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JOKER_An Evil Dead MC Story

Page 2

by Nicole James

  “I want you to be happy again, little sister. I want you to live your life, to go back to the way things were, the way you were before…”

  “I don’t know if I can ever go back to the way I was before. I was naïve, then. I thought if I just buried my head in the sand, I could ignore all the bad things around us, even Stacy’s death, living with mom in that crappy trailer park, her boyfriends… all of it. I just lost myself in my drawings, tuned it all out, and let you deal with everything.”

  “I’m your big sister; that’s what I do.”

  “It wasn’t your responsibility to take care of me, but you did. You always did.”

  “Because I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Now go home.”

  “Nope. I already told Blood I’m staying.”

  “Then why’s he hanging around outside?”

  “Probably reading Joker the Riot Act.” She laughed.

  “You should go. I’ll be fine.”

  “If I went home, I wouldn’t sleep a wink. Besides, we have all these boxes to unpack.”




  “I know something that’ll cheer you up.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I brought a box of microwave popcorn, and the guys hooked your TV up. How about we watch a marathon of Outlander? I know you can’t pass on Jamie Fraser.”

  Holly rolled her eyes, but couldn’t help but give her sister a small grin. It was her favorite show after all. “Deal.”


  Joker sat on the dropped tailgate of his pickup. “So, I’m supposed to stand guard out here, protecting them from what? The boogie man?”

  “Something like that.” Blood leaned against Joker’s truck, his arms crossed, muscles bulging.

  Joker rolled his eyes. “Great.”

  “Undertaker told you hands off, right?”


  “You touch her, he’ll kill you.”


  Blood chuckled. “Don’t think you have too much to worry about. Judging by the daggers she was staring at you, the girl can’t stand you.”


  “What do you think of her?”

  “She’s great,” he said as he twirled his finger by his ear.

  Blood tried to suppress a smile. “I don’t envy you this job. You do something to piss the old man off?”

  “Not that I know of, but… apparently.”

  Blood chuckled again, then pushed off the side of the truck and headed in to kiss his wife goodnight. “Good luck, brother.”

  “Good luck with what? Not falling asleep out of boredom?”

  “You fall asleep guarding Cat and her sister, Undertaker won’t be the only one you’ll deal with,” Blood warned.

  “Awesome. Form a line, why doncha?”


  Cat took a handful of popcorn and looked over at Holly. “Did you want me to be here when you interview those girls who answered your roommate ad?”

  “I don’t even know what I should ask.”

  “You’ll want to get a feel for them as a person. You want girls you can get along with and who aren’t going to have habits that will annoy the shit out of you.”

  “So, I’m supposed to ask them if they’re a slob?”

  Cat chuckled. “Something like that.”

  Holly tilted her head, affecting a fake voice. “Hi, my name is Heather, and I’m a slob. Please rent me a room.” She rolled her eyes. “I doubt they’ll tell me that.”

  “But they might tell you if they’re a big partier or always late for stuff.”

  “Am I supposed to run a background check on them?”

  “Well, I suppose we could do that.”

  “I was joking.”

  “I wasn’t.” When Holly rolled her eyes again, laughing. Cat continued, “This would be so much easier if you knew someone. What about the girls you had classes with before?”

  Her laughter died at the reminder.

  Before—before she’d been kidnapped and held by the Death Heads. Before she’d been traded to New Orleans’ biggest crime boss. Before her whole life had been turned upside down.

  “Well, I haven’t really spoken with any of them in a while,” she replied quietly.

  Cat studied her with sympathetic eyes. “Who are you meeting tomorrow?”

  “A girl named Miranda. She’s from Baton Rouge and majoring in Engineering. And Chelsea, she’s majoring in marketing. This whole interview thing is going to be weird.”

  Cat reached over and patted her leg. “I’m sure you’ll do fine, baby girl.”

  Holly glanced over giving her sister the smile she knew would reassure her, but it was a smile she didn’t feel.

  Chapter Three

  It was unseasonably warm in New Orleans for the end of January, the temperature hitting the low seventies. Even so, Joker was surprised when Holly walked out of her apartment in a dress, sweater, and sandals, her backpack hitched over her shoulder. His gaze scanned over her shapely legs as he sat on his bike parked at the curb.

  When her eyes finally lifted and she caught sight of him, he held out his spare helmet to her and ordered, “Climb on.”

  She frowned. “Why?”

  “Takin’ you to class.”

  She gave a disbelieving huff. “Oh no you’re not.”

  “Yeah, I am.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you on that thing.”

  His brow lifted at her disparaging comment about his Harley, but he let it slide. “Whether you like it or not, princess, I’m your new shadow. We’re stuck with each other.”

  “Why don’t you just go about your business, and we’ll just pretend you follow me around everywhere. No one will know the difference.”

  “I’ll know.”

  “But you don’t want to be here anymore than I want you here.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ve got my orders. Come on.” When she stubbornly stared back at him, he blew out a long slow breath. “Babe, we keep this up, you’ll be late for class.”

  “You don’t know my schedule.”

  “Yeah, I do. Also know you love to ride, so don’t give me any more bullshit about the bike and climb the fuck on.”

  “Why should I?”

  “Because I said so.”

  “You said so. Who cares what you say?”

  “Wouldn’t Undertaker just love to know how much trouble you are? Oh, wait, he already knows.”

  “Fuck you.” She slammed her hand on her hip. “And I’m sure you won’t be telling him anything, will you? Unless you have a president who loves when his men come crying to him about how difficult their job is.”

  He huffed, an inch away from dropping his goddamn kickstand and showing her he meant business. “Get on the fucking bike, Holly, now!”

  She arched a brow but didn’t move an inch.

  “Babe, I can be difficult, too. You want me to get off and walk over there to you? You won’t like what happens then. Or maybe you’d rather I follow you around campus, walkin’ around behind you, runnin’ off every guy who comes within ten feet. You see, sweetheart, I can make your life a living hell if you want me to.”

  “Undertaker wouldn’t like that, would he?”

  “Now who’s the tattletale?”

  That had her fuming.

  “You’re such a dick. Fine. I’ll get on your damn bike, but this is the last time you take me to class.”

  “Keep right on believin’ that, if it makes you feel better.”

  “I hate you.”

  “Back atcha, babe.” He held his spare helmet out to her.

  She snatched it out of his hand, jammed it on her head, and climbed on, her cute little dress hiking up. Her flip-flops settled on the foot pegs, and her hands landed lightly on his hips.

  He glanced back at her, his shades hitting her gaze as he reached back, took her wrists in his, and wrapped her arms around his abs. Then he twisted the throttle and roared a
way from the curb.

  Fifteen minutes later, he pulled up in front of the building where he knew her nine o’clock class was held. She couldn’t scramble off fast enough, shoving the helmet at him.

  He took it as she whirled and strutted off. His eyes dropped to her cute little round ass, and he imagined grasping those cheeks in his big palms and squeezing as he pulled her flush against him.

  Hell, he didn’t even like her, but damned if he didn’t appreciate a fine ass when he saw one. He couldn’t help but grin as he got in one last jab, calling after her, “Like the dress, babe.”

  Without stopping she twisted her arm behind her back and gave him the finger.

  He chuckled outright as he roared off.


  Five hours later, Joker sat sideways on his parked bike in the exact spot he’d dropped her off, one boot on the ground, the other on a foot peg.

  UNO, with its lakefront campus was really quite pretty, if one was into places like this, which he wasn’t. Buses heading into downtown New Orleans, the Garden District, or the French Quarter stopped every so often. His shades scanned the quad, watching pimple-faced boys and cute young co-eds stroll past.

  Finally, he spotted Holly in the distance. She and a boy were walking toward the parking lot. That is, until his ear piercing whistle rent the air.

  Her head twisted, her eyes scanning, stopping when they landed on him. He didn’t need to say a thing or make a hand gesture. All he did was jerk his chin at her, and she made a beeline straight for him, dude in tow.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Pickin’ you up.”

  “I told you this morning, that was the last ride.”

  His gaze settled on the boy behind her.

  “You know this guy, Holly?” the kid asked.

  Before she could reply, Joker stood, his full height giving him about four inches on this kid.

  “Scram,” was all he said.

  The kid’s eyes got big, taking in his leather cut, then darted to her. “Holly?”

  Joker took a step toward him, and the kid turned and fled.

  Holly turned on Joker, fuming. “Was that necessary?”


  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “He was no threat. I met him in class.”

  “That spineless twerp? And he held your interest why exactly?”

  “He’s nice and smart, and a million times more interesting than you, you jackass.”


  “Right,” she mimicked him back. “Well, since you ran him off, and he was driving me to the mall, now you get to take me.”

  “Oh, so now I get an invite. Gee, I wonder why?”

  “Fine. I don’t need you. I can get there on my own.” She stepped to the curb, hiked up her skirt and stuck out her thumb.

  “Brat, get over here. Now!”

  She looked over her shoulder at him and raised her brow.

  “Not tellin’ you again.”

  “Are you taking me to the mall?”

  “Fuck no. I don’t do the mall.”

  “You do today. I’m meeting Chelsea and Miranda there.”

  He blew out a long slow breath and counted to ten. He could take her there, or she’d probably find her own way. “Fine. Get on.”

  She chuckled as she climbed on the back of his bike.

  “I really hate you right now, babe,” he muttered.

  “Mutual. Let’s roll.”

  Chapter Four

  Holly watched Joker out of the corner of her eye. She’d met her friends near the entrance with him in tow. The girls walked into Victoria’s Secret, and he took a seat on the bench outside.

  She couldn’t help but be aware of him and his every move; he was hard to ignore. Mostly his eyes followed her or scanned the area. She had to stop herself from giggling as he took his seat. The other two creeps lurking out there—watching the female customers, no doubt—shifted their gazes to him, took in the MC patches, the boots, the knife on his belt, the tattoos, and immediately got up and walked off. His glare followed them.

  Chelsea sidled up to her as she perused the display of panties. “So, what’s with Mr. Hot-N-Sexy out there?”

  Holly’s eyes moved from the panties, to Joker. “What about him?”

  “What’s his story?”

  “No clue. He’s a friend of a friend who thinks I need a chaperone everywhere I go.” She sure as hell didn’t want her friends thinking she was afraid.

  “So, you have to take him everywhere?”

  “It wasn’t my idea, believe me, but try telling that to the president of an MC.”

  “The president of an MC? Are you his daughter or something?”

  “Just someone he cares about.”

  Chelsea’s eyes returned to Joker, moving over him as he lounged back on the bench, his legs crossed at his booted ankles. “Umm hmm. He sure is fine looking. All those tattoos are sexy. Have you two…?”

  “Eww. No!”

  “You don’t think he’s good looking? I’d do him in a New York minute.”

  “Shut up.”

  “What? He’s gorgeous, or haven’t you noticed?” Chelsea’s gaze came to her. “You totally have!”

  “Whatever. I’m off limits, or so I’ve been told.”

  “Off limits? What does that mean? Like forbidden?”


  Chelsea studied him again with a wicked gleam. “Hmm. Sounds like a challenge. What would happen if you crossed that line?”

  Holly shrugged. “I don’t know. He’d get in trouble with his club president. It’d probably be bad.”

  “I thought you didn’t like this guy.”

  “I don’t. He’s been a jerk to me—thinks he can boss me around.”

  “But you care if he got in trouble?”

  “I guess not. Why?”

  “Why don’t you get him back? Torment him a little.”

  Holly frowned. “How?”

  “Tease him with all the sexy bras and panties you’re going to buy.”

  Holly bit her lip, and Chelsea shoved her toward the front of the store. “Go check out that display up by the entrance.”

  She found herself standing at one of the more provocative displays, a sea of silk and lace, ribbons and bows, garter belts and satin corsets. Every set guaranteed to make the wearer some man’s irresistible dream girl.

  She picked up a set with a complicated thong with ribbons that crisscrossed like thatch work and a cute little bow that sat just over the crack of the ass. Its matching corset was low cut, see-thru lace.

  It was nothing she’d usually dare wear, but she held it up as if she were considering trying it on. Her gaze strayed to one of the numerous mirrors in the shop, catching Joker’s reflection.

  He was staring straight at the lingerie, and she could literally see him imagining her in it.

  Barely hiding the sly grin, she pulled out a few more naughty numbers, including a daring red lace demi bra, and headed straight to the dressing room. Let him squirm a bit while she tried them on.

  When she came out and headed to the cashier, she noticed he was now standing, his legs apart, his arms folded, and the look he aimed at her told her she’d succeeded in garnering more than his ire. She had his full attention now.

  As they exited the shop, his eyes hit the pink striped bag she twirled on the end of her finger, and it was obvious he wanted to know what was inside. Hell, he appeared as if he could barely contain himself from snatching it from her to look.

  She let out a tinkling giggle as she glanced over at Chelsea and Miranda. Shopping had never been this much fun before.

  When they got to the parking lot, Chelsea stopped and turned to Joker. She moved close, her hand lifting to rest lightly on his chest. She stared at him with an inviting smile. “If you aren’t doing anything later, maybe you could take me for a spin on your big motorcycle?”

  Holly rolled her eyes as she saw the corner of
Joker’s mouth pull up.

  “You want to ride my motorcycle, little girl, you pay the price.”

  “Oh, and what’s that?” she asked in a coquettish voice that had Holly’s stomach turning.

  “I’m sure we could work something out.”

  “Hmm.” She looked him up and down. “I’m sure we could.”

  His hand closed around her wrist, tugging her hand from his chest. “I ever want a fuck, I know where to find you.”

  Chelsea’s smile faded, and she turned on her heels. “Don’t bother. Come on, Miranda.”

  Holly watched the two leave. Miranda waved, but Chelsea just stalked away without a goodbye.

  “Let’s go.”

  At the sound of Joker’s voice, Holly turned. “You fuck my roommates, and you can find me a new brother to take your place.”

  “Relax, babe. She’s not my type.”

  “Oh, so you have a type, do you? And what’s that?”

  “Show me what’s in that bag and I’ll tell you.”

  She swung it from her finger as she headed to his bike. “I don’t think so. I think I’ll keep you wondering.”

  He chuckled. “Whatever’s in there, I’m betting it’s a 34C. Am I right?”

  She snapped her head around to glare at him. “How would you know?”

  He just grinned.

  “Is that some special talent of yours, sizing up a woman’s chest?”

  “I’ve got eyes, babe.”

  She huffed out a breath. “Can we go now?”

  Chapter Five

  Holly sat with her sister at a table in a small bistro in the Garden District. “I know I have to let Undertaker go… or the dream of Undertaker. I see that. I understand that, I do. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy.”

  Cat nodded. “And how are things going between you and Joker?”

  “Fine, other than the fact that my roommate hit on him. It was disgusting. If he thinks he’s going to work his way through the entire female student body—”


  “What? He’s such a pig. Hey, here’s a thought. Do you think Undertaker would be jealous if he saw me kiss Joker?


  “I’m kidding.”

  “I don’t think you are.”


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