousness. God only knew what time the man had gotten up to cook, er, burn breakfast.

  Dev chuckled, remembering the scene that greeted him in the kitchen this morning.

  Laine wiggled a little on top of him and snuffled, jarred by his laughter.

  Dev quickly slid out from under Laine and patted and rubbed his back until Laine settled back down. When Laine’s snores started again, Dev got up and went to the bathroom. He picked up the open bottle of lube on the way, fortunately it hadn’t dripped onto the floor.

  He showered, shaved and grabbed a granola bar and orange juice for breakfast. While he ate, he cleaned up the mess Laine had made in the kitchen, then went back to check on Laine.

  Laine was still sound asleep. No way was Dev waking him up. He grabbed the phone and called Cole, arranging for their meeting to take place an hour later. It would give Laine time to sleep before Caroline came and got him to go shopping, and it would give Dev time to get a few things straight with Victor.

  Chapter Eight

  Dev jogged down the steps, his truck keys in hand, and almost ran right in to an older man coming up.

  The man stopped, surprised, and glanced up at Laine’s front door. “Are you Devlin Johns?”

  “Yes, sir, I am. Do I know you?” Dev knew he didn’t, but the man obviously knew him, or at least of him.

  “Good, you’re very strong. A powerful wolf.” The man extended his hand. “I’m George Marshal, I’m a friend of Margaret’s.”

  “Who?” Wait, wasn’t George the name of Laine’s old pack Alpha? “You mean Grammy?” He shook the man’s hand.

  The older gentleman nodded his gray head. Dev guessed the man to be somewhere around Grammy’s age, his early to mid-seventies. “Yes, Laine’s grandmother.”

  “If you are wanting to speak to Lainey, he’s—”

  “No. I came to see you, Mr. Johns. It’s about Margaret, er, Laine’s grandmother.”

  “Is she all right?”

  “Victor has Margaret.”

  Dev blinked. “He has Grammy? As in kidnapped Grammy?”

  “Yes. I was on my way to Margaret’s house this morning and saw them putting her in the car. I followed them to Peter’s house. Then I came to get you. We have to go get her.”

  About a million and one things raced into Dev’s head at once. Laine was going to be devastated. He had to tell Laine and he didn’t want to see the hurt on Laine’s face when he told him. He had to go get Grammy. He needed to know where Peter lived. Had George Marshal been sent by Victor to bait Dev? Dev didn’t think so, the man seemed to be one of the good guys.

  “I can’t win against Victor, and neither can anyone else in my pack, but you can. I need your help. I have wolves that will help you, but…I need to know what your plans are. If you aren’t going to go after Margaret, then I—”

  “You bet your ass I’m going after Grammy.” Dev winced. He hadn’t meant to shout. “Sorry, Mr. Marshal. I’ve just had about all of Victor I can stand. I’d love any help you can offer.”

  Mr. Marshal smiled briefly. “Good, that’s what I like to hear. You’re a strong wolf and Margaret thinks you’d make an excellent Alpha. She had nothing but good things to say about you last night when I talked to her on the phone and that’s good enough for me. I’m sick and tired of seeing the pack I built turn to shit. And please, call me George.”

  “Only if you call me Dev.”

  The older man dipped his head once in acknowledgement.

  “What do you suggest? Is he unstable enough to hurt Grammy? He attacked Laine in the bathroom of the restaurant last night.”

  “Yes, I heard. No, I don’t think he’ll harm her, at least nothing permanent. He wants something. Laine is my best guess. He’s been after that boy from the get-go.”

  “That would be my guess too, but he isn’t getting Lainey. Nor Grammy for that matter. Let me call my…well I guess if I’m going to be Alpha, then Cole is my Beta.”

  “Margaret mentioned him too. Go ahead and call him.” The older man tried to act like he was in control, but Dev heard the little quiver in his voice when he mentioned Margaret. The man clearly had feelings for Grammy.

  Dev pushed in Cole’s cell number. He wondered if Laine knew his grandmother was dating George? At least he thought that was the case. If it wasn’t he’d eat his hat, then he’d see about playing matchmaker. George was obviously crazy about Grammy and seemed like a good, decent man.

  Cole picked up the phone out of breath. “What?”

  Oops. It sounded like Caroline was doing some pretty heavy breathing close to the phone as well. “I need you to come to Laine’s apartment now.”

  “Okay give me—”

  “Cole, this is an emergency.”

  Cole sighed, but Dev could hear rustling, like Cole was getting dressed. “Okay, be right there. What about Caroline?”

  “Bring her with you.” He wasn’t going to take a chance of Victor snatching anyone else he cared about. Dev flipped his phone closed and met George’s eyes. “Come on inside. Cole and Caroline are on their way and I’ve got to go wake Lainey.”

  George nodded and followed him inside.

  Laine sat up when the door slammed. Oh man, he hadn’t meant to fall asleep. He looked around for Dev, then realized it was more than likely Dev at the door. Who else would it be? No one else had keys except Grammy. Oh shit. Dev had several meetings today. Maybe it was Grammy.

  Laine glanced at the bedroom door as he scrambled under the covers. He had them clutched to his chest like a reluctant virgin when Dev walked in, fully clothed. Laine let out a sigh of relief and dropped the covers. “Why are you back? Not that I care, but I thought you and Cole were going to meet with the realtor lady?” Crap. Laine peeked at the clock. Caroline was supposed to be here in three minutes. Laine jumped up and started for the bathroom. “Tell Caroline, I’ll be—Oof.” Dev caught him around the waist, halting his progress.


  Uh-oh. He really did not like the tone of Dev’s voice. “What’s wrong?”

  Dev sat on the edge of the bed, tugging Laine into his lap. “George Marshal is here and—”

  “You’re stalling. Just tell me.”

  “Victor kidnapped Grammy.”

  Laine shot to his feet. “What?”

  Dev grabbed his hand and tried to pull him back.

  He batted at Dev’s hand. “He has Grammy? How?”

  “He and his Betas snagged her this morning. She’s at Peter’s house…”

  Dev kept talking but Laine didn’t hear any of it. He shook his head. No, they couldn’t have Grammy. Why would they want her? She wasn’t a wolf. He walked around the bed and got the phone off the charger. He dialed Grammy’s number.

  Dev came up behind him and took the phone out of his hand. He pushed end and tossed it on the bed, then turned Laine towards him. He reached up and dried a tear Laine hadn’t realized was there.

  “We have to get her back, Dev.”

  Dev hugged him, his hand holding Laine’s face to his c
hest. “We will Lainey. George is here and Cole and Caroline are on their way. We are going to decide the best way to get Grammy back.” Dev cast a glance at the closed bedroom door and lowered his voice to barely a whisper. “Laine, I need to know now…is there any reason I shouldn’t trust George?”

  “No. George is a good man. You can trust him. He’s been a friend of the family for years.”

  Dev nodded. “Let’s get you a shower and some coffee while we wait on Cole and Caroline. It will make you feel a little better.”

  Laine started to protest, but Dev was right, he needed a clear head to help plan. He let Dev lead him into the bathroom. Dev started the shower for him and went to make coffee. Laine washed in a daze. He’d known Victor was up to something. Dev had kept him from tormenting Laine, so Victor had moved on to the next best thing. Would he hurt Grammy? Maybe he’d let Grammy go, if Laine agreed to take her place. What was he thinking? Victor wasn’t going to back off after he got his pound of flesh. He was just itching to rough Laine up for the insolence he’d shown the other night.

  Turning off the shower, Laine got out right as Dev came back into the bathroom. Dev grabbed the towel off the rack and held it open for him to step into.

  “They’re here, Lainey, and I’ve got the coffee made.”

  “Thanks.” Laine went into the circle of his mate’s arms and let Dev dry him off. He leaned into Dev’s touch, thankful he had someone here for him.

  Dev dried him and somehow managed to get him into the bedroom and dressed.

  Laine’s mind was going ninety-to-nothing, thinking about what-if and why and how? When he got to the living room, Cole, Caroline and George were all there.

  Apparently, Cole and Caroline had been filled in and introduced to the former Alpha, because after George greeted Laine he immediately asked, “Has Victor called yet?”

  “Called?” Laine glanced at the chair across from George and the empty spot next to Caroline. Then he crossed to Dev and sat on his lap. He didn’t care what everyone else thought. He needed to be near Dev.


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