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JOKER_An Evil Dead MC Story

Page 20

by Nicole James

  She shook her head. “Joker—”

  “I like the vulnerable woman you show only me, not the tough chick you show every one else. Babe, when you drop your defenses and let me in, it’s a beautiful thing. I see the sweet, teasing, happy soul inside you, so full of love to give.”

  “I want to be the woman you see in me.”

  “You are that woman. I’m gonna make you believe it.”

  He reached out and pulled her to him, his mouth coming down on hers. And Holly returned his kiss, her tongue stroking his, letting herself believe. This man whose arms were around her, this man who would never give up on her, this man who would never let her give up on herself, she realized was the only man who made her happy.

  When finally they came up for air, she whispered. “I’ve been so difficult, so stubborn… How have you put up with me all this time?”

  He grinned. “It’s all a part of our journey, babe. I love you, and if I gave up on us, I would regret it and so would you.”

  “I shouldn’t have let Whitney get to me. I should have given you the benefit of the doubt, heard your side of the story, instead of running away.”

  “That’s over now. No more runnin’. We got a problem, we talk it out, work it through. Deal?”


  “Little by little, bit-by-bit, you’ve grown on me, brat, until suddenly I can’t see a future without you in it. You’re a part of me now, and when things get tough and you feel your strength slipping, I want to be that source of strength for you.”

  His voice was like warm honey, making her shiver.

  “I love you, Joker.”

  He grinned. “Took you long enough.”

  She covered his mouth with her hand and smiled up into his face. “Why aren’t you fucking me right now?”

  He yanked her hand away and backed her up until her legs hit the bed and over she went.

  He came down on top of her. They rolled and wrestled, tearing the clothes from each other’s bodies until they were both naked, their hot bodies pressed together, skin burning skin as hands sought and grabbed and mouths couldn’t get enough.

  Holly wanted the lead this time and rolled him, climbing on top. He let her, lying back to watch as she slithered down his body. His hands sank in her blonde curls, guiding her to him and sucking in a breath when that sweet, hot mouth of hers sank down over his hard cock. She licked and lapped while stroking him firmly with her hand.

  He groaned deep in his throat at the exquisite torture. If he died right now, he’d die a happy man.

  She worked him until he knew he couldn’t hold back, and that’s when he slid her up his body, throwing her legs over his shoulders and ordered, “Hold onto the headboard, baby.” She did and he returned the favor, bringing her right to the edge. But he wasn’t ready to let her have that relief. He wanted to be buried inside her when she reached orgasm.

  He flipped her to her back, manhandling her as easily as if she weighed nothing. Then he moved over her, pinning her down with his weight and spread her thighs wide. He stilled, poised above her, the head of his erection an inch from her pussy.

  “Tell me you’ll never run again, Holly.”

  “I’ll never run again, Joker.”

  He sank into her in one long, slow thrust that had her moaning and clutching him.

  “You better mean it, babe.”

  “I mean it. I swear.”

  And then he fucked her, long and hard and thoroughly, until she was a pile of mush, panting and weak.

  He rolled, pulled her on top of him, and smacked her ass.

  “Hey!” Her head shot up. “What the hell?”

  “That was for runnin’.”

  She rubbed her backside. “Oww.”

  “You’ll get more, you ever run off like that again.”

  “Promise you’ll spank me if I do?” she teased, writhing against him like a cat.

  He rolled his eyes. “Oh, Lord. I’ve created a monster.”

  After another go around, they lay in bed together, the sheets a tousled mess, the bedspread in a heap on the floor. She was on her side, her head in her hand, elbow in the pillow. He was stretched out in the opposite direction, also on his side, his palm absently stroking her leg. His eyes followed the slow movement of his hand.

  “What happens now?” she whispered.

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  “I’m scared.”

  His confident eyes met her uncertain ones. “Nothin’ to be scared of. We got each other; we can make it through anything life throws at us. You with me, little brat?”

  “How can I deny you?” She smiled, entrusting her heart to him. “I’m with you, baby, all the way.”

  The corner of his mouth pulled up slightly in his trademark cocky grin. “Did you miss me?”

  “So much so that I hurt all over.”

  He lowered his head and pressed a light kiss to the soft skin of her thigh. “You won’t ever hurt again, love. That’s a promise I’ll spend the rest of my days keeping.” He slid his hand up to the juncture of her thighs, his thumb stroking her softly. “You got me hooked and comin’ back for more.”

  She dropped to her back and parted her legs, her invitation as blatant as the sultry look in her eyes.

  He grinned, and his big body moved over hers to take her up on it.

  She wrapped her arms around him and looked up into his eyes. “Joker?”

  “Yeah, baby?” He dropped his head to nuzzle her neck.

  “There’s somewhere I want to go. Will you take me?”

  He raised his head to look down at her. “When we’re finished, yeah. Take you anywhere you want to go.”

  “It’s…back in Beaumont.”

  His brows lifted. “You’re shittin’ me, right?”

  She shook her head.

  “No way.”


  “What in the hell would you want to visit back in Beaumont?”

  “My sister’s grave; she’s buried next to my father. I haven’t been there in years and, well, we’re so close. Please?”

  He brushed the hair back from her forehead, his gaze moving over her face. “You know I’d give you anything, but this, babe?” He shook his head. “I don’t know. You know what you’re askin’?”

  “The cemetery is on the edge of town. You aren’t going to run into any Death Heads there.”

  There was a pounding on the door, and Blood’s voice rang out. “Waffle time!”

  “Go away!” Joker twisted to shout.

  “Come on. We need to hit the road.”

  Joker stared down at Holly’s searching gaze, and yelled back, “Yeah, about that…”

  Three hours later—

  Holly approached her sister Stacy’s grave and took from her pocket a rock she’d picked up. She set it on the headstone and said a quick prayer. When she was finished, she looked at the sky. I miss you, Stacy. I hope you’re at peace.

  Then she stepped to her father’s grave and did the same.

  I love you, Daddy, and I miss you every single day.

  She moved to Joker. Cat, who stood next to Blood, reached out and squeezed her hand.

  Holly tucked up against Joker, her arm going around his waist. His settled on her shoulders, and he bent his head to her ear. “What’s with the rocks?”

  “It’s an old Jewish tradition I once read about. It lets them know you were here.”

  “You Jewish, Holly?”

  “No, but I like the idea of that—letting them know I was here.”

  “They know, babe. They know.”

  “I hope so.” She gave Joker a squeeze, contentment settling over her at long last.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Holly wiped a cloth over the small picture frame, the one with the photo of her and her father. She set it lovingly next to a framed picture of her and Joker that sat on the nightstand next to his big bed.

  “You’d like him, Daddy. He’s good to me, and he loves me so.” Her eyes strayed to the shot
of her and Joker. It was one Miranda had taken that day she’d come over.

  As if kismet, Holly’s cell phone rang, and she took it from her back pocket and glanced at the screen. Miranda. Holly put it to her ear, smiling. “Hey, girl.”

  “Oh, my God! They printed it! It’s on the front page of the Lifestyle section! Can you believe it?”

  “Slow down. Who printed what?”

  “The article I wrote about your guy and his barge home! My editor loved it! He said he was going to use it, but I didn’t really believe him, I mean, I’m just a lowly intern. But he printed it! He even gave me a byline! Can you believe it?”

  Holly frowned. “Wait. Are you saying Joker is in the newspaper?”

  “Yes! They printed his picture and everything. It’s in today’s paper! Oh, and here’s the best part, the newspaper’s been getting all kinds of calls from readers interested in hiring him. The paper wants to know if they can give out his contact information. What do you want me to tell them?”

  “Joker’s in the newspaper?” Holly repeated, dumbfounded.

  “Yes! Are you even listening to me?”

  “I’ll call you back!” Holly hung up, grabbed her things, and raced ashore to jump in the used car Joker had bought for her. Then she barreled out, tires screeching as they hit the pavement. She drove down to the gas station at the end of the bayou and bought a paper. She tore through it, until she found the Lifestyle section. And there, on the front page, sure enough, was Joker. It was the shot Miranda had taken of him that day. He was leaning back against the rail, his arms folded, his sunglasses on, smiling at the camera.


  She scanned the story.

  Slidell resident, Johnny Ray Decker, has turned an old barge into his nineteen hundred square foot dream home, and you’ve got to see it to believe it. With tons of room to work he was able to design a large open floor plan with all the modern conveniences….

  Holly flipped to the next page to see a full spread of pictures of the inside of Joker’s home.

  “Oh, my God!” She dropped the paper to her lap and stared out the windshield. “Holy crap!” She shoved the paper to the passenger seat, dug out her phone, and texted Miranda. Give them his phone number. I’ll call you later.

  Then she fired up the car and drove to the clubhouse.

  The place was crowded for a Tuesday.

  Walking inside, Holly scanned the room. There were a lot of people gathered in a group around the bar. She frowned. What in the world was going on?

  She made her way through the bunch to Joker, squeezing up to his side, the paper tucked under her arm. He grinned down at her. “AJ is having the baby, and Undertaker is freaking the fuck out.”

  A dark haired beauty grinned at her. “I’m going to have a sibling.”

  Joker made the introductions. “Holly, this is Undertaker’s daughter, Skylar. Skylar, my ol’ lady, Holly.”

  The woman stuck out her hand. “We met once before, but I’m not sure you remember.”

  Holly shook her hand. “Yes, I do remember you now. Hello.”

  Skylar jerked her head over her shoulder to a good-looking man in a club cut with a toddler up on his shoulders. She clutched his hair in little fistfuls and giggled at the cooing bikers around her. “That’s my old man, Shades, and our daughter, Rebel.”

  “She’s adorable.”

  “Thank you.”

  “So, AJ’s at the hospital?” Holly asked.

  Joker filled her in. “Nope. She’s upstairs. Told Undertaker she wasn’t ready to go yet. Wants to wait until her pains are closer together.”

  “They’ll already two minutes apart. She better not wait too long,” Mama Ray injected from behind the bar.

  Skylar chuckled at her. “If she has that baby in my dad’s room, he’s gonna freak.”

  Blood gave Skylar an arched look. “She has that baby here, we’ll have to burn the clubhouse down.”

  Cat elbowed him. “Don’t be so dramatic.”

  “That’s truth, babe.”

  Holly glanced around the clubhouse, and then looked at Joker. “So, everybody appears to be here; why didn’t you call me?”

  “I was about to. Thought I’d wait until they headed to the hospital.” He frowned. “Somebody must’ve called, though. You’re here.”

  “I came to show you something.” She passed the paper to him, grinning.

  He took it and his eyes got big. “That’s me. I’m in the goddamn paper. Holy shit!”

  “Yes! And people are calling the paper wanting your number.”

  “My number, why?”

  “Because, silly, they want to hire you to build them one.”

  Blood peered over his shoulder and teased, “Look at that ugly mug. Who’d buy shit from him?”

  “Blood!” Cat snapped.

  Joker’s phone rang, and he stepped away to take the call. When he came back, he looked at Holly with a holy-shit expression on his face.

  “What is it? Who was it?”

  “Guy from one of those Mardi Gras Krewes wants to hire me to build a custom barge for them. Guy’s loaded. Wants the thing top of the line. Said he loved the modern look I used.”

  “This is a joke, right?” Blood asked.

  “No. Wants to meet with me tomorrow.”

  Joker’s phone dinged with an incoming text. He glanced down and read it aloud. “Mr. Decker – I saw the article about you in the paper. Interested in hiring you to build me a barge home.”

  Then another call rang. He let that go to voicemail as he stared at Holly. She grinned back at him and said in a sing-song voice, “It’s happening.”

  A slow smile spread across his face. “We’re in business, baby. I build ‘em. You decorate ‘em. You in?”

  “You know I’m in, Mr. Decker.”


  Undertaker smiled down at AJ, her hand clutched in his as he counted the seconds on his watch. This contraction was a strong one. When it subsided, he said, “Still two minutes apart, babe. They’re holdin’ steady. It’s time to go.”

  AJ shook her head. “ Just a little longer.”

  “We wait any longer, you’ll be havin’ my baby in the car.”

  “Please, honey.”

  “Woman, tryin’ to break your will is like tryin’ to break concrete.”

  She smiled up at him. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too, baby doll.”

  Mama Ray poked her head in the door, tapping on it. “Mooch needs you a minute.”

  “I’m busy,” Undertaker replied, glancing over his shoulder toward the door.

  Mama Ray entered the room and approached the bed. “How ya doin’, mama-to-be?”

  “I’m good, Mama Ray.”

  Mama Ray took her hand in hers and patted it. “How ‘bout I sit with you for five minutes while Undertaker attends to some business? Would that be okay with you, honey?”

  “Sure.” AJ nodded and looked at Undertaker. “Go on, Derek. I’ll be fine.”

  Mama Ray jerked her chin at him. “We need ya, I’ll holler.”

  “You sure?” Undertaker asked AJ.

  “Go,” both women said in unison then smiled at each other.

  He held his hands up. “Okay. I’m goin’, I’m goin’.”

  Stepping out of his room, he found Mooch standing outside his office door and motioning him inside.

  As soon as the door was closed behind them, Undertaker turned to Mooch. “What do you need?”

  Mooch nodded to one of the chairs in front of the desk. “Sit down.”

  “Brother, I’m a little busy.”

  “Just sit. This won’t take long.”

  Undertaker spun one of the two chairs around and sat, grumbling, “Then why do I gotta sit?”

  Mooch moved to the liquor bottles Undertaker kept on a sideboard. He poured a double shot of scotch in a glass and handed it to his president. “Here, drink this.”

  “You gonna tell me something so bad I need to kn
ock back a shot first?”

  Mooch just looked at him, waiting.

  Undertaker huffed out a breath and downed the shot. He could feel it warming all the way down to his belly. He looked at Mooch. “Well? What did you need me for?”

  His vice president grinned at him. “Nothing. Just thought you could use a shot.”

  “You pulled me away from AJ for that?”


  Undertaker leaned forward, put his elbows on his knees, and his shoulders started shaking with his attempt to suppress his laughter.

  “You been countin’ off minutes on your watch so long I thought maybe you needed a minute. Hell, even I was startin’ to lose it.”

  “You son-of-a-bitch,” Undertaker chuckled, looking up at Mooch.

  “You can thank me later.”

  “I’ll thank you now. My hands were startin’ to shake in there.”

  “I know. I saw ‘em earlier.”

  Undertaker scrubbed a hand down his face. “Christ, this is some nerve-racking shit. I’d feel so much better if we were already at the hospital, but she keeps askin’ me to wait five more minutes.”

  “Tell her no. She always get what she wants?”

  Undertaker chuckled. “You don’t know much about pregnant women, do you? As much as I’ve put her through, she’s stuck by me, so yeah, she gets whatever she wants.”

  “This ain’t your first go at this if I recall. You were around for Skylar’s birth, weren’t you?”

  “Yeah, but that was a long time ago.” He looked at the floor, rubbing his hands together. “I’m gonna admit something to you, and it doesn’t leave this room.”

  Mooch nodded.

  “Bein’ King, it’s hard to take the crown off and just be vulnerable, weak or needy. But this shit”—he nodded back toward where AJ labored in his room—“got me feelin’ shaky as hell. Been a long time since I’ve had anyone dependin’ on me this way. Raisin’ a kid… I don’t know if I’m gonna be any good at this, man.”

  “You love AJ?”

  “So much it hurts. That woman is it for me, Brother. She sees the good in me when no one else can, even when I give her no reason to.”

  “Stop. I’m gonna cry,” Mooch said sarcastically, then lifted the bottle and refilled Undertaker’s glass. “So you love her. There’s your answer. You’ll be fine at this. Just love that baby like you love AJ.”


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