How Sassy Changed My Life
Page 18
“Sassy really did change my life. If I hadn’t read the magazine as a confused preteen, I doubt I’d be the person I am today and I doubt I’d have started Venus Zine. I always wanted to know what really happened behind the scenes at Sassy, and this book provides the inside scoop on its rise and fall.”
—AMY SCHROEDER, editor and publisher of Venus Zine
“It is perhaps a sad fact that magazines come and go. But in its brief life, Sassy offered teenage girls a new way of seeing themselves—and their parents, perhaps, a new way of understanding them. The publication was very much a product of its historical moment. Furthermore, as this insightful narrative suggests, Sassy, like all truly significant magazines, clearly helped shape the social realities of its time.”
—DAVID ABRAHAMSON, Charles Deering McCormick Professor of Teaching Excellence,
Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University
“An entertaining and thought-provoking look at one of the most influential magazines of the nineties. I felt like I was back in those cramped offices, surrounded by the funniest, sharpest women in New York.”
—BLAKE NELSON, author of Girl and Paranoid Park
How many people’s lives did Sassy change? A lot. And many of them wrote or called or met with us to give us the details. Thanks to all the fans who shared their stories. Even if we didn’t quote you directly, your thoughts had a huge influence on this book.
We appreciate the generosity of everyone we interviewed, so many of whom were willing to take a funny/poignant/interesting walk down memory lane with us. Our inner fifteen-year-olds are especially grateful to the Sassy staff; we certainly couldn’t have done this without them. A very special thank you to Mary Clarke, the very definition of a connector, who helped set the wheels in motion.
Like most books, this one took two-plus years from conception to completion. We’d like to thank all our friends and colleagues who patiently spent that time asking, over and over, “So how is the book coming?” and pretending to be enthused about the answer. Special gratitude goes to Elspeth, proprietor of Podunk, the best tea shop ever, where we spent hours nibbling scones and getting all our best work done. The average boyfriend would be less than supportive if his girlfriend came home after a few drinks and announced that she was going to write a book with someone she had just met. Not Mike DeMaio. Kara would like to say: I love you and thank you for the endless counsel and support. And we’d both like to thank our parents. If it weren’t for you, we may have grown up in more interesting hometowns and not needed Sassy to change our lives. Finally, all that adolescent angst has been put to good use.
Thank you to our agent, Sarah Lazin, a font of great advice; we look forward to a long relationship. And to Denise Oswald at Farrar, Straus and Giroux, who we secretly hoped would be our editor from the very beginning. She certainly did not disappoint. And we can’t forget Paula Balzer; once we convinced her we had a book, she set about convincing everyone else.
We’d also like to express gratitude to our tireless interns, all of whom are an asset to the publishing industry: Rebecca Willa Davis, Maressa Brown, Vanessa Weber, Melanie Klesse, and Amy Bleier Long. Thanks to Sarah Almond, Sara Jane Stoner, and Jessica Ferri for patiently fielding so many random queries and to Liz Menoji for sending us every Sassy fan’s dream care package.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages of your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Aaron, Charles
Abrahamson, David
Adolescent and Family Life Act (1981)
Alan Guttmacher Institute
Almost Famous
American Family Association
American Society of Magazine Editors
Andover Academy
Annenberg, Walter
Apple, Fiona
ArtCarved class rings
Aucoin, Kevyn
Austen, Jane
Australian Office on the Status of Women
Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, The
Ballance, Laura
Barbie dolls
Bard College
Barlow, Lou
Barnard College
Barr, Helen
Barrett, Syd
Barry, Lynda
Barrymore, Drew
Bateman, Justine
Baumgardner, Jennifer
Beastie Boys
Beat Happening
Beauty Myth, The (Wolf)
Being John Malkovich
Bell, Becky
Bell Jar, The (Plath)
Ben Is Dead
Bernhard, Sandra
Betty Serveert
Beverly Hills , 90210
Bialik, Mayim
Bikini Kill
Bikini Kill (zine)
Block, Francesca Lia
Blonde Redhead
Bloom, Brian
Bobos in Paradise (Brooks)
Body Shop, The
Boston University
Bowers, Catherine
Bowie, David
Boys Don’t Cry
Boy’s Life
Bozell advertising agency
Brady Bunch, The (television series)
Breeders, The
Brooks, David
Brooks, Meredith
Brown, Helen Gurley
Brown, Kyla
Brown, Robert
Brown, Tina
Bruno, Franklin
Bryn Mawr College
Buddhism, Tibetan
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Bullet LaVolta
Bunting, Sarah D.
Buried Life, The (Richardson)
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Butler, Judith
Butler, Marc
Caboodles makeup
Callahan, Maureen
Capewell, Ocean
Carolina Friends School
Caroline Records
Carter-Wallace, Inc.
Catchpole, Karen
alternative beauty ideals advocated by
in Chia Pet
feminism and
at Jane magazine
readers and
sex articles by
at Shop, Etc.
Centers for Disease Control
Cheslow, Sharon
Chia Pet
Chocolate skateboards
Christian fundamentalists, boycott organized by
Cincotta, Maria
Citicorp Venture Capital
Cixous, Hélène
Clairol hair care products
Clark, Larry
Clarke, Mary
celebrity interview by
beauty and fashion advice by
at Modern Bride
and reader-produced issue
on religious right boycott
and sale of Sassy
at Seventeen
Claro, Noël
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Coast Guard, U.S.
Cobain, Frances Bean
Cobain, Kurt
Cohen, Leonard
Cohen, Linda
Cole, Jay
Collins, Cheryl
Colon, Suzan
Colorado College
Color Me Badd
Condé Nast
Conover, Samantha
Coppola, Sofia
Corgan, Billy
/> CosmoGIRL!
Coupland, Douglas
Cover Girl cosmetics
Creative Artists Agency
Crichton, Sarah
Crow, Elizabeth
Crowe, Cameron
Cure, The
D., Mike
Davis, Amelia
Dawes, Jan
Deep Purple
Demas, Amy
Democratic Party
Depp, Johnny
di Chirico, Millie
Dillon, Matt
Dirty Dancing
Dischord Records
Dobson, Jacinta
Dobson, James
Doherty, Shannen
Downey, Robert, Jr.
Drea, Amber
Drew, Dr.
Drexler, Michael
Duff, Hilary
Duffy, Ragon
Duke University
Dylan, Bob
Edut, Ophi
Edut, Tali
Ellerbee, Linda
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Entertainment Weekly
Equal Rights Amendment
Even More Sassy
Evergreen College
Express jeans
Fairchild Publishing
Fairfax Publications
Family Circle
Feminist Majority Foundation
Firefox (Oates)
First Person with Maria Shriver
Fish, Mike
Flaherty, Mike
on celebrity coverage
at Entertainment Weekly
on Jane’s celebrity status
on Junk Food Taste Off panel
record reviews by
relationship advice by
at Sterling Forest retreat
Focus on the Family
Fonda, Jane
Footwear News
Foucault, Michel
Fox, Rebecca L.
Fox, Samantha
Fox network
France, Kim
Free to Be You and Me
Friedan, Betty
Fuller, Bonnie
Gaeta, Kendra
Gallagher, Hugh
Garey, Ira
Garth, Jennie
Generation X
Gerstein, Julie
Getty, Balthazar
Gibson, Debbie
Gillespie, Marcia
Gilligan, Carol
Girl (Nelson)
Girl, Interrupted (Kaysen)
Girl Germs
Girl skateboards
Good Housekeeping
Gordon, Kim
Grant, Cary
Green, Brian Austin
Grey, Jennifer
Gruner & Jahr
Guess Jeans
Guided by Voices
Gulf War
Guns & Ammo
Gysin, Catherine
Halfin, Bobbie
Hamilton, Linda
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Hanna, Kathleen
Hao, Rita
Harper’s Bazaar
Harrison, Jenna
Harvard University
Harvard Crimson
Hazen, Jen
Headbanger’s Ball
Hearst Publications
Hello Kitty
Henzel, Laurie
Hip: The History (Leland)
Hopper, Jessica
Hot Rod
HUES—Hear Us Emerging Sisters
Hughes, John
Human League, The
Hwong, Constance
Ice T
I’m So Fucking Beautiful
In a Different Voice (Gilligan)
Ingall, Margie
feminism of
on Junk Food Taste Off panel
readers and
relationship articles by
Iverson, Annemarie
Jacobs, Marc
Jane (magazine)
Jane (television talk show)
Jane Pratt
Jenkins, Andy
Jervis, Lisa
Johnson, Betsey
Johnson, Calvin
Jones, Jenny
Jones, Kidada
Jones, Quincy
Jones, Rashida
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
Jonze, Spike
Jostens class rings
Jovovich, Milla
Kaplan, Andrea
Karan, Donna
Karp, Marcelle
Kaysen, Susanna
Keck, Tim
Kelley, Mike
Kelly, Christina
during boycott
celebrity interviews by
celebrity smackdowns by
in Chia Pet
debunking of teen institutions by
as editor
feminism of
Homeboy staff and
indie rock and
as Jane magazine launch editor
letters from readers to
Ms. article by
readers and
riot grrrls and
and sale of Sassy
and Sassiest Boy in America contest
staff members’ relationships with
underground culture coverage by
at YM
Kilmis, Michael
Klein, Calvin
Knowles, Sarah Lynn
Kowalski, Sarah
K Records
Kuleci, Caitlin
Labov, Matt
Ladies’ Home Journal
Lake, Rikki
Lamm, Nomy
Lang, Dale
Lang Communications
Larsen, Elizabeth
Lauper, Cyndi
Leland, John
Lewman, Mark “Lew,”
Liberman, Alexander
Lifetime channel
Lilac Time, The
Lilith Fair
Lin, Irene Huangyi
Linnett, Andrea
Lipton, Peggy
Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam
Lizzul, Karmen
Lopez, Summer
Los Angeles Times
Love, Courtney
MacKaye, Ian
MacLean, Heather
Maffeo, Lois
Magazine Publishers of America
Maitland, Sarah
March for Women’s Lives (2004)
Marciano, Georges
Marie Claire
Marky Mark
Married with Children
Marshall, Mary Ann
Marvel Comics
Matador Records
Matilda Publications
Maybelline cosmetics
McCutcheon, Neill
McInerney, Jay
McLachlan, Sarah
McNamara, Billy
McPherson, Allison
Melody Maker
Melrose Place
Menoji, Liz
Midler, Bette
Miller, Caroline
Millett, Kate
Misérables, Les (musical)
Miss America beauty pageant
Missing Angel Juan (Block)
Miss Teen USA beauty pageant
Mitchell, Joni
Miu Miu
Modern Bride
Modest Mouse
p; Mollenkamp, Becky
Moore, Thurston
Moral Majority
Morissette, Alanis
Morning After, The (Roiphe)
Moss, Kate
Muhlke, Christine
National Abortion Rights Action League
National Organization for Women (NOW)
Nation of Ulysses
Nelson, Blake
Newhouse, Si
New Kids on the Block
New York (magazine)
New Yorker, The
New York Press
New York Review of Magazines, The
New York Times, The Magazine
New York University
Nordell, Jessica
Northwestern University, Medill School of Journalism
Noxell Corporation
Nunez, Bryan
Oates, Joyce Carol
Oberlin College
O’Brien, Virginia
On the Waterfront
Onion, The
Our Bodies, Ourselves (Boston Women’s Health Collective)
Padilla, Laura
Page, Bettie
Paglia, Camille
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
Parker, Dorothy
Parks, Gordon
Patterson, Sala
Paylor, Diane
Pearl Jam
Pengilly, Kirk
Perry, Luke
Petersen Publishing
Peterson, Alicia
Pettibon, Raymond
Pfeffer, Danny
Phair, Liz
Phillips, Chynna
Phoenix, River
Pierson, Kate
Plakias, Anastasia Cole
Planned Parenthood
Plumb, Eve
Pop, Iggy
Portland Mercury
Powers, Ann
Pozner, Jennifer
Pratt, Jane
adolescence of
advertisers and
and boycott by religious right
celebrity status of
in Chia Pet
“Diary” column of
dieting stories and
feminism of
hiring of staff by
Homeboy staff and
Jane magazine launched by
management approach of
nose ring of
promotional video of
readers and
and sale of Sassy
at Sterling Forest retreat
talk show hosted by
Procter & Gamble
Publishers Weekly
Pulitzer Prize
Pulp Fiction
Rachtman, Riki
Ramone, Joey
Ranaldo, Lee
Raphael, Sally Jesse
Razorfish Internet media company
Reagan, Nancy