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The Girl in Between

Page 9

by Miranda Silver

  “You’re staring,” he teased, but his voice was husky. He kicked his jeans off and dropped them on the floor. “No surprises. You’ve already seen it all.”

  She had. But how many times had she gotten the chance to really look at Ian, undressed, with no distractions? He was tall, broad, sleek, alive with animal grace even when he stood still. Every line flowed to the next. Her eyes followed a path from his face, intense with anticipation, over the rugged terrain of his torso to his cock, a thick stalk curving toward her.

  “I like seeing it all,” she said softly. She took a deep breath for courage. “Now sit on the bed.”

  A slow smile spread over Ian’s face. He sat down on the bed, the lamplight highlighting his broad chest and shoulders, his body expectant.

  Going to the desk, Diana felt in her tote bag for her journal. She tore out the last page. Quickly, she folded the poem into a paper airplane the way Ian had shown her when they were kids.

  She sailed the poem across the room to Ian. He caught it deftly. Sinking down on the bed beside him, she cleared her throat.

  “Listen, I just scribbled this yesterday in the lab between switching temperatures on things. I haven’t revised it yet. It probably really is terrible.”

  “Let go of that.” He drew a line over her collarbone, easing her onto the bed to lie close to him. “If you wrote something good, I want to hear it. If you wrote something bad…I really want to hear it.”

  She flattened her palm on his warm stomach, feeling the ripple of his abs. “Okay. For you. Can you turn off the light?”

  He stretched out an arm to switch off the lamp. Fitting her body to Ian’s, she began to read by the moonlight from the window.

  In a whirl

  So fast

  I can’t get off

  I’ll never be off, no matter

  How much I try

  How high I jump

  How far I run

  When I leap, it’s to you

  Fever flares

  Motor revs

  Fire sears

  Pedal pumps

  Too fast

  To think

  Too fast

  To know

  Can’t see, can’t hear, can only feel

  Each word dropped into the dark bedroom, spreading ripples. When she finished reading — nothing.

  “Diana.” Ian finally spoke. “We don’t have to do anything tonight if you don’t want to.”

  “What do you mean?” She sat upright.

  “You were talking about…running.” His voice was careful. “Trying to get away.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that,” she protested. “I’m saying that what I feel for you is so big that I can’t outrun it or overcome it. I don’t want to.”

  “You said everything was going too fast.”

  “I like it that way.”

  “I know, and you’ve always been so hot and into it, but then you read this —” he tapped the poem in her hand — “and I’m thinking about how you went from nothing to me and Brendan in the treehouse, and us getting together, and being so wild and crazy out of nowhere…”

  “It’s not out of nowhere,” she protested.

  “Okay, it’s not.” He smiled faintly. “You had the dirtiest, craziest fantasies, but they were all in your head for the longest time, right? I don’t want you to feel like it always has to be about sex with us.”

  “You don’t want me to feel that way,” she repeated. “Why don’t you tell me how you feel?”

  “I guess I’m saying that I don’t want to feel that way.”

  “Thanks.” With one fingertip, she traced his lips. “I know that’s not all there is.”

  What would it be like if they didn’t have sex? Her curiosity intensified as his breath stirred her hair.

  “What if we do things but we don’t have sex tonight?” she murmured.

  She caught Ian’s smile in the dark, a flash of white teeth. “What kinds of things?”

  She was feeling her way, without knowing what lay around the corner. Ian was right. She hadn’t just dashed around the bases with the boys next door, she’d blown up the ball field. She’d been so hungry to experience the touch she’d been missing, so eager to cut through the awkward moments of figuring someone else out. Two someones.

  Ian rubbed her back as they lay together, the barest inch of space between their bodies. His touch was gentle, but tension coiled his arms. Hard flesh brushed her stomach. He was holding back. Knowing Ian, that didn’t come easy.

  Her lips still felt the words of her poem, and her ears still echoed with every sweet and dirty word he’d ever whispered to her.

  “Can you put your mouth on me?”

  His eyelids flickered, but he kept the distance between them. “Where, baby?”

  “Start at the top.”

  Grasping her waist, he rolled her onto her back. The twist of sheets and blankets rubbed her skin. His face came closer and closer, moonlight outlining his brow and cheekbones.

  Kisses dropped on her hair, then her forehead. Lips touched each eyelid and her nose. Her breath quickened when warm hands cupped her cheeks. The kiss that landed on her lips was so innocent, it didn’t even occur to her to open her mouth.

  “You’re such a nice kisser,” she whispered.

  He grunted softly. “I’ve never gone this slow.”

  “Not even for your first kiss?”

  “What are you talking about? This is my first kiss.” He gave her another, lips still closed. This kiss lasted longer — soft, sweet.


  “You like it?” A dimple flickered in the cheek lit by moonlight. “Am I doing a good job?”


  It wasn’t easy for her either. Her hands itched to grab Ian’s ass, pull him down, and urge him toward her eager pussy. He was keeping distance between them, but every time his cock nudged her skin, it was obvious how hard he was. She rubbed his back instead, running her hands over his sides.

  “You feel so good,” she giggled. “I like making out with you.”

  “Me too. I’ve always wanted to kiss you. When we were kids, sometimes I thought about sneaking up and giving you a kiss. Then I’d put a fake spider down your back, for insurance.”

  She snorted with laughter. “Why didn’t you?”

  Ian’s lips trailed over her jaw and down her neck. “Because I thought you wouldn’t want me to.”

  “I would have been so shocked, I don’t know what I would have done.”

  He kissed her throat. She gasped at the graze of his lips and tongue. This…this was not innocent. Not a first kiss. When he tasted the hollow between her collarbones, she threw her head back, surrendering to his tongue.

  She couldn’t wait. There was no way she could handle Ian’s slow path of kisses downward, over the fresh patch of sunburn on her chest, wondering if he would ever reach her breasts. But God, if Ian of all people was being patient, she’d try, too.

  He nuzzled the very tops of her breasts, kissing them where they began to swell out, and she gripped his waist. It took every ounce of willpower not to arch her nipples toward his mouth.

  “Please,” she whispered. “Touch my breasts, babe.”

  He looked up, surprised. “But we’re just making out. We’re doing innocent little kisses. You really want me to go that far?”

  Jesus, whatever game Ian was playing, it was pulling her in. Her nipples puckered, her body tingled.

  “We’re also naked.”

  “Oh.” He looked down at her bare curves, then his bronzed muscles and pointing cock. “What do you know. I am. You’re not, but close enough.”

  His mouth closed around her nipple. A rough hand cupped each breast.

  “Mmmmm,” he hummed, the sound all pleasure.

  “Oh God.” Diana jerked upward, then relaxed as Ian sucked. He massaged her breasts, letting her nipple go with a soft pop.

  “Do you like having your tits touched for the first time?” he whispered.
  “I love it.”

  “Everything you thought it would be?”

  “Better,” she panted. “Is it your first time too? Because you really know what you’re doing.”

  “You make it easy.” Warm lips and tongue slid down between her breasts. Ian was kissing her stomach, his breath hot. “More?”


  His tongue traced line after line below her belly button, the strokes ticklish and arousing.

  “Ian, lick me,” she moaned.

  “I thought that’s what I’m doing.”

  “Go lower.”

  “You want me to lick your pussy?” He gave her an astonished look. “That’s so bad, Diana. We’re supposed to be going slow. You’re ruining all my innocence.” He slipped a finger in the lacy waistband of her panties. “Convince me. You’re the one who’s good with words.”

  Jesus. “You turn me on like nothing else,” she whispered. “Everything about you. I want to get tangled up in you and lock together and drink you in. I love that we’ve known each other forever but we’re just starting to know each other, and…you get me so, so wet. You’re so right. I need you, Ian.”

  “Fuck,” he muttered. “You’ve convinced me. I just want to eat you up.”

  Hands slid up her thighs, spreading them. Her panties were soaked now. He peeled off the pink lace. The lust in Ian’s eyes made her gasp, and she thrust her crotch toward his face involuntarily.


  He sucked on her thigh. The posters on Ian’s ceiling blurred above her. The pale softness of her skin, gleaming in the moonlight, anchored by his large hand and so different from his hard bronzed body, just seemed to feed his appetite.

  “Mmmmm,” he growled. Diana grabbed his hair as he licked and sucked his way up her sensitive skin. Her breathing quickened, but she tried to hang on. She tried to let Ian take his time.

  When he kissed the crease where her thigh met her crotch, a snarl split the air. That was her. She’d made that noise. She was still making it. And—

  A swirl teased her clit. Her juices trickled down her ass. She was so aroused, spread out naked beneath him. He tongued her slowly, exploring her secrets.

  “Ian…” her voice wavered.

  “You like this?”

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  “Good. I like it too.” His voice was soft and raspy. “I could eat you out all night. You have the most delicious little cunt I’ve ever tasted.”

  Pleasure wound around her as his tongue played over her swollen clit. Ian’s fingers were splayed on her thighs, holding her down. Pressure at her opening made her moan and lift her hips. He massaged her entrance, but he didn’t penetrate her.

  She was ready to beg, ready to breathe the word more. Please. I need you, Ian. I need you right now, I need more, I need it all.

  But what would happen, for once, if she didn’t ask for more?

  What would happen if they stayed right on the edge of this moment?

  The exquisite sensations of being lightly stroked took over. When he sucked on her clit, the pleasure flattened her into the bed.

  A slow, slow wave rolled over her body, starting at her thighs, gathering strength as it poured over her pussy. It curled at her stomach and crested at her breasts, tightening her nipples to pure desire. Another wave came, stronger, foaming. The third wave washed her away.

  “Ian, I’m coming,” she gasped.

  He didn’t stop sucking on her clit. Each delicious spasm felt like an hour, clenching and expanding all the way through her body. How was he so patient? How could he massage her opening so lightly—

  “Ooohhhh,” she groaned. He was just going to continue, wasn’t he? He’d keep sucking and licking and stroking with no end in sight, ever.

  He lifted his head. “More?”

  “Yes,” she pleaded.

  “So demanding.” He held her legs open. “First we’re just kissing, then you come, and then it turns out one isn’t enough for you.”

  She clutched his thick hair. “I guess I’m the bad influence.”

  “Damn right.” His hands slid to her arms, tugging her up, rolling her on top of him in a crazy tangle of limbs. “Sit on my face.”

  “What?” she breathed. A fresh wave of want rolled over her body.

  “You heard me, bad girl.”

  Flushed, she rose on her knees, kneeling over Ian. The bars of moonlight and shadow through his window played over his shoulders, his carved pecs, the soft patch of hair on his chest. She kept space between them as she crawled up the bed. Bracing her knees on either side of his head, she took a minute to look down at the male face between her legs.

  Eyes dark with lust met hers, and a half-smile that barely hid the raging hunger behind it.

  An animal lick swiped her juicy center. Pure heat swirled inward to her core. She felt so bare, so wanton, so obvious in her desires, poised above Ian like this, that her knees buckled. She clutched the wall above the bed to hold herself in place.

  A pinch on her ass made her yelp.

  “Down, girl.” Ian’s eyes glittered. Reflexively, her legs relaxed and she sank onto his face. Her soft folds met a hot, insistent tongue that flicked her clit until she trembled.

  “Ian,” she whispered. “I’m getting your face so wet.”

  Hands squeezed her ass, lifting her just enough to free his mouth. His feral grin made her body throb.

  “That’s the point.”

  Her thighs shook as he slathered her pussy with lick after lick. She was close to coming again. Just as she was about to tip over the edge, Ian pushed her up.

  “On your back.”

  She cried out, trying to lower her clit to his tongue, but Ian had her thighs in a firm grip. Dazed, she climbed off him and rolled onto her back. Above her, Ian opened her legs again.

  “Quiet, Diana.” His deep voice made her shiver. “Unless you want my parents to know we’re being very, very bad.”

  She grabbed a pillow and buried her face in it.

  Lips closed over her clit. Her pussy clutched his fingers as he worked them in. Ian was massaging firmly, deliberately — not inward, but upward.

  “What are you doing?” she whispered. He was focusing on one spot inside her, pressing hard, and it felt…incredible.

  “Do you like that, baby?”


  “Then just let it feel good.”

  His fingers curled inside her, and each cry deepened to a moan. She bit the pillow. Jesus, it was exactly what she needed, and she felt so full, so heavy with desire, so sensitive to every touch… Ian’s tongue and fingers were about to make her explode.

  “Oh God, oh God, oh God,” she burst out.

  “Yes, baby,” Ian hissed. The force kept increasing. He pressed harder and harder. “Flood my face. Give me everything.”

  She could. She would. She wanted to.

  Heat flashed through her body as she came. She was kicking, overwhelmed, out of control, wet as hell. Through her thrashes, Ian kept going.

  “Oh God— I— okay. That’s enough.”

  He pulled back and kissed both her thighs. Then he looked up at her with a smug grin, his lips shiny with her juices.

  “Slow enough?”

  “Yes.” She collapsed in his arms. Ian held her close, his cock against her ass, his breath hot on her neck.

  He really was holding back. Sudden urgency lit up her body.

  “What do you want? What kinds of things?” she asked.

  “Same. Use your mouth.”

  The order, soft as it was, sped her breath up.

  Thighs aching from being held open, her pussy throbbing, she climbed off the mattress and knelt on the rug between Ian’s spread legs. She kept her eyes on his, watching every flutter of his eyelids and grimace of need, as she wrapped her fingers around his cock.

  “You’re so beautiful,” she breathed. “I love your cock, Ian. I really love it.” She couldn’t get enough of saying “love” to Ian, whenever she wanted, ju
st like that.

  He groaned softly, rolling his hips to push his shaft through the circle of her hand. “It loves you, baby.”

  As she leaned forward to take him in her mouth, Ian’s hands closed over her head.

  Yes…he tasted so good. She hadn’t been in love with the taste when she first sucked the twins’ cocks, though it was exciting to know she was doing it. A few weeks in, the experience was entirely different. She didn’t mind her aching jaw. She didn’t wonder how long it would take Ian to tip over the edge and cum in her mouth. The trickle of dew from his head just spurred her to lick faster.

  “That’s it, Diana. Lick me like that, sexy. Cup my balls and roll them a little bit.” Ian’s voice was down to a rasp. “Mm-hm.” He broke off in a grunt, then caught his breath. “Give me head just like that. You’re so good at sucking my cock, you bad girl.”

  She swirled her tongue over the underside, then let her warm mouth sink down on Ian’s shaft. How far could she go? How much could she drive him crazy?

  Ian was panting over and over now, one hand wrapped around her hair, the other hand resting firmly on the back of her neck. Every pull on her hair sent a current straight to her throbbing nipples. Need gathered between her legs. The rug pressed against her knees.

  Intensely curious, she let her throat relax, taking Ian deep into her mouth as she fondled the softness of his balls.

  “Oh, Jesus.” Ian’s voice was almost a prayer.

  God, it was nearly more than she could handle, but it was so very right to be opening to Ian like this. She’d read him her most private words. He’d listened. She wanted to do something else with her mouth now. Breathing through her nose, she focused on allowing him in. His plump head nudged her throat, twitching with each brush of her tongue.

  “Diana. Love.” His fingers combed roughly through her hair. “Keep that up and I’m gonna come.”

  Pulling back with a slurp, she panted for breath. Hazel eyes, glazed with need, looked down at her. Ian let her hair go.

  “Are you okay? ’Cause—”

  In response, she took his cock between her lips again and sank down until her face was buried in his warm crotch. His thatch of hair tickled her nose as she breathed in his musky scent. Ian felt huge in her mouth. She curled a hand around his balls again, caressing the soft skin.


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