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Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle)

Page 6

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Trembling, Dawn took Aurora by her hand, and followed Rachel across the stage and down the steps. Lynxar, Lynxonna, and Bryan Hillman were standing in a circle at the base of the stage, talking. As the three women approached, Lynxar suddenly stopped and stared intently at the crowd. “Something’s wrong,” he stated.

  “I sense it too.” Lynxonna said. “There is an evil in the air, and it’s thinking about the support structure of this hospital. They’re going to blow it up!”

  “Lynxonna, do what you can to guide all these people to a safe distance!” Lynxar commanded “Bryan, turn into the Ghost and come with me; we’re going to find those explosives and destroy them!”

  Just then Lynxar saw his wife, approaching with Dawn and Aurora. Rachel called out to him “The vampires are here. Archer saw one of them in the crowd!”

  “The three of you have to get as far away from here as possible!” Lynxar said urgently. “Vampires aren’t the only danger here!”

  Before Rachel could say another word, Lynxar and the Ghost ran into the hospital, at speeds faster than the eye could see. Meanwhile, Lynxonna guided the crowd away from the hospital and into the streets.

  Archer noted that all of his companions were busy, and felt the added pressure that he alone must keep an eye on Dawn and the crystal key. If the vampires were going to make a move to steal it, now would be the time. He had promised Dawn that he’d never let anything happen to her, but he’d made an error in sending away with Rachel. The fleeing crowd blocked his line of fire between her and him. If a vampire did attack, he would not be able to fire his weapon upon it without hitting a member of the crowd instead. He could only hope they did not realize it.

  As if in answer to his worst fear, Archer saw Prince Vlorian appear in front of Dawn. Vlorian reached out his dead-white hand and snatched the crystal pendant from her neck. Then, before she even had time to scream, he swirled his cape around himself, and disappeared with it, forever.

  “NO!” Dawn cried out. Archer used his super speed to arrive at the spot where Vlorian had stood just seconds ago, but he was too late.

  Lynxonna finished evacuating the crowd, but all Archer could do was stand there, holding Dawn closely to his chest, and feeling grateful that she hadn’t been taken by the vampires, too.

  Lynxar and The Ghost were able to find one hundred bombs that had been set on the support beams underneath the hospital, but none of them had been activated.

  “These bombs are all duds.” Lynxar said, with a puzzled frown.

  Archer said knowingly, “The bombs were merely a distraction. They never intended to blow up the hospital, they just wanted to keep you all occupied so they could steal the crystal key.”

  “It looks like they got what they wanted.” Lynxonna said.

  “Yes, it sure does. Let’s just hope they think so, too.” Archer smiled.

  “What do you mean?” Lynxar asked.

  “I mean, I switched Dawn’s pendant with a fake one. The real crystal key is still safe and sound. They’ve taken home a beacon that will lead us right to them.”

  “Great! Let’s follow the beacon and go get him!” Lynxar said, excitedly.

  “Not yet, first we need to build a second crystal coffin to imprison Prince Vlorian in when we get there. I must teleport to Mathias to fetch one. I’ll be back at sunset, when the vampires will surely be preparing to set out onto the city.”

  Dawn sent Aurora home with Lynxar and Rachel, and returned to her apartment with Archer, where he kept a secret teleport pad.

  “I’ll miss you while you’re gone.” She said sadly, even though she knew it would only be for a few hours. She knew that when he returned he would be fighting a dangerous battle to capture Prince Vlorian, and she knew this might be the last time they were alone together.

  “I know; I’ll miss you too.” Archer said. His own voice was just as choked with emotion as hers had been. Taking her into his arms, he kissed her tenderly and said, “I was so scared for you when Prince Vlorian was standing next to you. I was terrified he would try to take you, too.”

  “We discussed that.” Dawn said. “I knew the risk I was taking, being the bait to give him the fake pendant. I knew that if he had tried to take me, and not just the beacon, you would have stopped him.”

  “Thanks to your bravery, after tonight, he’ll be captured and then you and I can get married.”

  “In that case, we’d better make love before you leave. It could be the last time we get to do it before the drudgery of becoming a boring-married couple ruins the excitement.” Dawn teased.

  “I’ll take that kind of drudgery anytime!” Archer said his voice husky with desire. He kissed Dawn’s neck and nibbled on her earlobes, loving the way it made her sigh. She unbuttoned his shirt and ran her fingers over chest, delighting in the feel of his muscles.

  “Make love to me,” she whispered, and stepped out of her clothes in a slow and sexy dance that made his pulse quicken. She lay on their bed and he began to kiss her feet, suckling her toes and making her squeal with delight. Then he kissed his way up her legs and over her thighs, until he came to the sweet triangle of her sex. He made love to her there with his mouth and tongue, until she was moaning with pleasure and begging him to enter her.

  At last he did, and slid his engorged organ deeply into her with one solid thrust. She wrapped her legs around his waist and raked at his back with her fingernails, thrilling him. They moved together in perfect rhythm with each other, exploding into orgasm together, as they climaxed as one. It was the perfect way to say goodbye to each other. When they had finished, Archer programmed the transporter pad to take him back to Mathias.

  “I’ll be back soon.” Archer said. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Dawn said, and then he was gone. She only hoped it wasn’t the last time she ever saw him alive. By this time tomorrow, she knew that either the Prince would be captured forever, or the man she loved would be dead.

  TO BE CONTINUED IN BOOK NINE: Heartfelt Farewells - Volume 9

  Heartfelt Farewells

  Chapter One

  Dawn Bright paced back forth across her bedroom carpet, clutching her hands together nervously. Her curly brown hair bounced with each step, and her blue eyes brimmed with barely-contained tears. Thank goodness her daughter Aurora wasn’t here to see her worry like this, or the five year old girl would feel afraid as well. It was better that her daughter remained innocent of the dangers of the world. In moments like this, Dawn almost wished that she had remained ignorant of the truth as well.

  All her life, Dawn had believed that the crystal pendant she wore as a necklace was nothing more than a family heirloom, handed down from mother to daughter for nearly three hundred years, until she met Dr. Archer Speedlight. He had the thick blond hair and strong build of an angel, but the secrets he taught her were more startling than she would have ever imagined.

  He explained to her that the pendant was actually a key that could unlock a magical crystal coffin built to imprison Lord Vladimus, the evil king of the vampires. Archer’s people had created the coffin on his home planet of Mathias and given it as gift to the people of Flonar during the great Vampire War. For nearly three hundred years, the vampires had been searching for the key to the crystal coffin so that they could free Lord Vladimus. Eventually, they learned that it had been hidden somewhere on Earth. They discovered the city where Dawn lived and were coming for it. One day they would find her, take the key, and begin a new era of evil. Ever since she learned this horrible secret, Dawn lived in fear, and there were moments when she wished the crystal key had never been entrusted to her family.

  Of course, if it weren’t for the crystal, she also never would have met Archer. He had been sent to Earth from the planet Mathias to serve as her protector and guardian. Meeting him had been a true blessing in her life. Not only did he keep her safe, but he had taught her to love again. When Dawn had been widowed at a young age and left to raise her daughter Aurora by herself, she’d thought that
she would never know the love of a man again. Archer was so tender, caring, noble, and brave; he brought out those feelings in her again, and she knew that he loved her, too. When they made love together, it was more incredible than anything she’d ever experienced in her entire life.

  Best of all, was Archer’s relationship with Aurora. From the day he’d saved the little girl’s life by performing surgery on her at Hillman Research Hospital, they had formed a special bond. He loved and cared for her just as if she were his own daughter and Aurora loved him, too. They even shared a special song together, called “Present in my Pocket.” They would take turns hiding a small gift, like a piece of candy or a small paper heart, in the pocket of each other’s jackets. When one of them heard the other singing or humming the song, they would search their pocket and find a special surprise that showed them how much the other cared for them.

  It always made Dawn smile when they played the game and sang the song with each other. She no longer had to bear the burden of caring for Aurora completely by herself. She had a partner in protecting her; and soon he would be her partner in raising her, too. Just before he left, Archer had asked Dawn to marry him, and she had said yes, with one condition. He needed to defeat the vampires trying to steal the crystal key first. She couldn’t bear the thought of marrying him, only to lose him like she had her first husband. Archer had promised he would, and left to bring back another crystal coffin, this time to imprison the son of the vampire king, Prince Vlorian.

  The evil and cunning vampire prince had teamed up with the notorious gangster known as the Mafia King. Together, the two villains had executed a plot to steal the crystal key from Dawn’s neck, and believed that they had succeeded. Fortunately, Archer had cleverly switched the real crystal pendant for a fake one with a tracking beacon inside it. As soon as Archer returned with the crystal coffin, he and the Alliance of Hero Friends, consisting of Lynxar, Lynxonna, and the Ghost, would be able to trace the beacon to the villain’s lair, and end their reign of evil. The closer it came to that moment, however, the more fearful Dawn became. She realized that she could not bear to see Archer risk his life just to save her own. She would rather die at his side than live alone without him.

  Suddenly, the transporter pad that Archer used to travel to his home planet became active. There was a strange noise and a bright light, and then Archer appeared out of nowhere, with a large crystal coffin at his side.

  He searched the area carefully, using his superior vision to look for vampires. He could see through the walls of their apartment, clear across Colossal City, but the vampires were still hidden in their secret lair.

  With his super-strength, Archer hauled the heavy coffin off the transporter pad and set it on the floor near their bed. Looking at Dawn triumphantly, he said “Call the AHF, and tell them to come here immediately. I’ve got the crystal coffin from Mathias. As soon as Vlorian is placed inside, we can remove the key from the lid of the coffin and imprison him forever. ”

  “You just got back. Can’t this wait a few hours?” Dawn asked, hugging him tightly.

  Archer pulled himself gently away from her and said “Prince Vlorian doesn’t know the key he possesses is a fake one. When the night has fallen, he will call his father’s followers to come and witness as he tries to set Lord Vladimus free. The sun will set in less than an hour. We must act to stop him now!”

  Dawn wrapped her arms around Archer and pressed her cheek to his muscular chest. “Don’t go!” she said, as tears spilled down her cheeks. “You have no idea how afraid I was when you were gone! I can’t bear the thought of us being apart. Let the others capture Vlorian. I need you here with me!”

  Archer held her close. He could see the effects of her cardiovascular system on a cellular level as her heart pounded and it brought moisture to his eyes. Stroking her hair, he said soothingly, “I’ll stay right here with you and won’t ever leave you. Lynxar and the others can be the heroes and have the glory of capturing the bad guys. I’m only concerned with protecting you, and I can’t do that if I’m not here. Suppose one of the vampires found you? I’m going to stay at your side, protecting you always. What kind of guardian of the crystal key would I be if I didn’t?”

  Dawn kissed him happily, relieved to know that he cared more about her than glory, and even more relieved that he would be safe from harm’s way. With pleasure, she sent out a text message alerting the AHF that the coffin had arrived and it was time to fight. Then she pushed Archer onto the mattress of their bed and made love to him.

  Chapter Two

  Lynxar heard his cell phone beeping that a text message was waiting and rushed to turn it off. With his superhuman speed, he was able to cross through the house and push the button before it had even finished its second chime, but he wasn’t fast enough. His wife, Dr. Rachel Deering, had already heard it too. She strode into their bedroom with her long blonde hair flowing behind her and looked at him, her blue eyes full of worry.

  “I was hoping you hadn’t heard that.” Lynxar said, looking chagrinned.

  “Too late.” Rachel said. She sat on the bed trying to look casual, but her husband’s ability to read minds betrayed her, and he knew exactly how concerned she was about this mission to capture the vampire Prince Vlorian.

  Lynxar locked their bedroom door to prevent their daughter Lynxiennia from interrupting them with her friend Aurora, and sat on the bed beside his wife. His violet eyes gazed at her lovingly and he said, “I’ve been on plenty missions to protect Colossal City before. This time won’t be any different. Besides, I’m not going alone. I’ve got Lynxonna and the Ghost to help me.”

  “I know.” Rachel said, “But this time feels scarier somehow.”

  “Don’t worry. We already know how the vampire leader can be defeated, and once he is, the others will retreat back their realm. It won’t take us years to defeat Prince Vlorian, like it took my father to defeat his father. Archer has already brought the crystal coffin back from his planet. Archer is going to stay with Dawn to protect the crystal key, and the rest of us are going to get Prince Vlorian. I’ll be home in time to help you tuck the girls in bed for the night.”

  “You’d better be.” Rachel said, with an unhappy pout. “We haven’t made love in days and I really miss you.”

  “Well, I can solve that problem quickly, right now.” Lynxar said with a playful leer.

  “Not too quickly!” Rachel teased, making them both laugh and easing the tension between them. With the powers of his mind, Lynxar stimulated his wife’s most sensitive areas, making her feel like his mouth and hands were upon her bare flesh, even though she was fully clothed and he wasn’t even touching her. When he sensed that she was about to orgasm, he quickly stripped the clothes from both their bodies with one swipe of his telekinetic powers, and plunged his organ into her. Moaning softly in his ear, Rachel urged him to thrust faster and harder, wrapping her hand around his buttocks to draw him even deeper. Then, at the exact moment of her climax, he opened his mind to her, so that he could experience her orgasm in his mind, and returned the thought pulses back to her, so that she sensed his orgasm in her mind, too. The technique amplified each of their own orgasms, as they experienced the intense pleasure the other was feeling, in addition to their own physical pleasure.

  “That was incredible!” Rachel sighed, happily as Lynxar pulled his clothes on within the blink of an eye.

  “Will that sustain you while I’m gone?” he asked playfully.

  “Yes, but you’d still better be careful tonight. I’ve got an uneasy feeling that this might be the last time I see you, and I’m definitely going to want more of that!”

  Lynxar swore a solemn vow to be careful and return quickly, and then ran with all his speed out the house to his mission.

  “We have to be quick!” Lynxonna whispered to her husband, the Mayor of Colossal City, Mike McIntyre. She set her cell phone on his desk, wrapped her arms around his neck, and continued nibbling on his ear. Between nips, she said, “I have to meet the
others at Archer’s apartment to pick up the crystal coffin!”

  “I know!” Mike breathed his voice husky with excitement. He reached up and stroked her long lavender-colored hair and stared into her violet eyes. “You’re just so beautiful when you’re about to fight villains, I can’t help but want you!”

  “I know, I can read your thoughts and feel your desire.” Lynxonna said with a naughty smile that made him want her even more. She kissed him passionately, running her hands up and down his body, while he did the same to her. She loved the feel of his muscular chest and firm buttocks. Lynxonna gave Mike’s rear a playful squeeze as they continued making out, and then sent a thought into his mind. Is your office door locked?

  Yes. He thought the answer, knowing she would be able to hear it in her mind as clearly as if he had spoken.

  Good! She sent her thoughts to his mind so he could hear them. I wouldn’t want your secretary or anyone else bursting in with business for the mayor and catch us having sex here on your desk!

  No sooner had she thought the words, than she levitated her husband with the powers of her mind and placed him on top of the large oak desk. They made love there with an urgency that neither of them could deny, knocking over pencil holders and piles of papers in their frenzied passion for each other.

  “Mr. McIntyre, are you all right?” his secretary called through the door, sounding concerned.

  “Yes! I’m just having a private meeting with my wife about city security.” Mike called out to her, stifling a laugh. He and Lynxonna had both just finished climaxing, and endorphins flooded through him, along with all the love and joy he felt for his wife.

  “I feel the same way about you.” Lynxonna whispered, and Mike blushed, knowing that she had heard his most intimate thoughts.


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